Ed Noijons
- Naam
- Dr. E.C.M. Noijons
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 6650
- noyons@cwts.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-3103-2991
Zie profiel Ed Noyons (in English).
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Confraria H., Ciarli T., Colonna A. & Noyons E. (2023), The STRINGS queries to identify documents related to the SDGs (data file and codebook). [dataset].
- Ciarli T., Aldoh A., Arora S., Arza V., Asinsten J., Assa J., Chataway J., Colonna A., Confraria H., Kombo P.N., Mittal N., Mulgan G., Ndege N., Noyons E., Ouma-Mugabe J., Bhuvana N., Rafols I., Steenmans I., Stirling A., Sulaiman V R. & Yegros A. (2022), Changing Directions: Steering science, technology and innovation towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Brighton: University of Sussex.
- Silva F.S.V., Schulz P.A. & Noyons E.C.M. (2019), Co-authorship networks and research impact in large research facilities: benchmarking internal reports and bibliometric databases, Scientometrics 118(1): 93-108.
- Noyons E.C.M. (2019), Measuring Societal Impact Is as Complex as ABC, Journal of Data and Information Science 4(3): 6-21.
- De Fonseca e Fonseca B.P., Costa Albuquerque P., Noyons E.C.M. & Zicker F. (2018), South-south collaboration on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment research: when birds of a feather rarely flock together, Globalization and Health 14: e25.
- Milanez D.H., De Oliveira B.S., Noyons E.C.M., Lopes Faria L.I. & Botta W.J. (2017), Assessing Collaboration and Knowledge Flow on Coatings of Metallic Glasses Obtained From Thermal Spraying Processes Using Bibliometrics and Science Mapping, Materials Research 20(S1): 71-80.
- Noyons E.C.M. & Wouters P.F. (2016), Introduction to the special issue of research evaluation with invited papers of the 19th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, 3-5 September 2014, Leiden, the Netherlands, Research Evaluation 25(3): 233-234.
- Milanez D.H., Noyons E.C.M. & Lopes de Faria L.I. (2016), A delineating procedure to retrieve relevant publication data in research areas: the case of nanocellulose, Scientometrics 107(2): 627-643.
- Robinson-Garcia N., Noijons E. & Costas R. (2015), Can We Track the Geography of Surnames Based on Bibliographic Data? , Proceedings of ISSI 2015 Istanbul: 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Infometrics Conference. 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Infometrics Conference 29 juni 2015 - 4 juli 2015 1208-1217.
- Haddow G. & Noyons E. (2013), Misfits? Research classification in research evaluation: visualizing journal content within fields of research codes, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference 15 juli 2013 - 19 juli 2013. 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference (ISSI) 1210-1224.
- Reijnhoudt L., Costas R., Noijons E., Borner K. & Scharnhorst A. (2013), 'Seed plus expland: a validated methodology for creating high quality publication oeuvres of individual researchers, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. 14TH International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference 15 juli 2013 - 19 juli 2013. 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference (ISSI) 1587-1600.
- Costas Comesana R. & Noyons E.C.M. (2013), Detection of different types of ‘talented’ researchers in the Life Sciences through bibliometric indicators: methodological outline nr. CWTS-WP-2013-006. Leiden: Centre for Science and Technology Studies.
- Waltman L., Calero-Medina C.M., Kosten J., Noyons E.C.M., Tijssen R.J.W., Van Eck N.J., Van Leeuwen T.N., Van Raan A.F.J., Visser M.S. & Wouters P.F. (2012), The Leiden Ranking 2011/2012: Data collection, indicators, and interpretation, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 791-802.
- Waltman L.R., Calero Medina C.M., Kosten J., Noyons E.C.M., Tijssen R.J.W., Van Eck N.J.P., Leeuwen T.N. van, Raan A.F.J. van, Visser M.S. & Wouters P. (2012), The Leiden Ranking 2011/2012: Data collection, indicators, and interpretation: Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University.
- Waltman L.R., Calero-Medina C.M., Kosten J., Noyons E.C.M., Tijssen R.J.W., Van Eck N.J.P., Leeuwen T.N. van, Raan A.F.J. van, Visser M.S. & Wouters P. (2012), The Leiden Ranking 2011/2012: Data collection, indicators, and interpretation, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 63(12): 2419-2432.
- Ocholla D., Ingwersen P., Noyons E.C.M. & Glanzel W. (2012), The 13th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, Scientometrics 91(2): 315-316.
- Noyons E.C.M., Ngulube P. & Leta J. (red.) (2011), Proceedings of ISSI 2011: The 13th Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics Vol. 1 + 2. Durban, South Africa: ISSI, Leiden University and University of Zululand.
- Luwel M., Noyons E.C.M. & Van Eck N.J. (2011), A comparative bibliometric analysis of the STI and the ISSI conference series, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. 13th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics 505-514.
