Felix Bettonvil
- Naam
- Ir. F.C.M. Bettonvil
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 8488
- bettonvil@strw.leidenuniv.nl
Felix Bettonvil heeft een Master of Science degree in Precision Engineering van de Technische Universiteit Delft. Hij was de manager van de Dutch Open Telescope op La Palma en de project manager voor de European Solar Telescope. Momenteel is hij de project manager voor de NOVA Optical IR Group van ASTRON/Sterrewacht Leiden.
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht NOVA
- Bettonvil F.C.M., Hammerschlag R.H., Keller C.U., Snik F. & et al. (2022), The European Solar Telescope, Astronomy & Astrophysics 666: A21.
- Chiavassa A., Kravchenko K., Montargès M., Millour F., Matter A., Freytag B., Wittkowski M., Hocdé V., Cruzalèbes P., Allouche F., Lopez B., Lagarde S., Petrov R.G., Meilland A., Robbe-Dubois S., Hofmann K.H., Weigelt G., Berio P., Bendjoya P., Bettonvil F., Domiciano de Souza A., Heininger M., Henning T., Isbell J.W., Jaffe W., Labadie L., Lehmitz M., Meisenheimer K., Soulain A., Varga J., Augereau J.-C., Boekel R. van, Burtscher L., Danchi W.C., Dominik C., Drevon J., Gámez Rosas V., Hogerheijde M.R., Hron J., Klarmann L., Kokoulina E., Lagadec E., Leftley J., Mosoni L., Nardetto N., Paladini C., Pantin E., Schertl D., Stee P., Szabados L., Waters R., Wolf S. & Yoffe G. (2022), The extended atmosphere and circumstellar environment of the cool evolved star VX Sagittarii as seen by MATISSE, Astronomy & Astrophysics 658: A185.
- Brandl B.R., Bettonvil F.C.M., Van Boekel R., Glauser A., Quanz S.P., Absil O., Feldt M., Garcia P.J.V., Glasse A., Guedel M., Labadie L., Meyer M., Pantin E., Wang S.-Y., Van Winckel H., Agócs T., Amorim A., Bertram T., Burtscher L.H., Delacroix C., Laun W., Lesman D., Raskin G., Salo C., Scheithauer S., Stuik R., Todd S., Haupt C. & Siebenmorgen R. (2022), Status update on the development of METIS, the mid-infrared ELT imager and spectrograph. In: Evans C.J., Bryant J.J. & Motohara K. (red.) Proceedings of the SPIE. nr. 12184 Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
- Rutowska M., Sharma T.K., Wiest M., Graf S., Labadie L., Straubmeier C., Eckart A., Todd S., Agócs T., Raskin G., Goris J., Gerbers M., Burtscher L.H., Boekel R. van, Glauser A., Lynn J., Brandl B.R. & Bettonvil F.C.M. (2022), Warm calibration unit of the mid-infrared ELT instrument METIS: overview and current status towards FDR. In: Evans C.J., Bryant J.J. & Motohara K. (red.) Ground-based and Airborne instrumentation for astronomy IX. nr. 12184 Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
- Isbell J.W., Meisenheimer K., Pott J.-U., Stalevski M., Tristram K.R.W., Sanchez-Bermudez J., Hofmann K.-H., Gámez Rosas V., Jaffe W., Burtscher L., Leftley J., Petrov R., Lopez B., Henning T., Weigelt G., Allouche F., Berio P., Bettonvil F., Cruzalebes P., Dominik C., Heininger M., Hogerheijde M., Lagarde S., Lehmitz M., Matter A., Meilland A., Millour F., Robbe-Dubois S., Schertl D., Boekel R. van, Varga J. & Woillez J. (2022), The dusty heart of Circinus. I. Imaging the circumnuclear dust in N-band, Astronomy & Astrophysics 663: A35.
