Désirée van der Heijde
Hoogleraar Reumatologie, in het bijzonder outcome research
- Naam
- Prof.dr. D.M.F.M. van der Heijde
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 3647
- d.m.f.m.van_der_heijde@lumc.nl
- 0000-0002-5781-158X
Professor van der Heijde is verbonden aan de afdeling reumatologie. Ze heeft een aanstelling van 0,2 fte, volledig gewijd aan onderzoek. Sinds 2007 is zij ook als senior onderzoeker verbonden aan het Diakonhjemmet ziekenhuis in Oslo, Noorwegen en sinds 2014 is zij gasthoogleraar aan de Universiteit van Oslo. Professor van der Heijde ontving de Gosling award voor haar proefschrift. Ze ontving ook de prestigieuze Carol Nachman Award voor haar wetenschappelijke bijdragen aan de reumatologie in 2011, een doctoraat honoris causa van de Universiteit Gent in België in 2012, en de Jan van Breemen medaille in 2017. Ze is erelid van EULAR. In 2019 gaf ze de Hasinger Lecture in Berlijn, Duitsland.
Meer informatie over Désirée van der Heijde
Professor van der Heijde is verbonden aan de afdeling reumatologie. Ze heeft een aanstelling van 0,2 fte, volledig gewijd aan onderzoek. Sinds 2007 is zij ook als senior onderzoeker verbonden aan het Diakonhjemmet ziekenhuis in Oslo, Noorwegen en sinds 2014 is zij gasthoogleraar aan de Universiteit van Oslo. Professor van der Heijde ontving de Gosling award voor haar proefschrift. Ze ontving ook de prestigieuze Carol Nachman Award voor haar wetenschappelijke bijdragen aan de reumatologie in 2011, een doctoraat honoris causa van de Universiteit Gent in België in 2012, en de Jan van Breemen medaille in 2017. Ze is erelid van EULAR. In 2019 gaf ze de Hasinger Lecture in Berlijn, Duitsland.
Alle onderzoeksactiviteiten zijn gericht op het centrale thema 'outcome assessment'. Dit omvat zowel de beoordeling van de ziekteactiviteit (ontsteking) als de gevolgen van de ziekte (structurele schade, gezondheidsgerelateerde kwaliteit van leven). Deze beoordelingen omvatten klinische en door patiënten gerapporteerde uitkomstmaten en beeldvorming. De belangrijkste ziekten die onderwerp zijn van onderzoek zijn inflammatoire reumatische aandoeningen met een focus op reumatoïde artritis, artritis psoriatica en spondyloartritis. Beeldvormende modaliteiten die worden gebruikt zijn MRI (verschillende modaliteiten), conventionele radiografie en CT-scan. Als onderdeel van haar proefschrift werd de Disease Activity Score (DAS) voor reumatoïde artritis ontwikkeld, die nu wereldwijd wordt toegepast bij de beoordeling van reumatoïde artritis in onderzoek en in de kliniek. Ook de radiografische scoremethode 'modified Sharp-van der Heijde' voor de beoordeling van schade in gewrichten van handen en voeten werd ontwikkeld tijdens het onderzoek voor haar proefschrift en is nu de toonaangevende scoremethode, die ook wordt gebruikt voor de registratie van nieuwe geneesmiddelen door autoriteiten zoals FDA en EMA. Veel andere uitkomstmaten zijn onder haar verantwoordelijkheid ontwikkeld en gevalideerd. Voorbeelden zijn de RAQol en ASQol (kwaliteit van leven vragenlijst voor RA en ankyloserende spondylitis); de ASAS gezondheidsindex (impactmaat voor axiale spondyloartritis); MASES (Maastricht Ankylosing Spondylitis Enthesitis Score); ASDAS (Axial Spondyloarthritis Disease Activity Score), de CTSS (CT syndesmofyten score) en de CT-Facet Joint score. Daarnaast werd een actieve rol gespeeld in de validatie van bestaande uitkomstmaten; voorbeelden zijn de mSASSS (modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Score); verschillende scoringsmethoden voor MRI in axiale spondyloartritis; uitkomstmaten voor spinale mobiliteit zoals de Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Mobility Index. De beschikbaarheid van deze gevalideerde uitkomstmaten maakte het mogelijk om de relatie tussen verschillende aspecten van de ziekte te onderzoeken, zoals de relatie tussen ziekteactiviteit (ontsteking) en schade (zichtbaar op röntgenfoto's of MRI); tussen ziekteactiviteit en fysiek functioneren/kwaliteit van leven en tussen schade en fysiek functioneren/kwaliteit van leven. Dit werd met succes gedaan voor zowel reumatoïde artritis als axiale spondyloartritis.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Désirée van der Heijde behaalde in 1986 haar artsendiploma aan de Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen. In de periode van oktober 1986 tot januari 1991 werd onderzoek verricht in de klinische reumatologie, resulterend in het proefschrift getiteld: 'Disease activity and outcome in rheumatoid arthritis. A methodological study'. Op 8 maart 1991 promoveerde ze aan de universiteit van Nijmegen. Ze werd als reumatoloog geregistreerd in 1993. Na een aanstelling van 1 jaar in Zweden in 1993, was zij van 1994 tot 2007 verbonden aan de afdeling reumatologie van het Academisch Ziekenhuis Maastricht. Op 8 maart 2002 hield zij haar oratie getiteld 'Meten is weten' aan de Universiteit Maastricht. In 2007 aanvaardde zij haar huidige functie als hoogleraar Reumatologie in het bijzonder outcome research aan het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. Sinds 2007 is ze ook verbonden aan het Diakonhjemmet ziekenhuis in Oslo, Noorwegen. Sinds 2024 is ze gasthoogleraar aan de Universiteit van Oslo. The Lancet publiceerde in 2018 een samenvatting van haar carrière.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
Zij ontving de Goslingprijs voor haar proefschrift. Voor haar wetenschappelijke bijdragen aan de reumatologie ontving zijn de prestigieuze Carol Nachman prijs in 2011, een eredoctoraat van de Universiteit van Gent in België in 2012, en de Jan van Breemen medaille van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Reumatologie in 2017. Zij is erelid van de EULAR. Sinds 2014 ontving zij jaarlijks het predicaat ‘Highly Cited Researcher’ van Thomson Reuters/Clarivate voor vele frequent geciteerde artikelen die behoren tot de top 1% van dat jaar in de categorie klinische geneeskunde.
Hoogleraar Reumatologie, in het bijzonder outcome research
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Reumatologie
- Marques, M.L.; Ramiro, S.; Lunteren, M. van; Stal, R.A.; Landewe, R.B.; Sande, M. van de; Fagerli, K.M.; Berg, I.J.; Oosterhout, M. van; Exarchou, S.; Ramonda, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2024), Can rheumatologists unequivocally diagnose axial spondyloarthritis in patients with chronic back pain of less than 2 years duration? , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
- Marques, M.L.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Reijnierse, M.; Diekhoff, T.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Gaalen, F.A. van & Hooge, M. de (2024), Atlas for the CT Syndesmophyte Score (CTSS) in patients with axial spondyloarthritis, RMD Open: Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases 10(1).
- Silva, A.B. da; Ramiro, S.; Boel, A.; Lunteren, M. van; Marques, M.L.; Sande, M. van de; Fongen, C.; Exarchou, S.; Ramonda, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2024), Do quality of life and work productivity change in early axial spondyloarthritis and non-axial spondyloarthritis patients after 2 years?, Rheumatology.
- Hooge, M. de; Stal, R.; Sepriano, A.; Baraliakos, X.; Reijnierse, M.; Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Gaalen, F.A. van & Ramiro, S. (2024), Inflammation in the posterior elements, in particular the facet joint and facet joint ankylosis over 2-year follow-up in radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, RMD Open: Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases 10(2).
- Takase-Minegishi, K.; Boehringer, S.; Nam, J.L.; Kaneko, Y.; Behrens, F.; Saevarsdottir, S.; Detert, J.; Leirisalo-Repo, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Ramiro, S. & Woude, D. van der (2024), The impact of autoantibodies on the efficacy of biological disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs in rheumatoid arthritis, Rheumatology.
- Braun, J.; Blanco, R.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Gensler, L.S.; Bosch, F. van den; Hall, S.; Kameda, H.; Poddubnyy, D.; Sande, M. van de; Heijde, D. van der; Zhuang, T.T.; Stefanska, A.; Readie, A.; Richards, H.B. & Deodhar, A. (2023), Two-year imaging outcomes from a phase 3 randomized trial of secukinumab in patients with non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, Arthritis Research and Therapy 25(1).
- Stal, R.; Ramiro, S.; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Reijnierse, M.; Berg, R. van den; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2023), Good construct validity of the CT Syndesmophyte Score (CTSS) in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, RMD Open 9(1).
- Webers, C.; Grimm, S.; Tubergen, A. van; Gaalen, F. van; Heijde, D. van der; Joore, M. & Boonen, A. (2023), The value of correctly diagnosing axial spondyloarthritis for patients and society, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 62.
- Deodhar, A.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rahman, P.; Bolce, R.; Liu-Leage, S.; Kronbergs, A.; Leung, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Tostes, C.D.L. & Pso PsA & Axspa 2022 Safety (2023), SAFETYAND EFFICACYOF IXEKIZUMAB TREATMENT IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: 3-YEAR RESULTS FROM THE COAST PROGRAMME, JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 29: S101-S102.
- Ramiro, S.; Nikiphorou, E.; Sepriano, A.; Ortolan, A.; Webers, C.; Baraliakos, X.; Landewe, R.B. & Heijde, D. van der (2023), Response to, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
- Lillegraven, S.; Sundlisæter, N.P.; Aga, A.B.; Sexton, J.; Olsen, I.C.; Lexberg, A.S.; Madland, T.M.; Fremstad, H.; Hoili, C.A.; Bakland, G.; Spada, C.; Haukeland, H.; Hansen, I.M.; Moholt, E.; Uhlig, T.; Solomon, D.H.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K. & Haavardsholm, E.A. (2023), Effect of tapered versus stable treatment with tumour necrosis factor inhibitors on disease flares in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in remission, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82.
- Roodenrijs, N.M.T.; Welsing, P.M.J.; Goes, M.C. van der; Jacobs, J.W.; Heijde, D. van der; Laar, J.M. van & Nagy, G. (2023), Response to: 'Correspondence on 'EULAR definition of difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis'' by Novella-Navarro et al.
- Baraliakos, X.; Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Magrey, M.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Tomita, T.; Xu, H.J.; Massow, U.; Fleurinck, C.; Ellis, A.M.; Vaux, T.; Shepherd-Smith, J.; Marten, A. & Gensler, L.S. (2023), Bimekizumab treatment in patients with active axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 83.
- Navarro-Compán, V.; Benavent, D.; Capelusnik, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewé, R.B.M.; Poddubnyy, D.; Tubergen, A. van; Baraliakos, X.; Bosch, F.E. van den; Gaalen, F.A. van; Gensler, L.; López-Medina, C.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Molto, A.; Pérez-Alamino, R.; Rudwaleit, M.; Sande, M. van de; Sengupta, R.; Weber, U. & Ramiro, S. (2023), ASAS consensus definition of early axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
- Fleischmann, R.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Strand, V.; Atsumi, T.; Mcinnes, I.B.; Takeuchi, T.; Taylor, P.C.; Bracher, M.; Brooks, D.; Davies, J.; Goode, C.; Gupta, A.; Mukherjee, S.; O'Shea, C.; Saurigny, D.; Schifano, L.A.; Shelton, C.; Smith, J.E.; Wang, M.; Wang, R.; Watts, S. & Weinblatt, M.E. (2023), Anti-GM-CSF otilimab versus tofacitinib or placebo in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis and an inadequate response to conventional or biologic DMARDs, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82.
- Durme, C.M.P.G. van; Wechalekar, M.D.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Pardo, J.P.; Cyril, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Buchbinder, R. (2023), Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for acute gout, EMERGENCIAS 35(2): 136-138.
- Smolen, J.S.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Bergstra, S.A.; Kerschbaumer, A.; Sepriano, A.; Aletaha, D.; Caporali, R.; Edwards, C.J.; Hyrich, K.L.; Pope, J.E.; Souza, S. de; Stamm, T.A.; Takeuchi, T.; Verschueren, P.; Winthrop, K.L.; Balsa, A.; Bathon, J.M.; Buch, M.H.; Burmester, G.R.; Buttgereit, F.; Cardiel, M.H.; Chatzidionysiou, K.; Codreanu, C.; Cutolo, M.; Broeder, A.A. den; Aoufy, K. el; Finckh, A.; Fonseca, J.E.; Gottenberg, J.E.; Haavardsholm, E.A.; Iagnocco, A.; Lauper, K.; Li, Z.G.; McInnes, I.B.; Mysler, E.F.; Nash, P.; Poor, G.; Ristic, G.G.; Rivellese, F.; Rubbert-Roth, A.; Schulze-Koops, H.; Stoilov, N.; Strangfeld, A.; Helm-van Mil, A. van der; Duuren, E. van; Vlieland, T.P.M.V.; Westhovens, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2023), EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82(1): 3-18.
- Lillegraven, S.; Sundlisaeter, N.P.; Aga, A.B.; Sexton, J.; Solomon, D.H.; Heijde, D. van der & Haavardsholm, E.A. (2023), Discontinuation of Conventional Synthetic Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis and Excellent Disease Control, Journal of the American Medical Association 329(12): 1024-1026.
- Stal, R.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Gaalen, F.A. van; Baraliakos, X.; Machado, P.M.; Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Braun, J.; Landewe, R. & Sepriano, A. (2023), Do fatty lesions explain the effect of inflammation on new syndesmophytes in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis?, RMD Open 9(3).
- Bergstra, S.A.; Sepriano, A.; Kerschbaumer, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Caporali, R.; Edwards, C.J.; Verschueren, P.; Souza, S. de; Pope, J.E.; Takeuchi, T.; Hyrich, K.L.; Winthrop, K.L.; Aletaha, D.; Stamm, T.A.; Schoones, J.W.; Smolen, J.S. & Landewé, R.B.M. (2023), Efficacy, duration of use and safety of glucocorticoids: a systematic literature review informing the 2022 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82(1): 81-94.
- Kjorholt, K.; Sundlisæter, N.; Aga, A.; Sexton, J.; Olsen, I.; Fremstad, H.; Spada, C.; Madland, T.; Hoili, C.; Bakland, G.; Lexberg, Å.; Hansen, I.; Hansen, I.; Haukeland, H.; Ljosa, M.; Moholt, E.; Uhlig, T.; Kvien, T.; Solomon, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Haavardsholm', E. & Lillegraven, S. (2023), Clinical and radiographic results of tapering and withdrawing csDMARDs versus stable treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in remission: 3-year results from a randomized controlled trial, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 52: 57-59.
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Baraliakos, X.; Brown, M.A.; Dobashi, H.; Dougados, M.; Elewaut, D.; Ellis, A.M.; Fleurinck, C.; Gaffney, K.; Gensler, L.S.; Haroon, N.; Magrey, M.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Marten, A.; Massow, U.; Oortgiesen, M.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rudwaleit, M.; Shepherd-Smith, J.; Tomita, T.; Bosch, F. van den; Vaux, T. & Xu, H.J. (2023), Efficacy and safety of bimekizumab in axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82(4): 515-526.
- Webers, C.; Ortolan, A.; Sepriano, A.; Falzon, L.; Baraliakos, X.; Landewé, R.B.M.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Nikiphorou, E. (2023), Efficacy and safety of biological DMARDs: a systematic literature review informing the 2022 update of the ASAS-EULAR recommendations for the management of axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82(1): 130-141.
- Baraliakos, X.; Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Magrey, M.; Maksymowych, W.; Tomita, T.; Xu, H.; Oortgiesen, M.; Massow, U.; Fleurinck, C.; Ellis, A.; Vaux, T.; Shepherd-Smith, J.; Marten, A.; Elo, P. & Gensler, L. (2023), Bimekizumab maintained improvements in efficacy endpoints and had a consistent safety profile through 52 weeks in patients with non-radiographic and radiographic axial spondyloarthritis: Results from two parallel phase 3 studies, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 52: 69-71.
- Heijde, D. van der; Molto, A.; Ramiro, S.; Braun, J.; Dougados, M.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Gensler, L.S.; Inman, R.D.; Landewé, R.B.M.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Navarro-Compán, V.; Phoka, A.; Poddubnyy, D.; Protopopov, M.; Reveille, J.; Rudwaleit, M.; Sampaio-Barros, P.; Sepriano, A.; Sieper, J.; Bosch, F.E. van den; Horst-bruinsma, I. van der; Machado, P.M. & Baraliakos, X. (2023), Goodbye to the term 'ankylosing spondylitis', hello 'axial spondyloarthritis', Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 83.
- Rodrigues-Manica, S.; Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Claudepierre, P.; Molto, A.; Dougados, M.; Lunteren, M. van & Heijde, D. van der (2023), Bone marrow edema in the sacroiliac joints is associated with the development of structural lesions at the same anatomical location over time in patients with axial spondyloarthritis, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 61.
- Garofoli, R.; Resche-Rigon, M.; Roux, C.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M. & Molto, A. (2023), Machine-learning derived algorithms for prediction of radiographic progression in early axial spondyloarthritis, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 41(3): 727-734.
- Tanaka, Y.; Takeuchi, T.; Kato, D.; Kaneko, Y.; Fukuda, M.; Izutsu, H.; Rokuda, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2023), Post hoc analysis of clinical characteristics of patients with radiographic progression in a Japanese phase 3 trial of peficitinib and methotrexate treatment (RAJ4), Modern Rheumatology 33(1): 73-80.
- Melokhina, V.; Sundlisæter, N.P.; Sexton, J.; Sundin, U.; Aga, A.B.; Kjorholt, K.E.; Nordberg, L.B.; Heijde, D. van der; Haavardsholm, E. & Lillegraven, S. (2023), Subclinical inflammation and joint damage progression in patients with early RA fulfilling 2011 vs 2022 ACR/EULAR Boolean remission criteria: data from the ARCTIC study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 83(4).
- Proft, F.; Heijde, D. van der; Baraliakos, X.; Ermann, J.; Fleurinck, C.; Massow, U.; Peyrecave, N. de; Taieb, V.; Tubergen, A. van & Navarro-Compán, V. (2023), BIMEKIZUMAB MAINTAINED STRINGENT CLINICAL RESPONSES THROUGH WEEK 52 IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: RESULTS FROM THE PHASE 3 STUDIES BE MOBILE 1 AND BE MOBILE 2, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82: 874-875.
- Zhao, S.S.; Webers, C.; Nikiphorou, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Braun, J.; Kiltz, U.; Ramiro, S. & Boonen, A. (2023), CHANGES IN ASDAS AND SYMPTOMS OF ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: LATENT TRAJECTORY ANALYSIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82: 1707-1708.
- Kjorholt, K.; Sundlisæer, N.P.; Aga, A.B.; Sexton, J.; Olsen, I.; Fremstad, H.; Spada, C.; Madland, T.M.; Hoili, C.A.; Bakland, G.; Lexberg, A.; Hansen, I.J.W.; Hansen, I.M.; Haukeland, H.; Ljosa, M.K.A.; Moholt, E.; Uhlig, T.; Kvien, T.K.; Solomon, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Haavardsholm, E.A. & Lillegraven, S. (2023), CLINICAL AND RADIOGRAPHIC RESULTS OF TAPERING AND WITHDRAWING CSDMARDS VERSUS STABLE TREATMENT IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS REMISSION: 3-YEAR RESULTS FROM A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82: 233-234.
- Capelusnik, D.; Nikiphorou, E.; Boonen, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Tubergen, A. van & Ramiro, S. (2023), COMPARING THE CONSTRUCT VALIDITY AMONG MEASURES OF PAIN AND STIFFNESS IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82: 627-628.
- Kiltz, U.; Moltó, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Bessette, L.; Boonen, A.; Bolce, R.; Sapin, C.; Hunter, T.; Janos, B.; Kronbergs, A.; Leage, S.L. & Braun, J. (2023), DISCRIMINATING CAPACITY OF THE ASAS HEALTH INDEX IN PATIENTS TREATED WITH IXEKIZUMAB IN THE COAST PROGRAMME, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82: 884-885.
- Baraliakos, X.; Heijde, D. van der; Machado, P.; Navarro-Compán, V.; Gensler, L.S.; Pertel, P.; Quebe-Fehling, E.; Readie, A.; Richards, H. & Poddubnyy, D. (2023), EFFECT OF SECUKINUMAB VERSUS ADALIMUMAB BIOSIMILAR ON RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION IN PATIENTS WITH RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: SUBGROUP ANALYSES BY BASELINE SYNDESMOPHYTES AND C-REACTIVE PROTEIN STATUS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82: 882-883.
- Baraliakos, X.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Inman, R.; Kameda, H.; Li, Y.; Bu, X.; Shmagel, A.; Wung, P.; Song, I.H. & Deodhar, A. (2023), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF UPADACITINIB IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS AND AN INADEQUATE RESPONSE TO BIOLOGIC DMARD THERAPY: ONE-YEAR RESULTS FROM A PHASE 3 STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82: 887-888.
- Deodhar, A.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rahman, P.; Ermann, J.; Tomita, T.; Bolce, R.; Leage, S.L.; Kronbergs, A.; Johnson, C.; Araújo, J.; Leung, A. & Heijde, D. van der (2023), Long-term safety and efficacy of ixekizumab in patients with axial spondyloarthritis, The Journal of Rheumatology 50(8): 1020-1028.
- Bosch, F. van den; Deodhar, A.; Poddubnyy, D.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Baraliakos, X.; Duan, Y.; D'silva, K.; Wung, P. & Song, I.H. (2023), PLACEBO-CONTROLLED EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF UPADACITINIB THROUGH ONE YEAR IN PATIENTS WITH NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82: 361-362.
- López-Medina, C.; Bosch, F. van den; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M. & Moltó, A. (2023), PROTOCOL VIOLATION IN A TREAT-TO-TARGET STRATEGY IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: DATA FROM THE OPEN-LABEL, PRAGMATIC, CLUSTERRANDOMISED TICOSPA TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82: 356-356.
- Duarte, C.; Ferreira, R.J.O.; Welsing, P.; Jacobs, J.W.G.; Gossec, L.; Machado, P.; Heijde, D. van der & Silva, J.A.P. da (2023), REMISSION CRITERIA GUIDING IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE THERAPY IN RA: WHICH IS BEST FITTED FOR THIS PURPOSE?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82: 125-126.
- Kiltz, U.; Moltó, A.; López-Medina, C.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Boonen, A.; Bosch, F. van den & Braun, J. (2023), VALIDATION OF TWO RESPONSE AND ONE STATUS MEASURES OF THE ASAS HEALTH INDEX VERSUS EXTERNAL ANCHORS IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82: 617-617.
- Marques, M.L.; Ramiro, S.; Lunteren, M. van; Stal, R.; Berg, I.J.; Fagerli, K.M.; Oosterhout, M. van; Exarchou, S.; Ramonda, R.; Sande, M.G.H. van de; Landewé, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2023), THE YIELD OF REPEATED ASSESSMENTS IN CHRONIC BACK PAIN PATIENTS SUSPECTED OF EARLY AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: TWO-YEAR DATA FROM THE SPONDYLOARTHRITIS CAUGHT EARLY (SPACE) COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82: 35-35.
- Hooge, M. de; Stal, R.; Sepriano, A.; Baraliakos, X.; Reijnierse, M.; Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Gaalen, F.A. van & Ramiro, S. (2023), FACET JOINT INFLAMMATION IS RARE, BUT WHEN PRESENT IT IS ASSOCIATED WITH FACET JOINT ANKYLOSIS IN RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS PATIENTS FROM THE SIAS COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82: 609-609.
- Marques, M.L.; Ramiro, S.; Lunteren, M. van; Stal, R.; Berg, I.J.; Fagerli, K.M.; Oosterhout, M. van; Exarchou, S.; Ramonda, R.; Sande, M.G.H. van de; Landewé, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2023), CAN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS UNEQUIVOCALLY BE DIAGNOSED BY RHEUMATOLOGISTS IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC BACK PAIN OF LESS THAN TWO YEARS DURATION? MAIN RESULT OF THE SPONDYLOARTHRITIS CAUGHT EARLY (SPACE) COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82: 3-4.
- Capelusnik, D.; Benavent, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewé, R.; Poddubnyy, D.; Tubergen, A. van; Falzon, L.; Navarro-Compán, V. & Ramiro, S. (2023), Treating spondyloarthritis early: does it matter? Results from a systematic literature review, Rheumatology 62(4): 1398-1409.
- Ritchlin, C.T.; Coates, L.C.; Mease, P.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Song, J.; Jiang, Y.S.; Shawi, M.; Kollmeier, A.P. & Rahman, P. (2023), The effect of guselkumab on inhibiting radiographic progression in patients with active psoriatic arthritis, Trials 24(1).
- Ramiro, S.; Landewé, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Sepriano, A.; FitzGerald, O.; Ostergaard, M.; Homik, J.; Elkayam, O.; Thorne, J.C.; Larché, M.J.; Ferraccioli, G.; Backhaus, M.; Boire, G.; Combe, B.; Schaeverbeke, T.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M.; Rossini, M.; Govoni, M.; Sinigaglia, L.; Cantagrel, A.G.; Allaart, C.F.; Barnabe, C.; Bingham, C.O. .I.I.I.; Schaardenburg, D. van; Hammer, H.B.; Dadashova, R.; Hutchings, E.; Paschke, J. & Maksymowych, W.P. (2023), Stricter treat-to-target in RA does not result in less radiographic progression, Rheumatology 62(9): 2989-2997.
- Marques, M.L.; Silva, N.P. da; Heijde, D. van der; Stal, R.; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Reijnierse, M.; Bastiaenen, C.; Ramiro, S. & Gaalen, F.A. van (2023), Inflammation, bone loss and 2-year bone formation at the same vertebra in axial spondyloarthritis, RMD Open 9(1).
- Kerschbaumer, A.; Sepriano, A.; Bergstra, S.A.; Smolen, J.S.; Heijde, D. van der; Caporali, R.; Edwards, C.J.; Verschueren, P.; Souza, S. de; Pope, J.E.; Takeuchi, T.; Hyrich, K.L.; Winthrop, K.L.; Aletaha, D.; Stamm, T.A.; Schoones, J.W. & Landewé, R.B.M. (2023), Efficacy of synthetic and biological DMARDs: a systematic literature review informing the 2022 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82(1): 95-106.
- Baraliakos, X.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Inman, R.D.; Kameda, H.; Li, Y.H.; Bu, X.W.; Shmagel, A.; Wung, P.; Song, I.H. & Deodhar, A. (2023), Efficacy and safety of upadacitinib in patients with ankylosing spondylitis refractory to biologic therapy, Arthritis Research and Therapy 25(1).
- Ortolan, A.; Webers, C.; Sepriano, A.; Falzon, L.; Baraliakos, X.; Landewé, R.B.M.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Nikiphorou, E. (2023), Efficacy and safety of non-pharmacological and non-biological interventions: a systematic literature review informing the 2022 update of the ASAS/EULAR recommendations for the management of axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82(1): 142-152.
- Marques, M.L.; Silva, N.P. da; Heijde, D. van der; Reijnierse, M.; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Gaalen, F. van & Ramiro, S. (2023), Hounsfield units measured in low dose CT reliably assess vertebral trabecular bone density changes over two years in axial spondyloarthritis, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 58.
- Redeker, I.; Landewé, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Ramiro, S.; Boonen, A.; Dougados, M.; Braun, J. & Kiltz, U. (2023), Impact of disease outcomes on the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society Health Index (ASAS HI), RMD Open 9(4).
- Hirano, F.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Heijde, D. van der; Gaujoux-Viala, C. & Ramiro, S. (2022), Determinants of the physician global assessment of disease activity and influence of contextual factors in early axial spondyloarthritis, Arthritis Care & Research 74(2).
- Deodhar, A.; Bosch, F. van den; Poddubnyy, D.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Blanco, R.; Duan, Y.Y.; Li, Y.H.; Pangan, A.L.; Wung, P. & Song, I.H. (2022), Upadacitinib for the treatment of active non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (SELECT-AXIS 2), The Lancet 400(10349): 369-379.
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Sieper, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Östör, A.J.; Combe, B.; Sui, Y.X.; Duan, Y.Y.; Wung, P.K. & Song, I.H. (2022), Upadacitinib in active ankylosing spondylitis, RMD Open: Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases 8(2).
- Marques, M.L.; Silva, N.P. da; Heijde, D. van der; Reijnierse, M.; Braun, J.; Baraliakos, X.; Gaalen, F. van & Ramiro, S. (2022), Low Dose Computed Tomography Hounsfield Units: A Reliable Methodology for Assessing Changes in Vertebral Bone Density in Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 74: 2037-2039.
- Mease, P.J.; Deodhar, A.A.; Heijde, D. van der; Behrens, F.; Kivitz, A.J.; Neal, J.; Kim, J.; Singhal, S.; Nowak, M. & Banerjee, S. (2022), Efficacy and safety of selective TYK2 inhibitor, deucravacitinib, in a phase II trial in psoriatic arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81(6): 815-822.
- Mease, P.; Helliwell, P.; Gladman, D.; Poddubnyy, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Chakravarty, S.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, L.L.; Sheng, S.H.; Xu, S.; Shawi, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Deodhar, A. (2022), Effect of Guselkumab a Selective IL-23p19 Inhibitor, on Axial-Related Endpoints in Patients With Active PsA: Results From a Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study Through 2 Years, The Journal of Rheumatology 49(7): 774-774.
- Kiltz, U.; Boonen, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Bautista-Molano, W.; Vargas, R.B.; Chiowchanwisawakit, P.; El-Zorkany, B.; Gaydukova, I.; Geher, P.; Gossec, L.; Gilio, M.; Grazio, S.; Gu, J.R.; Khan, M.A.; Kim, T.J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Ozgocmen, S.; Patrikos, D.; Pimentel-Santos, F.M.; Reveille, J.; Schirmer, M.; Stebbings, S.; Bosch, F. van den; Weber, U. & Braun, J. (2022), Development of an environmental contextual factor item set relevant to global functioning and health in patients with axial spondyloarthritis, Rheumatology 61(5): 2054-2062.
- Ferreira, R.J.O.; Welsing, P.M.J.; Jacobs, J.W.G.; Gossec, L.; Ndosi, M.; Machado, P.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Silva, J.A.P. da (2022), Correspondence on 'Re-examining remission definitions in rheumatoid arthritis: considering the 28-joint disease activity score, C reactive protein level and patient global assessment' , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82(8).
- Aletaha, D.; Kerschbaumer, A.; Kastrati, K.; Dejaco, C.; Dougados, M.; McInnes, I.B.; Sattar, N.; Stamm, T.A.; Takeuchi, T.; Trauner, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Voshaar, M.; Winthrop, K.L.; Ravelli, A.; Betteridge, N.; Burmester, G.R.R.; Bijlsma, J.W.J.; Bykerk, V.; Caporali, R.; Choy, E.H.; Codreanu, C.; Combe, B.; Crow, M.K.; Wit, M. de; Emery, P.; Fleischmann, R.M.; Gabay, C.; Hetland, M.L.; Hyrich, K.L.; Iagnocco, A.; Isaacs, J.D.; Kremer, J.M.; Mariette, X.; Merkel, P.; Mysler, E.F.; Nash, P.; Nurmohamed, M.T.; Pavelka, K.; Poor, G.; Rubbert-Roth, A.; Schulze-Koops, H.; Strangfeld, A.; Tanaka, Y. & Smolen, J.S. (2022), Consensus statement on blocking interleukin-6 receptor and interleukin-6 in inflammatory conditions, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
- Heijde, D. van der; Baraliakos, X.; Sieper, J.; Deodhar, A.; Inman, R.D.; Kameda, H.; Zeng, X.F.; Sui, Y.X.; Bu, X.W.; Pangan, A.L.; Wung, P. & Song, I.H. (2022), Efficacy and safety of upadacitinib for active ankylosing spondylitis refractory to biological therapy, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81(11).
- Stal, R.; Ramiro, S.; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Reijnierse, M.; Berg, R. van den; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2022), Validity of Syndesmophyte Detection on Low Dose Computed Tomography in Patients with Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 74: 783-785.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Boel, A.; Boonen, A.; Mease, P.J.; Dougados, M.; Kiltz, U.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der & ASAS axSpA Core Measuremen (2022), THE ASAS CORE MEASUREMENT SET FOR AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 95-96.
- Mease, P.J.; Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Behrens, F.; Kivitz, A.; Neal, J.; Nys, M.; Lehman, T.; Delev, N.; Korish, S.; Nowak, M. & Banerjee, S. (2022), SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF DEUCRAVACITINIB, AN ORAL, SELECTIVE TYROSINE KINASE 2 INHIBITOR, IN PATIENTS WITH PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS: 52-WEEK RESULTS FROM A RANDOMISED PHASE 2 TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 842-843.
- Mease, P.J.; Helliwell, P.; Gladman, D.D.; Poddubnyy, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Chakravarty, S.D.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, X.L.; Sheng, S.; Xu, S.; Shawi, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Deodhar, A. (2022), EFFECT OF GUSELKUMAB, A SELECTIVE IL-23P19 INHIBITOR, ON AXIAL-RELATED ENDPOINTS IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE PSA: RESULTS FROM A PHASE 3, RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDY THROUGH 2 YEARS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 832-833.
- Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Gensler, L.S.; Xu, H.; Gaffney, K.; Dobashi, H.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Rudwaleit, M.; Magrey, M.; Elewaut, D.; Oortgiesen, M.; Fleurinck, C.; Ellis, A.; Vaux, T.; Smith, J. & Baraliakos, X. (2022), BIMEKIZUMAB IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: 24-WEEK EFFICACY & SAFETY FROM BE MOBILE 1, A PHASE 3, MULTICENTRE, RANDOMISED, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 772-773.
- Heijde, D. van der; Baraliakos, X.; Dougados, M.; Brown, M.; Poddubnyy, D.; Bosch, F. van den; Haroon, N.; Xu, H.; Tomita, T.; Gensler, L.S.; Oortgiesen, M.; Fleurinck, C.; Vaux, T.; Marten, A. & Deodhar, A. (2022), BIMEKIZUMAB IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: 24-WEEK EFFICACY & SAFETY FROM BE MOBILE 2, A PHASE 3, MULTICENTRE, RANDOMISED, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 12-13.
- Webers, C.; Kiltz, U.; Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Boonen, A. (2022), THE EFFECT OF ANTI-INFLAMMATORY TREATMENT ON DEPRESSION IN SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: DOES THE TYPE OF DRUG MATTER?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 401-401.
- Deodhar, A.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rahman, P.; Bolce, R.; Leage, S.L.; Kronbergs, A.; Johnson, C.; Leung, A. & Heijde, D. van der (2022), SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF IXEKIZUMAB TREATMENT IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: 3-YEAR CLINICAL TRIAL RESULTS FROM THE COAST PROGRAMME, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 765-765.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Ostergaard, M.; Baraliakos, X.; Machado, P.; Pedersen, S.J.; Weber, U.; Eshed, I.; Hooge, M. de; Sieper, J.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Lambert, R.G. & ASAS MRImagine (2022), MRI SPINAL LESIONS IN PATIENTS WITHOUT MRI OR RADIOGRAPHIC LESIONS IN THE SACROILIAC JOINTS TYPICAL OF AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 304-304.
- Deodhar, A.; Bosch, F. van den; Poddubnyy, D.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Duan, Y.; Li, Y.; Pangan, A.; Wung, P. & Song, I.H. (2022), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF UPADACITINIB IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: A DOUBLE-BLIND, RANDOMIZED, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED PHASE 3 TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 9-10.
- Heijde, D. van der; Baraliakos, X.; Sieper, J.; Deodhar, A.; Inman, R.; Kameda, H.; Zeng, X.; Sui, Y.; Bu, X.; Pangan, A.; Wung, P. & Song, I.H. (2022), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF UPADACITINIB IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS REFRACTORY TO BIOLOGIC THERAPY: A DOUBLE-BLIND, RANDOMIZED, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED PHASE 3 TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 402-403.