- Buter R.K., Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (2011), Searching for converging research using field to field citations, Scientometrics 86(2): 325-338.
- Waltman L.R., Van Eck N.J.P. & Noyons E.C.M. (2010), A unified approach to mapping and clustering of bibliometric networks. Leiden: SW Centrum Wetensch. & Techn. Studies (CWTS).
- Waltman L., Van Eck N.J. & Noyons E.C.M. (2010), A unified approach to mapping and clustering of bibliometric networks, Journal of Informetrics 4(4): 629-635.
- Buter R.K., Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (2010), Identification of converging research areas using publication and citation data, Research Evaluation 19(1): 19-27.
- Van Eck N.J., Waltman L., Noyons E.C.M. & Buter R.K. (2010), Automatic term identification for bibliometric mapping, Scientometrics 82(3): 581-596.
- Noyons E.C.M. & Calero Medina C.M. (2009), Applying bibliometric mapping in a high level science policy context, Scientometrics 79(2): 261-275.
- Noyons E.C.M., Teigland R., Schenkel A. & Maier J. (2009), Evaluating a research funding program: Measuring the impact of EU 6th Framework Programme, 12th International Conference on Scientometrics and informetrics. ISSI 2009. Rio de Janeiro: BIREME/PAHO/WHO.
- Carlsson H. & Noyons E.C.M. (2009), Field Delineation Using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) – An Alternative Way to Aggregate Data in the Web of Science, 12th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics. ISSI 2009. Rio de Janeiro: BIREME/PAHO/WHO.
- Lopez-Illescas C., Noyons E.C.M., Visser M.S., Moya-Anegon F. de & Moed H.F. (2009), Expansion of scientific journal categories using reference analysis: How can it be done and does it make a difference?, Scientometrics 79(3): 473-490.
- Calero Medina C.M. & Noyons E.C.M. (2008), Combining mapping and citation network analysis for a better understanding of the scientific development: The case of the absorptive capacity field, Journal of Informetrics 2(4): 272-279.
- Buter R.K. & Noyons E.C.M. (2007), Searching for Converging Research Using Citations between Subject Categories: First Results and Challenges. Torres-Salinas D. & Moed H.F. (red.), Proceedings 11th ISSI Conference 2007. 11th ISSI Conference 2007 834-835.
- Calero Medina C.M. & Noyons E.C.M. (2007), Combining Mapping and Citation Network Analysis for a Better Understanding of the Scientific Development: The Case of the Absorptive Capacity Field. Torres-Salinas D. & Moed H.F. (red.), Proceedings 11th ISSI Conference 2007. 11th ISSI Conference 2007 179-183.
- Buter R.K. & Noyons E.C.M. (2007), Searching for Converging Research using Citations between Subject. Torres-Salinas D. & Moed H.F. (red.), Proceedings of the 11th ISSI Conference. 11th ISSI Conference. Madrid, Spain 834-836.
- Noyons E.C.M. & Calero Medina C.M. (2007), Applying Bibliometric Mapping in a High Level Science Policy Context. Mapping the Research areas of Three Dutch Universities of Technology. Torres-Salinas D. & Moed H.F. (red.), Proceedings 11th ISSI Conference 2007. 11th ISSI Conference 2007 599-607.
- Buter R.K. & Noyons E.C.M. (2007), Searching for Converging Research using Citations between Subject. [overig].
- Buter R.K., Noyons E.C.M., Mackelenbergh M. van & Laine T. (2006), Combining concept maps and bibliometric maps: First explorations, Scientometrics 66(2): 377-387.
- Calero Medina C.M., Buter R.K., Valdes C.C. & Noyons E.C.M. (2006), How to identify research groups using publication analysis: an example in the field of nanotechnology, Scientometrics 66(2): 365-376.
- Noyons E.C.M. (2004), Science maps within a science policy context. In: Moed H.F, Glanzel W. & Schmoch U. (red.), Handbook of Quantitative Science and Technology Research, The Use of Publication and Patent Statistics in Studies of S&T Systems. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic publishers. 237-256.
- Buter R.K., Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (2004), A combination of quantitative and qualitative maps in an evaluative bibliometric context. Banissi E. & et al. (red.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Information Visualization. . Los Alamitos Ca: IEEE Computer Society. 978-982.
- Nuutinen J., Laine T., Sutinen E., Buter R.K. & Noyons E.C.M. (2004), Problem and content development to support evaluation of science, Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. 144-151.
- Buter R.K., Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (2004), Monitoring environment and health R&D in relation to socio-economic problems: A new approach to impact assessment. Leiden: CWTS.
- Noyons E.C.M. (2003), Evaluative bibliometrics as a science policy supportive tool. In: Hurley J. (red.), Scientific Research Effectiveness: the Organisational Dimension. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers,. 129-147.