- Sharma T., Rutowska M., Wiest M., Graf S., Labadie L., Straubmeier C., Eckart A., Todd S., Agócs T., Stuik R., Brandl B.R. & Bettonvil F.C.M. (2022), Optical design, analysis, and performances of the infrared and visible channels of the warm calibration unit in METIS/ELT. Evans C.J., Bryant J.J. & Motohara K. (red.), Ground-based and airborne instrumentation for astronomy IX. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 17 juli 2022 - 23 juli 2022 nr. 12184. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
- Borovička J., Bettonvil F.C.M., Baumgarten G., Strunk J., Hankey M., Spurný P. & Heinlein D. (2021), Trajectory and orbit of the unique carbonaceous meteorite Flensburg, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 56(3): 425-439.
- Brandl B.R., Bettonvil F.C.M., Boekel R. van, Glauser A., Quanz S., Absil O., Amorim A., Feldt M., Glasse A., Güdel M., Ho P., Labadie L., Meyer M., Pantin E., Winckel H. van & METIS Consortium (2021), METIS: The Mid-infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph, The Messenger (ESO) 182: 22-26.
- Weigelt G., Hofmann K.-H., Schertl D., Lopez B., Petrov R.G., Lagarde S., Berio P., Jaffe W.J., Henning T., Millour F., Meilland A., Allouche F., Robbe-Dubois S., Matter A., Cruzalèbes P., Hillier D.J., Russell C.M.P., Madura T., Gull T.R., Corcoran M.F., Damineli A., Moffat A.F.J., Morris P.W., Richardson N.D., Paladini C., Schöller M., Mérand A., Glindemann A., Beckmann U., Heininger M., Bettonvil F.C.M., Zins G., Woillez J., Bristow P., Sanchez-Bermudez J., Ohnaka K., Kraus S., Mehner A., Wittkowski M., Hummel C.A., Stee P., Vakili F., Hartman H., Navarete F., Hamaguchi K., Espinoza-Galeas D.A., Stevens I.R., Boekel R. van, Wolf S., Hogerheijde M.R., Dominik C., Augereau J.-C., Pantin E., Waters L.B.F.M., Meisenheimer K., Varga J., Klarmann L., Gámez Rosas V., Burtscher L.H., Leftley J., Isbell J.W., Hocdé V., Yoffe G., Kokoulina E., Hron J., Groh J., Kreplin A., Rivinius T., De Wit W.-J., Danchi W.-C., Domiciano de Souza A., Drevon J., Labadie L., Connot C., Nußbaum E., Lehmitz M., Antonelli P., Graser U. & Leinert C. (2021), VLTI-MATISSE chromatic aperture-synthesis imaging of η Carinae's stellar wind across the Brα line: periastron passage observations in February 2020, Astronomy & Astrophysics 652: A140.
- Hocdé V., Nardetto N., Matter A., Lagadec E., Mérand A., Cruzalèbes P., Meilland A., Millour F., Lopez B., Berio P., Weigelt G., Petrov R., Isbell J.W., Jaffe W.J., Kervella P., Glindemann A., Schöller M., Allouche F., Gallenne A., Domiciano de Souza A., Niccolini G., Kokoulina E., Varga J., Lagarde S., Augereau J.-C., Boekel R. van, Bristow P., Henning T., Hofmann K.-H., Zins G., Danchi W.-C., Delbo M., Dominik C., Gámez Rosas V., Klarmann L., Hron J., Hogerheijde M.R., Meisenheimer K., Pantin E., Paladini C., Robbe-Dubois S., Schertl D., Stee P., Waters R., Lehmitz M., Bettonvil F.C.M., Heininger M., Bristow P., Woillez J., Wolf S., Yoffe G., Szabados L., Chiavassa A., Borgniet S., Breuval L., Javanmardi B., Ábrahám P., Abadie S., Abuter R., Accardo M., Adler T., Agócs T., Alonso J., Antonelli P., Böhm A., Bailet C., Bazin G., Beckmann U., Beltran J., Boland W., Bourget P., Brast R., Bresson Y., Burtscher L., Buter R., Castillo R., Chelli A., Cid C., Clausse J.-M., Connot C., Conzelmann R.D., De Haan M., Ebert M., Elswijk E., Fantei Y., Frahm R., Gámez Rosas V., Gabasch A., Garces E., Girard P., Glazenborg A., Gonté F.Y.J., González Herrera J.C., Graser U., Guajardo P., Guitton F., Hanenburg H., Haubois X., Hubin N., Huerta R., Idserda J., Ives D., Jakob G., Jaskó A., Jochum L., Klein R., Kragt J., Kroes G., Kuindersma S., Labadie L., Laun W., Le Poole R.S., Leinert C., Lizon J.-L., Lopez M., Marcotto A., Mauclert N., Maurer T., Mehrgan L.H., Meisner J.A., Meixner K., Mellein M., Mohr L., Morel S., Mosoni L., Navarro R., Neumann U., Nußbaum E., Pallanca L., Pasquini L., Percheron I., Phan Duc T., Pott J.-U., Pozna E., Ridinger A., Rigal F., Riquelme M., Rivinius T., Roelfsema R., Rohloff R.-R., Rousseau S., Schuhler N., Schuil M., Shabun K., Soulain A., Stephan C., ter Horst R., Tromp N., Vakili F., Duin A. van, Venema L.B., Vinther J., Wittkowski M. & Wrhel F. (2021), Mid-infrared circumstellar emission of the long-period Cepheid l Carinae resolved with VLTI/MATISSE, Astronomy & Astrophysics 651: 1-13 (A92).