- Kiltz, U.; Molto, A.; Lopez-Medina, C.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Boonen, A.; Bosch, F. van den & Braun, J. (2022), DISCRIMINATORY CAPACITY OF THE ASAS HEALTH INDEX IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS TREATED IN A TIGHT CONTROL SETTING VERSUS STANDARD OF CARE, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 1070-1070.
- Hartman, L.; Silva, J.A.P. da; Buttgereit, F.; Cutolo, M.; Opris-Belinski, D.; Szekanecz, Z.; Masaryk, P.; Voshaar, M.; Heijmans, M.W.; Lems, W.; Heijde, D. van der & Boers, M. (2022), DEVELOPMENT OF PREDICTION MODELS FOR SENIOR PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS AND COMORBIDITIES TREATED WITH CHRONIC LOW-DOSE GLUCOCORTICOIDS IN THE GLORIA TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 1047-1047.
- Hamitouche, F.; Kumaradev, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Ramiro, S.; Sepriano, A. & Molto, A. (2022), DETERMINANTS OF CLINICALLY IMPORTANT WORSENING IN EARLY AXIAL SPA: ANALYSIS OF THE DESIR COHORT OVER 5 YEARS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 802-802.
- Webers, C.; Kiltz, U.; Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Boonen, A. (2022), DEPRESSION IN SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: THE CHOICE OF MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENT MATTERS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 807-808.
- Michielsens, C.; Broeder, N. den; Hoogen, F. van den; Mahler, E.; Teerenstra, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Verhoef, L.M. & Broeder, A. den (2022), TREAT-TO-TARGET DOSE REDUCTION AND WITHDRAWAL STRATEGY OF TNF INHIBITORS IN PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS AND AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED NON-INFERIORITY TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 172-173.
- Capelusnik, D.; Benavent, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Poddubnyy, D.; Tubergen, A. van; Falzon, L.; Navarro-Compan, V. & Ramiro, S. (2022), Treating spondyloarthritis early, Rheumatology 62(4).
- Marques, M.L.; Silva, N.P. da; Heijde, D. van der; Reijnierse, M.; Braun, J.; Baraliakos, X.; Gaalen, F.A. van & Ramiro, S. (2022), LOW DOSE COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY HOUNSFIELD UNITS: A RELIABLE METHODOLOGY FOR ASSESSING CHANGES IN VERTEBRAL BONE DENSITY IN RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 794-795.
- Marques, M.L.; Silva, N.P. da; Heijde, D. van der; Stal, R.; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Reijnierse, M.; Bastiaenen, C.; Gaalen, F.A. van & Ramiro, S. (2022), IS LOW VERTEBRAL BONE DENSITY ASSOCIATED WITH SUBSEQUENT BONE FORMATION AT THE SAME VERTEBRA IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS? - A MULTILEVEL ANALYSIS FROM THE SIAS COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 788-789.
- Benavent, D.; Capelusnik, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Poddubnyy, D.; Tubergen, A. van; Falzon, L.; Ramiro, S. & Navarro-Compan, V. (2022), How is early spondyloarthritis defined in the literature? Results from a systematic review, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 55.
- Stal, R.; Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Machado, P.; Baraliakos, X.; Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Braun, J.; Landewe, R.B.M. & Heijde, D. van der (2022), DO FATTY LESIONS EXPLAIN THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN INFLAMMATION AND NEW SYNDESMOPHYTES IN PATIENTS WITH RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 100-101.
- Hartman, L.; Silva, J.A.P. da; Buttgereit, F.; Cutolo, M.; Opris-Belinski, D.; Szekanecz, Z.; Masaryk, P.; Voshaar, M.J.H.; Heymans, M.W.; Lems, W.F.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der & Boers, M. (2022), Development of prediction models to select older RA patients with comorbidities for treatment with chronic low-dose glucocorticoids, Rheumatology.
- Kastrati, K.; Aletaha, D.; Burmester, G.R.; Chwala, E.; Dejaco, C.; Dougados, M.; McInnes, I.B.; Ravelli, A.; Sattar, N.; Stamm, T.A.; Takeuchi, T.; Trauner, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Voshaar, M.J.H.; Winthrop, K.; Smolen, J.S. & Kerschbaumer, A. (2022), A systematic literature review informing the consensus statement on efficacy and safety of pharmacological treatment with interleukin-6 pathway inhibition with biological DMARDs in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, RMD Open 8(2).
- Webers, C.; Kiltz, U.; Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Boonen, A. (2022), The effect of anti-inflammatory treatment on depressive symptoms in spondyloarthritis, Rheumatology 62(6).
- Sepriano, A.; Kerschbaumer, A.; Bergstra, S.A.; Smolen, J.S.; Heijde, D. van der; Caporali, R.; Edwards, C.J.; Verschueren, P.; Souza, S. de; Pope, J.; Takeuchi, T.; Hyrich, K.; Winthrop, K.L.; Aletaha, D.; Stamm, T.; Schoones, J.W. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2022), Safety of synthetic and biological DMARDs, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82.
- Baraliakos, X.; Deodhar, A.; Dougados, M.; Gensler, L.S.; Molto, A.; Ramiro, S.; Kivitz, A.J.; Poddubnyy, D.; Oortgiesen, M.; Vaux, T.; Fleurinck, C.; Shepherd-Smith, J.; Loge, C. de la; Peyrecave, N. de & Heijde, D. van der (2022), Safety and efficacy of bimekizumab in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis, Arthritis & Rheumatology 74(12).
- Ortolan, A.; Ramiro, S.; Ramonda, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2022), External validation of the alternative Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score in three randomized clinical trials of ixekizumab, Rheumatology.
- Smolen, J.S.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Bergstra, S.A.; Kerschbaumer, A.; Sepriano, A.; Aletaha, D.; Caporali, R.; Edwards, C.J.; Hyrich, K.L.; Pope, J.E.; Souza, S. de; Stamm, T.A.; Takeuchi, T.; Verschueren, P.; Winthrop, K.L.; Balsa, A.; Bathon, J.M.; Buch, M.H.; Burmester, G.R.; Buttgereit, F.; Cardiel, M.H.; Chatzidionysiou, K.; Codreanu, C.; Cutolo, M.; Broeder, A.A. den; Aoufy, K. el; Finckh, A.; Fonseca, J.E.; Gottenberg, J.E.; Haavardsholm, E.A.; Iagnocco, A.; Lauper, K.; Li, Z.G.; McInnes, I.B.; Mysler, E.F.; Nash, P.; Poor, G.; Ristic, G.G.; Rivellese, F.; Rubbert-Roth, A.; Schulze-Koops, H.; Stoilov, N.; Strangfeld, A.; Helm-van Mil, A. van der; Duuren, E. van; Vlieland, T.P.M.V.; Westhovens, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2022), EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82(1).
- Kerschbaumer, A.; Sepriano, A.; Bergstra, S.A.; Smolen, J.S.; Heijde, D. van der; Caporali, R.; Edwards, C.J.; Verschueren, P.; Souza, S. de; Pope, J.E.; Takeuchi, T.; Hyrich, K.L.; Winthrop, K.L.; Aletaha, D.; Stamm, T.A.; Schoones, J.W. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2022), Efficacy of synthetic and biological DMARDs, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82(1).
- Ortolan, A.; Webers, C.; Sepriano, A.; Falzon, L.; Baraliakos, X.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Nikiphorou, E. (2022), Efficacy and safety of non-pharmacological and non-biological interventions, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82(1).
- Webers, C.; Ortolan, A.; Sepriano, A.; Falzon, L.; Baraliakos, X.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Nikiphorou, E. (2022), Efficacy and safety of biological DMARDs, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82(1).
- Bergstra, S.A.; Sepriano, A.; Kerschbaumer, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Caporali, R.; Edwards, C.J.; Verschueren, P.; Souza, S. de; Pope, J.E.; Takeuchi, T.; Hyrich, K.L.; Winthrop, K.L.; Aletaha, D.; Stamm, T.A.; Schoones, J.W.; Smolen, J.S. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2022), Efficacy, duration of use and safety of glucocorticoids, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82(1).
- Ramiro, S.; Nikiphorou, E.; Sepriano, A.; Ortolan, A.; Webers, C.; Baraliakos, X.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Bosch, F.E. van den; Boteva, B.; Bremander, A.; Carron, P.; Ciurea, A.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Geher, P.; Gensler, L.; Hermann, J.; Hooge, M. de; Husakova, M.; Kiltz, U.; Lopez-Medina, C.; Machado, P.M.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Molto, A.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Nissen, M.J.; Pimentel-Santos, F.M.; Poddubnyy, D.; Proft, F.; Rudwaleit, M.; Telkman, M.; Zhao, S.S.; Ziade, N. & Heijde, D. van der (2022), ASAS-EULAR recommendations for the management of axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82(1).
- Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Sepriano, A.; Fitzgerald, O.; Ostergaard, M.; Homik, J.; Elkayam, O.; Thorne, C.; Larche, M.; Ferraccioli, G.; Backhaus, M.; Boire, G.; Combe, B.; Schaeverbeke, T.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M.; Rossini, M.; Govoni, M.; Sinigaglia, L.; Cantagrel, A.; Allaart, C.; Barnabe, C.; Bingham, C.; Schaardenburg, D. van; Hammer, H.B.; Dadashova, R.; Hutchings, E.; Paschke, J. & Maksymowych, W.P. (2022), MORE METICULOUSLY FOLLOWING TREAT-TO-TARGET IN RA DOES NOT LEAD TO LESS RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION: A LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS IN BIODAM, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 279-281.
- Burgos-Vargas, R.; Loyola-Sanchez, A.; Ramiro, S.; Reding-Bernal, A.; Alvarez-Hernandez, E.; Heijde, D. van der & Vazquez-Mellado, J. (2022), A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled 12-week trial of infliximab in patients with juvenile-onset spondyloarthritis, Arthritis Research and Therapy 24(1).
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Loeuille, D. & Landewe, R. (2022), Imaging outcomes for axial spondyloarthritis and sensitivity to change, Arthritis Care & Research 74(2).
- Stal, R.; Baraliakos, X.; Heijde, D. van der; Gaalen, F. van; Ramiro, S.; Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Braun, J.; Landewe, R. & Sepriano, A. (2022), Role of vertebral corner inflammation and fat deposition on MRI on syndesmophyte development detected on whole spine low-dose CT scan in radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, RMD Open: Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases 8(2).
- Ramiro, S.; Nikiphorou, E.; Sepriano, A.; Ortolan, A.; Webers, C.; Baraliakos, X.; Landewe, R.; Bosch, F. van den; Boteva, B.; Bremander, A.; Carron, P.; Ciurea, A.; Gaalen, F. van; Geher, P.; Gensler, L.; Hermann, J.; Hooge, M. de; Husakova, M.; Kiltz, U.; Lopez-Medina, C.; Machado, P.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Molto, A.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Nissen, M.; Pimentel-Santos, F.; Poddubnyy, D.; Proft, F.; Rudwaleit, M.; Telkman, M.; Zhao, S.Z.; Ziade, N. & Heijde, D. van der (2022), ASAS-EULAR Recommendations for the Management of Axial Spondyloarthritis: 2022 Update, Arthritis & Rheumatology 74: 1094-1097.
- Mease, P.J.; Helliwell, P.; Gladman, D.D.; Poddubnyy, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Chakravarty, S.D.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, X.L.; Sheng, S.; Xu, S.; Shawi, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Deodhar, A. (2022), EFFECT OF GUSELKUMAB, A SELECTIVE IL-23P19 INHIBITOR, ON AXIAL-RELATED ENDPOINTS IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE PSA: RESULTS FROM A PHASE 3, RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDY THROUGH 2 YEARS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 832-833.
- Mease, P.; Helliwell, P.; Gladman, D.; Poddubnyy, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Chakravarty, S.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, L.L.; Sheng, S.H.; Xu, S.; Shawi, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Deodhar, A. (2022), Effect of Guselkumab a Selective IL-23p19 Inhibitor, on Axial-Related Endpoints in Patients With Active PsA: Results From a Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study Through 2 Years, The Journal of Rheumatology 49(7): 774-774.
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Sieper, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Östör, A.; Combe, B.; Sui, Y.X.; Duan, Y.Y.; Chu, A.D. & Song, I.H. (2022), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF UPADACITINIB IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: 2-YEAR RESULTS FROM A RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDY WITH OPEN-LABEL EXTENSION, Internal Medicine Journal 52: 26-26.
- Heijde, D. van der; Baraliakos, X.; Sieper, J.; Deodhar, A.; Inman, R.; Kameda, H.; Zeng, X.; Sui, Y.; Bu, X.; Pangan, A.; Wung, P. & Song, I.H. (2022), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF UPADACITINIB IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS REFRACTORY TO BIOLOGIC THERAPY: A DOUBLE-BLIND, RANDOMIZED, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED PHASE 3 TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 402-403.
- Deodhar, A.; Bosch, F. van den; Poddubnyy, D.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Duan, Y.; Li, Y.; Pangan, A.; Wung, P. & Song, I.H. (2022), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF UPADACITINIB IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: A DOUBLE-BLIND, RANDOMIZED, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED PHASE 3 TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 9-10.
- Baraliakos, X.; Ganz, F.; Kameda, H.; Walsh, J.; Jain, M.; D'Silva, K.; Wung, P.; Bu, X.W.; Stigler, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2022), Efficacy and Safety of Upadacitinib in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis with Intolerance to And/or Lack of Efficacy of Prior Biologic Therapy: A Subgroup Analysis, Arthritis & Rheumatology 74: 825-827.
- Mease, P.J.; Helliwell, P.; Gladman, D.D.; Poddubnyy, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Chakravarty, S.D.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, X.L.; Sheng, S.; Xu, S.; Shawi, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Deodhar, A. (2022), EFFECT OF GUSELKUMAB, A SELECTIVE IL-23P19 INHIBITOR, ON AXIAL-RELATED ENDPOINTS IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE PSA: RESULTS FROM A PHASE 3, RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDY THROUGH 2 YEARS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 832-833.
- Mease, P.; Helliwell, P.; Gladman, D.; Poddubnyy, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Chakravarty, S.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, L.L.; Sheng, S.H.; Xu, S.; Shawi, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Deodhar, A. (2022), Effect of Guselkumab a Selective IL-23p19 Inhibitor, on Axial-Related Endpoints in Patients With Active PsA: Results From a Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study Through 2 Years, The Journal of Rheumatology 49(7): 774-774.
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Sieper, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Östör, A.; Combe, B.; Sui, Y.X.; Duan, Y.Y.; Chu, A.D. & Song, I.H. (2022), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF UPADACITINIB IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: 2-YEAR RESULTS FROM A RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDY WITH OPEN-LABEL EXTENSION, Internal Medicine Journal 52: 26-26.
- Deodhar, A.; Bosch, F. van den; Poddubnyy, D.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Duan, Y.; Li, Y.; Pangan, A.; Wung, P. & Song, I.H. (2022), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF UPADACITINIB IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: A DOUBLE-BLIND, RANDOMIZED, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED PHASE 3 TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 9-10.
- Baraliakos, X.; Ganz, F.; Kameda, H.; Walsh, J.; Jain, M.; D'Silva, K.; Wung, P.; Bu, X.W.; Stigler, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2022), Efficacy and Safety of Upadacitinib in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis with Intolerance to And/or Lack of Efficacy of Prior Biologic Therapy: A Subgroup Analysis, Arthritis & Rheumatology 74: 825-827.
- Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Bergman, G.; Curtis, S.P.; Tzontcheva, A.; Huyck, S.; Philip, G. & Sieper, J. (2022), Long-term tolerability and efficacy of golimumab in active non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, Rheumatology 61(2): 617-627.
- Ferreira, R.J.O.; Welsing, P.M.J.; Jacobs, J.W.G.; Gossec, L.; Ndosi, M.; Machado, P.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Silva, J.A.P. da (2022), Reexamining remission definitions in rheumatoid arthritis: considering the Twenty-Eight-Joint Disease Activity Score, C-reactive protein level, and patient global assessment: comment on the article by Felson et al, Arthritis Care & Research 74(3): 501-502.
- Gossec, L.; Baraliakos, X.; McInnes, I.; Kerschbaumer, A.; Wit, M. de; Dougados, M.; Primdahl, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Smolen, J.S. (2022), Response to: 'Comment on: 'EULAR recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis with pharmacological therapies: 2019 update' by Gossec et al' by Wei et al, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81(8).
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Landewé, R.B.M. (2022), Response to: 'Reactive arthritis, a missing link: comment on the recent article from Sepriano et al' by Zeidler and Hudson, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81(3).
- Baraliakos, X.; Deodhar, A.; Dougados, M.; Gensler, L.S.; Molto, A.; Ramiro, S.; Kivitz, A.J.; Poddubnyy, D.; Oortgiesen, M.; Vaux, T.; Fleurinck, C.; Shepherd-Smith, J.; Loge, C. de la; Peyrecave, N. de & Heijde, D. van der (2022), Safety and efficacy of bimekizumab in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis, Arthritis & Rheumatology 74(12): 1943-1958.
- Michielsens, C.A.J.; Broeder, N. den; Hoogen, F.H.J. van den; Mahler, E.A.M.; Teerenstra, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Verhoef, L.M. & Broeder, A.A. den (2022), Treat-to-target dose reduction and withdrawal strategy of TNF inhibitors in psoriatic arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis: a randomised controlled non-inferiority trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81(10): 1392-1399.
- Deodhar, A.; Bosch, F. van den; Poddubnyy, D.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Blanco, R.; Duan, Y.Y.; Li, Y.H.; Pangan, A.L.; Wung, P. & Song, I.H. (2022), Upadacitinib for the treatment of active non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (SELECT-AXIS 2): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial, The Lancet 400(10349): 369-379.
- Stadt, L.A. van de; Kroon, F.P.B.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Heijde, D. van der; Reijnierse, M.; Riyazi, N.; Slegte, R. de; Zeben, J. van; Allaart, C.F.; Kloppenburg, M. & Kortekaas, M.C. (2022), Real-time vs static scoring in musculoskeletal ultrasonography in patients with inflammatory hand osteoarthritis, Rheumatology 61(SI): SI65-SI72.
- Alava, M.H.; Wailoo, A.; Chrysanthou, G.; Barcelos, F.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Santos, H.; Fagerli, K.M.; Gago, L.; Cunha, M.M.; Sande, M. van de; Couto, M.C.; Bernardes, M.; Ramonda, R.; Exarchou, S.; Carvalho, P.D.; Heijde, D. van der & Machado, P.M. (2022), Measuring quality of life of patients with axial spondyloarthritis for economic evaluation, RMD Open 8(1).
- Exarchou, S.; Turesson, C.; Lindstrom, U.; Ramonda, R.; Landewe, R.B.; Dagfinrud, H.; Gaalen, F. van; Heijde, D. van der & Jacobsson, L.T. (2022), Lifestyle factors and disease activity over time in early axial spondyloarthritis, The Journal of Rheumatology 49(4): 365-372.
- Boel, A.; Lunteren, M. van; Lopez-Medina, C.; Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2022), Geographical prevalence of family history in patients with axial spondyloarthritis and its association with HLA-B27 in the ASAS-PerSpA study, RMD Open 8(1).
- Stal, R.; Sepriano, A.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Baraliakos, X.; Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Braun, J.; Landewe, R.B.M. & Heijde, D. van der (2022), Associations between syndesmophytes and facet joint ankylosis in radiographic axial spondyloarthritis patients on low-dose CT over 2 years, Rheumatology 61(12).
- Boel, A.; Lopez-Medina, C.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2022), Age at onset in axial spondyloarthritis around the world, Rheumatology 61(4): 1468-1475.
- Ferreira, R.J.O.; Welsing, P.M.J.; Jacobs, J.W.G.; Gossec, L.; Ndosi, M.; Machado, P.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Silva, J.A.P. da (2022), Reexamining remission definitions in rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis Care & Research 74(3).
- McInnes, I.B.; Rahman, P.; Gottlieb, A.B.; Hsia, E.C.; Kollmeier, A.P.; Xu, X.L.; Jiang, Y.S.; Sheng, S.H.; Shawi, M.; Chakravarty, S.D.; Heijde, D. van der & Mease, P.J. (2022), Long-term efficacy and safety of guselkumab, a monoclonal antibody specific to the p19 subunit of interleukin-23, through two years, Arthritis & Rheumatology 74(3).
- Walsh, J.A.; Magrey, M.N.; Baraliakos, X.; Inui, K.; Weng, M.Y.; Lubrano, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Boonen, A.; Gensler, L.S.; Strand, V.; Braun, J.; Hunter, T.; Li, X.Q.; Zhu, B.J.; Leon, L.; Calderon, D.M.S. & Kiltz, U. (2022), Improvement of functioning and health with ixekizumab in the treatment of active nonradiographic axial spondyloarthritis in a 52-week, randomized, controlled trial, Arthritis Care & Research 74(3).
- Ferreira, R.J.O.; Welsing, P.M.J.; Jacobs, J.W.G.; Gossec, L.; Ndosi, M.; Machado, P.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Silva, J.A.P. da (2022), Correspondence on "re-examining remission definitions in rheumatoid arthritis: considering the 28-Joint disease activity score, c-reactive protein level and patient global assessment" by Felson et al, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 4(3).
- Takase-Minegishi, K.; Bohringer, S.; Nam, J.; Kaneko, Y.; Behrens, F.; Saevarsdottir, S.; Detert, J.; Leirisalo-Repo, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Ramiro, S. & Woude, D. van der (2022), The Impact of Autoantibodies (RF and ACPA) on the Efficacy of Biological Disease-modifying Antirheumatic Drugs in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials, Arthritis & Rheumatology 74: 1806-1808.
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Sieper, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Ostor, A.J.; Combe, B.; Sui, Y.X.; Duan, Y.Y.; Wung, P.K. & Song, I.H. (2022), Upadacitinib in active ankylosing spondylitis, RMD Open 8(2).
- Michielsens, C.A.J.; Broeder, N. den; Hoogen, F.H.J. van den; Mahler, E.A.M.; Teerenstra, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Verhoef, L.M. & Broeder, A.A. den (2022), Treat-to-target dose reduction and withdrawal strategy of TNF inhibitors in psoriatic arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81.
- Heijde, D. van der; Ostergaard, M.; Reveille, J.D.; Baraliakos, X.; Kronbergs, A.; Sandoval, D.M.; Li, X.Q.; Carlier, H.; Adams, D.H. & Maksymowych, W.P. (2022), Spinal radiographic progression and predictors of progression in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis receiving ixekizumab over 2 years, The Journal of Rheumatology 49(3): 265-273.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R.B.M. (2022), Response to: 'Reactive arthritis, a missing link: comment on the recent article from Sepriano et al' by Zeidler and Hudson.
- Baraliakos, X.; Gossec, L.; McInnes, I.; Kerschbaumer, A.; Wit, M. de; Dougados, M.; Primdahl, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Smolen, J.S. (2022), Response to: 'Correspondence on 'EULAR recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis with pharmacological therapies: 2019 update' by Fallon et al.
- Gossec, L.; Baraliakos, X.; McInnes, I.; Kerschbaumer, A.; Wit, M. de; Dougados, M.; Primdahl, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Smolen, J.S. (2022), Response to: 'Comment on: 'EULAR recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis with pharmacological therapies: 2019 update' by Gossec et al' by Wei et al.
- Tanaka, Y.; Takeuchi, T.; Kato, D.; Kaneko, Y.; Fukuda, M.; Izutsu, H.; Rokuda, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2022), Post hoc analysis of clinical characteristics of patients with radiographic progression in a Japanese phase 3 trial of peficitinib and methotrexate treatment (RAJ4), Modern Rheumatology 33(1).
- Baraliakos, X.; Ostergaard, M.; Lambert, R.G.W.; Eshed, I.; Machado, P.M.; Pedersen, S.J.; Weber, U.; Hooge, M. de; Sieper, J.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M. & Maksymowych, W. (2022), MRI lesions of the spine in patients with axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81(9): 1243-1251.
- Marques, M.L.; Silva, N.P. da; Heijde, D. van der; Reijnierse, M.; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Gaalen, F.A. van & Ramiro, S. (2022), Low-dose CT hounsfield units: a reliable methodology for assessing vertebral bone density in radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, RMD Open 8(2).
- Heijde, D. van der; Gensler, L.S.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Landewe, R.; Rudwaleit, M.; Bauer, L.; Kumke, T.; Kim, M.; Auteri, S.E.; Hoepken, B. & Deodhar, A. (2022), Long-term safety and clinical outcomes of certolizumab pegol treatment in patients with active non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, RMD Open 8(1).
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Boel, A.; Boonen, A.; Mease, P.J.; Dougados, M.; Kiltz, U.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Baraliakos, X.; Bautista-Molano, W.; Chiowchanwisawakit, P.; Dagfinrud, H.; Fallon, L.; Garrido-Cumbrera, M.; Gensler, L.; ElZorkany, B.K.; Haroon, N.; Kwan, Y.H.; Machado, P.M.; Maksymowych, W.; Molto, A.; Peyrecave, N. de; Poddubnyy, D.; Protopopov, M.; Ramiro, S.; Song, I.H.; Weely, S. van & Heijde, D. van der (2022), Instrument selection for the ASAS core outcome set for axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82(6).
- Nikiphorou, E.; Boonen, A.; Fautrel, B.; Richette, P.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Ramiro, S. (2022), How do clinical and socioeconomic factors impact on work disability in early axial spondyloarthritis? , Rheumatology 61(5): 2034-2042.
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Sieper, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Ostor, A.; Combe, B.; Sui, Y.X.; Duan, Y.Y.; Chu, A.D. & Song, I.H. (2022), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF UPADACITINIB IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: 2-YEAR RESULTS FROM A RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDY WITH OPEN-LABEL EXTENSION, Internal Medicine Journal 52: 26-26.
- Deodhar, A.; Bosch, F. van den; Poddubnyy, D.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Blanco, R.; Duan, Y.Y.; Li, Y.H.; Pangan, A.L.; Wung, P. & Song, I.H. (2022), Upadacitinib for the treatment of active non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (SELECT-AXIS 2): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial, The Lancet 400(10349): 369-379.
- Capelusnik, D.; Benavent, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewé, R.; Poddubnyy, D.; Tubergen, A. van; Falzon, L.; Navarro-Compán, V. & Ramiro, S. (2022), TREATING SPONDYLOARTHRITIS EARLY: DOES IT MATTER? RESULTS FROM A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 399-400.
- Capelusnik, D.; Benavent, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Poddubnyy, D.; Tubergen, A. van; Falzon, L.; An, V.N.C. & Ramiro, S. (2022), Treating Spondyloarthritis Early: Does It Matter? Results from a Systematic Literature Review, Arthritis & Rheumatology 74: 831-833.
- Baraliakos, X.; Ganz, F.; Kameda, H.; Walsh, J.; Jain, M.; D'Silva, K.; Wung, P.; Bu, X.W.; Stigler, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2022), Efficacy and Safety of Upadacitinib in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis with Intolerance to And/or Lack of Efficacy of Prior Biologic Therapy: A Subgroup Analysis, Arthritis & Rheumatology 74: 825-827.
- Mease, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Kirkham, B.; Schett, G.; Orbai, A.M.; Ritchlin, C.; Merola, J.F.; Pricop, L.; James, D.A.; Zhu, X. & Ligozio, G. (2022), Quantification of pre-existing radiographic damage and its relationship with joint activity and long-term clinical outcomes with secukinumab therapy in patients with psoriatic arthritis, Arthritis Research and Therapy 24(1).
- Webers, C.; Ortolan, A.; Sepriano, A.; Falzon, L.; Baraliakos, X.; Landewé, R.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Nikiphorou, E. (2022), Efficacy and Safety of Biological DMARDs: A Systematic Literature Review Informing the 2022 Update of the ASAS-EULAR Recommendations for the Management of Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis & Rheumatology 74: 829-831.
- Deodhar, A.; Bosch, F. van den; Poddubnyy, D.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Blanco, R.; Duan, Y.Y.; Li, Y.H.; Pangan, A.L.; Wung, P. & Song, I.H. (2022), Upadacitinib for the treatment of active non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (SELECT-AXIS 2): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial, The Lancet 400(10349): 369-379.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Landewé, R.B.M. (2022), Response to: 'Reactive arthritis, a missing link: comment on the recent article from Sepriano et al' by Zeidler and Hudson, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81(3).
- Silva, A.B. da; Lourenco, H.; Ramiro, S.; Falzon, L.; Branco, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R. & Sepriano, A. (2022), Performance of Clinical, Laboratory and Imaging Features for the Diagnosis of Axial Spondyloarthritis - A Systematic Literature Review, Arthritis and Rheumatology 74: 775-776.
- Gossec, L.; Baraliakos, X.; McInnes, I.; Kerschbaumer, A.; Wit, M. de; Dougados, M.; Primdahl, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Smolen, J.S. (2022), Response to: 'Comment on: 'EULAR recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis with pharmacological therapies: 2019 update' by Gossec et al' by Wei et al, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81(8).
- Baraliakos, X.; Ganz, F.; Kameda, H.; Walsh, J.; Jain, M.; D'Silva, K.; Wung, P.; Bu, X.W.; Stigler, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2022), Efficacy and Safety of Upadacitinib in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis with Intolerance to And/or Lack of Efficacy of Prior Biologic Therapy: A Subgroup Analysis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 74: 825-827.
- Lillegraven, S.; Sundlisaeter, N.P.; Aga, A.B.; Sexton, J.; Olsen, I.C.; Fremstad, H.; Spada, C.; Madland, T.M.; Hoili, C.A.; Bakland, G.; Lexberg, A.S.; Hansen, I.J.W.; Hansen, I.M.; Haukeland, H.; Ljosa, M.K.A.; Moholt, E.; Uhlig, T.; Solomon, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K. & Haavardsholm, E. (2022), Drug Free Remission in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Data from the Randomized Controlled ARCTIC REWIND Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatology 74: 3970-3972.
- Hamitouche, F.; Kumaradev, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Ramiro, S.; Sepriano, A. & Molto, A. (2022), Determinants of Clinically Important Worsening in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis: Analysis of the DESIR Cohort over 5 Years, Arthritis and Rheumatology 74: 2951-2952.
- Baraliakos, X.; Ostergaard, M.; Poddubnyy, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Machado, P.M.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Hermann, K.G.; Kishimoto, M.; Lee, E.Y.; Gensler, L.S.; Kiltz, U.; Eigenmann, M.; Pertel, P.; Readie, A.; Richards, H.B.; Porter, B. & Braun, J. (2022), Effect of Secukinumab versus Adalimumab Biosimilar on Radiographic Progression in Patients with Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis: A Randomized Phase IIIb Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 74: 4564-4566.
- Ortolan, A.; Webers, C.; Sepriano, A.; Falzon, L.; Baraliakos, X.; Landewe, R.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Nikiphorou, E. (2022), Efficacy and Safety of Non-Pharmacological and Non-Biological Therapy: A Systematic Literature Review Informing the 2022 Update of the ASAS-EULAR Recommendations for the Management of Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 74: 823-825.
- Baraliakos X, Deodhar A, van der Heijde D, Magrey M, Maksymowych W, Tomita T, Xu HJ, Oortgiesen M, Massow U, Fleurinck C, Ellis AM, Vaux T, Shepherd-Smith J, Marten A & Gensler LS (2022), Bimekizumab Maintains Improvements in Efficacy Endpoints and Has a Consistent Safety Profile Through 52 Weeks in Patients with Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis: Results from Two Parallel Phase 3 Studies, Arthritis and Rheumatology 74: 4560-4563.
- Heijde, D. van der; Baraliakos, X.; Dougados, M.; Brown, M.; Poddubnyy, D.; Bosch, F. van den; Haroon, N.; Xu, H.J.; Tomita, T.; Gensler, L.; Oortgiesen, M.; Fleurinck, C.; Peyrecave, N. de; Vaux, T.; Marten, A. & Deodhar, A. (2022), Bimekizumab Improves Signs and Symptoms Including Inflammation in Patients with Active Ankylosing Spondylitis: 24-Week Efficacy & Safety from a Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Placebo Controlled Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 74: 816-819.
- Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Gensler, L.; Xu, H.J.; Gaffney, K.; Dobashi, H.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Rudwaleit, M.; Magrey, M.; Elewaut, D.; Oortgiesen, M.; Fleurinck, C.; Peyrecave, N. de; Ellis, A.; Vaux, T.; Shepherd-Smith, J. & Baraliakos, X. (2022), Bimekizumab Improves Signs and Symptoms, Including Inflammation, in Patients with Active Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis: 24-Week Efficacy & Safety from a Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Placebo Controlled Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 74: 1101-1105.
- Stal, R.; Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Gaalen, F. van; Machado, P.; Baraliakos, X.; Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Braun, J.; Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2022), Do Fatty Lesions Explain the Association Between Inflammation and New Syndesmophytes in Patients with Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis?, Arthritis and Rheumatology 74: 4485-4487.
- Stal, R.; Ramiro, S.; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Reijnierse, M.; Berg, R. van den; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2022), In Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis Spinal Mobility Measures Correlate Well with the Whole Spine CT Syndesmophyte Score (CTSS), Arthritis and Rheumatology 74: 780-781.
- Marques, M.L.; Silva, N.P. da; Heijde, D. van der; Stal, R.; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Reijnierse, M.; Bastiaenen, C.; Ramiro, S. & Gaalen, F. van (2022), Is Inflammation-driven Bone Loss Associated with Two-year Bone Formation at the Same Vertebra in Axial Spondyloarthritis? - a Multilevel MRI and Low Dose CT Analysis from the Sensitive Imaging of Axial Spondyloarthritis (SIAS) Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 74: 2972-2974.
- Baraliakos, X.; Ganz, F.; Kameda, H.; Walsh, J.; Jain, M.; D'Silva, K.; Wung, P.; Bu, X.W.; Stigler, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2022), Efficacy and Safety of Upadacitinib in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis with Intolerance to And/or Lack of Efficacy of Prior Biologic Therapy: A Subgroup Analysis, Arthritis & Rheumatology 74: 825-827.
- Mease, P.; Helliwell, P.; Gladman, D.; Poddubnyy, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Chakravarty, S.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, L.L.; Sheng, S.H.; Xu, S.; Shawi, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Deodhar, A. (2022), Effect of Guselkumab a Selective IL-23p19 Inhibitor, on Axial-Related Endpoints in Patients With Active PsA: Results From a Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study Through 2 Years, The Journal of Rheumatology 49(7): 774-774.
- Gossec, L.; Baraliakos, X.; McInnes, I.; Kerschbaumer, A.; Wit, M. de; Dougados, M.; Primdahl, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Smolen, J.S. (2022), Response to: 'Comment on: 'EULAR recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis with pharmacological therapies: 2019 update' by Gossec et al' by Wei et al, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81(8).
- Ramiro, S.; Landewé, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2022), Tofacitinib onveiliger dan TNF-α-remmer bij reumatoïde artritis, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 166.
- McInnes, I.; Rahman, P.; Gottlieb, A.; Hsia, E.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, X.; Sheng, S.H.; Jiang, Y.S.; Shawi, M.; Chakravarty, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Mease, P. (2021), Efficacy and Safety of Guselkumab, a Monoclonal Antibody Specific to the p19-Subunit of Interleukin-23, Through 2 Years: Results from a Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study Conducted in Biologic-naive Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73: 2777-2779.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Sepriano, A.; El-Zorkany, B. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
- Boel, A.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Boonen, A.; Mease, P.; Kiltz, U.; Dougados, M.; Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Domains to Be Considered for the Core Outcome Set of Axial Spondyloarthritis: Results From a 3-round Delphi Survey, The Journal of Rheumatology 48(12): 1810-1814.