- Raan A.F.J. van & Noyons E.C.M. (2002), Discovery of patterns of scientific and technological development and knowledge transfer. In: Adamczak W. & Nase A. (red.), Gaining insight from research information. Kassel: Kassel University Press. 105-112.
- Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (2002), Science mapping from publications. An example in mathematics and computer science. In: Meij J. (red.), Dealing with the data flood: STT/Beweton. 64-72.
- Buter R.K. & Noyons E.C.M. (2001), Improving the functionality of interactive bibliometric science maps, Scientometrics 51(1): 55-68.
- Noyons E.C.M. (2001), Bibliometric mapping of science in a science policy context, Scientometrics 50(1): 83-98.
- Noyons E.C.M., Buter R.K. & Raan A.F.J. van (2000), The Role of Europe in World-Wide Science and Technology: Monitoring and Evaluation in a Context of Global Competition. Leiden: CWTS.
- Noyons E.C.M. (2000) Duwende Kracht. Bespreking van: Wouters P. (2000), The Citation Culture nr. 4. Tijdschrift voor Wetenschap, Technologie & Samenleving 8: 132-133.
- Moed H.F. & Noyons E.C.M. (2000), Verslag van de 6th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, Tijdschrift voor Wetenschap, Technologie & Samenleving 8(5): 194-195.
- Noyons E.C.M. (1999), Joining bibliometric forces. New developments in evaluative bibliometrics. In: Macias-Chapula C.A. (red.), Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, Colima, Mexico, July 5-8, 1999. Colima (Mexico): ISSI, Universidad de Colima. 386-394.
- Raan A.F.J. van, Noyons E.C.M. & Buter R.K. (1999), EC-TSER working visit. [overig].
- Aguillo I.F., Rousseau R., Harter S.P., Koenig M.E.D., Quoniam L., Noyons E.C.M., Bordons M., Russell J., Peritz B., Ingwersen P. & Wouters P. (red.) (1999), . Cybermetrics.
- Luwel M.J.J., Noyons E.C.M. & Moed H.F. (1999), Bibliometric assessment of research performance in Flanders: Policy background and implications, R & D Management 29(2): 133-141.
- Noyons E.C.M., Luwel M.J.J. & Moed H.F. (1999), Combining mapping and citation analysis for evaluative bibliometric purposes, Journal of the American Society for Information Science 50(2): 115-131.
- Noyons E.C.M., Moed H.F. & Raan A.F.J. van (1999), Integrating research performance analysis and science mapping, Scientometrics 46(5): 591-604.
- Noyons E.C.M. (9 december 1999), Bibliometric mapping as a science policy and research management tool (Dissertatie, Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Leiden: DSWO Press. Promotor(en): Raan A.F.J. van.
- Aguillo I.F., Rousseau R., Harter S.P., Koenig M.E.D., Quoniam L., Noyons E.C.M., Bordons M., Russell J., Peritz B., Ingwersen P. & Wouters P. (red.) (1998), . Cybermetrics.
- Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (1998), Mapping Scientometrics, Informetrics and Bibliometrics. Hinxton, Cambridge (England): SPRU, Hinxton, Cambridge / CWTS, Leiden University. [overig].
- Noyons E.C.M., Luwel M.J.J. & Moed H.F. (1998), Assessment of Flemish R&D in the field of information technology: a bibliometric evaluation based on publication and patent data, combined with OECD research input statistics, 27(3): 285-300.
- Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (1998), Advanced mapping of science and technology, Scientometrics 41(1-2): 61-67.
- Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (1998), Monitoring scientific developments from a dynamic perpective. Self-organized structuring to map neural network research, Journal of the American Society for Information Science 49(1): 68-81.
- Luwel M.J.J., Noyons E.C.M. & Moed H.F. (1997), Bibliometric assessment of research performance in Flanders, The evaluation of scientific research. Proceedings of an OECD Workshop on the Evaluation of Basic Research. Workshop on the evaluation of basic research of the OECD Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP), April 21, 1997 60-73.
- Aguillo I.F., Rousseau R., Harter S.P., Koenig M.E.D., Quoniam L., Noyons E.C.M., Bordons M., Russell J., Peritz B., Ingwersen P. & Wouters P. (red.) (1997), . Cybermetrics.
- Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (1997), Nederland in het internationaal onderzoek: bibliometrisch cartografische verkenning van het internationaal landbouwkundig onderz. met de positie van Nederland en in het bijzonder de LUW. Leiden: Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS).
- Noyons E.C.M. (1997), Landschappen van wetenschap, Afleiding 1(2): 5-9.
- Nederhof Anton J. & Noyons E.C.M. (1992), International comparison of departments' research performance in the humanities, Journal of the American Society for Information Science 43(3): 249-256.
- Nederhof Anton J. & Noyons E.C.M. (1992), Assessment of the international standing of university departments research - A comparison of bibliometric methods, Scientometrics 24(3): 393-404.