Universiteit Leiden

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Statistical methods for microarray data

Promotores: J.C. van Houwelingen, S.A. van de Geer

Jelle Jurjen Goeman
08 maart 2006
Thesis in Leiden Repository

In this thesis novel statistical methods are developed for the analysis of high dimensional microarray data. In short: Chapter 1 gives an overview of the most important research methods developed so far. Chapter 2 describes a method for testing association of the expression of gene sets (pathways) with a patient level response variable, which can be continuous or two-valued. Chapter 3 extends the methodology of chapter 2 to survival as a response variable. Chapter 4 presents a goodness-of-fit test for the multinomial regression model, which can be used to extend the methodology of chapter 2 to multi-valued outcomes. Chapter 5 presents a general theoretical framework in for the tests of chapters 2-4 and derives optimality properties for these tests. Chapter 6 presents a method for predicting a response variable from high dimensional data, based on latent variables. Chapter 7 presents a visualization tool for improved presentation of scatterplots with many thousands of dots.

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