- Ranza, R.; McInnes, I.B.; Rahman, P.; Gottlieb, A.B.; Hsia, E.C.; Kollmeier, A.P.; Xu, X.L.; Subramanian, R.A.; Agarwal, P.; Sheng, S.H.; Jiang, Y.S.; Zhou, B.; Heijde, D. van der & Mease, P.J. (2021), EFFICACY AND SAFETYOF GUSELKUMAB, A MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY SPECIFIC TO THE P19-SUBITNIT OF INTERLEUKIN-23, THROUGH WEEK 5201 A PHASE 3, RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDY CONDUCTED IN BIOLOGIC-NAIVE PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS, JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 27: S111-S111.
- Soriano, E.R.; Mease, P.; Helliwell, P.; Gladman, D.; Poddubnyy, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Chakravarty, S.D.; Kollmeier, A.P.; Hsia, E.C.; Xu, L.; Sheng, S.H.; Agarwal, P.; Zhou, B.; Shawi, M.; Karyekar, C.S.; Sweet, K.; Deodhar, A. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), EFFICACY OF CUSELKUMAB, A MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY TIM' SPECIFICALLY BINDS TO TILE P19 SUBUNIT OF IL-23, ON AXIAL- RELATED ENDPOINTS IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE PS, WITH IMAGING-CONFIRMED SACROILIITIS: WEEK-52 RESULTS FROM TWO PHASE 3, RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDIES, JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 27: S105-S106.
- Nagy, G.; Roodenrijs, N.M.T.; Welsing, P.M.J.; Kedves, M.; Hamar, A.; Goes, M.C. van der; Kent, A.; Bakkers, M.; Pchelnikova, P.; Blaas, E.; Senolt, L.; Szekanecz, Z.; Choy, E.H.; Dougados, M.; Jacobs, J.W.G.; Geenen, R.; Bijlsma, J.W.J.; Zink, A.; Aletaha, D.; Schoneveld, L.; Riel, P. van; Dumas, S.; Prior, Y.; Nikiphorou, E.; Ferraccioli, G.; Schett, G.; Hyrich, K.L.; Mueller-Ladner, U.; Buch, M.H.; McInnes, I.B.; Heijde, D. van der & Laar, J.M. van (2021), EULAR points to consider for the management of difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81(1).
- Lopez-Medina, C.; Chevret, S.; Molto, A.; Sieper, J.; Duruoz, T.; Kiltz, U.; Elzorkany, B.; Hajjaj-Hassouni, N.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Maldonado-Cocco, J.; Ziade, N.; Gavali, M.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Luo, S.F.; Biglia, A.; Tae-Jong, K.; Kishimoto, M.; Pimentel-Santos, F.M.; Gu, J.R.; Muntean, L.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Geher, P.; Magrey, M.; Ibanez-Vodnizza, S.E.; Bautista-Molano, W.; Maksymowych, W.; Machado, P.M.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Dougados, M. (2021), Identification of clinical phenotypes of peripheral involvement in patients with spondyloarthritis, including psoriatic arthritis, RMD Open 7(3).
- Molto, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Bosch, F.E. van den & Dougados, M. (2021), Response to: 'Correspondence on 'Efficacy of a tight-control and treat-to-target strategy in axial spondyloarthritis: results of the open-label, pragmatic, cluster-randomised TICOSPA trial'' by Cai and Peng response, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
- Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Maksymowych, W.P.; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Ostor, A.; Combe, B.; Sui, Y.X.; Chu, A.D. & Song, I.H. (2021), Safety and efficacy of upadacitinib in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis and an inadequate response to nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug therapy, Arthritis and Rheumatology 74(1).
- Boel, A.; Navarro-Compan, V. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Test-retest reliability of outcome measures, RMD Open 7(3).
- Stadt, L.A. van de; Kroon, F.P.; Reijnierse, M.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Riyazi, N.; Slegte, R. de; Zeben, J. van; Allaart, C.F.; Kloppenburg, M. & Kortekaas, M.C. (2021), REAL-TIME VERSUS STATIC SCORING IN MUSCULOSKELETAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY IN PATIENTS WITH INFLAMMATORY HAND OSTEOARTHRITIS, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 29: S333-S334.
- McInnes, I.; Rahman, P.; Gottlieb, A.; Hsia, E.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, X.; Sheng, S.; Jiang, Y.; Shawi, M.; Chakravarty, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Mease, P. (2021), Efficacy and safety of Guselkumab through 2 years: Results from a phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study conducted in biologic-naive patients with active psoriatic arthritis, Experimental Dermatology 30: 38-38.
- Tanaka, Y.; Takeuchi, T.; Soen, S.; Yamanaka, H.; Yoneda, T.; Tanaka, S.; Nitta, T.; Okubo, N.; Genant, H.K. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Effects of denosumab in Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with conventional antirheumatic drugs, The Journal of Rheumatology 48(11): 1663-1671.
- Braun, J.; Blanco, R.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Gensler, L.; Bosch, F. van den; Hall, S.; Kameda, H.; Poddubnyy, D.; Sande, M. van de; Heijde, D. van der; Zhuang, T.; Stefanska, A.; Readie, A.; Richards, H. & Deodhar, A. (2021), Effect of Secukinumab on Radiographic Progression and Inflammation in Sacroiliac Joints and Spine in Patients with Non-radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis: 2-year Imaging Outcomes from a Phase III Randomized Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73: 1916-1918.
- Mease, P.; Helliwell, P.S.; Gladman, D.; Poddubnyy, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Chakravarty, S.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, X.; Sheng, S.H.; Xu, S.; Shawi, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Deodhar, A. (2021), Effect of Guselkumab (TREMFYA (R)), a Selective IL-23p19 Inhibitor, on Axial-Related Endpoints in Patients with Active PsA: Results from a Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study Through 2 Years, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73: 2760-2763.
- Ono, K.; Kishimoto, M.; Deshpande, G.; Fukui, S.; Kawaai, S.; Sawada, H.; Matsuura, M.; Rodriguez, V.R.; Proft, F.; Tada, K.; Tamura, N.; Taniguchi, Y.; Hirata, A.; Kameda, H.; Tsuji, S.; Kaneko, Y.; Dobashi, H.; Okano, T.; Haji, Y.; Morita, A.; Asahina, A.; Okada, M.; Komagata, Y.; Medina, C.L.; Molto, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Hisamatsu, T.; Tomita, T. & Kaname, S. (2021), Clinical Characteristics of Patients with SpA and Concomitant IBD: Results from the ASAS PerSpA Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73: 2711-2715.
- Gensler, L.; Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Poddubnyy, D.; Kivitz, A.; Dougados, M.; Peyrecave, N. de; Oortgiesen, M.; Vaux, T.; Fleurinck, C. & Baraliakos, X. (2021), Bimekizumab Long-Term Safety and Efficacy in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: Interim Results After 3 Years of Treatment in an Ongoing Phase 2b Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73: 1015-1019.
- Compan, V.N.; Boel, A.; Boonen, A.; Mease, P.; Landewe, R.; Kiltz, U.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), THE ASAS-OMERACT CORE DOMAIN SET FOR AXIAL SPON-DYLOARTHIRTIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 39(5): 1157-1157.
- Nikiphorou, E.; Carvalho, P.; Boonen, A.; Fautrel, B.; Richette, P.; Machado, P.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M. & Ramiro, S. (2021), Sick leave and its predictors in early axial spondyloarthritis: the role of clinical and socioeconomic factors. Five-year data from the DESIR cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80(Suppl 1): 340-340.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Molto, A.; Claudepierre, P.; Wendling, D.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Inflammation of the sacroiliac joints and spine and structural changes on magnetic resonance imaging in axial spondyloarthritis, Arthritis Care and Research 74(2).
- Mease, P.J.; Landewe, R.; Rahman, P.; Tahir, H.; Singhal, A.; Boettcher, E.; Navarra, S.; Readie, A.; Mpofu, S.; Delicha, E.M.; Pricop, L. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Secukinumab provides sustained improvement in signs and symptoms and low radiographic progression in patients with psoriatic arthritis, RMD Open 7(2).
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Weber, U.; Baraliakos, X.; Machado, P.; Pedersen, S.J.; Sieper, J.; Wichuk, S.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Paschke, J.; Ostergaard, M.; Lamberton, R.G. & ASAS MRImagine (2021), Scoring MRI structural lesions in sacroiliac joints of patients with axial spondyloarthritis: how many slices are optimal?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80(Suppl 1): 221-222.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Weber, U.; Baraliakos, X.; Machado, P.M.; Pedersen, S.J.; Sieper, J.; Wichuk, S.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Paschke, J.; Ostergaard, M. & Lambert, R.G. (2021), SCORING MRI STRUCTURAL LESIONS IN SACROILIAC JOINTS OF PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: HOW MANY SLICES ARE OPTIMAL?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 39(5): 1211-1212.
- Heijde, D. van der; Kartman, C.E.; Xie, L.; Beattie, S.; Schlichting, D.; Durez, P.; Tanaka, Y.; Fleischmann, R. & Hanssen-Bauer, A. (2021), Radiographic progression of structural joint damage over five years of baricitinib treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from RA-BEYOND, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 50: 27-27.
- Sundlisaeter, N.P.; Sexton, J.; Aga, A.; Uhlig, T.; Solomon, D.H.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Haavardsholm, E.A. & Lillegraven, S. (2021), Predictors of disease flare following tapering of conventional synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs in rheumatoid arthritis remission, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 50: 10-11.
- Kroon, F.; Stadt, L. van de; Heijde, D. van der & Kloppenburg, M. (2021), Minimal clinically important improvement (MCII) and patient acceptable symptom state (PASS) for pain and function instruments in hand osteoarthritis (OA), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80(Suppl 1): 304-305.
- Sundlisater, N.P.; Aga, A.B.; Olsen, I.C.; Hammer, H.B.; Uhlig, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Haavardsholm, E.A. & Lillegraven, S. (2021), Joint tenderness and ultrasound inflammation in DMARD-naive patients with early rheumatoid arthritis.
- Nikiphorou, E.; Boonen, A.; Fautrel, B.; Richette, P.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Ramiro, S. (2021), How do clinical and socioeconomic factors impact on work disability in early axial spondyloarthritis? Five-year date from the Desir cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80: 751-752.
- Ortolan, A.; Ramiro, S. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), EXTERNAL VALIDATION OF THE ALTERNATIVE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS DISEASE ACTIVITY SCORE IN THREE PHASE-3 RCT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 39(5): 1194-1194.
- Heijde, D. van der; Ostergaard, M.; Reveille, J.D.; Baraliakos, X.; Kronbergs, A.; Sandoval, D.; Li, X.; Carlier, H.; Adams, D. & Maksymowych, W.P. (2021), Evaluation of spinal radiographic progression in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis receiving ixekizumab therarpy over 2 years, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80: 720-720.
- Heijde, D. van der; Ostergaard, M.; Reveille, J.D.; Baraliakos, X.; Kronbergs, A.; Sandoval, D.M.; Li, X.; Carlier, H.; Adams, D.H. & Maksymowych, W.P. (2021), EVALUATION OF SPINAL RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION IN PATIENTS WITH RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS RECEIVING IXEKIZUMAB THERAPY OVER 2 YEARS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 39(5): 1232-1232.
- Mease, P.; Helliwell, P.; Gladman, D.; Poddubnyy, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Chakravarty, S.D.; Kollmeier, A.P.; Hsia, E.C.; Xu, L.; Sheng, S.; Shawi, M.; Karyekar, C.S.; Sweet, K.; Deodhar, A. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), EFFICACY OF GUSELKUMAB ON AXIAL-RELATED ENDPOINTS IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS WITH IMAGING-CONFIRMED SACROILIITIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 39(5): 1220-1221.
- Mease, P.J.; Helliwell, P.S.; Gladman, D.D.; Poddubnyy, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Chakravarty, S.D.; Kollmeier, A.P.; Hsia, E.C.; Xu, X.L.; Sheng, S.H.; Agarwal, P.; Zhou, B.; Sweet, K.; Shawi, M.; Karyekar, C.S.; Deodhar, A. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Efficacy of guselkumab on axial involvement in patients with active psoriatic arthritis and sacroiliitis: a post-hoc analysis of the phase 3 DISCOVER-1 and DISCOVER-2 studies, The Lancet Rheumatology 3(10): E715-E723.
- Mease, P.J.; Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Behrens, F.; Kivitz, A.; Lehman, T.; Wei, L.; Nys, M.; Banerjee, S. & Nowak, M. (2021), Efficacy of deucravacitinib, an oral, selective tyrosine kinase 2 inhibitor, in musculoskeletal manifestations of active psoriatic arthritis in a Phase 2, randomized, double-blind, pleacebo-controlled trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80: 137-138.
- Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Maksymowych, W.P.; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Ostor, A.; Combe, B.; Sui, Y.; Wang, X.; Chu, A. & Song, I.H. (2021), Efficacy and safety of upadacitinib in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis: 1-year results from a randomized. double-blind, placebo-controlled study with open-label extension, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80: 85-86.
- Mcinnes, I.; Rahman, P.; Gottlieb, A.B.; Hsia, E.C.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, X.L.; Sheng, S.; Jiang, Y.; Shawi, M.; Chakravarty, S.D.; Heijde, D. van der & Mease, P.J. (2021), Efficacy and safety of guselkumab, a monoclonal antibody specific to the p19-subunit of interleuking-23, through 2 years: results from a Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study conducted in biological-naive patients with active psoriatic arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80: 783-784.
- Mease, P.J.; Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Behrens, F.; Kivitz, A.; Kim, J.; Singhal, S.; Nowak, M. & Banerjee, S. (2021), Efficacy and safety of deucravacitinib, an oral. selective tyrosine kinase 2 inhibitor, in patients with active psoriatic arthritis: results from a Phase 2, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80: 314-315.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Lambert, R.G.; Baraliakos, X.; Weber, U.; Machado, P.M.; Pedersen, S.J.; Hooge, M. de; Sieper, J.; Wichuk, S.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Eshed, I. & Ostergaard, M. (2021), Data-driven definitions for active and structural MRI lesions in the sacroiliac joint in spondyloarthritis and their predictive utility, Rheumatology 60(10): 4778-4789.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Lambert, R.G.; Baraliakos, X.; Pedersen, S.J.; Weber, U.; Eshed, I.; Machado, P.; Hooge, M. de; Sieper, J.; Wichuk, S.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Ostergaard, M. & ASAS MRImagine (2021), Data-driven definitions based on inflammatory lesions for a positive MRI of the spine consistent with axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80: 153-153.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Lambert, R.G.; Baraliakos, X.; Pedersen, S.J.; Weber, U.; Eshed, I.; Machado, P.M.; Hooge, M. de; Sieper, J.; Wichuk, S.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R. & Ostergaard, M. (2021), DATA-DRIVEN DEFINITIONS BASED ON INFLAMMATORY LESIONS FOR A POSITIVE MRI OF THE SPINE CONSISTENT WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 39(5): 1210-1211.
- Kishimoto, M.; Ono, K.; Fukui, S.; Kawaai, S.; Deshpande, G.A.; Yoshida, K.; Ichikawa, N.; Kaneko, Y.; Kawasaki, T.; Matsui, K.; Morita, M.; Tada, K.; Takizawa, N.; Tamura, N.; Taniguchi, A.; Taniguchi, Y.; Tsuji, S.; Okada, M.; Kobayashi, S.; Komagata, Y.; Lopez-Medina, C.; Molto, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Tomita, T. & Kaname, S. (2021), Clinical characteristics of non-radiographic versus radiographic axial spondyloarthritis in Asia and non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis in other regions, RMD Open 7(3).
- Ono, K.; Kishimoto, M.; Fukui, S.; Kawaai, S.; Deshpande, G.A.; Yoshida, K.; Ichikawa, N.; Kaneko, Y.; Kawasaki, T.; Matsui, K.; Morita, M.; Tada, K.; Takizawa, N.; Tamura, N.; Taniguchi, A.; Taniguchi, Y.; Tsuji, S.; Kobayashi, S.; Okada, M.; Lopez-Medina, C.; Molto, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Komagata, Y.; Tomita, T. & Kaname, S. (2021), Clinicl characteristics of nonradiographic axial spondyloarthritis in Asian countries compared to other regions: results of the international crosssectional ASAS-COMOSPA study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80: 753-754.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R. (2021), Biological DMARDs and disease modification in axial spondyloarthritis: a review through the lens of causal inference, RMD Open 7(2).
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Gensler, L.S.; Poddubnyy, D.; Kivitz, A.; Dougados, M.; Peyrecave, N. de; Oortgiesen, M.; Vaux, T.; Fleurinck, C. & Baraliakos, X. (2021), Bimekizumab long-term safety and efficacy in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: 3-year results from a phase 2B study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80: 332-333.
- Boel, A.; Lopez-Medina, C.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2021), AGE AT ONSET IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS AROUND THE WORLD: DATA FROM THE INTERNATIONAL ASAS-PERSPA STUDY, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 39(5): 1188-1189.
- Boel, A.; Lopez-Medina, C.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2021), Age at onset in axial spondyloarthritis around the world: data from the international ASAS-PERSPA study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80: 735-735.
- Boel, A.; Lunteren, M. van; Fagerli, K.M.; Ramonda, R.; Exarchou, S.; Sande, M. van de; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2021), COMPARISON OF WORK OUTCOMES BETWEEN CHRONIC BACK PAIN PATIENTS WITH AND WITHOUT A DIAGNOSIS OF AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: DATA FROM THE SPACE COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 39(5): 1192-1193.
- Molto, A.; Lopez-Medina, C.; Bosch, F.E. van den; Boonen, A.; Webers, C.; Dernis, E.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Soubrier, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Baillet, A.; Starmans-Kool, M.; Spoorenberg, A.; Jacques, P.; Carron, P.; Joos, R.; Lenaerts, J.; Gossec, L.; Pouplin, S.; Ruyssen-Witrand, A.; Sparsa, L.; Tubergen, A. van; Heijde, D. van der & Dougados, M. (2021), Efficacy of a tight-control and treat-to-target strategy in axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80(11): 1436-1444.
- Lunteren, M. van; Boel, A.; Lopez-Medina, C.; Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2021), GEOGRAPHICAL PREVALENCE OF A FAMILY HISTORY IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS AND ITS ASSOCIATION WITH HLA-B27: DATA FROM THE WORLDWIDE ASASPERSPA STUDY, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 39(5): 1189-1190.
- Lunteren, M. van; Boel, A.; Lopez-Medina, C.; Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2021), Geographical prevalence of a family history in patients with axial spondyloarthritis and its association with HLA-B27: data from the worldwide ASAS-PERSPA study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80: 341-341.
- Stal, R.; Sepriano, A.; Gaalen, F. van; Baraliakos, X.; Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Braun, J.; Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), IN RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, BRIDGING SYNDESMOPHYTES INCREASE RISK OF FACET JOINT ANKYLOSIS ON THE SAME VERTEBRAL LEVEL WHILE FACET JOINT ANKYLOSIS DOES NOT INCREASE RISK OF SAME LEVEL SYNDESMOPHYTES, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 39(5): 1206-1207.
- Stal, R.; Sepriano, A.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Baraliakos, X.; Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Braun, J.; Landewe, R.B.M. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), In radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, bridging syndesmophytes increase risk of facet joint ankylosis on the same vertebral level while facet joint ankylosis does not increase risk of same level syndesmophytes, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80: 222-222.
- Stal, R.; Baraliakos, X.; Sepriano, A.; Gaalen, F. van; Ramiro, S.; Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Braun, J.; Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), MRI VERTEBRAL CORNER INFLAMMATION AND FAT DEPOSITION ARE ASSOCIATED WITH WHOLE SPINE LOW DOSE CT DETECTED SYNDESMOPHYTES, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 39(5): 1207-1207.
- Stal, R.; Baraliakos, X.; Sepriano, A.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Ramiro, S.; Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Braun, J.; Landewe, R.B.M. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), MRI vertebral corner inflammation and fat deposition are associated with whole spine low dose CT detected syndesmophytes: a multilevel analysis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80(Suppl 1): 152-153.
- Boel, A.; Lunteren, M. van; Fagerli, K.M.; Ramonda, R.; Exarchou, S.; Sande, M. van de; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2021), QUALITY OF LIFE IN CHRONIC BACK PAIN PATIENTS, A 2-YEAR COMPARISON BETWEEN PATIENTS WITH AND WITHOUT A DIAGNOSIS OF AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: DATA FROM THE SPACE COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 39(5): 1193-1193.
- Boel, A.; Lunteren, M. van; Fagerli, K.M.; Exarchou, S.; Ramonda, R.; Sande, M. van de; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2021), Quality of life in chronic back pain patients, a 2-year comparison between patients with and without a diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis: data from the spondyloarthritis caught early cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80(Suppl 1): 741-741.
- Boel, A.; Lunteren, M. van; Fagerli, K.M.; Lindstrom, U.; Ramonda, R.; Sande, M. van de; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2021), TWO-YEAR DIAGNOSTIC CONSISTENCY IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC BACK PAIN SUSPECTED OF AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: DATA FROM THE SPACE COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 39(5): 1192-1192.
- Poddubnyy, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Bosch, F. van den; Braun, J.; Coates, L.C.; Chandran, V.; Diekhoff, T.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Gensler, L.S.; Goel, N.; Gottlieb, A.B.; Heijde, D. van der; Helliwell, P.S.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Jadon, D.; Lambert, R.G.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Mease, P.; Nash, P.; Proft, F.; Protopopov, M.; Sieper, J.; Torgutalp, M. & Gladman, D.D. (2021), Axial Involvement in Psoriatic Arthritis cohort (AXIS), Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease 13.
- Deodhar, A.; Sliwinska-Stanczyk, P.; Xu, H.J.; Baraliakos, X.; Gensler, L.S.; Fleishaker, D.; Wang, L.; Wu, J.; Menon, S.; Wang, C.S.; Dina, O.; Fallon, L.; Kanik, K.S. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Tofacitinib for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80(8): 1004-1013.
- Combe, B.; Kivitz, A.; Tanaka, Y.; Heijde, D. van der; Simon, J.A.; Baraf, H.S.B.; Kumar, U.; Matzkies, F.; Bartok, B.; Ye, L.; Guo, Y.; Tasset, C.; Sundy, J.S.; Jahreis, A.; Genovese, M.C.; Mozaffarian, N.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Bae, S.C.; Keystone, E.C. & Nash, P. (2021), Filgotinib versus placebo or adalimumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and inadequate response to methotrexate, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80(7): 848-858.
- Costantino, F.; Carmona, L.; Boers, M.; Backhaus, M.; Balint, P.V.; Bruyn, G.A.; Christensen, R.; Conaghan, P.G.; Ferreira, R.J.O.; Garrido-Castro, J.L.; Guillemin, F.; Hammer, H.B.; Heijde, D. van der; Iagnocco, A.; Kortekaas, M.C.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Mandl, P.; Naredo, E.; Schmidt, W.A.; Terslev, L.; Terwee, C.B.; Thiele, R. & D'Agostino, M.A. (2021), EULAR recommendations for the reporting of ultrasound studies in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80(7): 840-847.
- Maksymowych, W.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Ostor, A.; Combe, B.; Sui, Y.X.; Wang, X.; Chu, A.; Song, I.H. & Deodhar, A. (2021), Efficacy and Safety of Upadacitinib in Patients With Active Ankylosing Spondylitis: 1-Year Results From a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study With Open-Label Extension, The Journal of Rheumatology 48(7): 1122-1122.
- Taylor, P.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; McCue, S.; Cheng, S. & Boonen, A. (2021), A Phase III Randomized Study of Apremilast, an Oral Phosphodiesterase 4 Inhibitor, for Active Ankylosing Spondylitis, The Journal of Rheumatology 48(8): 1259-1267.
- Rudwaleit, M.; Machado, P.; Gensler, L.; Taieb, V.; Peyrecave, N. de; Hoepken, B. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Achievement of Stringent Thresholds of Disease Control Is Associated with Reduced Burden on Work and Household Productivity in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73: 734-738.
- Mease, P.; Helliwell, P.S.; Gladman, D.; Poddubnyy, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Chakravarty, S.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, X.; Sheng, S.H.; Xu, S.; Shawi, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Deodhar, A. (2021), Effect of Guselkumab (TREMFYA®), a Selective IL-23p19 Inhibitor, on Axial-Related Endpoints in Patients with Active PsA: Results from a Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study Through 2 Years, Arthritis & Rheumatology 73: 2760-2763.
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Maksymowych, W.; Sieper, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Ostor, A.; Combe, B.; Sui, Y.X.; Duan, Y.Y.; Chu, A.D. & Song, I.H. (2021), Efficacy and Safety of Upadacitinib in Patients with Active Ankylosing Spondylitis: 2-Year Results from a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study with Open-Label Extension, Arthritis & Rheumatology 73: 1925-1928.
- Kroon, F.P.B.; Heijde, D. van der; Maxwell, L.J.; Beaton, D.E.; Abishek, A.; Berenbaum, F.; Blanco, F.J.; Conaghan, P.G.; Dziedzic, K.; Hill, C.L.; Haugen, I.K.; Ishimori, M.; Ritschl, V.; Stamm, T.A.; Wittoek, R. & Kloppenburg, M. (2021), Core outcome measurement instrument selection for physical function in hand osteoarthritis using the OMERACT Filter 2.1 process, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 51(6): 1311-1319.
- Mease, P.; Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Behrens, F.; Kivitz, A.; Lehman, T.; Wei, L.; Nys, M.; Banerjee, S. & Nowak, M. (2021), Efficacy of Deucravacitinib, an Oral, Selective Tyrosine Kinase 2 Inhibitor, in Musculoskeletal Manifestations of Active PsA in a Phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial, Arthritis & Rheumatology 73: 3798-3800.
- Mease, P.; Gottlieb, A.; McInnes, I.; Rahman, P.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, X.; Jiang, Y.S.; Sheng, S.H.; Shawi, M.; Chakravarty, S.; Lavie, F. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Low Rates of Radiographic Progression with 2 Years of Guselkumab (TREMFYA®), a Selective Inhibitor of the Interleukin-23p19 Subunit: Results from a Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study of Biologic-naive Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis, Arthritis & Rheumatology 73: 3763-3765.
- Mease, P.; Helliwell, P.S.; Gladman, D.; Poddubnyy, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Chakravarty, S.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, X.; Sheng, S.H.; Xu, S.; Shawi, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Deodhar, A. (2021), Effect of Guselkumab (TREMFYA®), a Selective IL-23p19 Inhibitor, on Axial-Related Endpoints in Patients with Active PsA: Results from a Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study Through 2 Years, Arthritis & Rheumatology 73: 2760-2763.
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Maksymowych, W.; Sieper, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Ostor, A.; Combe, B.; Sui, Y.X.; Duan, Y.Y.; Chu, A.D. & Song, I.H. (2021), Efficacy and Safety of Upadacitinib in Patients with Active Ankylosing Spondylitis: 2-Year Results from a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study with Open-Label Extension, Arthritis & Rheumatology 73: 1925-1928.
- Mease, P.; Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Behrens, F.; Kivitz, A.; Lehman, T.; Wei, L.; Nys, M.; Banerjee, S. & Nowak, M. (2021), Efficacy of Deucravacitinib, an Oral, Selective Tyrosine Kinase 2 Inhibitor, in Musculoskeletal Manifestations of Active PsA in a Phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial, Arthritis & Rheumatology 73: 3798-3800.
- Mease, P.; Gottlieb, A.; McInnes, I.; Rahman, P.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, X.; Jiang, Y.S.; Sheng, S.H.; Shawi, M.; Chakravarty, S.; Lavie, F. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Low Rates of Radiographic Progression with 2 Years of Guselkumab (TREMFYA®), a Selective Inhibitor of the Interleukin-23p19 Subunit: Results from a Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study of Biologic-naive Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis, Arthritis & Rheumatology 73: 3763-3765.
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Maksymowych, W.; Sieper, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Ostor, A.; Combe, B.; Sui, Y.X.; Duan, Y.Y.; Chu, A.D. & Song, I.H. (2021), Efficacy and Safety of Upadacitinib in Patients with Active Ankylosing Spondylitis: 2-Year Results from a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study with Open-Label Extension, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73: 1925-1928.
- Marques, M.L.; Silva, N.P. da; Heijde, D. van der; Gaalen, F. van & Ramiro, S. (2021), Measurement of Vertebral Hounsfield Units in Low Dose Computed Tomography - a Reliable Methodology for Assessing Bone Mineral Density at the Vertebral Level in Patients with Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73: 1882-1885.
- Lunteren, M. van; Boel, A.; Medina, C.L.; Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2021), Geographical Prevalence of Family History in Patients with Axial SpA and Its Association with HLA-B27: Data from the Worldwide ASAS-perSpA Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73: 752-754.
- Sawada, H.; Kishimoto, M.; Tada, K.; Deshpande, G.; Kobayashi, D.; Ono, K.; Taniguchi, Y.; Hirata, A.; Kameda, H.; Tsuji, S.; Kaneko, Y.; Okano, T.; Haji, Y.; Dobashi, H.; Morita, A.; Asahina, A.; Okada, M.; Tomita, T.; Benavent, D.; Plasencia-Rodriguez, C.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Medina, C.L.; Molto, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M. & Tamura, N. (2021), Regional Differences in Clinical Characteristics and Treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis with Axial Involvement: Results from the Cross Sectional International ASAS PerSpA Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73: 3730-3732.
- Mease, P.; Gottlieb, A.; McInnes, I.; Rahman, P.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, X.; Jiang, Y.S.; Sheng, S.H.; Shawi, M.; Chakravarty, S.; Lavie, F. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Low Rates of Radiographic Progression with 2 Years of Guselkumab (TREMFYA (R)), a Selective Inhibitor of the Interleukin-23p19 Subunit: Results from a Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study of Biologic-naive Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73: 3763-3765.
- Heijde, D. van der; Gensler, L.; Maksymowych, W.; Landewe, R.; Rudwaleit, M.; Bauer, L.; Hoepken, B.; Kumke, T.; Kim, M. & Deodhar, A. (2021), Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Certolizumab Pegol in Patients with Active Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis: 3-Year Results from a Phase 3 Multicenter Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73: 1896-1899.
- Redeker, I.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Ramiro, S.; Boonen, A.; Dougados, M.; Braun, J. & Kiltz, U. (2021), Impact of Patient and Disease Characteristics on Global-Functioning and Health in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis: A Bayesian Network Analysis of Data from an Early axSpA Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73: 768-770.
- Nikiphorou, E.; Boonen, A.; Fautrel, B.; Richette, P.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Ramiro, S. (2021), How Do Clinical and Socioeconomic Factors Impact on Work Disability in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis? Five-year Data from the DESIR Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73: 779-780.
- Nikiphorou, E.; Carvalho, P.D.; Boonen, A.; Fautrel, B.; Richette, P.; Machado, P.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R. & Ramiro, S. (2021), Sick leave in early axial spondyloarthritis, RMD Open 7(2).
- Protopopov, M.; Proft, F.; Sepriano, A.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Maksymowych, W.P.; Baraliakos, X.; Sieper, J.; Rudwaleit, M. & Poddubnyy, D. (2021), Radiographic sacroiliitis progression in axial spondyloarthritis: central reading of 5 year follow-up data from the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society cohort.
- Mease, P.; Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Behrens, F.; Kivitz, A.; Lehman, T.; Wei, L.; Nys, M.; Banerjee, S. & Nowak, M. (2021), Efficacy of Deucravacitinib, an Oral, Selective Tyrosine Kinase 2 Inhibitor, in Musculoskeletal Manifestations of Active PsA in a Phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73: 3798-3800.
- Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Kartman, C.E.; Xie, L.; Beattie, S.; Schlichting, D.E.; Durez, P.; Tanaka, Y. & Fleischmann, R. (2021), Radiographic progression of structural joint damage over 5 years of baricitinib treatment in patients with RA: results from RA-beyond, Rheumatology 60(Suppl 1): 74-74.
- Kiltz, U.; Wei, J.C.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Bosch, F. van den; Walsh, J.A.; Boonen, A.; Gensler, L.S.; Hunter, T.; Carlier, H.; Dong, Y.; Li, X.Q.; Bolce, R.; Strand, V. & Braun, J. (2021), Ixekizumab improves functioning and health in the treatment of radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, The Journal of Rheumatology 48(2): 188-197.
- Walker, D.; Kivitz, A.; Tanaka, Y.; Lee, S.; Ye, L.; Hu, H.; Matzkies, F.; Bartok, B.; Bartok, B.; Guo, Y.; Sundy, J.S.; Jahreis, A.; Besuyen, R.; Combe, B.; Heijde, D. van der; Simon-Campos, J.A.; Baraf, H.S.B.; Kumar, U.; Tasset, C.; Mozaffarian, N.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Bae, S.C.; Keystone, E. & Nash, P. (2021), Filgotinib in patients with RA with inadequate response to methotrexate: FINCH 1 52-week efficacy and patient reported outcomes data, Rheumatology 60: 73-+.
- Masi, A.T.; Andonian, B. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Biomechanical factors may be the main contributor to entheseal changes in normal adults.
- Lopez-Medina, C.; Molto, A.; Sieper, J.; Duruoz, T.; Kiltz, U.; Elzorkany, B.; Hajjaj-Hassouni, N.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Maldonado-Cocco, J.; Ziade, N.; Gavali, M.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Luo, S.F.; Monti, S.; Tae-Jong, K.; Kishimoto, M.; Pimentel-Santos, F.M.; Gu, J.R.; Schiotis, R.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Geher, P.; Magrey, M.; Vodnizza, S.E.I.; Bautista-Molano, W.; Maksymowych, W.; Machado, P.M.; Landew, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Dougados, M. (2021), Prevalence and distribution of peripheral musculoskeletal manifestations in spondyloarthritis including psoriatic arthritis, RMD Open 7(1).
- Roodenrijs, N.M.T.; Kedves, M.; Hamar, A.; Nagy, G.; Laar, J.M. van; Heijde, D. van der & Welsing, P.M.J. (2021), Diagnostic issues in difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic literature review informing the EULAR recommendations for the management of difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis, RMD Open 7(1).
- Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Strengholt, S.; Terry, K.; Kwok, K.; Wang, L. & Cohen, S. (2021), Assessment of radiographic progression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with tofacitinib in long-term studies, Rheumatology 60(4): 1708-1716.
- Ortolan, A.; Ramiro, S.; Bastiaenen, C. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Comment on: Development and validation of an alternative ankylosing spondylitis disease activity score when patient global assessment is unavailable: reply.
- Lillegraven, S.; Sundlisaeter, N.P.; Aga, A.B.; Sexton, J.; Olsen, I.C.; Fremstad, H.; Spada, C.; Madland, T.M.; Hoili, C.A.; Bakland, G.; Lexberg, A.; Hansen, I.J.W.; Hansen, I.M.; Haukeland, H.; Ljosa, M.K.A.; Moholt, E.; Uhlig, T.; Solomon, D.H.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K. & Haavardsholm, E.A. (2021), Effect of half-dose vs stable-dose conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs on disease flares in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in remission, Journal of the American Medical Association 325(17): 1755-1764.
- Westhovens, R.; Rigby, W.F.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Ching, D.W.T.; Stohl, W.; Kay, J.; Chopra, A.; Bartok, B.; Matzkies, F.; Yin, Z.Y.; Guo, Y.; Tasset, C.; Sundy, J.S.; Jahreis, A.; Mozaffarian, N.; Messina, O.D.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Atsumi, T. & Burmester, G.R. (2021), Filgotinib in combination with methotrexate or as monotherapy versus methotrexate monotherapy in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis and limited or no prior exposure to methotrexate, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80(6): 727-738.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Wichuk, S.; Chiowchanwisawakit, P.; Paschke, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R. & Maksymowych, W.P. (2021), Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors reduce spinal radiographic progression in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 73(7).
- Ferreira, R.J.O.; Welsing, P.M.J.; Jacobs, J.W.G.; Gossec, L.; Ndosi, M.; Machado, P.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Silva, J.A.P. da (2021), Revisiting the use of remission criteria for rheumatoid arthritis by excluding patient global assessment, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80(3): 293-303.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Claudepierre, P.; Hooge, M. de; Lambert, R.G.; Landewe, R.; Molto, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Bukowski, J.F.; Jones, H.; Pedersen, R.; Szumski, A.; Vlahos, B. & Dougados, M. (2021), Structural changes in the sacroiliac joint on MRI and relationship to ASDAS inactive disease in axial spondyloarthritis, Arthritis Research and Therapy 23(1).