- Bettonville F.C.M. & et al. (2020), FRIPON: a worldwide network to track incoming meteoroids, Astronomy & Astrophysics 644: A53.
- Rutowska M., Sharma T., Wiest M., Graf S., Straubmeier C., Rost S., Labadie L., Eckart A., Burtscher L., Agocs T., Lesman D., Stuik R., Glauser A., Brandl B.R. & Bettonvil F.C.M. (2020), Warm calibration unit of the mid-infrared E-ELT instrument METIS: overview and current status of the project. Evans C.J., Bryant J.J. & Motohara K. (red.), Proceedings Volume 11447, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020 14 december 2020 - 18 december 2020 nr. 11447: SPIE. 114472T.
- Brandl B.R., Quanz S., Snellen I.A.G., Dishoeck E.F. van, Pontoppidan K., Floch E. le, Bettonvil F.C.M., Boekel R. van, Glauser A. & Hurtado Galleguillos N.P. (2018), The Mid-IR ELT Imager and Spectrograph (METIS) and its Science Goals in the Context of AKARI, The Cosmic Wheel and the Legacy of the AKARI Archive: From Galaxies and Stars to Planets and Life. 4th AKARI International Conference: The Cosmic Wheel and the Legacy of the AKARI archive: from galaxies and stars to planets and life 17 oktober 2017 - 20 oktober 2017 nr. JAXA-SP-17-009E: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). 41-47.
- Brandl B.R., Absil O., Agócs T., Baccichet N., Bertram T., Bettonvil F., Boekel R. van, Burtscher L., Dishoeck E.F. van, Feldt M., Garcia P.J.V., Glasse A., Glauser A., Güdel M., Haupt C., Kenworthy M.A., Labadie L., Laun W., Lesman D., Pantin E., Quanz S.P., Snellen I.A.G., Siebenmorgen R. & Winckel H. van (2018), Status of the mid-IR ELT imager and spectrograph (METIS). Evans C.J., Simard L. & Takami H. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10702: SPIE. 107021U.
- Straubmeier C., Baccichet N., Labadie L., Rost S., Wiest M., Eckart A., Brandl B.R., Agócs T., Roelfsema R., Lynn J.A. & Bettonvil F.C.M. (2018), The warm calibration unit of METIS: optical design and principle of operation. Evans C.J., Simard L. & Takami H. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10702: SPIE. 107028P.
- Baccichet N., Labadie L., Rost S., Straubmeier C., Wiest M., Burtscher L., Agócs T., Jellema W., Roelfsema R., Boekel R. van, Glauser A., Brandl B.R., Bettonvil F.C.M., Lynn J.A. & Eckart A. (2018), The calibration unit of the mid-infrared E-ELT instrument METIS. Evans C.J., Simard L. & Takami H. (red.), Proceedings Volume 10702, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10702: SPIE. 1070291.