- McInnes, I.B.; Rahman, P.; Gottlieb, A.B.; Hsia, E.C.; Kollmeier, A.P.; Chakravarty, S.D.; Xu, X.L.; Subramanian, R.A.; Agarwal, P.; Sheng, S.H.; Jiang, Y.S.; Zhou, B.; Zhuang, Y.L.; Heijde, D. van der & Mease, P.J. (2021), Efficacy and safety of guselkumab, an interleukin-23p 19-specific monoclonal antibody, through one year in biologic-naive patients with psoriatic arthritis, Arthritis & Rheumatology 73(4): 604-616.
- Nijjar, J.S.; Morton, F.R.; Bang, H.; Buckley, C.D.; Heijde, D. van der; Gilmour, A.; Paterson, C.; McInnes, I.B.; Porter, D.; Raza, K. & Scottish Early Rheumatoid Arthrit (2021), The impact of autoantibodies against citrullinated, carbamylated, and acetylated peptides on radiographic progression in patients with new-onset rheumatoid arthritis, The Lancet Rheumatology 3(4): E284-E293.
- Landewe, R.B.M. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Use of multidimensional composite scores in rheumatology: parsimony versus subtlety, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80(3): 280-285.
- Sundin, U.; Sundlisater, N.P.; Aga, A.B.; Sexton, J.; Nordberg, L.B.; Hammer, H.B.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Haavardsholm, E.A.; Lillegraven, S. & ARCTIC Study Grp (2021), Value of MRI and ultrasound for prediction of therapeutic response and erosive progression in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis managed by an aggressive treat-to-target strategy, RMD Open 7(1).
- Hirano, F.; Heijde, D. van der; Gaalen, F.A. van; Landewe, R.B.M.; Gaujoux-Viala, C. & Ramiro, S. (2021), Determinants of the patient global assessment of well-being in early axial spondyloarthritis, Rheumatology 60(1): 316-321.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Wichuk, S.; Chiowchanwisawakit, P.; Paschke, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R. & Maksymowych, W.P. (2021), Disease activity is associated with spinal radiographic progression in axial spondyloarthritis independently of exposure to tumour necrosis factor inhibitors.
- Nagy, G.; Roodenrijs, N.M.T.; Welsing, P.M.J.; Kedves, M.; Hamar, A.; Goes, M.C. van der; Kent, A.; Bakkers, M.; Blaas, E.; Senolt, L.; Szekanecz, Z.; Choy, E.; Dougados, M.; Jacobs, J.W.G.; Geenen, R.; Bijlsma, H.W.J.; Zink, A.; Aletaha, D.; Schoneveld, L.; Riel, P. van; Gutermann, L.; Prior, Y.; Nikiphorou, E.; Ferraccioli, G.; Schett, G.; Hyrich, K.L.; Mueller-Ladner, U.; Buch, M.H.; McInnes, I.B.; Heijde, D. van der & Laar, J.M. van (2021), EULAR definition of difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80(1): 31-35.
- Boel, A.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2021), Two different invitation approaches for consecutive rounds of a Delphi survey led to comparable final outcome, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 129: 31-39.
- Roodenrijs, N.M.T.; Hamar, A.; Kedves, M.; Nagy, G.; Laar, J.M. van; Heijde, D. van der & Welsing, P.M.J. (2021), Pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapeutic strategies in difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic literature review informing the EULAR recommendations for the management of difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis, RMD Open 7(1).
- Gaffney, K.; Deodhar, A.; Gensler, L.; Kay, J.; Maksymowych, W.; Haroon, N.; Landewe, R.; Rudwaleit, M.; Hall, S.; Bauer, L.; Hoepken, B.; Peyrecave, N. de; Kumke, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2020), CZP IMPROVES WORK AND HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTIVITY AND SOCIAL PARTICIPATION OVER 1 YEAR OF TREATMENT IN PATIENTS WITH NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXSPA, Rheumatology 59: 110-111.
- Lillegraven, S.; Sundlisaeter, N.P.; Aga, A.B.; Sexton, J.; Olsen, I.; Lexberg, A.; Madland, T.M.; Fremstad, H.; Hoili, C.A.; Bakland, G.; Spada, C.; Haukeland, H.; Hansen, I.M.; Moholt, E.; Uhlig, T.; Solomon, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K. & Haavardsholm, E.A. (2020), Stable versus tapered and withdrawn treatment with tumor necrosis factor inhibitor in rheumatoid arthritis remission (arctic rewind): a randomised, open-label, phase 4, non-inferiority trial , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 14-15.
- Marques, M.L.; Ramiro, S.; Machado, P.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2020), No relationship between bone mineral density and syndesmophyte formation at the same level in the lumbar spine of patients with radiographic axial Spondyloarthritis, RMD Open 6(3).
- Lunteren, M. van; Landewe, R.; Fongen, C.; Ramonda, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2020), Do Illness Perceptions and Coping Strategies Change Over Time in Patients Recently Diagnosed With Axial Spondyloarthritis?, The Journal of Rheumatology 47(12): 1752-1759.
- Ortolan, A.; Ramiro, S.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Kvien, T.K.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Machado, P.M.; Ruyssen-Witrand, A.; Tubergen, A. van; Bastiaenen, C. & Heijde, D. van der (2020), Development and validation of an alternative ankylosing spondylitis disease activity score when patient global assessment is unavailable , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 6-6.
- Hirano, F.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Heijde, D. van der; Gaujoux-Viala, C. & Ramiro, S. (2020), Determinants of the physician's global assessment and influence of contextual factors in early axial spondyloarthritis , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 52-52.
- Hirano, F.; Heijde, D. van der; Gaalen, F.A. van; Landewe, R.B.M.; Gaujoux-Viala, C. & Ramiro, S. (2020), Determinants of patient's global assessment of well-being in early axial spondyloarthritis; 5-year longitudinal data from the Desir cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 1131-1132.
- Webers, C.; Grimm, S.; Tubergen, A. van; Gaalen, F.A. van; Heijde, D. van der; Joore, M. & Boonen, A. (2020), COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF DIAGNOSING AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS IN THE NETHERLANDS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 510-511.
- Madari, Q.; Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Molto, A.; Claudepierre, P.; Wendling, D.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2020), 5-year follow-up of spinal and sacroiliac MRI abnormalities in early axial spondyloarthritis, RMD Open 6(1).
- Stal, R.; Gaalen, F. van; Sepriano, A.; Braun, J.; Reijnierse, M.; Berg, R. van den; Heijde, D. van der & Baraliakos, X. (2020), Facet joint ankylosis in r-axSpA, Rheumatology 59(12).
- Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Sepriano, A.; FitzGerald, O.; Ostergaard, M.; Homik, J.; Elkayam, O.; Thorne, J.C.; Larche, M.; Ferraccioli, G.; Backhaus, M.; Boire, G.; Combe, B.; Schaeverbeke, T.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M.; Rossini, M.; Govoni, M.; Sinigaglia, L.; Cantagrel, A.G.; Allaart, C.F.; Barnabe, C.; Bingham, C.O.; Tak, P.P.; Schaardenburg, D. van; Hammer, H.B.; Dadashova, R.; Hutchings, E.; Paschke, J. & Maksymowych, W.P. (2020), Is treat-to-target really working in rheumatoid arthritis? , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79(4): 453-459.
- Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Gensler, L.S.; Kim, T.H.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Ostergaard, M.; Poddubnyy, D.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Bessette, L.; Tomita, T.; Leung, A.; Hojnik, M.; Gallo, G.; Li, X.Q.; Adams, D.; Carlier, H.; Sieper, J. & Coast-X Study Grp (2020), Ixekizumab for patients with non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (COAST-X): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial, The Lancet 395(10217): 53-64.
- Kroon, F.P.B.; Damman, W.; Plas, J.L. van der; Beest, S. van; Rosendaal, F.R.; Heijde, D. van der & Kloppenburg, M. (2020), Self-reported painful joint count and assessor-reported tender joint count as instruments to assess pain in hand osteoarthritis, Rheumatology 59(5): 1094-1098.
- Haugen, I.K.; Felson, D.T.; Abhishek, A.; Berenbaum, F.; Bierma-Zeinstra, S.; Borgen, T.; Beaumont, G.H.; Ishimori, M.; Jonsson, H.; Kroon, F.P.B.; Maheu, E.; Ramonda, R.; Ritschl, V.; Stamm, T.A.; Heijde, D. van der; Wittoek, R.; Greibrokk, E.; Smeets, W. & Kloppenburg, M. (2020), Development of classification criteria for hand osteoarthritis, RMD Open 6(2).
- Coates, L.; Heijde, D. van der; Kristensen, L.E.; Tillett, W.; Eells, J.; Nurminen, T. & Deodhar, A. (2020), Achievement of Remission Is Associated with Improvement in Functionality in Certolizumab Pegol-Treated Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis, Irrespective of Pre-Existing Radiographic Structural Damage, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; FitzGerald, O.; Ostergaard, M.; Homik, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Elkayam, O.; Thorne, J.C.; Larche, M.J.; Ferraccioli, G.; Backhaus, M.; Burmester, G.R.; Boire, G.; Combe, B.; Schaeverbeke, T.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M.; Rossini, M.; Govoni, M.; Sinigaglia, L.; Cantagrel, A.; Barnabe, C.; Bingham, C.O.; Tak, P.P.; Schaardenburg, D. van; Hammer, H.B.; Paschke, J.; Dadashova, R.; Hutchings, E.; Landewe, R. & Maksymowych, W.P. (2020), Adherence to treat-to-target management in rheumatoid arthritis and associated factors, The Journal of Rheumatology 47(6): 809-819.
- Heijde, D. van der; Gladman, D.D.; Kavanaugh, A. & Mease, P.J. (2020), Assessing structural damage progression in psoriatic arthritis and its role as an outcome in research, Arthritis Research and Therapy 22(1).
- Alegria, G.C.; Voirin-Hertz, M.; Garrigues, F.; Herbette, M.; Deloire, L.; Simon, A.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Marhadour, T. & Saraux, A. (2020), Association of lumbosacral transitional vertebra and sacroiliitis in patients with inflammatory back pain suggesting axial spondyloarthritis, Rheumatology 59(7): 1679-1683.
- Voirin-Hertz, M.; Alegria, G.C.; Garrigues, F.; Simon, A.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Loeuille, D.; Claudepierre, P.; Marhadour, T. & Saraux, A. (2020), Associations of lumbar scoliosis with presentation of suspected early axial spondyloarthritis, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 50(1): 48-53.
- Baraliakos, X.; Deodhar, A.; Dougados, M.; Oortgiesen, M.; Peyrecave, N. de; Bauer, M.; Vaux, T.; Fleurinck, C. & Heijde, D. van der (2020), Bimekizumab Long-Term Efficacy and Safety over 96 Weeks in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: Interim Results from a Phase 2b Open-Label Extension Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Pedersen, S.J.; Weber, U.; Baraliakos, X.; Machado, P.M.; Eshed, I.; Hooge, M. de; Sieper, J.; Wichuk, S.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Poddubnyy, D.; Ostergaard, M. & Lambert, R.G.W. (2020), Central reader evaluation of MRI scans of the sacroiliac joints from the ASAS classification cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79(7): 935-942.
- Molto, A.; Lopez-Medina, C.; Bosch, F. van den; Boonen, A.; Webers, C.; Dernis, E.; Gaalen, F. van; Soubrier, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Baillet, A.; Starsman-Kool, M.; Spoorenberg, A.; Heijde, D. van der & Dougados, M. (2020), Cluster-randomized Pragmatic Clinical Trial Evaluating the Potential Benefit of a Tight-control and Treat-to-target Strategy in Axial Spondyloarthritis: The Results of the TICOSPA Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Boel, A.; Lunteren, M. van; Fagerli, K.; Exarchou, S.; Ramonda, R.; Sande, M. van de; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2020), Comparison of Quality of Life Between Chronic Back Pain Patients with and Without a Diagnosis of Axial Spondyloarthritis After 2-Year Protocolised Follow-up: Data from the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Boel, A.; Navarro-Coman, V.; Landewe, R.B.M. & Heijde, D. van der (2020), Comparison of two different approaches to involve participants in consecutive rounds of a Delphi consensus technique, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 880-880.
- Boel, A.; Lunteren, M. van; Fagerli, K.; Ramonda, R.; Exarchou, S.; Sande, M. van de; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2020), Comparison of Work Productivity Outcomes Between Chronic Back Pain Patients with and Without a Diagnosis of Axial Spondyloarthritis After 2-Year Protocolised Follow-Up: Data from the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Maksymowych, W.; Eshed, I.; Machado, P.M.; Pedersen, S.J.; Weber, U.; Hooge, M. de; Sieper, J.; Wichuk, S.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Lambert, R.G.; Ostergaard, M. & Baraliakos, X. (2020), Consensus Definitions for MRI Lesions in the Spine of Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis: First Analysis from the Assessments in SpondyloArthritis International Society Classification Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Eshed, I.; Machado, P.M.; Pedersen, S.J.; Weber, U.; Hooge, M. de; Sieper, J.; Wichuk, S.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Lambert, R.G.; Stergaard, M. & Baraliakos, X. (2020), Consensus definitions for MRI lesions in the spine of patients with axial spondyloarthritis: first analysis from the assessments in spondyloarthritis international society classification cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 745-746.
- Sundin, U.; Aga, A.B.; Skare, O.; Nordberg, L.B.; Uhlig, T.; Hammer, H.B.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Lillegraven, S.; Haavardsholm, E.A. & ARCTIC Study Grp (2020), Conventional versus ultrasound treat to target, Rheumatology 59(9): 2550-2555.
- Lillegraven, S.; Sundlisaeter, N.P.; Aga, A.B.; Sexton, J.; Olsen, I.C.; Lexberg, A.; Madland, T.M.; Fremstad, H.; Hoili, C.; Bakland, G.; Spada, C.; Haukeland, H.; Hansen, I.M.; Moholt, E.; Uhlig, T.; Solomon, D.H.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K. & Haavardsholm, E.A. (2020), Stable versus Tapered and Withdrawn Treatment with Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor in Rheumatoid Arthritis Remission: A Randomized, Open-Label, Phase 4, Non-Inferiority Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Hirano, F.; Landewe, R.; Gaalen, F. van; Heijde, D. van der; Gaujoux-Viala, C. & Ramiro, S. (2020), Determinants of Physician Global Assessment and Influence of Contextual Factors in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Kiltz, U.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Rudwaleit, M.; Weisman, M.H.; Akkoc, N.; Boonen, A.; Brandt, J.; Carron, P.; Dougados, M.; Gossec, L.; Jongkees, M.; Machado, P.M.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Molto, A.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Niederman, K.; Sampaio-Barros, P.D.; Slobodin, G.; Bosch, F.E. van den; Tubergen, A. van; Weely, S. van; Wiek, D. & Braun, J. (2020), Development of ASAS quality standards to improve the quality of health and care services for patients with axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79(2): 193-201.
- Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Baraliakos, X.; Bosch, F. van den; Gaffney, K.; Bauer, L.; Hoepken, B.; Peyrecave, N. de; Thomas, K. & Gensler, L.S. (2020), Does gender, age or subpopulation influence the maintenance of clinical remission in axial spondyloarthritis following certolizumab pegol dose reduction? , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 66-67.
- Michielsens, C.A.J.; Boers, N.; Broeder, N. den; Wenink, M.H.; Maas, A. van der; Mahler, E.A.M.; Mulder, M.L.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Hoogen, F.H.J. van den; Verhoef, L.M. & Broeder, A.A. den (2020), Dose reduction and withdrawal strategy for TNF-inhibitors in psoriatic arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis, Trials 21(1).
- Nikiphorou, E.; Ramiro, S.; Sepriano, A.; Ruyssen-Witrand, A.; Landewe, R.B.M. & Heijde, D. van der (2020), Do smoking and socioeconomic factors influence imaging outcomes in axial spondyloarthritis? , Arthritis and Rheumatology 72(11): 1855-1862.
- Heijde, D. van der; Gensler, L.S.; Deodhar, A.; Baraliakos, X.; Poddubnyy, D.; Kivitz, A.; Farmer, M.K.; Baeten, D.; Goldammer, N.; Coarse, J.; Oortgiesen, M. & Dougados, M. (2020), Dual neutralisation of interleukin-17A and interleukin-17F with bimekizumab in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79(5): 595-604.
- Tahir, H.; Mease, P.; Landewe, R.; Rahman, P.; Singhal, A.; Bottcher, E.; Navarra, S.; Readie, A.; Mpofu, S.; Delicha, E.M.; Pricop, L. & Heijde, D. van der (2020), EFFECT OF SECUKINUMAB ON RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION THROUGH 2 YEARS IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE PSA: END-OF-STUDY RESULTS FROM A PHASE 3 STUDY, Rheumatology 59: 114-+.
- Heijde, D. van der; Gensler, L.S.; Deodhar, A.; Baraliakos, X.; Poddubnyy, D.; Kivitz, A.; Farmer, M.K.; Baeten, D.; Goldammer, N.; Coarse, J.; Oortgiesen, M. & Dougados, M. (2020), Efficacy and safety of bimekizumab in ankylosing spondylitis: 48-week patient-reported outcomes from a phase 2b, randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging study , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 68-69.
- Valenzuela, G.; Heijde, D. van der; Westhovens, R.; Rigby, W.; Ching, D.; Bartok, B.; Matzkies, F.; Yin, Z.; Guo, Y.; Tasset, C.; Sundy, J.; Mozaffarian, N.; Messina, O.; Landewe, R.; Atsumi, T. & Burmester, G. (2020), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF FILCOTINIB FOR PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS NAiVE TO METHOTREXATE. THERAPY: FINCH 3 PRIMARY OUTCOME RESULTS, JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 26: 128-128.
- McKay, N.; Heijde, D. van der; Westhovens, R.; Rigby, W.F.C.; Ching, D.W.T.; Bartok, B.; Matzkies, F.; Yin, Z.Y.; Guo, Y.; Tasset, C.; Sundy, J.S.; Mozaffarian, N.; Messina, O.D.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Atsumi, T. & Burmester, G.R. (2020), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF FILGOTINIB FOR PATIENTS WITH RA NAIVE TO MTX THERAPY: FINCH3 PRIMARY OUTCOME RESULTS, Rheumatology 59.
- Walker, D.; Combe, B.G.; Kivitiz, A.J.; Tanaka, Y.; Heijde, D. van der; Matzkies, F.; Bartok, B.; Ye, L.; Guo, Y.; Tasset, C.; Sundy, J.S.; Mozaffarian, N.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Bae, S.C.; Keystone, E.C. & Nash, P. (2020), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF FILGOTINIB FOR PATIENTS WITH RA WITH INADEQUATE RESPONSE TO METHOTREXATE: FINCH1 PRIMARY OUTCOME RESULTS, Rheumatology 59.
- Westhovens, R.; Rigby, W.F.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Ching, D.W.T.; Stohl, W.; Kay, J.; Chopra, A.; Bartok, B.; Matzkies, F.; Yin, Z.Y.; Guo, Y.; Tasset, C.; Sundy, J.S.; Jahreis, A.; Mozaffarian, N.; Messina, O.D.; Landewe, R.; Atsumi, T. & Burmester, G. (2020), Efficacy and Safety of Filgotinib in Methotrexate-Naive Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: 52-Week Results, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Westhovens, R.; Rigby, W.; Heijde, D. van der; Ching, D.; Stohl, W.; Kay, J.; Chopra, A.; Bartok, B.; Matzkies, F.; Yin, Z.Y.; Guo, Y.; Tasset, C.; Sundy, J.; Jahreis, A.; Mozaffarian, N.; Messina, O.; Landewe, R.; Atsumi, T. & Burmester, G. (2020), Efficacy and Safety of Filgotinib in Methotrexate-Naive Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: FINCH 3 52-Week Results, Swiss Medical Weekly: 10S-10S.
- Westhovens, R.; Rigby, W.; Heijde, D. van der; Ching, D.; Stohl, W.; Kay, J.; Chopra, A.; Bartok, B.; Matzkies, F.; Yin, Z.; Guo, Y.; Tasset, C.; Sundy, J.; Jahreis, A.; Mozaffarian, N.; Messina, O.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Atsumi, T. & Burmester, G.R. (2020), Efficacy and safety of filgotinib in methotrexate-naïve patients with rheumatoid arthritis: finch 3 52-week results , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 1015-1016.
- McInnes, I.; Rahman, P.; Gottlieb, A.; Hsia, E.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, X.; Subramanian, R.; Agarwal, P.; Sheng, S.H.; Jiang, Y.S.; Zhou, B.; Heijde, D. van der & Mease, P. (2020), Efficacy and Safety of Guselkumab, a Monoclonal Antibody Specific to the p19-Subunit of Interleukin-23, Through Week 52 of a Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study Conducted in Biologic-naive Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Mcinnes, I.; Rahman, P.; Gottlieb, A.B.; Hsia, E.C.; Kollmeier, A.; Xu, X.L.; Subramanian, R.A.; Agarwal, P.; Sheng, S.; Jiang, Y.; Zhou, B.; Heijde, D. van der & Mease, P.J. (2020), Efficacy and safety of guselkumab, a monoclonal antibody specific to the p19-subunit of interleukin-23, through week 52 of a phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study conducted in biologic-naïve patients with active psoriatic arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 1148-1149.
- Dougados, M.; Wei, J.C.C.; Landewe, R.; Sieper, J.; Baraliakos, X.; Bosch, F. van den; Maksymowych, W.P.; Ermann, J.; Walsh, J.A.; Tomita, T.; Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Li, X.Q.; Zhao, F.Y.; Bertram, C.C.; Gallo, G.; Carlier, H.; Gensler, L.S.; COAST-V Study Grp & COAST-W Study Grp (2020), Efficacy and safety of ixekizumab through 52 weeks in two phase 3, randomised, controlled clinical trials in patients with active radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (COAST-V and COAST-W), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79(2): 176-185.
- Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Maksymowych, W.; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Ostor, A.; Combe, B.; Sui, Y.X.; Wang, X.; Chu, A.D. & Song, I.H. (2020), Efficacy and Safety of Upadacitinib in Patients with Active Ankylosing Spondylitis: 1-Year Results from a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study with Open-Label Extension, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Mease, P.; Helliwell, P.; Gladman, D.; Poddubnyy, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Chakravarty, S.; Kollmeier, A.; Hsia, E.; Xu, X.; Sheng, S.H.; Agarwal, P.; Zhou, B.; Shawi, M.; Karyekar, C.; Sweet, K.; Deodhar, A. & Heijde, D. van der (2020), Efficacy of Guselkumab, a Monoclonal Antibody That Specifically Binds to the p19 Subunit of IL-23, on Axial-Related Endpoints in Patients with Active PsA with Imaging-Confirmed Sacroiliitis: Week-52 Results from Two Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Studies, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Helliwell, P.; Gladman, D.D.; Poddubnyy, D.; Mease, P.J.; Baraliakos, X.; Kollmeier, A.; Hsia, E.C.; Xu, X.L.; Sheng, S.; Agarwal, P.; Zhou, B.; Chakravarty, D.; Shawi, M.; Karyekar, C.; Deodhar, A. & Heijde, D. van der (2020), Efficacy of guselkumab, a monoclonal antibody that specifically binds to the P19-subunit of IL-23, on endpoints related to axial involvement in patients with active PSA with imaging-confirmed sacroiliitis: week-24 results from two phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 36-37.
- Kerschbaumer, A.; Sepriano, A.; Smolen, J.S.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Vollenhoven, R. van; McInnes, I.B.; Bijlsma, J.W.J.; Burmester, G.R.; Wit, M. de; Falzon, L. & Landewe, R. (2020), Efficacy of pharmacological treatment in rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79(6): 744-759.
- Gossec, L.; Baraliakos, X.; Kerschbaumer, A.; Wit, M. de; McInnes, I.; Dougados, M.; Primdahl, J.; McGonagle, D.G.; Aletaha, D.; Balanescu, A.; Balint, P.V.; Bertheussen, H.; Boehncke, W.H.; Burmester, G.R.; Canete, J.D.; Damjanov, N.S.; Kragstrup, T.W.; Kvien, T.K.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Lories, R.J.U.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Poddubnyy, D.; Manica, S.A.R.; Schett, G.; Veale, D.J.; Bosch, F.E. van den; Heijde, D. van der & Smolen, J.S. (2020), EULAR recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis with pharmacological therapies, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79(6): 700-712.
- Mease, P.J.; Rahman, P.; Gottlieb, A.B.; Kollmeier, A.P.; Hsia, E.C.; Xu, X.L.; Sheng, S.H.; Agarwal, P.; Zhou, B.; Zhuang, Y.L.; Heijde, D. van der; McInnes, I.B. & Discover-2 Study Grp (2020), Guselkumab in biologic-naïve patients with active psoriatic arthritis (DISCOVER-2), The Lancet 395(10230): 1126-1136.
- Lopez-Medina, C.; Chevret, S.; Molto, A.; Sieper, J.; Duruoz, M.T.; Kiltz, U.; El-Zorkany, B.; Hajjaj-Hassouni, N.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Maldonado-Cocco, J.; Ziade, N.; Gavali, M.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Luo, S.F.; Biglia, A.; Kim, T.J.; Kishimoto, M.; Pimentel-Santos, F.; Gu, J.R.; Muntean, L.; Gaalen, F. van; Geher, P.; Magrey, M.; Ibanez, S.; Bautista-Molano, W.; Maksymowych, W.; Machado, P.M.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Dougados, M. (2020), Identification of Clinical Phenotypes in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis, Peripheral Spondyloarthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis According to Peripheral Musculoskeletal Manifestations: A Cluster Analysis in the International ASAS-PerSpA Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Kiltz, U.; Sieper, J.; Deodhar, A.; Zueger, P.; Song, I.H.; Chen, N.J. & Heijde, D. van der (2020), Improvements in Global Functioning and Health-related Quality of Life and Their Association with Disease Activity and Functional Improvement in Patients with Active Ankylosing Spondylitis Treated with Upadacitinib, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Kiltz, U.; Sieper, J.; Deodhar, A.; Zueger, P.; Song, I.H.; Chen, N. & Heijde, D. van der (2020), Improvements in global functioning and health-related quality of life and their association with disease activity and functional improvement in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis treated with upadacitinib: results from the select-axis 1 trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 416-417.
- Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Baraliakos, X.; Bosch, F. van den; Gaffney, K.; Bauer, L.; Hoepken, B.; Peyrecave, N. de; Thomas, K. & Gensler, L.S. (2020), Induction of sustained clinical remission in early axial spondyloarthritis following certolizumab pegol treatment, Rheumatology and Therapy 7(3): 581-599.
- Webers, C.; Stolwijk, C.; Schiepers, O.; Schoonbrood, T.; Tubergen, A. van; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Boonen, A. (2020), Infliximab treatment reduces depressive symptoms in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Arthritis Research and Therapy 22(1).
- Stal, R.; Sepriano, A.; Gaalen, F. van; Baraliakos, X.; Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Braun, J.; Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2020), In Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis, Bridging Syndesmophytes Increase Risk of Facet Joint Ankylosis Development on the Same Vertebral Level While Facet Joint Ankylosis Does Not Increase Risk of Same Level Syndesmophytes Development, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Chandran, V.; Heijde, D. van der; Fleischmann, R.M.; Lespessailles, E.; Helliwell, P.S.; Kameda, H.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Erickson, J.S.; Rathmann, S.S.; Sprabery, A.T.; Birt, J.A.; Shuler, C.L. & Gallo, G. (2020), Ixekizumab treatment of biologic-naive patients with active psoriatic arthritis, Rheumatology 59(10): 2774-2784.
- Fleischmann, R.; Genovese, M.C.; Lin, Y.; St John, G.; Heijde, D. van der; Wang, S.; Gomez-Reino, J.J.; Maldonado-Cocco, J.A.; Stanislav, M.; Kivitz, A.J. & Burmester, G.R. (2020), Long-term safety of sarilumab in rheumatoid arthritis, Rheumatology 59(2): 292-302.
- Garofoli, R.; Resche-Rigon, M.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Roux, C. & Molto, A. (2020), Machine-learning derived algorithms for outcomes prediction in rheumatic diseases: application to radiographic progression in early axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 1248-1249.
- Mease, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Kirkham, B.; Schett, G.; Orbai, A.M.; Ritchlin, C.; Merola, J.; Pricop, L.; Zhu, X.; James, D. & Ligozio, G. (2020), Machine Learning Identifies an Association Between Pre-existing Radiographic Damage and Long-term Clinical Outcomes with Secukinumab Therapy in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Baraliakos, X.; Bosch, F.E. van den; Gaffney, K.; Bauer, L.; Hoepken, B.; Davies, O.R.; Peyrecave, N. de; Thomas, K. & Gensler, L. (2020), Maintenance of clinical remission in early axial spondyloarthritis following certolizumab pegol dose reduction, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79(7): 920-928.
- Hernandez, M.; Wailoo, A.; Chrysanthou, G.; Carvalho, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Santos, M.J. & Machado, P.M. (2020), Mapping from the ankylosing spondylitis disease activity score (ASDAS) to EQ5D in patients with axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 52-53.
- Stal, R.; Gaalen, F. van; Sepriano, A.; Braun, J.; Reijnierse, M.; Berg, R. van den; Heijde, D. van der & Baraliakos, X. (2020), Facet joint ankylosis in r-axSpA, Rheumatology 59(12): 3776-3783.
- Ortolan, A.; Ramiro, S.; Sepriano, A.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Navarro-Compan, V. (2020), Which response or status criterion discriminates best in Axspa? , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 194-195.
- Poddubnyy, D.; Mease, P.J.; Bosch, F. van den; Braun, J.; Gottlieb, A.; Coates, L.C.; Chandran, V.; Helliwell, P.; Jadon, D.; Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Gladman, D.D. & Behalf Of ASAS GRAPPA (2020), Which parameters are relevant in the identifying axial involvement in psoriatic arthritis? Results of a survey among ASAS and GRAPPA members , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 1711-1712.
- Ortolan, A.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Sepriano, A.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Ramiro, S. (2020), Which Disease Activity Outcome Measure Discriminates Best in Axial Spondyloarthritis? A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Ogdie, A.; Duarte-Garcia, A.; Hwang, M.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Heijde, D. van der & Mease, P. (2020), Measuring Outcomes in Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis Care and Research 72: 47-71.
- Marques, M.L.; Ramiro, S.; Machado, P.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2020), No Relationship Between Lumbar Bone Mineral Density and Syndesmophyte Formation at the Same Level - A Multilevel Analysis in Patients with Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; FitzGerald, O.; Ostergaard, M.; Homik, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Lambert, R.G.; Elkayam, O.; Ramiro, S.; Thorne, J.C.; Larche, M.J.; Ferraccioli, G.; Backhaus, M.; Burmester, G.R.; Boire, G.; Combe, B.; Schaeverbeke, T.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M.; Rossini, M.; Govoni, M.; Sinigaglia, L.; Cantagrel, A.; Barnabe, C.; Bingham, C.O.; Tak, P.P.; Schaardenburg, D. van; Hammer, H.B.; Paschke, J.; Dadashova, R.; Hutchings, E.; Sepriano, A. & Landewe, R. (2020), Outcomes and findings of the international rheumatoid arthritis (RA) BIODAM cohort for validation of soluble biomarkers in RA, The Journal of Rheumatology 47(6): 796-808.
- Kerschbaumer, A.; Smolen, J.S.; Dougados, M.; Wit, M. de; Primdahl, J.; McInnes, I.; Heijde, D. van der; Baraliakos, X.; Falzon, L. & Gossec, L. (2020), Pharmacological treatment of psoriatic arthritis: a systematic literature research for the 2019 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79(6): 778-786.
- Kerschbaumer, A.; Smolen, J.S.; Nash, P.; Doerner, T.; Dougados, M.; Fleischmann, R.; Geissler, K.; McInnes, I.B.; Takeuchi, T.; Trauner, M.; Winthrop, K.; Wit, M. de; Boehncke, W.H.; Falzon, L. & Heijde, D. van der (2020), Points to consider for the treatment of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases with Janus kinase inhibitors, RMD Open 6(3).
- Emery, P.; Horton, S.; Dumitru, R.B.; Naraghi, K.; Heijde, D. van der; Wakefield, R.J.; Hensor, E.M.A. & Buch, M.H. (2020), Pragmatic randomised controlled trial of very early etanercept and MTX versus MTX with delayed etanercept in RA, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79(4): 464-471.
- Maksymowych, W.; Baraliakos, X.; Weber, U.; Machado, P.M.; Pedersen, S.J.; Sieper, J.; Wichuk, S.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Paschke, J.; Ostergaard, M. & Lambert, R.G. (2020), Preliminary Definition of a Positive MRI for Active Lesions in the Sacroiliac Joints Typical of Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Maksymowych, W.; Baraliakos, X.; Weber, U.; Machado, P.M.; Pedersen, S.J.; Sieper, J.; Wichuk, S.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Paschke, J.; Lambert, R.G. & Ostergaard, M. (2020), Preliminary Definition of a Positive MRI for Structural Lesions in the Sacroiliac Joints in Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Baraliakos, X.; Weber, U.; Machado, P.M.; Pedersen, S.J.; Sieper, J.; Wichuk, S.; Poddubnyy, D.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Paschke, J.; Lambert, R.G. & Ostergaard, M. (2020), Preliminary definition of a positive MRI for structural lesions in the sacroiliac joints in axial spondyloarthritis , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 53-54.
- Lopez-Medina, C.; Molto, A.; Sieper, J.; Duruoz, M.T.; Kiltz, U.; El-Zorkany, B.; Hajjaj-Hassouni, N.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Maldonado-Cocco, J.; Ziade, N.; Gavali, M.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Luo, S.F.; Monti, S.; Kim, T.J.; Kishimoto, M.; Pimentel-Santos, F.; Gu, J.R.; Schiotis, R.; Gaalen, F. van; Geher, P.; Magrey, M.; Ibanez, S.; Bautista-Molano, W.; Maksymowych, W.; Machado, P.M.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Dougados, M. (2020), Prevalence and Distribution of Peripheral Musculoskeletal Manifestations in Axial Spondyloarthritis, Peripheral Spondyloarthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis: Results of the International, Cross-sectional ASAS-PerSpA Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Park, Y.J.; Gherghe, A.M. & Heijde, D. van der (2020), Radiographic progression in clinical trials in rheumatoid arthritis: a systemic literature review of trials performed by industry, RMD Open 6(2).
- Heijde, D. van der; Kartman, C.E.; Xie, L.; Beattie, S.; Schlichting, D.; Durez, P.; Tanaka, Y. & Fleischmann, R. (2020), Radiographic Progression of Structural Joint Damage over 5 Years of Baricitinib Treatment in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results from RA-BEYOND, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Tsai, W.C.; Saaibi, D.; Marshall, L.; Jones, H.; Pedersen, R.; Vlahos, B. & Tarallo, M. (2020), Relationship between disease activity status or clinical response and patient-reported outcomes in patients with non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 18(1).
- Stolwijk, C.; Essers, I.; Bosch, F. van den; Dougados, M.; Etcheto, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Molto, A.; Tubergen, A. van; Boonen, A. & ASAS-COMOSPA Study Grp (2020), Validation of the self-administered comorbidity questionnaire adjusted for spondyloarthritis, Rheumatology 59(7): 1632-1639.
- Boel, A.; Lunteren, M. van; Fagerli, K.; Lindstrom, U.; Ramonda, R.; Sande, M. van de; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2020), Two-Year Diagnostic Consistency in Patients with Chronic Back Pain Suspected of Axial Spondyloarthritis in Protocolised Follow-up: Data from the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Romao, V.C.; Humby, F.; Kelly, S.; Cicco, M. di; Mahto, A.; Lazarou, I.; Hands, R.; Rocher-Ros, V.; Heijde, D. van der; Fonseca, J.E. & Pitzalis, C. (2020), Treatment-resistant synovitis and radiographic progression are increased in elderly-onset rheumatoid arthritis patients: findings from a prospective observational longitudinal early arthritis cohort study, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 50(4): 735-743.
- Strand, V.; Heijde, D. van der; Tanaka, Y.; Keystone, E.; Kremer, J.; Zerbini, C.A.F.; Cardiel, M.H.; Cohen, S.; Nash, P.; Song, Y.W.; Tegzova, D.; Gruben, D.; Wallenstein, G.; Connell, C.A.; Fleischmann, R. & ORAL Scan Investigators (2020), Tofacitinib in combination with methotrexate in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: patient-reported outcomes from the 24-month Phase 3 ORAL Scan study, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 38(5): 848-857.
- Roodenrijs, N.M.T.; Hamar, A.; Kedves, M.; Nagy, G.; Laar, J.M. van; Heijde, D. van der & Welsing, P. (2020), Therapeutic strategies in difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis: preliminary results of a systematic literature review informing the 2020 Euler recommendations for the management of difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 953-954.
- Ferreira, R.J.O.; Welsing, P.; Jacobs, J.W.G.; Gossec, L.; Ndosi, M.; Machado, P.; Heijde, D. van der & Silva, J.A.P. da (2020), REVISITING THE REMISSION CRITERIA FOR RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS BY EXCLUDING PATIENT GLOBAL ASSESSMENT: AN INDIVIDUAL PATIENT META-ANALYSIS INCLUDING 5792 PATIENTS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 257-258.
- Landewe, R.B.M.; Sun, L.; Chen, Y.F.; Schlichting, D. & Heijde, D. van der (2020), ROBUST ANALYSES FOR RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 593-594.
- Sepriano, A.; Kerschbaumer, A.; Smolen, J.S.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Vollenhoven, R. van; McInnes, I.B.; Bijlsma, J.W.; Burmester, G.R.; Wit, M. de; Falzon, L. & Landewe, R. (2020), Safety of synthetic and biological DMARDs: a systematic literature review informing the 2019 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79(6): 760-770.
- Braun, J.; Blanco, R.; Dokoupilova, E.; Gensler, L.S.; Kivitz, A.; Hall, S.; Kameda, H.; Poddubnyy, D.; Sande, M. van de; Heijde, D. van der; Wiksten, A.; Porter, B.; Richards, H.; Haemmerle, S. & Deodhar, A. (2020), Secukinumab 150 mg significantly improved signs and symptoms of non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis: 52-week results from the phase III prevent study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 69-70.
- Heijde, D. van der; Mease, P.J.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Rahman, P.; Tahir, H.; Singhal, A.; Boettcher, E.; Navarra, S.; Zhu, X.; Ligozio, G.; Readie, A.; Mpofu, S. & Pricop, L. (2020), Secukinumab provides sustained low rates of radiographic progression in psoriatic arthritis: 52-week results from a phase 3 study, FUTURE 5, Rheumatology 59(6): 1325-1333.
- Hebeisen, M.; Micheroli, R.; Scherer, A.; Baraliakos, X.; Hooge, M. de; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Buerki, K.; Nissen, M.; Moeller, B.; Zufferey, P.; Exer, P. & Ciurea, A. (2020), Spinal radiographic progression in axial spondyloarthritis and the impact of classification as nonradiographic versus radiographic disease , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 50-51.
- Hebeisen, M.; Micheroli, R.; Scherer, A.; Baraliakos, X.; Hooge, M. de; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Burki, K.; Nissen, M.J.; Moller, B.; Zufferey, P.; Exer, P. & Ciurea, A. (2020), Spinal radiographic progression in axial spondyloarthritis and the impact of classification as nonradiographic versus radiographic disease, PLoS ONE 15(3).
- Lillegraven, S.; Sundlisaeter, N.P.; Aga, A.B.; Sexton, J.; Olsen, I.; Fremstad, H.; Spada, C.; Madland, T.M.; Hoili, C.A.; Bakland, G.; Lexberg, A.; Hansen, I.J.W.; Hansen, I.M.; Haukeland, H.; Ljosa, K.A.; Moholt, E.; Uhlig, T.; Solomon, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K. & Haavardsholm, E.A. (2020), Tapering of conventional synthetic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs in sustained rheumatoid arthritis remission: results from a randomized controlled trial , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 1008-1009.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Loeuille, D. & Landewe, R. (2020), Integrated longitudinal analysis does not compromise precision and reduces bias in the study of imaging outcomes, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 50(6): 1394-1399.
- Alegria, G.C.; Deloire, L.; Herbette, M.; Garrigues, F.; Gossec, L.; Simon, A.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Loeuille, D.; Claudepierre, P.; Marhadour, T. & Saraux, A. (2020), Spinal-pelvic orientation, Rheumatology 59(1): 84-89.
- Dakkak, Y.J.; Matthijssen, X.M.E.; Heijde, D. van der; Reijnierse, M. & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2020), Reliability of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scoring of the metatarsophalangeal joints of the foot according to the Rheumatoid Arthritis MRI Score, The Journal of Rheumatology 47(8): 1165-1173.
- Boel, A.; Molto, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Ciurea, A.; Dougados, M.; Gensler, L.S.; Santos, M.J.; Miguel, E. de; Poddubnyy, D.; Rudwaleit, M.; Tubergen, A. van; Gaalen, F.A. van & Ramiro, S. (2019), Do patients with axial spondyloarthritis with radiographic sacroiliitis fulfil both the modified New York criteria and the ASAS axial spondyloarthritis criteria? Results from eight cohorts, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78(11): 1545-1549.
- Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R. (2019), Inhibition of spinal bone formation in AS: 10 years after comparing adalimumab to OASIS, Arthritis Research and Therapy 21(1).
- Hooge, M. de; Gaalen, F.A. van; Renson, T.; Craemer, A.S. de; Sande, M.G. van de; Ramonda, R.; Fagerli, K.M.; Jacobsson, L.T.H.; Heijde, D. van der; Elewaut, D. & Bosch, F. van den (2019), Low specificity but high sensitivity of inflammatory back pain criteria in rheumatology settings in Europe: confirmation of findings from a German cohort study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78(11): 1605-+.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Lambert, R.G.W.; Ostergaard, M.; Pedersen, S.J.; Machado, P.M.; Weber, U.; Bennett, A.N.; Braun, J.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Hooge, M. de; Deodhar, A.A.; Eshed, I.; Jurik, A.G.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Poddubnyy, D.; Reijnierse, M.; Rudwaleit, M.; Sieper, J.; Bosch, F.E. van den; Heijde, D. van der; Horst-Bruinsma, I.E. van der; Wichuk, S. & Baraliakos, X. (2019), MRI lesions in the sacroiliac joints of patients with spondyloarthritis: an update of definitions and validation by the ASAS MRI working group, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78(11): 1550-1558.
- Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Sepriano, A.; Lunteren, M. van; Molt?, A.; Feydy, A.; d'Agostino, M.A.; Loeuille, D.; Dougados, M.; Reijnierse, M. & Claudepierre, P. (2019), Spinal Radiographic Progression in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis: Five-Year Results From the DESIR Cohort, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 71(12): 1678-1684.
- Boers, N.; Michielsens, C.A.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Broeder, A.A. den & Welsing, P.M.J. (2019), The effect of tumour necrosis factor inhibitors on radiographic progression in axial spondyloarthritis: a systematic literature review, Rheumatology 58(11): 1907-1922.
- Ferreira, R.J.O.; Ndosi, M.; Wit, M. de; Santos, E.J.F.; Duarte, C.; Jacobs, J.W.G.; Machado, P.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Gossec, L. & Silva, J.A.P. da (2019), Dual target strategy: a proposal to mitigate the risk of overtreatment and enhance patient satisfaction in rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78(10): E109-+.
- Ferreira, R.J.O.; Carvalho, P.D.; Ndosi, M.; Duarte, C.; Chopra, A.; Murphy, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Machado, P.M. & Silva, J.A.P. da (2019), Impact of Patient's Global Assessment on Achieving Remission in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Multinational Study Using the METEOR Database, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 71(10): 1317-1325.
- Marques, M.L.; Ramiro, S.; Goupille, P.; Dougados, M.; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2019), Measuring spinal mobility in early axial spondyloarthritis: does it matter?, Rheumatology 58(9): 1597-1606.
- Lewis, M.J.; Barnes, M.R.; Blighe, K.; Goldmann, K.; Rana, S.; Hackney, J.A.; Ramamoorthi, N.; John, C.R.; Watson, D.S.; Kummerfeld, S.K.; Hands, R.; Riahi, S.; Rocher-Ros, V.; Rivellese, F.; Humby, F.; Kelly, S.; Bombardieri, M.; Ng, N.; DiCicco, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Helm-van Mil, A. van der; Cauli, A.; McInnes, I.B.; Buckley, C.D.; Choy, E.; Taylor, P.C.; Townsend, M.J. & Pitzalis, C. (2019), Molecular Portraits of Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Identify Clinical and Treatment Response Phenotypes, Cell Reports 28(9): 2455-+.
- Otobo, T.M.; Conaghan, P.G.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Weiss, P.; Sudol-Szopinska, I.; Herregods, N.; Jaremko, J.L.; Meyers, A.B.; Rumsey, D.; Inarejos, E.C.; Kirkhus, E.; Stimec, J.; Panwar, J.; Thorpe, K.; Jans, L.; Rossum, M.A. van; Tolend, M.; Perez, M.; Tzaribachev, N.; Sandhya, P.; Tse, S.; Simone, A.; Swami, V.G.; Touma, Z.; Lambert, R. & Doria, A.S. (2019), Preliminary Definitions for Sacroiliac Joint Pathologies in the OMERACT Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score (OMERACT JAMRIS-SIJ), Journal of Rheumatology 46(9): 1192-1197.
- Heijde, D. van der; Gladman, D.D.; FitzGerald, O.; Kavanaugh, A.; Graham, D.; Wang, C.S. & Fallon, L. (2019), Radiographic Progression According to Baseline C-reactive Protein Levels and Other Risk Factors in Psoriatic Arthritis Treated with Tofacitinib or Adalimumab, Journal of Rheumatology 46(9): 1089-1096.
- Heijde, D. van der; Peyrecave, N. de & Nurminen, T. (2019), Response to: 'Inconsistency between supplement and article?' by Babaoglu H, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78(8).
- Maksymowych Walter, Deodhar Atul, Gensler Lianne, Kay Jonathan, Haroon Nigil, Landewe Robert, Rudwaleit Martin, Hall Stephen, Bauer Lars, Hoepken Bengt, de Peyrecave Natasha, Kilgallen Brian & van der Heijde Desiree (2019), Additional Outcomes from the First 52-Week Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study (NCT02552212) in Patients with Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis Treated with Certolizumab Pegol, Journal of Rheumatology 46(7): 770-771.
- Kishimoto, M.; Yoshida, K.; Ichikawa, N.; Inoue, H.; Kaneko, Y.; Kawasaki, T.; Matsui, K.; Morita, M.; Suda, M.; Tada, K.; Takizawa, N.; Tamura, N.; Taniguchi, A.; Taniguchi, Y.; Tsuji, S.; Haji, Y.; Rokutanda, R.; Yanaoka, H.; Cheung, P.P.; Gu, J.R.; Kim, T.H.; Luo, S.F.; Okada, M.; Medina, C.L.; Molto, A.; Dougados, M.; Kobayashi, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Tomita, T. (2019), Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Spondyloarthritis in Japan in Comparison with Other Regions of the World, Journal of Rheumatology 46(8): 896-903.
- Heijde, D. van der; Braun, J.; Deodhar, A.; Baraliakos, X.; Landewe, R.; Richards, H.B.; Porter, B. & Readie, A. (2019), Modified stoke ankylosing spondylitis spinal score as an outcome measure to assess the impact of treatment on structural progression in ankylosing spondylitis, Rheumatology 58(3): 388-400.
- Nikiphorou Elena, Ramiro Sofia, Sepriano Alexandre, Witrand Adeline Ruyssen, Landewe Robert B. M. & van der Heijde Desiree (2019), DO SMOKING AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTORS INDEPENDENTLY INFLUENCE IMAGING OUTCOMES IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS? FIVE-YEAR DATA FROM THE DESIR COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 87-87.
- de Vlam Kurt, Coates Laura, Ogdie Alexis, Helliwell Philip, van der Heijde Desiree, Gladman Dafna, Wang Cunshan, Wu Joseph & Fallon Lara (2019), Prediction of Response to Tofacitinib, an Oral Janus Kinase Inhibitor, in Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 46(7): 848-848.
- Dakkak Yousra, Matthijssen Xanthe, van der Heijde Desiree, Reijnierse Monique & van der Helm-van Mil Annette (2019), RELIABILITY OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI)-SCORING OF THE METATARSOPHALANGEAL-JOINTS ACCORDING TO THE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS-MRI SCORE (RAMRIS), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 1422-1423.
- Sundin Ulf, Aga Anna-Birgitte, Skare Oivind, Norberg Lena B., Uhlig Till, Hammer Hilde Berner, van der Heijde Desiree, Kvien Tore K., Lillegraven Siri & Haavardsholm Espen (2019), ULTRASOUND IN THE MANAGEMENT OF EARLY RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: MRI OUTCOME DATA FROM THE ARCTIC RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED STRATEGY TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 142-142.
- Rodrigues-Manica Santiago, Sepriano Alexandre, Ramiro Sofia, Landewe Robert B. M., Claudepierre Pascal, Molto Anna, Dougados Maxime, van Lunteren Miranda & van der Heijde Desiree (2019), ASSOCIATION BETWEEN BONE MARROW EDEMA AND STRUCTURAL PROGRESSION IN THE SAME QUADRANT IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS-5-YEAR DATA FROM THE DESIR COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 88-88.
- Stal Rosalinde, van Gaalen Floris A., Sepriano Alexandre, Braun Juergen, Reijnierse Monique, van der Heijde Desiree & Baraliakos Xenofon (2019), DETECTION OF FACET JOINT ANKYLOSIS ON WHOLE SPINE LOW-DOSE CT IN RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: DATA FROM THE SENSITIVE IMAGING OF AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS (SIAS) COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 1355-1356.
- Bakker, P.A.C.; Ramiro, S.; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Lunteren, M. van; Berg, I.J.; Landewe, R.; Ramonda, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Reijnierse, M.; Gaalen, F.A. van & Heijde, D. van der (2019), Is it Useful to Repeat Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Sacroiliac Joints After Three Months or One Year in the Diagnosis of Patients With Chronic Back Pain and Suspected Axial Spondyloarthritis?, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71(3): 382-391.
- van Lunteren Miranda, Landewe Robert B. M., Fongen Camilla, Ramonda Roberta, van der Heijde Desiree & van Gaalen Floris A. (2019), DO ILLNESS PERCEPTIONS AND COPING CHANGE OVER TIME IN PATIENTS RECENTLY DIAGNOSED WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS? A 2-YEAR FOLLOW-UP STUDY IN THE SPACE COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 464-464.
- van der Heijde Desiree, Gensler Lianne S., Deodhar Atul, Baraliakos Xenofon, Poddubnyy Denis, Farmer Mary Katherine, Baeten Dominique, Coarse Jason, Oortgiesen Marga & Dougados Maxime (2019), DUAL NEUTRALISATION OF IL-17A AND IL-17F WITH BIMEKIZUMAB WAS ASSOCIATED WITH IMPROVEMENTS IN PATIENT-REPORTED AND QUALITY-OF-LIFE OUTCOMES IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: RESULTS FROM A PHASE 2B, RANDOMISED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED, DOSE-RANGING STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 193-193.
- Sepriano Alexandre, Ramiro Sofia, Wichuk Stephanie, Chiowchanwisawakit Praveena, Maccosham Terrie, Paschke Joel, van der Heijde Desiree, Landewe Robert B. M. & Maksymowych WalterP. (2019), HIGHER DISEASE ACTIVITY IS ASSOCIATED WITH MORE SPINAL RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 1254-1255.
- Kiltz Uta, van der Heijde Desiree, Boonen Annelies, Gensler LianneS., Hunter Theresa, Wyrwich Kathleen, Dong Yan, Gallo Gaia & Braun Juergen (2019), PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF THE ASAS HEALTH INDEX IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE AS/RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPA WHO HAVE PRIOR INADEQUATE RESPONSE/INTOLERANCE TO TNF INHIBITORS IN A PHASE 3 TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 2123-2124.
- Sepriano Alexandre, Ramiro Sofia, Wichuk Stephanie, Chiowchanwisawakit Praveena, Maccosham Terrie, Paschke Joel, van der Heijde Desiree, Landewe Robert B. M. & Maksymowych Walter P. (2019), TNF INHIBITORS REDUCE SPINAL RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS (PARTIALLY) BY DECREASING DISEASE ACTIVITY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 892-893.
- Stal Rosalinde, van Gaalen Floris A., Sepriano Alexandre, Braun Juergen, Reijnierse Monique, van der Heijde Desiree & Baraliakos Xenofon (2019), TWO-YEAR PROGRESSION OF FACET JOINT ANKYLOSIS ON WHOLE SPINE LOW-DOSE CT IN PATIENTS WITH RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: DATA FROM THE SENSITIVE IMAGING OF AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS (SIAS) COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 1356-1357.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Hoonhout, P.; Molto, A.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2019), WHAT IS AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS? A LATENT CLASS AND TRANSITION ANALYSIS IN THE SPACE AND DESIR COHORTS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 86-86.
- Lopez-Medina, C.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Dougados, M. & Molto, A. (2019), Characteristics and burden of disease in patients with radiographic and non-radiographic axial Spondyloarthritis: a comparison by systematic literature review and meta-analysis, RMD Open 5(2).
- de Hooge Manouk, van Gaalen Floris A., van de Sande Marleen, Fagerli Karen, Jacobsson Lennart, Elewaut Dirk, van der Heijde Desiree & van den Bosch Filip (2019), DIAGNOSTIC UTILITY OF INDIVIDUAL INFLAMMATORY BACK PAIN PARAMETERS IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 1233-1234.
- Rudwaleit Martin, Gensler Lianne S., Deodhar Atul, Kay Jonathan, Maksymowych Walter P., Haroon Nigil, Landewe Robert B. M., Auteri Simone, de Peyrecave Natasha, Kumke Thomas & van der Heijde Desiree (2019), EARLIER TREATMENT OF NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS WITH CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL RESULTS IN IMPROVED CLINICAL OUTCOMES, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 891-891.
- Westhovens Rene, Rigby William, van der Heijde Desiree, Ching Daniel, Bartok Beatrix, Matzkies Franziska, Yin Zhaoyu, Guo Ying, Tasset Chantal, Sundy John, Mozaffarian Neelufar, Messina Osvaldo, Landewe Robert B. M., Atsumi Tatsuya & Burmester Gerd Ruediger (2019), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF FILGOTINIB FOR PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS NAIVE TO METHOTREXATE THERAPY: FINCH3 PRIMARY OUTCOME RESULTS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 259-260.
- Combe Bernard, Kivitz Alan, Tanaka Yoshiya, van der Heijde Desiree, Matzkies Franziska, Bartok Beatrix, Ye Lei, Guo Ying, Tasset Chantal, Sundy John, Mozaffarian Neelufar, Landewe Robert B. M., Bae Sang-Cheol, Keystone Edward C. & Nash Peter (2019), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF FILGOTINIB FOR PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS WITH INADEQUATE RESPONSE TO METHOTREXATE: FINCH1 PRIMARY OUTCOME RESULTS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 77-78.
- Rodrigues-Manica Santiago, Sepriano Alexandre, Ramiro Sofia, Landewe Robert B. M., Claudepierre Pascal, Molto Anna, Dougados Maxime, van Lunteren Miranda & van der Heijde Desiree (2019), INCREASING IMPACT ON STRUCTURAL DAMAGE WITH INCREASING CUMULATIVE INFLAMMATION AT THE SI-JOINT QUADRANT LEVEL IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS-5-YEAR DATA FROM THE DESIR COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 462-462.
- Fleischmann Roy, Lin Yong, St John Gregory, van der Heijde Desiree, Qiu Chunfu, Jose Gomez-Reino Juan, Antonio Maldonado-Cocco Jose, Stanislav Marina, Seriolo Bruno & Burmester Gerd Ruediger (2019), LONG-TERM SAFETY WITH SARILUMAB PLUS CONVENTIONAL SYNTHETIC DISEASE-MODIFYING ANTIRHEUMATIC DRUGS AND SARILUMAB MONOTHERAPY IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: AN INTEGRATED ANALYSIS WITH 9,000 PATIENT-YEARS OF FOLLOW-UP, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 1130-1131.
- Mease Philip J., Gottlieb Alice B., van der Heijde Desiree, Fitzgerald Oliver, Johnsen Alyssa, Nys Marleen, Banerjee Subhashis, Ahmad Harris A. & Gladman Dafna D. (2019), SAFETY OF ABATACEPT TREATMENT OVER 2 YEARS IN A PHASE III ACTIVE PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS RANDOMIZED TRIAL (ASTRAEA), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 1849-1850.
- Mease Philip J., Landewe Robert B. M., Rahman Proton, Tahir Hasan, Singhal Atul, Boettcher Elke, Navarra Sandra, Readie Aimee, Mpofu Shephard, Delicha Eumorphia Maria, Pricop Luminita & van der Heijde Desiree (2019), SUBCUTANEOUS SECUKINUMAB 300MG AND 150MG PROVIDES SUSTAINED INHIBITION OF RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION IN PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS OVER 2 YEARS: RESULTS FROM THE PHASE 3 FUTURE-5 TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 262-262.
- Coates Laura C., Merola Joseph F., Fitzgerald Oliver, Kavanaugh Arthur, Gottlieb Alice B., Tillett William, Bauer Lars, Hoepken Bengt, Nurminen Tommi, Mease Philip J., Helliwell Philip & van der Heijde Desiree (2019), ACHIEVEMENT OF PASDAS LOW DISEASE ACTIVITY AND VERY LOW DISEASE ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS TREATED WITH CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL OVER 4 YEARS AND THE OVERLAP WITH DAPSA AND MDA DISEASE ACTIVITY TARGETS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 1836-1837.
- Boel Anne, Molto Anna, van der Heijde Desiree, Ciurea Adrian, Dougados Maxime, Gensler LianneS., Santos Maria Jose, de Miguel Eugenio, Poddubnyy Denis, Rudwaleit Martin, van Tubergen Astrid, van Gaalen Floris A. & Ramiro Sofia (2019), ARE THE MODIFIED NEW YORK AND ASAS AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS CRITERIA INTERCHANGEABLE IN THE CLASSIFICATION OF SPONDYLOARTHRITIS PATIENTS WITH RADIOGRAPHIC SACROILIITIS: COMPARISON IN 8 COHORTS?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 85-85.
- Kiltz Uta, Landewe Robert B. M., van der Heijde Desiree, Rudwaleit Martin, Dougados Maxime, Akkoc Nurullah, Boonen Annelies, Brandt-Juergens Jan, Caroon Philippe, Gossec Laure, Jongkees Merryn, Machado Pedro, Marzo-Ortega Helena, Molto Anna, Navarro-Compan Victoria, Schneider Karin Niedermann, Sampaio-Barros Percival D., Slobodin Gleb, van den Bosch Filip, van Tubergen Astrid, van Weely Salima, Weisman Michael, Wiek Dieter & Braun Juergen (2019), DEVELOPMENT OF A SET OF ASAS QUALITY STANDARDS FOR ADULTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78: 460-461.
- Landewe Robert, van der Heijde Desiree, Dougados Maxime, Baraliakos Xenofon, Van den Bosch Filip, Gaffney Karl, Hoepken Bengt, Thomas Karen & Gensler Lianne S. (2019), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OUTCOMES IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS TREATED WITH CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL: RESULTS FROM THE 48-WEEK RUN-IN PART OF A 96-WEEK STUDY (NCT02505542), Rheumatology 58.
- Ishiguro, N.; Tanaka, Y.; Yamanaka, H.; Yoneda, T.; Ohira, T.; Okubo, N.; Genant, H.K.; Heijde, D. van der & Takeuchi, T. (2019), Efficacy of denosumab with regard to bone destruction in prognostic subgroups of Japanese rheumatoid arthritis patients from the phase II DRIVE study, Rheumatology 58(6): 997-1005.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Rudwaleit, M. (2019), Is active sacroiliitis on MRI associated with radiographic damage in axial spondyloarthritis? Real-life data from the ASAS and DESIR cohorts, Rheumatology 58(5): 798-802.
- Genovese, M.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Lin, Y.; St John, G.; Wang, S.; Hoogstraten, H. van; Gomez-Reino, J.J.; Kivitz, A.; Maldonado-Cocco, J.A.; Seriolo, B.; Stanislav, M. & Burmester, G.R. (2019), Long-term safety and efficacy of sarilumab plus methotrexate on disease activity, physical function and radiographic progression: 5 years of sarilumab plus methotrexate treatment, RMD Open 5(2).
- Humby, F.; Lewis, M.; Ramamoorthi, N.; Hackney, J.A.; Barnes, M.R.; Bombardieri, M.; Setiadi, A.F.; Kelly, S.; Bene, F.; DiCicco, M.; Riahi, S.; Rocher, V.; Ng, N.; Lazarou, I.; Hands, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Helm-van Mil, A. van der; Cauli, A.; McInnes, I.; Buckley, C.D.; Choy, E.H.; Taylor, P.C.; Townsend, M.J. & Pitzalis, C. (2019), Synovial cellular and molecular signatures stratify clinical response to csDMARD therapy and predict radiographic progression in early rheumatoid arthritis patients, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78(6): 761-772.
- Heijde, D. van der; Strand, V.; Tanaka, Y.; Keystone, E.; Kremer, J.; Zerbini, C.A.F.; Cardiel, M.H.; Cohen, S.; Nash, P.; Song, Y.W.; Tegzova, D.; Gruben, D.; Wallenstein, G.; Connell, C.A.; Fleischmann, R.; Hall, S.; Nicholls, D.; Rischmueller, M.; Baker, M.F.; Bessette, L.; Cividino, A.A.; Haraoui, B.; Jones, H.N.; Keystone, E.; Khraishi, M.; Thorne, J.; Birbara, C.A.; Baraf, H.S.B.; Bathon, J.M.; Brodsky, A.L.; Cush, J.J.; Dikranian, A.H.; Diri, E.; Dura, P.A.; Lohr, K.M.; Fleischmann, R.; Griffin, R.M.; Halter, D.G.; Hargrove, J.K.; Bouda, D.W.; Pasya, S.K.R.; Hill, G.L.; Jackson, R.E.; Kafka, S.P.; Kaine, J.L.; Katzenstein, P.L.; Kempf, K.J.; Kolba, K.S.; Kremer, J.; Longley, S.; Mathews, S.D.; Milton, A.C.; Misischia, R.J.; Moorman, H.A.; Moreland, L.W.; Niemer, M.W.; Palmer, W.R.; Sayers, M.E.; Schuette, P.T.; Shamim, T.; Shergy, W.J.; Sikes, D.H.; Silverfield, J.C.; Siva, C.; Taborn, J.D.; Walsh, B.T.; Wells, A.F.; Wolfe, S.M.; Adhikari, P.; Amano, K.; Bae, S.C.; Chandrashekara, S.; Chopra, A.K.; Hsu, P.N.; Iwahashi, M.; Kadel, J.K.; Kawabe, Y.; Koh, E.M.; Lan, J.L.; Lee, S.K.; Lin, H.Y.; Liou, L.B.; Liu, M.F.; Migita, K.; Miyamoto, T.; Miyasaka, N.; Mori, S.; Munakata, Y.; Ohta, S.; Park, W.; Park, S.H.; Rao, U.R.; Shim, S.C.; Shobha, V.; Song, Y.W.; Takasaki, Y.; Takeuchi, T.; Tanaka, Y.; Tohma, S.; Tsai, W.C.; Ueki, Y.; Veeravalli, S.C.M.; Wagh, S.; Yamanaka, H.; Yoo, B.; Batalov, A.; Bichoversuska, D.; Dvorak, Z.; Goranov, I.; Hrytsenko, H.M.; Kopackova, J.; Mosterova, Z.; Oparanov, B.; Petrov, A.; Pokrzywnicka-Gajek, I.; Povoroznyuk, V.V.; Rosa, J.; Ruzga, Z.; Settas, L.; Stanislavchuk, M.A.; Tegzova, D.; Tseluyko, V.I.; Vitek, P.; Zerbini, C.A.F.; Brenol, J.C.T.; Cardiel, M.H.; Escalante, W.J.O.; Maldonado--Lopez, M.C.; Raad, J.J.J.; Hernandez, J.D.M.; Jauregui, E.A.; Keiserman, M.W.; Melazzi, A.C.C.; Pascual-Ramos, V.; Pinto, L.T.; Radominski, S.C.; Ximenes, A.C.; Morales, S.V. de & ORAL Scan Investigators (2019), Tofacitinib in Combination With Methotrexate in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: Clinical Efficacy, Radiographic, and Safety Outcomes From a Twenty-Four-Month, Phase III Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71(6): 878-891.
- Essers, I.; Hiligsmann, M.; Kiltz, U.; Bansback, N.; Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Boonen, A. (2019), Development of one general and six country-specific algorithms to assess societal health utilities based on ASAS HI, RMD Open 5(1).
- Putrik, P.; Ramiro, S.; Molto, A.; Keszei, A.P.; Norton, S.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M. & Boonen, A. (2019), Individual-level and country-level socioeconomic determinants of disease outcomes in SpA: multinational, cross-sectional study (ASAS-COMOSPA), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78(4): 486-493.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2019), Percentage of progressors in imaging: can we ignore regressors?, RMD Open 5(1).
- Barkham Nick, Braun Juergen, Sieper Joachim, Landewe Robert, Baraliakos Xenofon, Miceli-Richard Corinne, Quebe-Fehling Erhard, Porter Brian, Gandhi Kunal & van der Heijde Desiree (2019), SECUKINUMAB DEMONSTRATES RAPID AND SUSTAINED EFFICACY IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS PATIENTS WITH NORMAL OR ELEVATED BASELINE C-REACTIVE PROTEIN LEVELS: POOLED ANALYSIS OF TWO PHASE 3 STUDIES, Rheumatology 58: 153-154.
- Wittoek, R.; Kroon, F.P.B.; Kundakci, B.; Abhishek, A.; Haugen, I.K.; Berenbaum, F.; Conaghan, P.G.; Ishimori, M.L.; Smeets, W.; Heijde, D. van der & Kloppenburg, M. (2019), Report from the Hand Osteoarthritis Working Group at OMERACT 2018: Update on Core Instrument Set Development, Journal of Rheumatology 46(9): 1183-1187.
- Deodhar, A.; Gensler, L.S.; Sieper, J.; Clark, M.; Calderon, C.; Wang, Y.H.; Zhou, Y.Y.; Leu, J.H.; Campbell, K.; Sweet, K.; Harrison, D.D.; Hsia, E.C. & Heijde, D. van der (2019), Three Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Studies Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Ustekinumab in Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71(2): 258-270.
- Kloppenburg, M.; Peterfy, C.; Haugen, I.K.; Kroon, F.; Chen, S.; Wang, L.; Liu, W.; Levy, G.; Fleischmann, R.M.; Berenbaum, F.; Heijde, D. van der; Bansal, P.; Wittoek, R.; Feng, S.; Fang, Y.N.; Saltarelli, M.; Medema, J.K. & Levesque, M.C. (2019), Phase IIa, placebo-controlled, randomised study of lutikizumab, an anti-interleukin-1 alpha and anti-interleukin-1 beta dual variable domain immunoglobulin, in patients with erosive hand osteoarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78(3): 413-420.
- Takeuchi, T.; Tanaka, Y.; Soen, S.; Yamanaka, H.; Yoneda, T.; Tanaka, S.; Nitta, T.; Okubo, N.; Genant, H.K. & Heijde, D. van der (2019), Effects of the anti-RANKL antibody denosumab on joint structural damage in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DESIRABLE study): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78(7): 899-907.
- Deodhar, A.; Gensler, L.S.; Kay, J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Haroon, N.; Landewe, R.; Rudwaleit, M.; Hall, S.; Bauer, L.; Hoepken, B.; Peyrecave, N. de; Kilgallen, B. & Heijde, D. van der (2019), A Fifty-Two-Week, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Certolizumab Pegol in Nonradiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71(7): 1101-1111.
- Lunteren, M. van; Heijde, D. van der; Sepriano, A.; Berg, I.J.; Dougados, M.; Gossec, L.; Jacobsson, L.; Ramonda, R.; Rudwaleit, M.; Sieper, J.; Landewe, R. & Gaalen, F.A. van (2019), Is a positive family history of spondyloarthritis relevant for diagnosing axial spondyloarthritis once HLA-B27 status is known?, Rheumatology 58(9): 1649-1654.
- Takeuchi, T.; Tanaka, Y.; Tanaka, S.; Kawakami, A.; Iwasaki, M.; Katayama, K.; Rokuda, M.; Izutsu, H.; Ushijima, S.; Kaneko, Y.; Shiomi, T.; Yamada, E. & Heijde, D. van der (2019), Efficacy and safety of peficitinib (ASP015K) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and an inadequate response to methotrexate: results of a phase III randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (RAJ4) in Japan, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78(10): 1305-1319.
- Winter, J.J. de; Blijdorp, I.C.; Jong, H.M. de; Sauter, J.; Schmidt, A.H.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Heijde, D. van der; Poddubnyy, D.; Yeremenko, N.G.; Sande, M.G. van de & Baeten, D.L. (2019), HLA-C*07 in axial spondyloarthritis: data from the German Spondyloarthritis Inception Cohort and the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early cohort (vol 20, pg 671, 2019), Genes and Immunity 20(8): 690-690.
- Winter, J.J. de; Blijdorp, I.C.; Jong, H.M. de; Sauter, J.; Schmidt, A.H.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Heijde, D. van der; Poddubnyy, D.; Yeremenko, N.G.; Sande, M.G. van de & Baeten, D.L. (2019), HLA-C*07 in axial spondyloarthritis: data from the German Spondyloarthritis Inception Cohort and the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early cohort, Genes and Immunity 20(8): 671-677.
- Heijde, D. van der; Song, I.H.; Pangan, A.L.; Deodhar, A.; Bosch, F. van den; Maksymowych, W.P.; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Everding, A.; Sui, Y.X.; Wang, X.; Chu, A.D. & Sieper, J. (2019), Efficacy and safety of upadacitinib in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis (SELECT-AXIS 1): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2/3 trial, Lancet 394(10214): 2108-2117.