- Lopez B., Lagarde S., Matter A., Agocs T., Allouche F., Antonelli P., Augereau J.-C., Bailet C., Berio P., Bettonvil F., Beckmann U., Boekel R.van, Bresson Y., Bristow P., Cruzalebes P., Delbo M., Dominik C., Elswijk E., Fantei Y., Glindemann A., Heininger M., Hofmann K.-H., Hogerheijde M., Hron J., Jaffe W., Kroes G., Laun W., Lehmitz M., Meilland A., Meisenheimer K., Millour F., Morel S., Neumann U., Pantin E., Petrov R.G., Robbe-Dubois S., Schertl D., Schoeller M., Wolf S., Zins G., Henning T., Stee P. & Weigelt G. (2018), The installation and ongoing commissioning of the MATISSE mid-infrared interferometer at the ESO Very Large Telescope Observatory. Creech-Eakman M.J., Tuthill P.G. & Mérand A. (red.), Proceedings, Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VI. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 1070101: SPIE. 107010Z.
- Agócs T., Brandl B.R., Jager R., Bettonvil F., Aitink-Kroes G., Venema L., Kenworthy M., Absil O. & Bertram T. (2016), Preliminary optical design for the common fore optics of METIS, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9908 99089Q.
- Bloemen S., Groot P., Woudt P., Klein Wolt M., McBride V., Nelemans G., Körding E., Pretorius M.L., Roelfsema R., Bettonvil F., Balster H., Bakker R., Dolron P., Elteren A., Elswijk E., Engels A., Fender R., Fokker M., Haan M., Hagoort K., Hoog J., Horst R., Kevie G., Koz\lowski S., Kragt J., Lech G., Le Poole R., Lesman D., Morren J., Navarro R., Paalberends W.-J., Paterson K., Paw\laszek R., Pessemier W., Raskin G., Rutten H., Scheers B., Schuil M. & Sybilski P.W. (2016), MeerLICHT and BlackGEM: custom-built telescopes to detect faint optical transients, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9906 990664.
- Brandl B.R., Agócs T., Aitink-Kroes G., Bertram T., Bettonvil F., Boekel R., Boulade O., Feldt M., Glasse A., Glauser A., Güdel M., Hurtado N., Jager R., Kenworthy M.A., Mach M., Meisner J., Meyer M., Pantin E., Quanz S., Schmid H.M., Stuik R., Veninga A. & Waelkens C. (2016), Status of the mid-infrared E-ELT imager and spectrograph METIS, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9908 990820.
- Matter A., Lopez B., Antonelli P., Lehmitz M., Bettonvil F., Beckmann U., Lagarde S., Jaffe W., Petrov R., Berio P., Millour F., Robbe-Dubois S., Glindemann A., Bristow P., Schoeller M., Lanz T., Henning T., Weigelt G., Heininger M., Morel S., Cruzalebes P., Meisenheimer K., Hofferbert R., Wolf S., Bresson Y., Agocs T., Allouche F., Augereau J.-C., Avila G., Bailet C., Behrend J., Belle G., Berger J.-P., Boekel R., Bourget P., Brast R., Clausse J.-M., Connot C., Conzelmann R., Csepany G., Danchi W.C., Delbo M., Dominik C., Duin A., Elswijk E., Fantei Y., Finger G., Gabasch A., Gonté F., Graser U., Guitton F., Guniat S., De Haan M., Haguenauer P., Hanenburg H., Hofmann K.-H., Hogerheijde M., Horst R., Hron J., Hummel C., Isderda J., Ives D., Jakob G., Jasko A., Jolley P., Kiraly S., Kragt J., Kroener T., Kroes G., Kuindersma S., Labadie L., Laun W., Leinert C., Lizon J.-L., Lucuix C., Marcotto A., Martinache F. & Martinot-Lagarde .. (2016), An overview of the mid-infrared spectro-interferometer MATISSE: science, concept, and current status, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9907 99070A.
- Bettonvil F.C.M. (2016), Accurate Geminid velocities with CHIPOlAtA. Roggemans A. & Roggemans P. (red.), International Meteor Conference Egmond, the Netherlands, 2-5 June 2016. 31-33.