- Sepriano A, Ramiro S, Wichuk S, Chiowchanwisawakit P, MacCosham T, Paschke J, van der Heijde D, Landewe RBM & Maksymowych W (2019), Higher Disease Activity Is Associated with More Spinal Radiographic Progression in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis Independently of Prior Exposure to TNF Inhibitors, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Stal R, van Gaalen F, Sepriano A, Braun J, Reijnierse M, van der Heijde D & Baraliakos X (2019), Spinal Bone Formation as Assessed by Low-Dose CT Scan in Patients with Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis - Comparison of the Progression Observed in Vertebrae and Facet Joints, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Sepriano A, Ramiro SA, Wichuk S, Chiowchanwisawakit P, MacCosham T, Paschke J, van der Heijde D, Landewe RBM & Maksymowych W (2019), TNF Inhibitors Reduce Spinal Radiographic Progression in Axial Spondyloarthritis by Mechanisms Associated with but Also Independent of Disease Activity, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Coates L, Merola J, Kavanaugh A, Mease P, Davies O, Irvin-Sellers O, Nurminen T & van der Heijde D (2019), Achievement of Very Low Disease Activity and Remission Treatment Targets Is Associated with Reduced Radiographic Progression in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis Treated with Certolizumab Pegol, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Boel A, Molto A, van der Heijde D, Ciurea A, Dougados M, Gensler L, Santos MJ, de Miguel E, Poddubnyy D, Rudwaleit M, van Tubergen A, van Gaalen F & Ramiro S (2019), Are the Modified New York and ASAS Criteria Interchangeable in the Classification of Patients with Spondyloarthritis with Radiographic Sacroiliitis?, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Mease PJ, Rahman P, Gottlieb AB, Hsia E, Kollmeier A, Xu X, Subramanian R, Agarwal P, Sheng SH, Zhou B, van der Heijde D & McInnes I (2019), Guselkumab, an Anti-interleukin-23p19 Monoclonal Antibody, in Biologic-naive Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis: Week 24 Results of the Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Takeuchi T, Tanaka Y, Rokuda M, Izutsu H, Kaneko Y, Fukuda M, Kato D & van der Heijde D (2019), Inhibition of Joint Destruction in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated with Peficitinib in Combination with Methotrexate: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial in Japan, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Kiltz U, van der Heijde D, Boonen A, Gensler L, Hunter T, Zhao FY, Zhu BJ, Bolce R, Carlier H & Braun J (2019), Ixekizumab Improves Self-reported Overall Functioning and Health as Measured by the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society Health Index in Patients with Active Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis: 52-Week Results of Two Phase 3 Randomized Trials, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Exarchou S, Turesson C, Lindstrom U, Ramonda R, Landewe RBM, Dagfinrud H, van Gaalen F, van der Heijde D & Jacobsson L (2019), Smoking, Alcohol Intake and Body Mass Index in Prediction of Disease Activity over Time in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis - Results from the SPondyloArthritis Caught Early (SPACE) Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Dougados M, van der Heijde D, Bingham C, Taylor P, Fallon L, Woolcott J, Brault Y, Wang L & Kessouri M (2019), The Effect of Tofacitinib on Residual Pain in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Sundin U, Aga AB, Skare O, Nordberg L, Uhlig T, Hammer H, van der Heijde D, Kvien T, Lillegraven S & Haavardsholm E (2019), Ultrasound versus Conventional Treat-To-Target Strategies in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Outcome Data from a 2-year Randomized Controlled Strategy Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Deodhar A, Gensler L, Kay J, Maksymowych WP, Haroon N, Landewe RBM, Rudwaleit M, Hall S, Bauer L, Hoepken B, de Peyrecave N, Kumke T & van der Heijde D (2019), Certolizumab Pegol Improves Work and Household Productivity and Social Participation over 1 Year of Treatment in Patients with Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- van der Heijde D, Gensler L, Deodhar A, Baraliakos X, Poddubnyy D, Kivitz A, Oortgiesen M, Baeten D, Goldammer N, Coarse J, Farmer MK & Dougados M (2019), Dual Neutralization of IL-17A and IL-17F with Bimekizumab in Patients with Active Ankylosing Spondylitis: 48-Week Efficacy and Safety Results from a Phase 2b, Randomized, Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Dose-Ranging Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Mease P, Landewe RBM, Rahman P, Tahir H, Singhal A, Bottcher E, Navarra S, Readie A, Mpofu S, Delicha EM, Pricop L & van der Heijde D (2019), Effect of Secukinumab on Radiographic Progression Through 2 Years in Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis: End-of-study Results from a Phase III Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Kerschbaumer A, Smolen J, Dougados M, de Wit M, Primdahl J, McInnes I, van der Heijde D, Falzon L, Baraliakos X & Gossec L (2019), Efficacy and Safety of Disease-Modifying Drugs in Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA): A Systematic Literature Review, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- van der Heijde D, Song IH, Pangan A, Deodhar A, Van den Bosch F, Maksymowych WP, Kim TH, Kishimoto M, Everding A, Sui YX, Wang X, Chu AD & Sieper J (2019), Efficacy and Safety of Upadacitinib in a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Phase 2/3 Clinical Study of Patients with Active Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Kerschbaumer A, Sepriano A, Smolen J, van der Heijde D, Dougados M, Van Vollenhoven RF, McInnes I, Bijlsma J, Burmester G, de Wit M, Falzon L & Landewe RBM (2019), Efficacy of Pharmacological Treatment in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Literature Review Informing the 2019 Update of the EULAR Recommendations for Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Maksymowych WP, Machado P, Lambert R, Baraliakos X, Ostergaard M, Sieper J, Wichuk S, Poddubnyy D, Rudwaleit M, van der Heijde D, Landewe RBM, Paschke J, Pedersen SJ & Weber U (2019), Replacement of Radiographic Sacroilitis by MRI Structural Lesions: What Is the Impact on Classification of Axial Spondyloarthritis in the ASAS Classification Cohort?, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Sepriano A, Kerschbaumer A, Smolen J, van der Heijde D, Dougados M, Van Vollenhoven RF, McInnes I, Bijlsma J, Burmester G, de Wit M, Falzon L & Landewe RBM (2019), Safety of Synthetic and Biological DMARDs: A Systematic Literature Review Informing the 2019 Update of the EULAR Recommendations for Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Deodhar A, van der Heijde D, Gensler L, Kim TH, Maksymowych WP, Ostergaard M, Poddubnyy D, Marzo-Ortega H, Bessette L, Tomita T, Gallo G, Adams D, Leung A, Zhao FY, Hojnik M, Carlier H & Sieper J (2019), Ixekizumab in Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis: Primary Results from a Phase 3 Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Maksymowych WP, Baraliakos X, de Hooge M, Eshed I, Pedersen SJ, Weber U, Sieper J, Wichuk S, Poddubnyy D, Rudwaleit M, van der Heijde D, Landewe RBM, Paschke J, Lambert R & Ostergaard M (2019), Longitudinal Assessment of MRI of the Sacroiliac Joints in the ASAS Classification Cohort: Evolution of Diagnostic Features and Predictive Utility for Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Lillegraven S, Sundlisater N, Aga AB, Sexton J, Olsen IC, Fremstad H, Spada C, Madland TM, Hoili C, Bakland G, Lexberg A, Hansen IJW, Hansen IM, Haukeland H, Ljosa MKA, Moholt E, Uhlig T, Solomon D, van der Heijde D, Kvien T & Haavardsholm EA (2019), Tapering of Conventional Synthetic Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in Sustained Remission: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Maksymowych WP, Pedersen SJ, Weber U, Machado P, Baraliakos X, Sieper J, Wichuk S, Poddubnyy D, Rudwaleit M, van der Heijde D, Landewe RBM, Paschke J, Ostergaard M & Lambert R (2019), What Is the Impact of Discrepancy Between Central and Local Readers in Evaluation of MRI Scans on the Classification of Axial Spondyloarthritis? Data from the ASAS Classification Cohort Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Bautista-Molano, W.; Landewe, R.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Maldonado-Cocco, J.; Molto, A.; Bosch, F. van den; Valle-Onate, R.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2018), Prevalence of Comorbidities and Risk Factors for Comorbidities in Patients with Spondyloarthritis in Latin America: A Comparative Study with the General Population and Data from the ASAS-COMOSPA Study, Journal of Rheumatology 45(2): 206-212.
- Koning, A. de; Bruin, F. de; Berg, R. van den; Ramiro, S.; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Reijnierse, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2018), Low-dose CT detects more progression of bone formation in comparison to conventional radiography in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: results from the SIAS cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(2): 293-299.
- Dougados, M.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Molto, A.; Claudepierre, P.; Hooge, M. de; Lambert, R.G.; Bonin, R.; Bukowski, J.F.; Jones, H.E.; Logeart, I.; Pedersen, R.; Szumski, A.; Vlahos, B. & Heijde, D. van der (2018), Evaluation of the change in structural radiographic sacroiliac joint damage after 2 years of etanercept therapy (EMBARK trial) in comparison to a contemporary control cohort (DESIR cohort) in recent onset axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(2): 221-227.
- Charles-Schoeman, C.; Heijde, D. van der; Burmester, G.R.; Nash, P.; Zerbini, C.A.F.; Connell, C.A.; Fan, H.Y.; Kwok, K.; Bananis, E. & Fleischmann, R. (2018), Effect of Glucocorticoids on the Clinical and Radiographic Efficacy of Tofacitinib in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Posthoc Analysis of Data from 6 Phase III Studies, The Journal of Rheumatology 45(2): 177-187.
- Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Lunteren, M. van; Bakker, P.A.C.; Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Fagerli, K.M.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Ramonda, R.; Jacobsson, L.T.H.; Gaalen, F.A. van & Heijde, D. van der (2018), The influence of discrepant imaging judgements on the classification of axial spondyloarthritis is limited: a replication in the SpondyloArthritis Caught Early (SPACE) cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(1).
- Molnar, C.; Scherer, A.; Baraliakos, X.; Hooge, M. de; Micheroli, R.; Exer, P.; Kissling, R.O.; Tamborrini, G.; Wildi, L.M.; Nissen, M.J.; Zufferey, P.; Bernhard, J.; Weber, U.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Ciurea, A. & Rheumatologists Swiss Clinical (2018), TNF blockers inhibit spinal radiographic progression in ankylosing spondylitis by reducing disease activity: results from the Swiss Clinical Quality Management cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(1): 63-69.
- Smolen, J.S.; Schoels, M.; Braun, J.; Dougados, M.; FitzGerald, O.; Gladman, D.D.; Kavanaugh, A.; Landewe, R.; Mease, P.; Sieper, J.; Stamm, T.; Wit, M. de; Aletaha, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Betteridge, N.; Bosch, F. van den; Coates, L.C.; Emery, P.; Gensler, L.S.; Gossec, L.; Helliwell, P.; Jongkees, M.; Kvien, T.K.; Inman, R.D.; McInnes, I.B.; Maccarone, M.; Machado, P.M.; Molto, A.; Ogdie, A.; Poddubnyy, D.; Ritchlin, C.; Rudwaleit, M.; Tanew, A.; Thio, B.; Veale, D.; Vlam, K. de & Heijde, D. van der (2018), Treating axial spondyloarthritis and peripheral spondyloarthritis, especially psoriatic arthritis, to target: 2017 update of recommendations by an international task force, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(1): 3-17.
- Molto, A.; Gossec, L.; Meghnathi, B.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Atagunduz, P.; Elzorkany, B.K.; Akkoc, N.; Kiltz, U.; Gu, J.R.; Wei, J.C.C.; Dougados, M. & ASAS-FLARE Study Grp (2018), An Assessment in SpondyloArthritis International Society (ASAS)-endorsed definition of clinically important worsening in axial spondyloarthritis based on ASDAS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(1): 124-127.
- Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2018), Alternative diagnoses in patients with chronic back pain not diagnosed with axial spondyloarthritis: data from the SPACE cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(6): E34-+.
- Koning, A. de; Schoones, J.W.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2018), Pathophysiology of axial spondyloarthritis: Consensus and controversies, European Journal of Clinical Investigation 48(5).
- Heijde, D. van der; Daikh, D.I.; Betteridge, N.; Burmester, G.R.; Hassett, A.L.; Matteson, E.L.; Vollenhoven, R. van & Lakhanpal, S. (2018), Common language description of the term rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) for use in communication with the lay public, healthcare providers and other stakeholders endorsed by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) and the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(6): 829-832.
- Mease, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Mpofu, S.; Rahman, P.; Tahir, H.; Singhal, A.; Boettcher, E.; Navarra, S.; Meiser, K.; Readie, A.; Pricop, L. & Abrams, K. (2018), Secukinumab improves active psoriatic arthritis symptoms and inhibits radiographic progression: primary results from the randomised, double-blind, phase III FUTURE 5 study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(6): 890-897.
- Ramiro, S.; Claudepierre, P.; Sepriano, A.; Lunteren, M. van; Molto, A.; Feydy, A.; d'Agostino, M.A.; Loeuille, D.; Dougados, M.; Reijnierse, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2018), Which scoring method depicts spinal radiographic damage in early axial spondyloarthritis best? Five-year results from the DESIR cohort, Rheumatology 57(11): 1991-2000.
- Heijde, D. van der; Baraliakos, X.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Machado, P.M.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Davies, O.R.; Peyrecave, N. de; Hoepken, B.; Bauer, L.; Nurminen, T. & Braun, J. (2018), Limited radiographic progression and sustained reductions in MRI inflammation in patients with axial spondyloarthritis: 4-year imaging outcomes from the RAPID-axSpA phase III randomised trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(5): 699-705.
- Ramiro, S.; Smolen, J.S.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Gossec, L. (2018), How are enthesitis, dactylitis and nail involvement measured and reported in recent clinical trials of psoriatic arthritis? A systematic literature review, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(5): 782-+.
- Landewe, R.B.M. & Heijde, D. van der (2018), "Big Data" in Rheumatology Intelligent Data Modeling Improves the Quality of Imaging Data, Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America 44(2): 307-+.
- Ramiro S., Claudepierre P., Sepriano A., van Lunteren M., Molto A., Feydy A., D' Agostino M. A., Loeuille D., Dougados M., Reijnierse M. & van der Heijde D. (2018), WHICH SCORING METHOD DEPICTS SPINAL RADIOGRAPHIC DAMAGE IN (EARLY) AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS BEST? FIVE-YEAR RESULTS FROM THE DESIR COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 354-355.
- Ramiro S., Claudepierre P., Sepriano A., van Lunteren M., Molto A., Feydy A., d'Agostino M. A., Loeuille D., Dougados M., Reijnierse M. & van der Heijde D. (2018), WHICH SCORING METHOD DEPICTS SPINAL RADIOGRAPHIC DAMAGE IN (EARLY) AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS BEST? FIVE-YEAR RESULTS FROM THE DESIR COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 36(4): 702-703.
- Bautista-Molano, W.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Kiltz, U.; Valle-Onate, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2018), Validation and reliability of translation of the ASAS Health Index in a Colombian Spanish-speaking population with spondyloarthritis, Clinical Rheumatology 37(11): 3063-3068.
- Nordberg L. B., Lillegraven S., Aga A. -B., Sexton J., Lie E., Hammer H. B., Olsen I. C., Uhlig T., van der Heijde D., Kvien T. K. & Haavardsholm E. A. (2018), ULTRASOUND POWER DOPPLER ACTIVITY PREDICTS CLINICAL JOINT SWELLING IN EARLY RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PATIENTS: SECONDARY ANALYSES FROM THE ARCTIC TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 126-127.
- Mease, P.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Karki, C.; Liu, M.; Park, Y. & Greenberg, J.D. (2018), Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor Discontinuation in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: An Observational Study From the US-Based Corrona Registry, Rheumatology and Therapy 5(2): 537-550.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Baraliakos, X.; Deodhar, A.; Sherlock, S.P.; Li, D.; Fleishaker, D.; Hendrikx, T. & Kanik, K.S. (2018), Tofacitinib is associated with attainment of the minimally important reduction in axial magnetic resonance imaging inflammation in ankylosing spondylitis patients, Rheumatology 57(8): 1390-1399.
- Sepriano Alexandre, Ramiro Sofia, Landewe Robert B. M., Dougados Maxime, van der Heijde Desiree & Rudwaleit Martin (2018), Inflammation on MRI of the Sacroiliac Joints Is Highly Associated with Structural Damage in Axial Spondyloarthritis Patients in Clinical Practice: Data from the ASAS and DESIR Cohorts, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Manica Santiago Rodrigues, Sepriano Alexandre, Ramiro Sofia, Landewe Robert B. M., Claudepierre Pascal, Molto Anna, Dougados Maxime, van Lunteren Miranda & van der Heijde Desiree (2018), Is All MRI-SIJ Inflammation the Same? Gradient of Structural Damage with Increasing Cumulative Inflammation at the SIJ Quadrant Level in Axial Spondyloarthritis-5-Year Data from the DESIR Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- van Lunteren Miranda, van der Heijde Desiree, Sepriano Alexandre, Berg Inger, Dougados Maxime, Gossec Laure, Jacobsson Lennart, Ramonda Roberta, Rudwaleit Martin, Sieper Joachim, Landewe Robert B. M. & van Gaalen Floris (2018), Is a Positive Family History of Spondyloarthritis Relevant for Diagnosing Axial Spondyloarthritis Once HLA-B27 Status Is Known? Data from the ASAS, DESIR, and SPACE Cohorts, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- van Lunteren M., van der Heijde D., Sepriano A., Landewe R., Berg I. J., Dougados M., Gossec L., Jacobsson L., Ramonda R., Rudwaleit M., Sieper J. & van Gaalen F. A. (2018), IS A POSITIVE FAMILY HISTORY OF SPONDYLOARTHRITIS RELEVANT FOR DIAGNOSING AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS ONCE HLA-B27 STATUS IS KNOWN? DATA FROM THE ASAS, DESIR, AND SPACE COHORTS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 36(4): 713-713.
- van Lunteren M., Sepriano A., Landewe R., Berg I. J., Dougados M., Gossec L., Jacobsson L., Ramonda R., Rudwaleit M., Sieper J., van der Heijde D. & van Gaalen F. A. (2018), IS A POSITIVE FAMILY HISTORY OF SPONDYLOARTHRITIS RELEVANT FOR DIAGNOSING AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS ONCE HLA-B27 STATUS IS KNOWN? DATA FROM THE ASAS, DESIR AND SPACE COHORTS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 336-336.
- van der Heijde D. (2018), IS LOW RADIATION CT OF THE SPINE SUITABLE TO ASSESS STRUCTURAL PROGRESSION IN SpA?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 36(4): 695-695.
- Heijde, D. van der; Wei, J.C.C.; Dougados, M.; Mease, P.; Deodhar, A.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Bosch, F. van den; Sieper, J.; Tomita, T.; Landewe, R.; Zhao, F.Y.; Krishnan, E.; Adams, D.H.; Pangallo, B.; Carlier, H. & COAST-V Study Grp (2018), Ixekizumab, an interleukin-17A antagonist in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis or radiographic axial spondyloarthritis in patients previously untreated with biological diseasemodifying anti-rheumatic drugs (COAST-V): 16 week results of a phase 3 randomised, double-blind, active-controlled and placebo-controlled trial, Lancet 392(10163): 2441-2451.
- Kiltz Uta, van der Heijde Desiree, Boonen Annelies, Gensler Lianne S., Hunter Theresa, Zhao Fangyi, Carlier Hilde & Braun Juergen (2018), Ixekizumab Significantly Improves Self-Reported Overall Functioning and Health in Patients with Active As/Radiographic Axial Spa Naive to Biologic DMARD Therapy: 16-Week Results of a Phase 3 Randomized, Active and Placebo-Controlled Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- van der Heijde Desiree, Wei James Cheng-Chung, Dougados Maxime, Mease Philip J., Deodhar Atul A., Maksymowych Walter P., van den Bosch Filip, Sieper Joachim, Tomita Tetsuya, Landewe Robert B. M., Mallbris Lotus, Zhao Fangyi, Adams David, Pangallo Beth & Carlier Hilde (2018), Ixekizumab Significantly Improves Signs, Symptoms, and Spinal Inflammation of Active Ankylosing Spondylitis/Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis: 16-Week Results of a Phase 3 Randomized, Active and Placebo-Controlled Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Burmester G. R., Lin Y., St John G., Wang S., Gomez-Reino J. J., Maldonado-Cocco J. A., Salazar J. C., van der Heijde D. & Genovese M. C. (2018), LONG-TERM EFFICACY WITH 5-YEAR-RADIOGRAPHIC RESULTS AND SAFETY OF SARILUMAB IN COMBINATION WITH CSDMARDS IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 946-947.
- Strand, V.; Kavanaugh, A.; Kivitz, A.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Kwok, K.; Akylbekova, E.; Soonasra, A.; Snyder, M.; Connell, C.; Bananis, E. & Smolen, J.S. (2018), Long-Term Radiographic and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated with Tofacitinib: ORAL Start and ORAL Scan Post-hoc Analyses, Rheumatology and Therapy 5(2): 341-353.
- Braun Juergen, Haibel Hildrun, de Hooge Manouk, Landewe Robert B. M., Rudwaleit Martin, Fox Todd, Readie Aimee, Richards Hanno, Porter Brian, Martin Ruvie, Poddubnyy Denis, Sieper Joachim & van der Heijde Desiree (2018), Low Rate of Spinal Radiographic Progression over 2 Years in Ankylosing Spondylitis Patients Treated with Secukinumab: A Historical Cohort Comparison, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Braun J., Haibel H., de Hooge M., Landewe R., Rudwaleit M., Fox T., Readie A., Richards H. B., Porter B., Martin R., Poddubny D., Sieper J. & van der Heijde D. (2018), LOW RATE OF SPINAL RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION OVER 2 YEARS IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS PATIENTS TREATED WITH SECUKINUMAB: A HISTORICAL COHORT COMPARISON, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 992-993.
- Braun J., Haibe, H. I, de Hooge M., Landewe R., Rudwaleit M., Fox T., Readie A., Richards H. B., Porters B., Martina R., Poddubny D., Sieper J. & van der Heijde D. (2018), LOW RATE OF SPINAL RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION OVER 2 YEARS IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS PATIENTS TREATED WITH SECUKINUMAB: A HISTORICAL COHORT COMPARISON, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 992-992.
- Winter, J. de; Hooge, M. de; Sande, M. van de; Jong, H. de; Hoeven, L. van; Koning, A. de; Berg, I.J.; Ramonda, R.; Baeten, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Weel, A. & Landewe, R. (2018), Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Sacroiliac Joints Indicating Sacroiliitis According to the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society Definition in Healthy Individuals, Runners, and Women With Postpartum Back Pain, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70(7): 1042-1048.
- Kiltz, U.; Heijde, D. van der; Boonen, A.; Akkoc, N.; Bautista-Molano, W.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Wei, J.C.C.; Chiowchanwisawakit, P.; Dougados, M.; Duruoz, M.T.; Elzorkany, B.K.; Gaydukova, I.; Gensler, L.S.; Gilio, M.; Grazio, S.; Gu, J.; Inman, R.D.; Kim, T.J.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Ozgocmen, S.; Santos, F.P. dos; Schirmer, M.; Stebbings, S.; Bosch, F.E. van den; Tubergen, A. van & Braun, J. (2018), Measurement properties of the ASAS Health Index: results of a global study in patients with axial and peripheral spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(9): 1311-1317.
- Marques Mary Lucy, Ramiro Sofia, van Gaalen Floris, Goupille Philippe, Dougados Maxime & van der Heijde Desiree (2018), Measuring Spinal Mobility over Time in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis: Can We Do It Reliably?, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Marques M. L., Ramiro S., van Gaalen F. A., Goupille P., Dougados M. & van der Heijde D. (2018), MEASURING SPINAL MOBILITY OVER TIME IN EARLY AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: CAN WE DO IT RELIABLY?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 36(4): 741-741.
- Imkamp, M.; Passos, V.L.; Boonen, A.; Arends, S.; Dougados, M.; Landewe, R.; Ramiro, S.; Bosch, F. van den; Heijde, D. van der; Wink, F.R.; Spoorenberg, A. & Tubergen, A. van (2018), Uncovering the heterogeneity of disease impact in axial spondyloarthritis: bivariate trajectories of disease activity and quality of life, RMD Open 4(2).
- Braun, J.; Deodhar, A.; Landewe, R.; Baraliakos, X.; Miceli-Richard, C.; Sieper, J.; Quebe-Fehling, E.; Martin, R.; Porter, B.; Gandhi, K.K.; Heijde, D. van der; Gallagher, J.; Maity, N.; Pillai, N.; MEASURE 1 Study Grp & MEASURE 2 Study Grp (2018), Impact of baseline C-reactive protein levels on the response to secukinumab in ankylosing spondylitis: 3-year pooled data from two phase III studies, RMD Open 4(2).
- Nordberg, L.B.; Lillegraven, S.; Aga, A.B.; Sexton, J.; Olsen, I.C.; Lie, E.; Hammer, H.B.; Uhlig, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K. & Haavardsholm, E.A. (2018), Comparing the disease course of patients with seronegative and seropositive rheumatoid arthritis fulfilling the 2010 ACR/EULAR classification criteria in a treat-to-target setting: 2-year data from the ARCTIC trial, RMD Open 4(2).
- Maksymowych Walter P., Lambert Robert G., Ostergaard Mikkel, de Hooge Manouk, Pedersen Susanne J., Bennett Alexander N., Burgos-Vargas Ruben, Eshed Iris, Landewe Robert B. M., Machado Pedro, Marzo-Ortega Helena, Hermann Kay-Geert, Poddubnyy Denis, Rudwaleit Martin, Sieper Joachim, van der Heijde Desiree, van der Horst-Bruinsma Irene, Weber Ulrich & Baraliakos Xenofon (2018), MRI Lesion Definitions in Axial Spondyloarthritis: A Consensus Reappraisal from the Assessments in Spondyloarthritis International Society, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Maksymowych W. P., Lambert R. G., Ostergaard M., de Hooge M., Pedersen S. J., Bennett A., Burgos-Vargas R., Eshed I, Landewe R., Machado P. M., Marzo-Ortega H., Hermann K. G., Poddubnyy D., Rudwaleit M., Sieper J., van der Heijde D., van der Horst-Bruinsma I, Weber U. & Baraliakos X. (2018), MRI LESION DEFINITIONS IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: A CONSENSUS REAPPRAISAL FROM THE ASSESSMENTS IN SPONDYLOARTHRITIS INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY (ASAS), Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 36(4): 707-707.
- Dakkak, Y.J.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Reijnierse, M. & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2018), Validity of the rheumatoid arthritis MRI score applied to the forefeet using the OMERACT filter: a systematic literature review, RMD Open 4(2).
- Maksymowych W. P., Lambert R. G., Ostergaard M., de Hooge M., Pedersen S. J., Bennett A. N., Burgos-Vargas R., Eshed I., Landewe R., Machado P., Marzo-Ortega H., Poddubnyy D., Rudwaleit M., Sieper J., van der Heijde D., Van der Horst-Bruinsma I., Weber U. & Baraliakos X. (2018), MRI LESION DEFINITIONS IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: A CONSENSUS REAPPRAISAL FROM THE ASSESSMENTS IN SPONDYLOARTHRITIS INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY (ASAS), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 356-357.
- Kroon, F.P.B.; Boersma, A.; Boonen, A.; Beest, S. van; Damman, W.; Heijde, D. van der; Rosendaal, F.R. & Kloppenburg, M. (2018), Performance of the Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire in hand osteoarthritis, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 26(12): 1627-1635.
- Sundlisaeter, N.P.; Olsen, I.C.; Aga, A.B.; Hammer, H.B.; Uhlig, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Lillegraven, S.; Haavardsholm, E.A. & ARCTIC Study Grp (2018), Predictors of sustained remission in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis treated according to an aggressive treat-to-target protocol, Rheumatology 57(11): 2022-2031.
- Protopopov Mikhail, Proft Fabian, Sepriano Alexandre, Landewe Robert B. M., Van der Heijde Desiree, Sieper Joachim, Rudwaleit Martin & Poddubnyy Denis (2018), Progression of Radiographic Sacroiliitis in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis from the Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society Cohort on Central Reading - Five-Year Data, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Madari Q. S. R., Ramiro M. S., Sepriano A., Landewe R., Dougados M., van Gaalen F. A. & van der Heijde D. (2018), PROGRESSION OF STRUCTURAL DAMAGE ON MRI OF THE SPINE AND SACROILIAC JOINTS IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS IS LIMITED: THE 5-YEAR RESULTS IN THE DESIR COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 36(4): 703-704.
- Kiltz Uta, van der Heijde Desiree, Boonen Annelies, Gensler Lianne S., Hunter Theresa, Dong Yan, Wyrwich Kathleen, Carlier Hilde & Braun Juergen (2018), Psychometric Properties of the Assessment of Spa International Society Health Index in Patients with Active As/Radiographic Axial Spa in a Phase 3 Clinical Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Alegria G. Carvajal, Voirin-Hertz M., Garrigues F., Simon A., Feydy A., van der Heijde D., Reijnierse M., Loeuille D., Claudepierre P., Marhadour T. & Saraux A. (2018), RADIOGRAPHIC AND MRI DETECTED SACROILIITIS IS MORE OFTEN OBSERVED IN PATIENTS WITH LUMBOSACRAL TRANSITIONAL VERTEBRA IN THE DESIR COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 1170-1170.
- van der Heijde Desiree, Chandran Vinod, Fleischmann Roy, Benichou Olivier, Rathmann Suchitrita & Shuler Catherine (2018), Radiographic Progression of Structural Joint Damage in Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis Treated with Ixekizumab for up to 3 Years, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Erp, S.J.H. van; Have, M. van der; Fidder, H.H.; Heijde, D. van der; Wolterbeek, R.; Hommes, D.W.; Kaptein, A.A. & Meulen-de Jong, A.E. van der (2018), The effect of arthropathies on illness perceptions, coping strategies, outcomes, and their changes over time in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a 12-month follow-up study, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 30(4): 465-470.
- Genderen, S. van; Plasqui, G.; Heijde, D. van der; Gaalen, F. van; Heuft, L.; Luime, J.; Spoorenberg, A.; Arends, S.; Lacaille, D.; Gignac, M.; Landewe, R. & Boonen, A. (2018), Social Role Participation and Satisfaction With Life: A Study Among Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis and Population Controls, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 70(4): 600-607.
- Protopopov M., Pratt F., Sepriano A., Landewe R., van der Heijde D., Sieper J., Rudwaleit M. & Poddubnyy D. (2018), RATES AND PREDICTORS OF RADIOGRAPHIC SACROILIITIS PROGRESSION AFTER CENTRAL READING IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS FROM THE ASAS COHORT: A 5-YEAR FOLLOW-UP STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 629-630.
- Jonsson, M.K.; Sundlisaeter, N.P.; Nordal, H.H.; Hammer, H.B.; Aga, A.B.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Fevang, B.T.S.; Lillegraven, S. & Haavardsholm, E.A. (2018), Response to: 'Calprotectin is not independent from baseline erosion in predicting radiological progression in early rheumatoid arthritis' by Chevreau et al, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(12).
- Mease Philip J., van der Heijde D., Landewe R., Mpofu S., Rahman P., Tahir H., Singhal A., Navarra S., Boettcher E., Zhu X., Readie A., Pricop L. & Abrams K. (2018), SECUKINUMAB IMPROVES SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS: RESULTS FROM A PHASE 3 STUDY, FUTURE 5, Acta Dermato-Venereologica 98: 17-18.
- Webers C., Ramiro S., Landewe R., van der Heijde D., van den Bosch F., Dougados M., van Tubergen A. & Boonen A. (2018), SICK LEAVE AND ITS PREDICTORS IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: LONG-TERM RESULTS FROM THE OUTCOME IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS INTERNATIONAL STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 336-336.
- Marques Mary Lucy, Ramiro Sofia, van Gaalen Floris, Goupille Philippe, Dougados Maxime & van der Heijde Desiree (2018), Spinal Mobility Measures Allow Discrimination of Subgroups of Different Activity and Severity in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Marques M. L., Ramiro S., van Gaalen F. A., Goupille P., Dougados M. & van der Heijde D. (2018), SPINAL MOBILITY MEASURES ALLOW DISCRIMINATION OF SUBGROUPS OF DIFFERENT ACTIVITY AND SEVERITY IN EARLY AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 36(4): 741-741.
- Ramiro S., van der Heijde D., Sepriano A., van Lunteren M., Molto A., Feydy A., d'Agostino M. A., Loeuille D., Dougados M., Reijnierse M. & Claudepierre P. (2018), SPINAL RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION IN EARLY AXIAL SpA: 5-YEAR DATA FROM THE DESIR COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 36(4): 703-703.
- Ramiro S., van der Heijde D., Sepriano A., van Lunteren M., Molto A., Feydy A., D'Agostino M. A., Loeuille D., Dougados M., Reijnierse M. & Claudepierre P. (2018), SPINAL RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION IN EARLY AXIAL SPA: 5-YEAR DATA FROM THE DESIR COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 629-629.
- Ramiro Sofia, van der Heijde Desiree, Sepriano Alexandre, van Lunteren Miranda, Molto Anna, D'Agostino Maria Antonietta, Loeuille Damien, Dougados Maxime, Reijnierse M. & Clauclepierre Pascal (2018), Spinal Radiographic Progression in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis: 5-Year Data from the DESIR Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Heijde, D. van der; Durez, P.; Schett, G.; Naredo, E.; Ostergaard, M.; Meszaros, G.; Leonardis, F. de; Torre, I. de la; Lopez-Romero, P.; Schlichting, D.; Nantz, E. & Fleischmann, R. (2018), Structural damage progression in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis treated with methotrexate, baricitinib, or baricitinib plus methotrexate based on clinical response in the phase 3 RA-BEGIN study, Clinical Rheumatology 37(9): 2381-2390.
- van der Heijde D., Mease P., Landewe R., Mpofu S., Rahman P., Tahir H., Singhal A., Boettcher E., Navarra S., Zhu X., Readie A., Pricop L. & Abrams K. (2018), SUBCUTANEOUS SECUKINUMAB INHIBITS RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION IN PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS: ANALYSIS BY PRIOR ANTI-TNF THERAPY AND CONCOMITANT METHOTREXATE USE, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 199-200.
- Mease Philip J., van der Heijde Desiree, Landewe Robert B. M., Mpofu Shephard, Rahman Proton, Tahir Hasan, Singhal Atul, Bottcher Elke, Navarra Sandra V., Zhu Xuan, Readie Aimee, Pricop Luminita & Abrams Ken (2018), Subcutaneous Secukinumab Provides Sustained Inhibition of Radiographic Progression in Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis: 52-Week Results from a Phase 3 Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Maksymowych W. P., Claudepierre P., de Hooge M., Lambert R. G., Landewe R., Molto A., van der Heijde D., Bukowski J. F., Jones H., Logeart I., Marshall L., Pedersen R., Szumski A., Vlahos B. & Dougados M. (2018), SUSTAINED REMISSION OF INFLAMMATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH REDUCED STRUCTURAL DAMAGE ON SACROILIAC JOINT MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING IN PATIENTS WITH EARLY AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE CONCEPT OF TREAT-TO-TARGET, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 148-149.
- Lunteren, M. van; Scharloo, M.; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Koning, A. de; Landewe, R.; Fongen, C.; Ramonda, R.; Kaptein, A.A.; Gaalen, F.A. van & Heijde, D. van der (2018), The Impact of Illness Perceptions and Coping on the Association Between Back Pain and Health Outcomes in Patients Suspected of Having Axial Spondyloarthritis: Data From the SPondyloArthritis Caught Early Cohort, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 70(12): 1829-1839.
- Fernandes, S.; Etcheto, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Bosch, F. van den; Dougados, M. & Molto, A. (2018), Vitamin D status in spondyloarthritis: results of the ASAS-COMOSPA international study, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 36(2): 210-214.
- Manica, S.R.; Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Santos, F.P.; Putrik, P.; Nikiphorou, E.; Norton, S.; Molto, A.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Bosch, F.E. van den & Boonen, A. (2018), Work participation in spondyloarthritis across countries: analysis from the ASAS-COMOSPA study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(9): 1303-1310.
- Ferreira, R.J.O.; Welsing, P.M.J.; Gossec, L.; Jacobs, J.W.G.; Machado, P.M.; Ndosi, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Silva, J.A.P. da (2018), The impact of patient global assessment in the definition of remission as a predictor of long-term radiographic damage in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: protocol for an individual patient data meta-analysis, Acta Reumatologica Portuguesa 43(1): 52-+.
- Nordberg, L.B.; Lillegraven, S.; Aga, A.B.; Sexton, J.; Lie, E.; Hammer, H.B.; Olsen, I.C.; Uhlig, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K. & Haavardsholm, E.A. (2018), The Impact of Ultrasound on the Use and Efficacy of Intraarticular Glucocorticoid Injections in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Secondary Analyses From a Randomized Trial Examining the Benefit of Ultrasound in a Clinical Tight Control Regimen, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70(8): 1192-1199.
- Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Lambert, R.G.; Chen, S.; Hojnik, M.; Anderson, J.K. & Pangan, A.L. (2018), Clinical and MRI remission in patients with nonradiographic axial spondyloarthritis who received long-term open-label adalimumab treatment: 3-year results of the ABILITY-1 trial, Arthritis Research and Therapy 20.
- Hebeisen, M.; Neuenschwander, R.; Scherer, A.; Exer, P.; Weber, U.; Tamborrini, G.; Micheroli, R.; Wildi, L.M.; Zufferey, P.; Nissen, M.J.; Villiger, P.M.; Bernhard, J.; Finckh, A.; Horst-Bruinsma, I.E. van der; Sieper, J.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Ciurea, A. & Swiss Clinical Quality Management (2018), Response to Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibition in Male and Female Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: Data from a Swiss Cohort, Journal of Rheumatology 45(4): 506-512.
- Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R. (2018), Should radiographic progression still be used as outcome in RA?, Clinical Immunology 186: 79-81.
- de Winter J., de Hooge M., van de Sande M., de Jong J., van Hoeven L., de Koning A., Berg I. J., Ramonda R., Baeten D., van der Heijde D., Weel A. & Landewe R. (2018), AN ASAS-POSITIVE MRI OF THE SACROILIAC JOINTS CAN ALSO OCCUR IN HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS, RUNNERS AND WOMEN WITH POSTPARTUM BACK PAIN, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 171-171.
- Stamm, T.A.; Machold, K.P.; Aletaha, D.; Alasti, F.; Lipsky, P.; Pisetsky, D.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Sepriano, A.; Aringer, M.; Boumpas, D.; Burmester, G.; Cutolo, M.; Ebner, W.; Graninger, W.; Huizinga, T.; Schett, G.; Schulze-Koops, H.; Tak, P.P.; Martin-Mola, E.; Breedveld, F. & Smolen, J. (2018), Induction of sustained remission in early inflammatory arthritis with the combination of infliximab plus methotrexate: the DINORA trial, Arthritis Research and Therapy 20.
- Machado, P.M.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Assessment SpondyloArthrit Int Soc (2018), Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (ASDAS): 2018 update of the nomenclature for disease activity states, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(10): 1539-+.
- Ortolan, A.; Lunteren, M. van; Ramiro, S.; Ramonda, R.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Dagfinrud, H.; Jacobsson, L.T.H.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2018), Are gender-specific approaches needed in diagnosing early axial spondyloarthritis? Data from the SPondyloArthritis Caught Early cohort, Arthritis Research and Therapy 20.
- Ortolan A., van Lunteren M., Ramiro S., Ramonda R., Landewe R., Dagfinrud H., Jacobsson L., van der Heijde D. & van Gaalen F. A. (2018), ARE GENDER-SPECIFIC APPROACHES NEEDED IN DIAGNOSING EARLY AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS? DATA FROM THE SPONDYLOARTHRITIS CAUGHT EARLY COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 207-208.
- Nikiphorou, E.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Norton, S.; Molto, A.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den; Landewe, R. & Assessment Spondyloarthritis Int S (2018), Association of Comorbidities in Spondyloarthritis With Poor Function, Work Disability, and Quality of Life: Results From the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society Comorbidities in Spondyloarthritis Study, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 70(8): 1257-1262.
- Berg, I.J.; Semb, A.G.; Sveaas, S.H.; Fongen, C.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Dagfinrud, H. & Provan, S.A. (2018), Associations Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Arterial Stiffness in Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Cross-sectional Study, Journal of Rheumatology 45(11): 1522-1525.
- Tanaka Yoshiya, Soen Satoshi, Yamanaka Hisashi, Yoneda Toshiyuki, Tanaka Sakae, Nitta Takaya, Okubo Naoki, Genant Harry, Van der Heijde Desiree & Takeuchi Tsutomu (2018), Beneficial effects of Denosumab on bone loss and bone erosion from results of long-term treatment in the phase 3, DESIRABLE study in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) on background csDMARDs, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 33: 90-90.
- Michelsen, B.; Sexton, J.; Smolen, J.S.; Aletaha, D.; Krogh, N.S.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K. & Hetland, M.L. (2018), Can disease activity in patients with psoriatic arthritis be adequately assessed by a modified Disease Activity index for PSoriatic Arthritis (DAPSA) based on 28 joints?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(12): 1736-1741.
- Michelsen Brigitte, Sexton Joseph, Smolen Josef S., Aletaha Daniel, Krogh Niels Steen, van der Heijde Desiree, Kvien Tore & Hetland Merete Lund (2018), Can Disease Activity in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis be Adequately Assessed By a Modified Disease Activity Index for Psoriatic Arthritis (DAPSA) Based on 28 Joints?, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Michelsen B., Sexton J., Smolen J., Aletaha D., Krogh N. S., van der Heijde D., Kvien T. K. & Hetland M. L. (2018), CAN DISEASE ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS BE ADEQUATELY ASSESSED BY A MODIFIED DISEASE ACTIVITY INDEX FOR PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS (DAPSA) BASED ON 28 JOINTS?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 343-343.
- van der Heijde D., Deodhar A., FitzGerald O., Fleischmann R., Gladman D., Gottlieb A. B., Coates L. C., Hoepken B., Bauer L., Peterson L., Khraishi M. & Mease P. J. (2018), CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL PROVIDES SUSTAINED REMISSION AND MINIMAL DISEASE ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS OVER 4 YEARS' TREATMENT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 1027-1027.
- Roodenrijs, N.M.T.; Hair, M.J.H. de; Goes, M.C. van der; Jacobs, J.W.G.; Welsing, P.M.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Aletaha, D.; Dougados, M.; Hyrich, K.L.; McInnes, I.B.; Mueller-Ladner, U.; Senolt, L.; Szekanecz, Z.; Laar, J.M. van; Nagy, G. & EULAR Recommendations (2018), Characteristics of difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis: results of an international survey, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(12): 1705-1709.
- Roodenrijs Nadia M. T., de Hair Maria J. H., van der Goes Marlies C., Jacobs Johannes W. G., Welsing Paco M. J., van der Heijde Desiree, Aletaha Daniel, Dougados Maxime, Hyrich Kimme L., McInnes Iain B., Mueller-Ladner Ulf, Senolt Ladislav, Szekanecz Zoltan, van Laar Jacob & Nagy Gyorgy (2018), Characteristics of Difficult-to-Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results of an International Survey, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Roodenrijs N. M. T., de Hair M. J. H., Jacobs J. W. G., Welsing P. M. J., van der Heijde D. M. F. M., van Laar J. M. & Nagy G. (2018), CHARACTERISTICS OF DIFFICULT-TO-TREAT RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: RESULTS OF AN INTERNATIONAL SURVEY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 120-120.
- Mease, P.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Karki, C.; Palmer, J.B.; Liu, M.; Pandurengan, R.; Park, Y. & Greenberg, J.D. (2018), Characterization of Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis and Nonradiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis in the US-Based Corrona Registry, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 70(11): 1661-1670.
- Sundlisaeter, N.P.; Aga, A.B.; Olsen, I.C.; Hammer, H.B.; Uhlig, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Lillegraven, S.; Haavardsholm, E.A. & ARCTIC Study Grp (2018), Clinical and ultrasound remission after 6 months of treat-to-target therapy in early rheumatoid arthritis: associations to future good radiographic and physical outcomes, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(10): 1421-1425.
- Genovese, M.C.; Adelsberg, J. van; Fan, C.P.; Graham, N.M.H.; Hoogstraten, H. van; Parrino, J.; Mangan, E.K.; Spindler, A.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Heijde, D. van der & EXTEND Study Investigators (2018), Two years of sarilumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and an inadequate response to MTX: safety, efficacy and radiographic outcomes, Rheumatology 57(8): 1423-1431.
- Canhao, H.; Rodrigues, A.M.; Gregorio, M.J.; Dias, S.S.; Gomes, J.A.M.; Santos, M.J.; Faustino, A.; Costa, J.A.; Allaart, C.; Gvozdenovic, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Machado, P.; Branco, J.C.; Fonseca, J.E. & Silva, J.A. (2018), Common Evaluations of Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis Reach Discordant Classifications across Different Populations, Frontiers in Medicine 5.
- Bruin, F. de; Koning, A. de; Berg, R. van den; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Ramiro, S.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Reijnierse, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2018), Development of the CT Syndesmophyte Score (CTSS) in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: data from the SIAS cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(3).
- Heijde, D. van der; Gladman, D.D.; Kishimoto, M.; Okada, M.; Rathmann, S.S.; Moriarty, S.R.; Shuler, C.L.; Carlier, H.; Benichou, O. & Mease, P.J. (2018), Efficacy and Safety of Ixekizumab in Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis: 52-week Results from a Phase III Study (SPIRIT-P1), The Journal of Rheumatology 45(3): 367-377.
- Sawada Haruki, Yoshida Kazuki, Ichikawa Naomi, Inoue Hisashi, Kaneko Yuko, Kawasaki Taku, Matsui Kazuo, Morita Mitsuhiro, Tada Kurisu, Takizawa Naoho, Tamura Naoto, Taniguchi Atsuo, Taniguchi Yoshinori, Tsujii Shigeyoshi, Haji Yoichiro, Suda Masei, Yanaoka Haruyuki, Rokutanda Ryo, Okada Masato, Medina Clementina Lopez, Molto Anna, Dougados Maxime, van der Heijde Desiree, Kobayashi Shigeto, Tomita Tetsuya & Kishimoto Mitsumasa (2018), Clinical Characteristics of Spondyloarthritis Patients in Japan in Comparison to Other Regions of the World, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Maksymowych W. P., Claudepierre P., de Hooge M., Lambert R. G., Landewe R., Molto A., van der Heijde D., Bukowski J. F., Jones H., Logeart I., Marshall L., Pedersen R., Szumski A., Vlahos B. & Dougados M. (2018), DETECTION OF STRUCTURAL LESIONS ON T1 WEIGHTED MRI VERSUS RADIOGRAPHY OF THE SI JOINTS IN EARLY AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: 2-YEAR DATA, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 648-649.
- Nikiphorou, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Norton, S.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Molto, A.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F.E. van den & Ramiro, S. (2018), Inequity in biological DMARD prescription for spondyloarthritis across the globe: results from the ASAS-COMOSPA study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(3).
- Lunteren, M. van; Sepriano, A.; Landewe, R.; Sieper, J.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2018), Do ethnicity, degree of family relationship, and the spondyloarthritis subtype in affected relatives influence the association between a positive family history for spondyloarthritis and HLA-B27 carriership? Results from the worldwide ASAS cohort, Arthritis Research and Therapy 20.
- van Lunteren Miranda, Sepriano Alexandre, Landewe Robert B. M., Sieper Joachim, Rudwaleit Martin, van der Heijde Desiree & van Gaalen Floris (2018), Do Ethnicity, Degree of Family Relationship, and the Spondyloarthritis Subtype in Affected Relatives Influence the Association between a Positive Family History for Spondyloarthritis and HLA-B27 Carriership? Results from the Worldwide ASAS Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Dougados, M.; Miceli-Richard, C.; Richette, P. & Heijde, D. van der (2018), In patients with axial spondyloarthritis, inflammation on MRI of the spine is longitudinally related to disease activity only in men: 2 years of the axial spondyloarthritis DESIR cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(3).
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Dougados, M.; Miceli-Richard, C.; Richette, P. & Heijde, D. van der (2018), In patients with axial spondyloarthritis, inflammation on MRI of the spine is longitudinally related to disease activity only in men: 2 years of the axial spondyloarthritis DESIR cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(3).
- Kroon, F.P.B.; Damman, W.; Liu, R.N.; Bijsterbosch, J.; Meulenbelt, I.; Heijde, D. van der & Kloppenburg, M. (2018), Validity, reliability, responsiveness and feasibility of four hand mobility measures in hand osteoarthritis, Rheumatology 57(3): 525-532.
- Heijde, D. van der; Daikh, D.I.; Betteridge, N.; Burmester, G.R.; Hassett, A.L.; Matteson, E.L.; Vollenhoven, R. van & Lakhanpal, S. (2018), Common Language Description of the Term Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases (RMDs) for Use in Communication With the Lay Public, Healthcare Providers, and Other Stakeholders Endorsed by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) and the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), Arthritis and Rheumatology 70(6): 826-831.
- van der Heijde D., Gensler L. S., Deodhar A., Baraliakos X., Poddubnyy D., Farmer M. K., Baeten D., Kumke T., Oortgiesen M. & Dougados M. (2018), DUAL NEUTRALISATION OF IL-17A AND IL-17F WITH BIMEKIZUMAB IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS (AS): 12-WEEK RESULTS FROM A PHASE 2B, RANDOMISED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED, DOSE-RANGING STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 70-70.
- van der Heijde D., Gensler L. S., Deodhar A., Baraliakos X., Poddubnyy D., Farmer M. K., Baeten D., Kumke T., Oortgiesen M. & Dougados M. (2018), DUAL NEUTRALISATION OF IL-17A AND IL-17F WITH BIMEKIZUMAB IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE AS: 12-WEEK RESULTS FROM A PHASE 2B STUDY, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 36(4): 700-700.
- Winter, J.J. de; Sande, M.G. van de; Baerlecken, N.; Berg, I.; Ramonda, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Gaalen, F.A. van; Witte, T. & Baeten, D.L. (2018), Anti-CD74 antibodies have no diagnostic value in early axial spondyloarthritis: data from the spondyloarthritis caught early (SPACE) cohort, Arthritis Research and Therapy 20.
- Heijde, D. van der; Baraliakos, X.; Gensler, L.S.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Tseluyko, V.; Nadashkevich, O.; Abi-Saab, W.; Tasset, C.; Meuleners, L.; Besuyen, R.; Hendrikx, T.; Mozaffarian, N.; Liu, K.; Greer, J.M.; Deodhar, A. & Landewe, R. (2018), Efficacy and safety of filgotinib, a selective Janus kinase 1 inhibitor, in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis (TORTUGA): results from a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial, Lancet 392(10162): 2378-2387.
- Landewe Robert B. M., van der Heijde Desiree, Dougados Maxime, Baraliakos Xenofon, van den Bosch Filip, Hoepken Bengt, Thomas Karen & Gensler Lianne S. (2018), Efficacy and Safety Outcomes in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis Treated with Certolizumab Pegol: Results from the 48-Week Run-in Part of a Withdrawal Study (NCT02505542), Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Landewe R., van der Heijde D., Dougados M., Baraliakos X., Van den Bosch F., Hoepken B., Thomas K. & Gensler L. S. (2018), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OUTCOMES IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYOARTHRITIS TREATED WITH CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL: RESULTS FROM THE 48-WEEK RUN-IN PART OF C-OPTIMISE, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 36(4): 724-725.
- Deodhar Atul A., Gensler Lianne S., Kay Jonathan, Maksymowych Walter P., Haroon Nigil, Landewe Robert B. M., Rudwaleit Martin, Hall Stephen, Bauer Lars, Hoepken Bengt, de Peyrecave Natasha, Kilgallen Brian & van der Heijde Desiree (2018), Efficacy and Safety Outcomes in Patients with Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis Treated with Certolizumab Pegol: Results from the First 52-Week Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study (NCT02552212), Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Fongen, C.; Dagfinrud, H.; Berg, I.J.; Ramiro, S.; Gaalen, F. van; Landewe, R.; Ramonda, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Fagerli, K.M. (2018), Frequency of Impaired Spinal Mobility in Patients with Chronic Back Pain Compared to Patients with Early Axial Spondyloarthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 45(12): 1643-1650.
- Michelsen, B.; Uhlig, T.; Sexton, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Hammer, H.B.; Kristianslund, E.K.; Wierod, A.; Bakland, G.; Rodevand, E.; Kroll, F.; Loge, J.H.; Haugeberg, G. & Kvien, T.K. (2018), Health-related quality of life in patients with psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis: data from the prospective multicentre NOR-DMARD study compared with Norwegian general population controls, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(9): 1290-1294.
- Van der Heijde D. (2018), HOW TO CAPTURE CLINICALLY RELEVANT STRUCTURAL PROGRESSION IN AXIAL SPA, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77: 11-12.
- Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Landewe, R.; Lunteren, M. van; Bakker, P.A.; Fagerli, K.M.; Ramonda, R.; Jacobsson, L.T.H.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2018), Imaging of the sacroiliac joints is important for diagnosing early axial spondyloarthritis but not all-decisive, Rheumatology 57(7): 1173-1179.
- Bakker, P.A.; Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Lunteren, M. van; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Fagerli, K.M.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Reijnierse, M.; Gaalen, F.A. van & Heijde, D. van der (2018), Impact of replacing radiographic sacroiliitis by magnetic resonance imaging structural lesions on the classification of patients with axial spondyloarthritis, Rheumatology 57(7): 1186-1193.
- Maldonado Ficco Hernan, Perez-Alamino Rodolfo, Waimann Christian A., Maldonado-Cocco Jose A., Molto Anna, Dougados Maxims, Landewe Robert B. M., van der Heijde Desiree & van Den Bosch Filip (2018), Incidence of Uveitis in Patients with Spondyloarthritis: The Impact of Biologics Era. a Multicenter Study Using Data from International ASAS-Comospa Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 70.
- Lunteren, M. van; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Koning, A. de; Dagfinrud, H.; Ramonda, R.; Jacobsson, L.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2018), In Early Axial Spondyloarthritis, Increasing Disease Activity Is Associated with Worsening of Health-related Quality of Life over Time, Journal of Rheumatology 45(6): 779-784.
- Ramiro, S.; Smolen, J.S.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gossec, L. (2018), Response to: 'The GRAPPA-OMERACT initiative to standardise outcomes in Psoriatic Arthritis clinical trials and longitudinal observational studies' by Tillet et al, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(5): E24-E24.
- Bautista-Molano, W.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Lafaurie, G.; Avila, J. de; Valle-Onate, R. & Romero-Sanchez, C. (2017), Is There a Relationship between Spondyloarthritis and Periodontitis? a Case-Control Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Lunteren, M. van; Bakker, P.; Fagerli, K.M.; Ramonda, R.; Jacobsson, L.T.H.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2017), Is Sacroiliac Imaging the All-Decisive Factor in the Diagnosis of Early Axial Spondyloarthritis? Data from the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early (SPACE) Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Loeuille, D. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2017), Integrated Longitudinal Analysis Increases Precision and Reduces Bias: A Comparative 5-Year Analysis in the DESIR Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Ferreira, R.J.O.; Ndosi, M.; Duarte, C.; Carvalho, P.; Chopra, A.; Salomon-Escoto, K.; Vega, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Machado, P.; Silva, J.A.P. da & METEOR Investigators (2017), INFLUENCE OF PATIENT GLOBAL ASSESSMENT ON THE DISEASE ACTIVITY ASSESSMENT IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: A METEOR CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 1510-1510.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), Inflammation on MRI of Spine and Sacroiliac Joints Is Highly Predictive of Structural Damage in Axial Spondyloarthritis: The 5 Years Data of the DESIR Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Nikiphorou, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Norton, S.; Landewe, R.; Molto, A.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Ramiro, S. (2017), INEQUITY IN BIOLOGIC DMARD PRESCRIPTION FOR SPA ACROSS THE GLOBE. RESULTS FROM THE ASAS COMOSPA STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 63-67.
- Nikiphorou, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Norton, S.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Molto, A.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Ramiro, S. (2017), Inequity in Biologic DMARD Prescription for Spa across the Globe: Results from the Multi-Centre, Cross-Sectional, ASAS Comospa Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Bakker, P.A.C.; Berg, R. van den; Lenczner, G.; Thevenin, F.; Reijnierse, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Wendling, D.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), Can we use structural lesions seen on MRI of the sacroiliac joints reliably for the classification of patients according to the ASAS axial spondyloarthritis criteria? Data from the DESIR cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(2): 392-398.
- Stamm, T.A.; Machold, K.; Aletaha, D.; Alasti, F.; Lipsky, P.; Pisetsky, D.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Sepriano, A.; Aringer, M.; Boumpas, D.; Burmester, G.; Cutolo, M.; Ebener, W.; Graninger, W.; Huizinga, T.; Schett, G.; Schulze-Koops, H.; Tak, P.P.; Breedveld, F. & Smolen, J. (2017), INDUCTION OF SUSTAINED REMISSION IN EARLY INFLAMMATORY ARTHRITIS WITH THE COMBINATION OF INFLIXIMAB PLUS METHOTREXATE, METHOTREXATE ALONE OR PLACEBO: THE DINORA TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 560-560.
- Voirin-Hertz, M.; Alegria, G.C.; Garrigues, F.; Simon, A.; Feydi, A.; Bruin, F. de; Reijnierse, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Loeuille, D.; Claudepierre, P.; Marhadour, T.; Saraux, A. & DESIR (2017), IMPACT OF LUMBAR SPINE MORPHOLOGY (SCOLIOSIS) ON EARLY SPONDYLOARTHRITIS PATTERN (THE IMPALA-DESIR STUDY), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 1013-1013.
- Heijde, D. van der; Baraliakos, X.; Hermann, K.G.; Landewe, R.; Machado, P.M.; Maksymowych, W.; Davies, O.; Peyrecave, N. de; Hoepken, B.; Bauer, L.; Nurminen, T. & Braun, J. (2017), FOUR-YEAR IMAGING OUTCOMES IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS PATIENTS TREATED WITH CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL, INCLUDING PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS AND NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 60-61.
- Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Hilkens, A.; Gossec, L.; Berg, I.J.; Landewe, R.; Ramonda, R.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2017), FAMILY MATTERS: VALUE OF FAMILY HISTORY OF SPONDYLOARTHRITIS IN THE DIAGNOSTIC WORK-UP OF PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC BACK PAIN: RESULTS FROM THE SPACE AND DESIR COHORTS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 156-157.
- Heijde, D. van der; Durez, P.; Schett, G.; Naredo, E.; Ostergaard, M.; Meszaros, G.; Lopez-Romero, P.; Leonardis, F. de & Fleischmann, R. (2017), Exploratory Analysis to Identify Factors Associated with Risk of Structural Progression, Defined As Change from Baseline, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Dougados, M.; Sepriano, A.; Molto, A.; Ramiro, S.; Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Compan, V.N.; Mattei, C. de; LandewE, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), EVALUATION OF THE CHANGES IN STRUCTURAL DAMAGE IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS ON PLAIN PELVIC RADIOGRAPHS: THE 5 YEARS DATA OF THE DESIR COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 100-100.
- Smolen, J.S.; Landewe, R.; Bijlsma, J.; Burmester, G.; Chatzidionysiou, K.; Dougados, M.; Nam, J.; Ramiro, S.; Voshaar, M.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Aletaha, D.; Aringer, M.; Boers, M.; Buckley, C.D.; Buttgereit, F.; Bykerk, V.; Cardiel, M.; Combe, B.; Cutolo, M.; Eijk-Hustings, Y. van; Emery, P.; Finckh, A.; Gabay, C.; Gomez-Reino, J.; Gossec, L.; Gottenberg, J.E.; Hazes, J.M.W.; Huizinga, T.; Jani, M.; Karateev, D.; Kouloumas, M.; Kvien, T.; Li, Z.G.; Mariette, X.; McInnes, I.; Mysler, E.; Nash, P.; Pavelka, K.; Poor, G.; Richez, C.; Riel, P. van; Rubbert-Roth, A.; Saag, K.; Silva, J. da; Stamm, T.; Takeuchi, T.; Westhovens, R.; Wit, M. de & Heijde, D. van der (2017), EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: 2016 update, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(6): 960-977.
- Koning, A. de; Hameetman, M.; Micelli, C.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Kurreeman, F. & Gaalen, F.A. van (2017), ERAP1 IS A SUSCEPTIBILITY FACTOR FOR EARLY AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS MEETING THE ASAS CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA: RESULTS FROM THE DESIR AND SPACE COHORTS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 155-155.
- Heijde, D. van der; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Baraliakos, X.; Bosch, F. van den; Sepriano, A.; Regel, A.; Ciurea, A.; Dagfinrud, H.; Dougados, M.; Gaalen, F. van; Geher, P.; Horst-Bruinsma, I. van der; Inman, R.D.; Jongkees, M.; Kiltz, U.; Kvien, T.K.; Machado, P.M.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Molto, A.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Ozgocmen, S.; Pimentel-Santos, F.M.; Reveille, J.; Rudwaleit, M.; Sieper, J.; Sampaio-Barros, P.; Wiek, D. & Braun, J. (2017), 2016 update of the ASAS-EULAR management recommendations for axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(6): 978-991.
- Mease, P.; Gottlieb, A.; Heijde, D. van der; FitzGerald, O.; Johnsen, A.; Nys, M.; Banerjee, S. & Gladman, D. (2017), Abatacept in the Treatment of Active Psoriatic Arthritis: 24-Week Results from a Phase III Study, Journal of Rheumatology 44(6): 926-926.
- Mease, P.; Gottlieb, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Fitzgerald, O.; Johnsen, A.; Nys, M.; Banerjee, S.; Xinos, C. & Gladman, D. (2017), ABATACEPT IN THE TREATMENT OF ACTIVE PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS: 24-WEEK RESULTS FROM A PHASE III STUDY, Internal Medicine Journal 47: 23-23.
- Mease, P.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Ritchlin, C.T.; Cuchacovich, R.S.; Shuler, C.L.; Lin, C.; Vangerow, H.; Samanta, S.; Lee, C.H. & Gladman, D.D. (2017), A randomized, double-blind, active-and placebo-controlled phase 3 study of efficacy and safety of ixekizumab, adalimumab, and placebo therapy in patients naive to biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs with active psoriatic arthritis, Experimental Dermatology 26(3): E30-E30.
- Hooge, M. de; Pialat, J.B.; Reijnierse, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Claudepierre, P.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M. & Feydy, A. (2017), Assessment of typical SpA lesions on MRI of the spine: do local readers and central readers agree in the DESIR-cohort at baseline?, Clinical Rheumatology 36(7): 1551-1559.
- Genovese, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Chen, Y.; Greenwald, M.; Drescher, E.; Klar, R.; Xie, L.; Torre, I. de la; Rooney, T.; Witt, S.; Schlichting, D.; Bono, S. de & Emery, P. (2017), BARICITINIB INHIBITS RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION OF STRUCTURAL JOINT DAMAGE AT 1 YEAR IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS (RA) AND AN INADEQUATE RESPONSE TO CONVENTIONAL SYNTHETIC DISEASE-MODIFYING ANTIRHEUMATIC DRUGS (CSDMARDS), Internal Medicine Journal 47: 32-32.
- Hoepken, B.; Mease, P.J.; Fleischmann, R.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Deodhar, A.; Gladman, D.; Petersen, L. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), Certolizumab Pegol for the Treatment of Psoriasis Arthritis: 4-Year Results from the RAPID-PSA Study, JDDG 15: 140-141.
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Fleischmann, R.; Mease, P.J.; Rudwaleit, M.; Nurminen, T. & Davies, O. (2017), Early Disease Activity or Clinical Response as Predictors of Long-Term Outcomes With Certolizumab Pegol in Axial Spondyloarthritis or Psoriatic Arthritis, Arthritis Care and Research 69(7): 1030-1039.
- Mease, P.; Hall, S.; FitzGerald, O.; Heijde, D. van der; Merola, J.; Avila-Zapata, F.; Graham, D.; Wang, C. & Kanik, K. (2017), Efficacy and safety of tofacitinib, an oral Janus kinase inhibitor, or adalimumab in patients with active psoriatic arthritis and an inadequate response to conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: OPAL Broaden, a randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial, Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology 76(6): AB114-AB114.
- Chatzidionysiou, K.; Emamikia, S.; Nam, J.; Ramiro, S.; Smolen, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Bijlsma, J.; Burmester, G.; Scholte, M.; Vollenhoven, R. van & Landewe, R. (2017), Efficacy of glucocorticoids, conventional and targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: a systematic literature review informing the 2016 update of The EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(6): 1102-1107.
- Dougados, M.; Wood, E.; Gossec, L.; Heijde, D. van der & Logeart, I. (2017), Flare in axial spondyloarthritis: investigation of meaningful changes in symptomatic outcome measures, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 35(2): 209-213.
- Thomas, G.P.; Willner, D.; Robinson, P.C.; Cortes, A.; Duan, R.; Rudwaleit, M.; Akkoc, N.; Braun, J.; Chou, C.T.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Ozgocmen, S.; Roussou, E.; Sieper, J.; Valle-Onate, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Wei, J.; Leo, P.; Brown, M.A. & Int Genetics Ankylosing Spondyli (2017), Genetic diagnostic profiling in axial spondyloarthritis: a real-world study, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 35(2): 229-233.
- Erp, S.J.H. van; Brakenhoff, L.K.M.P.; Vollmann, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Veenendaal, R.A.; Fidder, H.H.; Hommes, D.W.; Kaptein, A.A.; Meulen-de Jong, A.E. van der & Scharloo, M. (2017), Illness Perceptions and Outcomes in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Is Coping a Mediator?, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 24(2): 205-214.
- Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Hilkens, A.; Gossec, L.; Berg, I.J.; Landewe, R.; Ramonda, R.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2017), Is the current ASAS expert definition of a positive family history useful in identifying axial spondyloarthritis? Results from the SPACE and DESIR cohorts, Arthritis Research and Therapy 19.
- Hooge, M. de; Bruin, F. de; Beer, L. de; Bakker, P.; Berg, R. van den; Ramiro, S.; Gaalen, F. van; Fagerli, K.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T.; Bloem, H.; Reijnierse, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), Is the Site of Back Pain Related to the Location of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Lesions in Patients With Chronic Back Pain? Results From the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early Cohort.
- Coates, L.C.; Gossec, L.; Ramiro, S.; Mease, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Smolen, J.S.; Ritchlin, C. & Kavanaugh, A. (2017), New GRAPPA and EULAR recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis, Rheumatology 56(8): 1251-1253.
- Sepriano, A.; Rubio, R.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), Performance of the ASAS classification criteria for axial and peripheral spondyloarthritis: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(5).
- Koning, A. de; Hameetman, M.; Miceli-Richard, C.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Kurreeman, F. & Gaalen, F. van (2017), Endoplasmic Reticulum Aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1) Is a Susceptibility Factor for Early Axial Spa Meeting the ASAS Classification Criteria: Results from the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early and DEvenir des Spondyloarthrites Indifferenciees Recentes Cohorts, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Bakker, P.A.C.; Lunteren, M. van; Berg, I.J.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Lorenzin, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2017), Presence of multiple spondyloarthritis (SpA) features is important but not sufficient for a diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis: data from the SPondyloArthritis Caught Early (SPACE) cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(6): 1086-1092.
- Bruin, F. de; Horst, S. ter; Bloem, J.L.; Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Gaalen, F. van; Dagfinrud, H.; Oosterhout, M. van; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Reijnierse, M. (2017), Prevalence and clinical significance of lumbosacral transitional vertebra (LSTV) in a young back pain population with suspected axial spondyloarthritis: results of the SPondyloArthritis Caught Early (SPACE) cohort, Skeletal Radiology 46(5): 633-639.
- Ramiro, S.; Sepriano, A.; Chatzidionysiou, K.; Nam, J.L.; Smolen, J.S.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Bijlsma, J.W.; Burmester, G.R.; Scholte-Voshaar, M.; Falzon, L. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2017), Safety of synthetic and biological DMARDs: a systematic literature review informing the 2016 update of the EULAR recommendations for management of rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(6): 1093-1101.
- Haugen, I.K.; Slatkowsky-Christensen, B.; Faraj, K.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2017), The comparison of magnetic resonance imaging and radiographs to assess structural progression over 5 years in hand osteoarthritis, Rheumatology 56(3): 371-377.
- Bakker, P.; Molto, A.; Etcheto, A.; Bosch, F. van den; Landewe, R.; Gaalen, F. van; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), The performance of different classification criteria sets for spondyloarthritis in the worldwide ASAS-COMOSPA study, Arthritis Research and Therapy 19.
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Wei, J.C.; Drescher, E.; Fleishaker, D.; Hendrikx, T.; Li, D.; Menon, S. & Kanik, K.S. (2017), Tofacitinib in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: a phase II, 16-week, randomised, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(8): 1340-1347.
- Webers, C.; Vanhoof, L.; Genderen, S. van; Plasqui, G.; Heuft, L.; Laar, M. van de; Luime, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Spoorenberg, A. & Boonen, A. (2017), EMPLOYMENT PERSPECTIVES OF PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS IN THE BIOLOGICS ERA, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 157-157.
- Mease, P.J.; Gottlieb, A.B.; Heijde, D. van der; FitzGerald, O.; Johnsen, A.; Nys, M.; Banerjee, S. & Gladman, D.D. (2017), Efficacy and safety of abatacept, a T-cell modulator, in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase III study in psoriatic arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(9): 1550-1558.
- Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; Citera, G.; Lenaerts, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Wei, J.C.C.; Pedersen, R.; Bonin, R.; Jones, H.; Marshall, L.; Logeart, I.; Vlahos, B.; Bukowski, J.F. & Maksymowych, W.P. (2017), Effects of Long-Term Etanercept Treatment on Clinical Outcomes and Objective Signs of Inflammation in Early Nonradiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis: 104-Week Results From a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study.
- Curtis, J.R.; Kavanaugh, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Muram, D.; Alam, J.; Beattie, S. & Smolen, J.S. (2017), EFFECT OF STARTING DOSE OF BARICITINIB IN ACHIEVING SUSTAINED LOW DISEASE ACTIVITY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 511-512.
- Riviere, E.; Etcheto, A.; Bosch, F. van den; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Dougados, M.; Molto, A. & ASAS-COMOSPA Taskforce (2017), EFFECT OF NSAID CONSUMPTION ON CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTS IN SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 336-336.
- Curtis, J.R.; Kavanaugh, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Muram, D.; Alam, J. & Smolen, J.S. (2017), EFFECT OF BASELINE DISEASE ACTIVITY ON ACHIEVING SUSTAINED LOW DISEASE ACTIVITY IN BARICITINIB PHASE 3 STUDIES, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 1130-1131.
- Tubergen, A. van; Imkamp, M.; Boonen, A.; Arends, S.; Dougados, M.; Landewe, R.; Ramiro, S.; Bosch, F. van den; Heijde, D. van der; Wink, F.; Spoorenberg, A. & Passos, V.L. (2017), DUAL TRAJECTORIES OF DISEASE ACTIVITY AND HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 649-650.
- Nordberg, L.B.; Lillegraven, S.; Aga, A.B.; Olsen, I.C.; Lie, E.; Hammer, H.B.; Uhlig, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K. & Haavardsholm, E.A. (2017), DISEASE COURSE IN SERONEGATIVE RA PATIENTS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO THE 2010 ACR/EULAR CRITERIA, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 538-538.
- Nordberg, L.B.; Lillegraven, S.; Aga, A.B.; Olsen, I.C.; Lie, E.; Hammer, H.B.; Uhlig, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T. & Haavardsholm, E.A. (2017), Disease Course in Seronegative RA Patients Classified According to the 2010 ACR/EULAR Criteria, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Lunteren, M. van; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Fongen, C.; Landewe, R.; Ramonda, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2017), Disease activity decrease is associated with improvement in work productivity over 1 year in early axial spondyloarthritis (SPondyloArthritis Caught Early cohort), Rheumatology 56(12): 2222-2228.