- Bettonvil F.C.M., Kroes G., Agocs T., Duin A. van, Elswijk E., Haan M. de, Horst R. ter, Kragt J., Kuindersma J., Navarro R., Roelfsema R., Schuil M., Tromp T., Venema L., Kessel F. van & Jasko A. (2014), Manufacturing, Integration and Test results of the MATISSE Cold Optics Bench. Ramsay S.K., McLean I.S. & Takami H. (red.), Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 22 juni 2014 - 27 juni 2014. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering: SPIE. 91477Q.
- Aitink-Kroes G., Bettonvil F.C.M., Kragt J., Elswijk E. & Tromp N. (2014), Realization and performance of cryogenic selection mechanisms. Navarro R., Cunningham C.R. & Barto A.A. (red.), Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 22 juni 2014 - 27 juni 2014. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering nr. 9151: SPIE. 91510F.
- Spronck J., Lesage A., Stuik R., Bettonvil F. & Snellen I. (2014), MASCARA: opto-mechanical design and integration, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9147 56.
- Spronck J., Lesage A., Stuik R., Bettonvil F. & Snellen I. (2014), Finding planets transiting the brightest stars with MASCARA. Apai D. & Gabor P. (red.), Search for Life Beyond the Solar System. Exoplanets, Biosignatures {\amp} Instruments. 3P.
- Bettonvil F.C.M. (2014), Remote and automatic small-scale observatories: experience with an all-sky fireball patrol camera, Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering 9147: .
- Lopez B., Lagarde S., Jaffe W.J., Petrov R., Schoeller M., Antonelli P., Beckman U., Berio P., Bettonvil F.C.M., Graser U., Millour F., Robbe-Dubois S., Venema L.B., Wolf S., Bristow P., Glindemann A., Gonzalez J.-C., Lanz T., Henning T., Weigelt G., Agocs T., Augereau J.-C., Avila G., Bailet C., Behrend J., Berger J.-P., Boekel R. von der, Bonhomme S., Bourget P., Brast R., Bresson Y., Clausse J.M., Chesneau O., Csepany G., Connot C., Crida A., Danchy W.C., Delbo M., Delplancke F., Dominik C., Dugue M., Elswijk E., Fantei Y., Finger G., Gabasch A., Girard P., Girault V., Gitton P., Glazenborg A., Gonte F., Guitton F., Guniat S., De Haan M., Haguenauer P., Hanenburg H., Heininger M., Hofmann K.-H., Hogerheijde M.R., Ter Horst R., Hron J., Hugues Y., Ives D., Jakob G., Jasko A., Jolley P., Kragt J., Koehler R., Kroener T., Kroes G., Labadie L., Laun W., Lehmitz M., Leinert C., Lizon J.L., Lucuix Ch., Marcotto A., Martinache F., Matter A., Martinot-Lagarde G., Mauclert N., Mehrgan L., Meilland A. & et al (2014), MATISSE status report and science forecast, Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering 9146: .
- Bettonvil F. (2013), Digital all-sky cameras VII: Putting the camera into operation. Gyssens M. & Roggemans P. (red.), Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference, 31st IMC, La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain, 2012. 34-37.
- Snellen I., Stuik R., Otten G., Bettonvil F., Navarro R., Kenworthy M., Mooij E., Horst R., Poole R. le, Lesage A. & Spronck J. (2013), MASCARA: The Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences. nr. 47 3008.
- Hammerschlag R.H., Kommers J.N., Visser S., Bettonvil F.C.M., Van Schie A.G.M., Van Leverink S.J., Sliepen G., Jagers A.P.L., Schmidt W. & Volkmer R. (2012), Open-foldable domes with high-tension textile membranes: The GREGOR dome, Astronomical Notes = Astronomische Nachrichten 333(9): 830-839.
- Snellen I.A.G., Stuik R., Navarro R., Bettonvil F.C.M., Kenworthy M.A., Mooij E., Otten G.P.P.L., Horst R. & Poole R.S. le (2012), Ground-based search for the brightest transiting planets with the Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA: MASCARA, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes Instrumentation 1 juli 2012 - 6 juli 2012 nr. 8444: SPIE. 844401.
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