- Mease, P.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Karki, C.; Liu, M.; Park, Y. & Greenberg, J.D. (2017), Discontinuation of Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor Therapy in US Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: Data from the Corrona Psoriatic Arthritis/Spondyloarthritis (PsA/SpA) Registry, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Winter, J. de; Sande, M. van de; Baerlecken, N.T.; Berg, I.; Ramonda, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Gaalen, F. van; Witte, T. & Baeten, D. (2017), Diagnostic Value of Anti-CD74 Antibodies in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis: Data from the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early (SPACE) Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Claudepierre, P.; Hooge, M. de; Lambert, R.G.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Molto, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Bukowski, J.F.; Jones, H.; Logeart, I.; Marshall, L.; Pedersen, R.; Szumski, A.; Vlahos, B. & Dougados, M. (2017), Detection of Structural Lesions on T1 Weighted MRI Versus Radiography of the Sacroiliac Joints in Early Axial Spa: 2-Year Data, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Molto, A.; Gossec, L.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Dougados, M. (2017), Defining Clinically Important Worsening Based on ASDAS-CRP for Axial Spondyloarthritis: A Data-Based Consensus By the Assessment in Spondyloarthritis International Society (ASAS), Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Tanaka, Y.; Takeuchi, T.; Soen, S.; Ishiguro, N.; Yamanaka, H.; Yoneda, T.; Tanaka, S.; Nitta, T.; Okubo, N.; Genant, H.K. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), Consistent Inhibition of Joint Destruction By Denosumab in Important Subgroups of Japanese Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Pooled Analysis of Phase 2 and 3 Studies, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Aizenberg, E.; Berg, R. van den; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Heijde, D. van der; Reijnierse, M.; Dzyubachyk, O. & Lelieveldt, B.P.F. (2017), Computer-aided evaluation of inflammatory changes over time on MRI of the spine in patients with suspected axial spondyloarthritis: a feasibility study, BMC Medical Imaging 17.
- Molto, A.; Meghnathi, B.; Gossec, L.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M. & ASAS-FLARE Study Grp (2017), CLINICAL WORSENING ACCORDING TO THE PATIENT IS INFREQUENT IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: RESULTS OF THE ASAS-FLARE STUDY IN 1169 PATIENTS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 650-650.
- Dougados, M.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Landewe, R.; Molto, A.; Claudepierre, P.; Hooge, M. de; Lambert, R.G.; Bonin, R.; Bukowski, J.F.; Jones, H.; Logeart, I.; Pedersen, R.; Szumski, A.; Vlahos, B. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), CHANGE IN SACROILIAC JOINT STRUCTURAL RADIOGRAPHIC DAMAGE AFTER TWO YEARS OF ETANERCEPT THERAPY IN COMPARISON TO A CONTEMPORARY CONTROL COHORT IN NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 350-351.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Dougados, M.; Lambert, R.G.; Landewe, R.; Molto, A.; Claudepierre, P.; Hooge, M. de; Bonin, R.; Bukowski, J.F.; Jones, H.; Logeart, I.; Pedersen, R.; Szumski, A.; Vlahos, B. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), CHANGE IN MRI STRUCTURAL LESIONS IN THE SACROILIAC JOINT AFTER TWO YEARS OF ETANERCEPT THERAPY IN COMPARISON TO A CONTEMPORARY CONTROL COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 337-338.
- Jonsson, M.K.; Sundlisaeter, N.P.; Nordal, H.H.; Hammer, H.B.; Aga, A.B.; Olsen, I.C.; Brokstad, K.A.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Fevang, B.T.S.; Lillegraven, S. & Haavardsholm, E.A. (2017), Calprotectin as a marker of inflammation in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(12): 2031-2037.
- Huo, Y.H.; Vincken, K.L.; Heijde, D. van der; Hair, M.J.H. de; Lafeber, F.P. & Viergever, M.A. (2017), Automatic Quantification of Radiographic Wrist Joint Space Width of Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64(11): 2695-2703.
- Heijde, D. van der; Wollenhaupt, J.; Cohen, S.B.; Strengholt, S.; Terry, K.; DeMasi, R.; Kwok, K.; Lazariciu, I. & Wang, L. (2017), Assessment of Radiographic Progression in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated with Tofacitinib: Data from an Open-Label Long-Term Extension Study over 3 Years, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Winter, J. de; Hooge, M. de; Sande, M. van de; Hoeven, L. van; Jong, J. de; Koning, A. de; Berg, I.J.; Ramonda, R.; Baeten, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Weel, A. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2017), A Positive MRI of the Sacroiliac Joints Is Not Specific for Axial Spondyloarthritis but Frequently Occurs in Healthy Individuals, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Weinblatt, M.E.; Bingham, C.O.; Burmester, G.R.; Bykerk, V.P.; Furst, D.E.; Mariette, X.; Heijde, D. van der; Vollenhoven, R. van; VanLunen, B.; Ecoffet, C.; Cioffi, C. & Emery, P. (2017), A Phase III Study Evaluating Continuation, Tapering, and Withdrawal of Certolizumab Pegol After One Year of Therapy in Patients With Early Rheumatoid Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69(10): 1937-1948.
- Kloppenburg, M.; Peterfy, C.; Haugen, I.K.; Kroon, F.; Chen, S.; Wang, L.; Liu, W.; Levy, G.; Fleischmann, R.; Berenbaum, F.; Heijde, D. van der; Medema, J. & Levesque, M.C. (2017), A PHASE 2A, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED, RANDOMIZED STUDY OF ABT-981, AN ANTI-INTERLEUKIN-1ALPHA AND-1BETA DUAL VARIABLE DOMAIN IMMUNOGLOBULIN, TO TREAT EROSIVE HAND OSTEOARTHRITIS (EHOA), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 122-122.
- Kloppenburg, M.; Peterfy, C.; Haugen, I.K.; Kroon, F.; Chen, S.; Wang, L.; Liu, W.; Levy, G.; Fleischmann, R.; Berenbaum, F.; Heijde, D. van der; Medema, J.K. & Levesque, M.C. (2017), A Phase 2A, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Study of ABT-981, an Anti-Interleukin-1Alpha and-1Beta Dual Variable Domain Immunoglobulin, to Treat Erosive Hand Osteoarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Winter, J.J. de; Sande, M.G. van de; Baerlecken, N.; Berg, I.J.; Ramonda, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Gaalen, F.A. van; Witte, T. & Baeten, D.L. (2017), ANTI-CD74 ANTIBODIES AS DIAGNOSTIC BIOMARKER FOR EARLY AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: DATA FROM THE SPONDYLOARTHRITIS CAUGHT EARLY (SPACE) COHORT STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 666-667.
- Herbette, M.; Deloire, L.; Garrigues, F.; Gossec, L.; Simon, A.; Feydi, A.; Bruin, F. de; Reijnierse, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Loeuille, D.; Claudepierre, P.; Marhadour, T.; Saraux, A. & DESIR Cohort (2017), ANGLES OF SACRUM INCLINATION EFFECT ON RADIOLOGIC IMAGING READING IN SPONDYLOARTHRITIS (THE ANTELOPE-DESIR STUDY), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 662-663.
- Mahmood, S.; Tuyl, L. van; Schoonmade, L.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Twisk, J. & Boers, M. (2017), SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS CLINICAL STUDIES: SUBOPTIMAL STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF RADIOLOGICAL DATA, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 473-473.
- Heijde, D. van der; Fleischmann, R.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Deodhar, A.; Bauer, L.; Hoepken, B.; Peterson, L. & Mease, P.J. (2017), THE EFFECT OF CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL ON RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION OVER 4 YEARS OF TREATMENT IN PATIENTS WITH PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 1316-1316.
- Brinkmann, G.H.; Norli, E.S.; Boyesen, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Grovle, L.; Haugen, A.J.; Nygaard, H.; Bjorneboe, O.; Thunem, C.; Kvien, T.K.; Mjaavatten, M.D. & Lie, E. (2017), THE ROLE OF EROSIONS TYPICAL OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS IN THE 2010 ACR/EULAR RHEUMATOID CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA: RESULTS FROM A VERY EARLY ARTHRITIS COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 1030-1030.
- Manica, S.R.; Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Pimentel-Santos, F.; Putrik, P.; Nikiphorou, E.; Molto, A.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Bosch, F. van den & Boonen, A. (2017), The Role of Individual and Country-Level Socio-Economic Factors in Work Participation in Patients with Spondyloarthritis across 22 Countries Worldwide: Results from the Comospa Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Manica, S.R.; Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Pimentel-Santos, F.M.; Putrik, P.; Nikiphorou, E.; Molto, A.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Bosch, F. van den & Boonen, A. (2017), THE ROLE OF INDIVIDUAL AND COUNTRY-LEVEL SOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTORS IN WORK PARTICIPATION IN PATIENTS WITH SPONDYLOARTHRITIS ACROSS 22 COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE: RESULTS FROM THE COMOSPA STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 80-81.
- Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Bakker, P.A.C.; Lunteren, M. van; Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Fagerli, K.M.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Ramonda, R.; Jacobsson, L.T.H.; Saraux, A.; Lenczner, G.; Feydy, A.; Pialat, J.B.; Thevenin, F.; Gaalen, F.A. van & Heijde, D. van der (2017), The yield of a positive MRI of the spine as imaging criterion in the ASAS classification criteria for axial spondyloarthritis: results from the SPACE and DESIR cohorts, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(10): 1731-1736.
- Mease, P.; Hall, S.; FitzGerald, O.; Heijde, D. van der; Merola, J.F.; Avila-Zapata, F.; Cieslak, D.; Graham, D.; Wang, C.; Menon, S.; Hendrikx, T. & Kanik, K.S. (2017), Tofacitinib or Adalimumab versus Placebo for Psoriatic Arthritis, New England Journal of Medicine 377(16): 1537-1550.
- Heijde, D. van der; Gladman, D.D.; FitzGerald, O.; Kavanaugh, A.; Graham, D.; Wang, C.S. & Fallon, L. (2017), Tofacitinib Treatment in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis and Rates of Radiologic Progression According to Baseline CRP Levels: Results from a Phase 3 Clinical Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Baraliakos, X.; Deodhar, A.; Brown, M.; Sherlock, S.P.; Li, D.; Fleishaker, D.; Hendrikx, T. & Kanik, K.S. (2017), TOFACITINIB TREATMENT IS ASSOCIATED WITH ATTAINMENT OF THE MINIMALLY IMPORTANT REDUCTION IN AXIAL MRI INFLAMMATION IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 337-337.
- Sundlisater, N.P.; Aga, A.B.; Olsen, C.; Hammer, H.B.; Uhlig, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Lillegraven, S.; Haavardsholm, E.A. & Arctic Study Grp (2017), TREAT-TO-TARGET IN EARLY RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SUSTAINED REMISSION AND JOINT DAMAGE, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 176-176.
- Perez-Alamino, R.; Ficco, H.M.; Waimann, C.A.; Maldonado-Cocco, J.A.; Molto, A.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M. & Bosch, F. van den (2017), Trends in Time to Diagnosis in Spondyloarthritis Patients. Association with 2009 ASAS Classification Criteria and Clinical Presentation at Disease Onset. Data from Comospa Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Molnar, C.; Scherer, A.; Baraliakos, X.; Hooge, M. de; Micheroli, R.; Exer, P.; Kissling, R.; Tamborrini, G.; Wildi, L.; Nissen, M.; Zufferey, P.; Bernhard, J.; Weber, U.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Ciurea, A. (2017), TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR INHIBITOR TREATMENT REDUCES SPINAL RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS BY DECREASING DISEASE ACTIVITY: A LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS IN A LARGE PROSPECTIVE COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 130-130.
- Nordberg, L.B.; Lillegraven, S.; Aga, A.B.; Olsen, I.C.; Lie, E.; Hammer, H.B.; Uhlig, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Haavardsholm, E.A. & ARCTIC Study Grp (2017), ULTRASONOGRAPHY AND INTRA-ARTICULAR INJECTION THERAPY IN EARLY RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: RESULTS FROM THE RANDOMISED ARCTIC TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 1017-1017.
- Heijde, D. van der & T2T in SpA Working Grp (2017), UPDATE OF THE T2T RECOMMENDATIONS IN SPA, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 14-14.
- Orbai, A.M.; Wit, M. de; Mease, P.J.; Duffin, K.C.; Elmamoun, M.; Tillett, W.; Campbell, W.; FitzGerald, O.; Gladman, D.D.; Goel, N.; Gossec, L.; Hoejgaard, P.; Leung, Y.Y.; Lindsay, C.; Strand, V.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Shea, B.; Christensen, R.; Coates, L.; Eder, L.; McHugh, N.; Kalyoncu, U.; Steinkoenig, I. & Ogdie, A. (2017), Updating the Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) Core Domain Set: A Report from the PsA Workshop at OMERACT 2016, Journal of Rheumatology 44(10): 1522-1528.
- Mease, P.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Karki, C.; Liu, M.; Pandurengan, R.; Park, Y. & Greenberg, J.D. (2017), USE OF BIOLOGICS AND NSAIDS IN TREATING PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS IN THE US-BASED CORRONA PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS/SPONDYLOARTHRITIS (PSA/SPA) REGISTRY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 352-353.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Loeuille, D. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2017), Which Imaging Outcomes for AxSpA Are Most Sensitive to Change? a 5-Year Analysis of the DESIR Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Heijde, D. van der (2017), WHY ARE CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA NOT APPROPRIATE TO MAKE A DIAGNOSIS?, Rheumatology 56: 16-16.
- Bautista-Molano, W.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Serna, C.; Valle-Onate, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), Factors associated with the decision of the rheumatologist to order sacroiliac joints magnetic resonance imaging (SI-MRI) or HLA-B27 testing in the diagnostic work-up of patients with spondyloarthritis in clinical practice, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 35(1): 122-128.
- Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Landewe, R.; Sieper, J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Rudwaleit, M.; Bosch, F. van den; Braun, J.; Mease, P.J.; Kivitz, A.J.; Walsh, J.; Davies, O.; Bauer, L.; Hoepken, B.; Peterson, L. & Deodhar, A. (2017), Sustained efficacy, safety and patient-reported outcomes of certolizumab pegol in axial spondyloarthritis: 4-year outcomes from RAPID-axSpA, Rheumatology 56(9): 1498-1509.
- Taylor, P.C.; Keystone, E.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Weinblatt, M.E.; Morales, L.D.; Gonzaga, J.R.; Yakushin, S.; Ishii, T.; Emoto, K.; Beattie, S.; Arora, V.; Gaich, C.; Rooney, T.; Schlichting, D.; Macias, W.L.; Bono, S. de & Tanaka, Y. (2017), Baricitinib versus Placebo or Adalimumab in Rheumatoid Arthritis, New England Journal of Medicine 376(7): 652-662.
- Erp, S.J.H. van; Verheul, M.K.; Levarht, E.W.N.; Reijden, J.J. van der; Heijde, D. van der; Gaalen, F.A. van; Hommes, D.W.; Norman, G.L.; Shums, Z.; Mahler, M.; Verspaget, H.W.; Trouw, L.A. & Meulen-de Jong, A.E. van der (2017), Absence of serological rheumatoid arthritis biomarkers in inflammatory bowel disease patients with arthropathies, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 29(3): 345-348.
- Stomp, W.; Krabben, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Bloem, J.L.; Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der & Reijnierse, M. (2017), Aiming for a shorter rheumatoid arthritis MRI protocol: can contrast-enhanced MRI replace T2 for the detection of bone marrow oedema? (vol 24, pg 2614, 2014 ), European Radiology 27(3): 1331-1332.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Claudepierre, P.; Hooge, M. de; Lambert, R.G.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Molto, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Bukowski, J.F.; Jones, H.; Logeart, I.; Marshall, L.; Pedersen, R.; Szumski, A.; Vlahos, B. & Dougados, M. (2017), Sustained Remission of Inflammation Is Associated with Reduced Structural Damage on SI Joint MRI in Patients with Early Axial Spa: Evidence to Support the Concept of Treat-to-Target, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Dougados, M.; Sepriano, A.; Molto, A.; Ramiro, S.; Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Compan, V.N.; Mattei, C. de; LandewE, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), SWITCH FROM NON-RADIOGRAPHIC TO RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS IS HIGHLY DEPENDENT OF BASELINE OBJECTIVE SIGNS OF INFLAMMATION: 5 YEAR DATA OF THE DESIR COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 100-101.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Ohrndorf, S.; FitzGerald, O.; Backhaus, M.; Larche, M.; Homik, J.; Saraux, A.; Hammer, H.; Terslev, L.; Ostergaard, M.; Burmester, G.; Combe, B.; Dougados, M.; Hitchon, C.; Boire, G.; Dadashova, R.; Paschke, J.; Hutchings, E. & Maksymowych, W. (2017), ADDING ULTRASOUND TO THE TREAT-TO-TARGET STRATEGY SHOWS NO BENEFIT IN ACHIEVEMENT OF REMISSION: RESULTS FROM THE BIODAM COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 131-131.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Ohrndorf, S.; FitzGerald, O.; Backhaus, M.; Larche, M.; Homik, J.; Saraux, A.; Hammer, H.B.; Terslev, L.; Ostergaard, M.; Burmester, G.R.; Combe, B.; Dougados, M.; Hitchon, C.A.; Boire, G.; Lambert, R.G.; Dadashova, R.; Paschke, J.; Hutchings, E. & Maksymowych, W.P. (2017), Adding Ultrasound to the Treat-to-Target Strategy Shows No Benefit in Achievement of Remission: Results from the Biodam Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Mease, P.; Gottlieb, A.; Heijde, D. van der; FitzGerald, O.; Johnsen, A.; Nys, M.; Banerjee, S. & Gladman, D. (2017), ABATACEPT IN THE TREATMENT OF ACTIVE PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS: 1-YEAR RESULTS FROM A PHASE III STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 145-146.
- Nordberg, L.B.; Lillegraven, S.; Lie, E.; Aga, A.B.; Olsen, I.C.; Hammer, H.B.; Uhlig, T.; Jonsson, M.K.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Haavardsholm, E.A. & ARCTIC Working Grp (2017), Patients with seronegative RA have more inflammatory activity compared with patients with seropositive RA in an inception cohort of DMARD-naive patients classified according to the 2010 ACR/EULAR criteria, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(2): 341-345.
- Mease, P.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Ritchlin, C.T.; Okada, M.; Cuchacovich, R.S.; Shuler, C.L.; Lin, C.Y.; Braun, D.K.; Lee, C.H.; Gladman, D.D. & SPIRIT-P1Study Grp (2017), Ixekizumab, an interleukin-17A specific monoclonal antibody, for the treatment of biologic-naive patients with active psoriatic arthritis: results from the 24-week randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled and active (adalimumab)-controlled period of the phase III trial SPIRIT-P1, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(1): 79-87.
- Emery, P.; Bingham, C.O.; Burmester, G.R.; Bykerk, V.P.; Furst, D.E.; Mariette, X.; Heijde, D. van der; Vollenhoven, R. van; Arendt, C.; Mountian, I.; Purcaru, O.; Tatla, D.; VanLunen, B. & Weinblatt, M.E. (2017), Certolizumab pegol in combination with dose-optimised methotrexate in DMARD-naive patients with early, active rheumatoid arthritis with poor prognostic factors: 1-year results from C-EARLY, a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(1): 96-104.
- Bakker, P.A.C.; Berg, R. van den; Lenczner, G.; Thevenin, F.; Reijnierse, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Wendling, D.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), Can we use structural lesions seen on MRI of the sacroiliac joints reliably for the classification of patients according to the ASAS axial spondyloarthritis criteria? Data from the DESIR cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(2): 392-398.
- Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Chen, Y.C.; Greenwald, M.; Drescher, E.; Liu, J.J.; Beattie, S.; Witt, S.; Torre, I. de la; Gaich, C.; Rooney, T.; Schlichting, D.; Bono, S. de & Emery, P. (2017), Baricitinib in patients with inadequate response or intolerance to conventional synthetic DMARDs: results from the RA-BUILD study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(1): 88-95.
- Heijde, D. van der; Schiff, M.; Tanaka, Y.; Klar, R.; Xie, L.; Meszaros, G.; Ishii, T.; Casillas, M.; Ortmann, R. & Emery, P. (2017), LOW RATES OF RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION OF STRUCTURAL JOINT DAMAGE OVER 2 YEARS OF BARICITINIB TREATMENT IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 510-511.
- Nijjar, J.; Morton, F.; Gilmour, A.; Paterson, C.; Bang, H.; Heijde, D. van der; Raza, K.; Buckley, C.; Porter, D. & McInnes, I. (2017), NOVEL AUTOANTIBODY PROFILES IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS AND THEIR ASSOCIATION WITH RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION IN THE SCOTTISH EARLY RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS INCEPTION COHORT AND BIOBANK (SERA), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 242-243.
- Mease, P.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Karki, C.; Liu, M.; Park, Y. & Greenberg, J.D. (2017), Persistency of Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor Therapy in US Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: Data from the Corrona Psoriatic Arthritis/Spondyloarthritis (PsA/SpA) Registry, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Koning, A. de; Bruin, F. de; Berg, R. van den; Ramiro, S.; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Reijnierse, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), LOW DOSE COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY DETECTS MORE PROGRESSION OF BONE FORMATION IN COMPARISON TO CONVENTIONAL RADIOGRAPHY IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: RESULTS FROM THE SIAS COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 100-100.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), Progression of Structural Damage on MRI in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis Is Limited: The 5-Year Results in the DESIR Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Koning, A. de; Bruin, F. de; Berg, R. van den; Ramiro, S.; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), Low Dose Computed Tomography Detects More Progression of Bone Formation in Comparison to Conventional Radiography in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Heijde, D. van der; Okada, M.; Lee, C.H.; Shuler, C.; Rathmann, S.; Lin, C.Y. & Mease, P.J. (2017), Radiographic Progression of Structural Joint Damage in Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis Treated with Ixekizumab over 52 Weeks, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Heijde, D. van der; Okada, M.; Lee, C.; Shuler, C.L.; Rathmann, S.; Lin, C.Y. & Mease, P. (2017), RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION OF STRUCTURAL JOINT DAMAGE IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS TREATED WITH IXEKIZUMAB OVER 52 WEEKS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 144-145.
- Sundlisater, N.P.; Aga, A.B.; Olsen, I.C.; Hammer, H.B.; Uhlig, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Lillegraven, S.; Haavardsholm, E.A. & ARCTIC Study Grp (2017), REMISSION AT 6 MONTHS AND IDENTIFICATION OF FUTURE GOOD RADIOGRAPHIC AND PHYSICAL OUTCOME IN EARLY RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 526-526.
- Smolen, J.S.; Landewe, R.B.M. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), Response to: '2016 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis: no utopia for patients in low/middle-income countries?' by Misra et al, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(11).
- Smolen, J.S.; Landewe, R.B.M. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), Response to: 'The time has come to revisit alternative interpretations of data underlying the EULAR management recommendations for rheumatoid arthritis' by Pirila et al, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(12).
- Brinkmann, G.H.; Norli, E.S.; Boyesen, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Grovle, L.; Haugen, A.J.; Nygaard, H.; Bjorneboe, O.; Thunem, C.; Kvien, T.K.; Mjaavatten, M.D. & Lie, E. (2017), Role of erosions typical of rheumatoid arthritis in the 2010 ACR/EULAR rheumatoid arthritis classification criteria: results from a very early arthritis cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(11): 1911-1914.
- Dougados, M.; Sepriano, A.; Molto, A.; Lunteren, M. van; Ramiro, S.; Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Compan, V.N.; Demattei, C.; Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), Sacroiliac radiographic progression in recent onset axial spondyloarthritis: the 5-year data of the DESIR cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(11): 1823-1828.
- Bruin, F. de; Berg, R. van den; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), SCORING SYNDESMOPHYTES ON CT SPINE IMAGES OF PATIENTS WITH RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS FROM THE SENSITIVE IMAGING OF AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS (SIAS) COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 669-669.
- Braun, J.; Sieper, J.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Baraliakos, X.; Miceli-Richard, C.; Martin, R.; Porter, B.; Gandhi, K. & Heijde, D. van der (2017), Secukinumab Demonstrates Rapid and Sustained Efficacy in Ankylosing Spondylitis Patients with Normal or Elevated Baseline CRP Levels: Pooled Analysis of Two Phase 3 Studies, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Heijde, D. van der; Durez, P.; Schett, G.; Naredo, E.; Ostergaard, M.; Meszaros, G.; Bello, N.; Torre, I. de la; Lopez-Romero, P.; Schlichting, D.; Nantz, E. & Fleischmann, R. (2017), STRUCTURAL DAMAGE PROGRESSION IN PATIENTS TREATED WITH METHOTREXATE, BARICITINIB MONOTHERAPY OR BARICITINIB plus METHOTREXATE BASED ON THEIR LEVEL OF CLINICAL RESPONSE IN THE PHASE 3 RA-BEGIN STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 233-233.
- Landewe, R.B.M. & Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der (2017), Why CAPS criteria are not diagnostic criteria?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76(4).
- Erp, S. van; Ercan, E.; Breedveld, P.; Brakenhoff, L.; Ghariq, E.; Schmid, S.; Osch, M. van; Buchem, M. van; Emmer, B.; Grond, J. van der; Wolterbeek, R.; Hommes, D.; Fidder, H.; Wee, N. van der; Huizinga, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Middelkoop, H.; Ronen, I. & Meulen-de Jong, A. van der (2017), Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging in quiescent Crohn's disease patients with fatigue, World Journal of Gastroenterology 23(6): 1018-1029.
- Fleischmann, R.; Schiff, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Ramos-Remus, C.; Spindler, A.; Stanislav, M.; Zerbini, C.A.F.; Gurbuz, S.; Dickson, C.; Bono, S. de; Schlichting, D.; Beattie, S.; Kuo, W.L.; Rooney, T.; Macias, W. & Takeuchi, T. (2017), Baricitinib, Methotrexate, or Combination in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis and No or Limited Prior Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drug Treatment, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69(3): 506-517.
- Stoffer, M.A.; Schoels, M.M.; Smolen, J.S.; Aletaha, D.; Breedveld, F.C.; Burmester, G.; Bykerk, V.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Haraoui, B.; Gomez-Reino, J.; Kvien, T.K.; Nash, P.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Scholte-Voshaar, M.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Heijde, D. van der & Stamm, T.A. (2016), y Evidence for treating rheumatoid arthritis to target: results of a systematic literature search update, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(1): 16-22.
- Smolen, J.S.; Breedveld, F.C.; Burmester, G.R.; Bykerk, V.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Kvien, T.K.; Navarro-Compan, M.V.; Oliver, S.; Schoels, M.; Scholte-Voshaar, M.; Stamm, T.; Stoffer, M.; Takeuchi, T.; Aletaha, D.; Andreu, J.L.; Aringer, M.; Bergman, M.; Betteridge, N.; Bijlsma, H.; Burkhardt, H.; Cardiel, M.; Combe, B.; Durez, P.; Fonseca, J.E.; Gibofsky, A.; Gomez-Reino, J.J.; Graninger, W.; Hannonen, P.; Haraoui, B.; Kouloumas, M.; Landewe, R.; Martin-Mola, E.; Nash, P.; Ostergaard, M.; Ostor, A.; Richards, P.; Sokka-Isler, T.; Thorne, C.; Tzioufas, A.G.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Wit, M. de & Heijde, D. van der (2016), Treating rheumatoid arthritis to target: 2014 update of the recommendations of an international task force, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(1): 3-15.
- Atsumi, T.; Yamamoto, K.; Takeuchi, T.; Yamanaka, H.; Ishiguro, N.; Tanaka, Y.; Eguchi, K.; Watanabe, A.; Origasa, H.; Yasuda, S.; Yamanishi, Y.; Kita, Y.; Matsubara, T.; Iwamoto, M.; Shoji, T.; Okada, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Miyasaka, N. & Koike, T. (2016), The first double-blind, randomised, parallel-group certolizumab pegol study in methotrexate-naive early rheumatoid arthritis patients with poor prognostic factors, C-OPERA, shows inhibition of radiographic progression, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(1): 75-83.
- Gvozdenovic, E.; Wolterbeek, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T.; Allaart, C. & Landewe, R. (2016), DAS steered therapy in clinical practice; cross-sectional results from the METEOR database, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 17.
- Haugen, I.K.; Slatkowsky-Christensen, B.; Boyesen, P.; Sesseng, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2016), MRI findings predict radiographic progression and development of erosions in hand osteoarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(1): 117-123.
- Ramiro, S.; Smolen, J.S.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Wit, M. de; Cutolo, M.; Oliver, S. & Gossec, L. (2016), Pharmacological treatment of psoriatic arthritis: a systematic literature review for the 2015 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(3): 490-498.
- Baillet, A.; Gossec, L.; Carmona, L.; Wit, M. de; Eijk-Hustings, Y. van; Bertheussen, H.; Alison, K.; Toft, M.; Kouloumas, M.; Ferreira, R.J.O.; Oliver, S.; Rubbert-Roth, A.; Assen, S. van; Dixon, W.G.; Finckh, A.; Zink, A.; Kremer, J.; Kvien, T.K.; Nurmohamed, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Dougados, M. (2016), Points to consider for reporting, screening for and preventing selected comorbidities in chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases in daily practice: a EULAR initiative, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(6): 965-973.
- Sepriano, A.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Akkoc, N.; Brandt, J.; Braun, J.; Collantes-Estevez, E.; Dougados, M.; Fitzgerald, O.; Huang, F.; Gu, J.; Kirazli, Y.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Olivieri, I.; Ozgocmen, S.; Roussou, E.; Scarpato, S.; Sorensen, I.J.; Valle-Onate, R.; Bosch, F. van den; Horst-Bruinsma, I. van der; Weber, U.; Wei, J.; Rudwaleit, M. & ASAS (2016), Predictive validity of the ASAS classification criteria for axial and peripheral spondyloarthritis after follow-up in the ASAS cohort: a final analysis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(6): 1034-1042.
- Gossec, L.; Portier, A.; Landewe, R.; Etcheto, A.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Kroon, F.; Heijde, D. van der & Dougados, M. (2016), Preliminary definitions of 'flare' in axial spondyloarthritis, based on pain, BASDAI and ASDAS-CRP: an ASAS initiative, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(6): 991-996.
- Bakker, P.A.C.; Hameetman, M.; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Lunteren, M. van; Schonkeren, J.; Miceli-Richard, C.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2016), PRESENCE OF THE HLA-B27+/HLA-B*40:01+HIGH RISK ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS GENOTYPE IN EARLY BACK PAIN PATIENTS (RESULTS FROM THE DESIR AND SPACE COHORT), Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 764-765.
- Molto, A.; Etcheto, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Bosch, F. van den; Molano, W.B.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Cheung, P.P.; Collantes-Estevez, E.; Deodhar, A.; El-Zorkany, B.; Erdes, S.; Gu, J.R.; Hajjaj-Hassouni, N.; Kiltz, U.; Kim, T.H.; Kishimoto, M.; Luo, S.F.; Machado, P.M.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Maldonado-Cocco, J.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Montecucco, C.M.; Ozgocmen, S.; Gaalen, F. van & Dougados, M. (2016), Prevalence of comorbidities and evaluation of their screening in spondyloarthritis: results of the international cross-sectional ASAS-COMOSPA study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(6): 1016-1023.
- Winter, J.J. de; Mens, L.J. van; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R. & Baeten, D.L. (2016), Prevalence of peripheral and extra-articular disease in ankylosing spondylitis versus non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis: a meta-analysis, Arthritis Research and Therapy 18.
- Winter, J.J. de; Mens, L.J. van; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R. & Baeten, D.L. (2016), PREVALENCE OF PERIPHERAL AND EXTRA-ARTICULAR DISEASE IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS VERSUS NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: A META-ANALYSIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 734-734.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; Citera, G.; Bosch, F. van den; Logeart, I.; Wajdula, J.; Jones, H.; Marshall, L.; Bonin, R.; Pedersen, R.; Vlahos, B.; Kotak, S. & Bukowski, J.F. (2016), Clinical and MRI responses to etanercept in early non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis: 48-week results from the EMBARK study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(7): 1328-1335.
- Dougados, M.; Demattei, C.; Berg, R. van den; Hoang, V.V.; Thevenin, F.; Reijnierse, M.; Loeuille, D.; Feydy, A.; Claudepierre, P. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), Rate and Predisposing Factors for Sacroiliac Joint Radiographic Progression After a Two-Year Follow-up Period in Recent-Onset Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 68(8): 1904-1913.
- Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; Citera, G.; Bosch, F. van den; Pedersen, R.; Bonin, R.; Jones, H.; Marshall, L.; Kotak, S.; Logeart, I.; Vlahos, B.; Bukowski, J. & Maksymowych, W. (2016), Clinical and Imaging Efficacy of Etanercept in Early Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis: 104-Week Treatment Results, Journal of Rheumatology 43(6): 1232-1232.
- Mease, P.J.; Fleischmann, R.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Deodhar, A.; Gladman, D.; Hoepken, B.; Peterson, L. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL FOR THE TREATMENT OF PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS: 4-YEAR OUTCOMES FROM THE RAPID-PSA TRIAL, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 779-780.
- Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Landewe, R.; Sieper, J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Rudwaleit, M.; Bosch, F. van den; Braun, J.; Mease, P.J.; Davies, O.; Hoepken, B.; Peterson, L. & Deodhar, A. (2016), CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL FOR THE TREATMENT OF AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: 4-YEAR OUTCOMES FROM THE RAPID-AXSPA TRIAL, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 779-779.
- Combe, B.; Furst, D.E.; Keystone, E.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Luijtens, K.; Ionescu, L.; Goel, N. & Emery, P. (2016), Certolizumab Pegol Efficacy Across Methotrexate Regimens: A Pre-Specified Analysis of Two Phase III Trials, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 68(3): 299-307.
- Claudepierre, P.; Hooge, M.S.M. de; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), Reliability of mSASSS scoring in everyday practice in DESIR-cohort study centres: cross-sectional study of agreement with trained readers, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(12): 2212-2213.
- Takeuchi, T.; Tanaka, Y.; Ishiguro, N.; Yamanaka, H.; Yoneda, T.; Ohira, T.; Okubo, N.; Genant, H.K. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), Response to: "Denosumab, cortical bone and bone erosion in rheumatoid arthritis' by Rossini et al, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(10): E71-E71.
- Emery, P.; Bingham, C.O.; Burmester, G.R.; Bykerk, V.P.; Furst, D.E.; Mariette, X.; Heijde, D. van der; Vollenhoven, R. van; Arendt, C.; Mountian, I.; Purcaru, O.; Tatla, D.; VanLunen, B. & Weinblatt, M.E. (2016), Response to: "Let's stop fooling ourselves. In RA, only ACR/EULAR criteria define remission and equate with absence of disease!' by Boers, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(10): E69-E69.
- Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.; Mease, P.J.; McInnes, I.B.; Conaghan, P.G.; Pricop, L.; Ligozio, G.; Richards, H.B. & Mpofu, S. (2016), Secukinumab Provides Significant and Sustained Inhibition of Joint Structural Damage in a Phase III Study of Active Psoriatic Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 68(8): 1914-1921.
- Bruin, F. de; Horst, S. ter; Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Gaalen, F. van; Fagerli, K.M.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Bloem, J.L.; Heijde, D. van der & Reijnierse, M. (2016), Signal intensity loss of the intervertebral discs in the cervical spine of young patients on fluid sensitive sequences, Skeletal Radiology 45(3): 375-381.
- Haugen, I.K.; Mathiessen, A.; Slatkowsky-Christensen, B.; Magnusson, K.; Boyesen, P.; Sesseng, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K. & Hammer, H.B. (2016), Synovitis and radiographic progression in non-erosive and erosive hand osteoarthritis: is erosive hand osteoarthritis a separate inflammatory phenotype?, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 24(4): 647-654.
- Dale, J.; Stirling, A.; Zhang, R.Q.; Purves, D.; Foley, J.; Sambrook, M.; Conaghan, P.G.; Heijde, D. van der; McConnachie, A.; McInnes, I.B. & Porter, D. (2016), Targeting ultrasound remission in early rheumatoid arthritis: the results of the TaSER study, a randomised clinical trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(6): 1043-1050.
- Pedersen, S.J.; Berg, R. van den; Navarro, V.; Wichuk, S.; Marin, J.; Hooge, M.S.M. de; Lambert, R.G.; Heijde, D. van der & Maksymowych, W.P. (2016), CAN STRUCTURAL PROGRESSION ON MRI OF SACROILIAC JOINTS IN PATIENTS WITH SPONDYLOARTHRITIS BE RELIABLY DETECTED AND WHAT TYPE OF CALIBRATION IS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE THIS?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 774-774.
- Taylor, P.; Keystone, E.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Tanaka, Y.; Ishii, T.; Emoto, K.; Yang, L.; Arora, V.; Gaich, C.; Rooney, T.; Schlichting, D.; Macias, W.L.; Bono, S. de; Weinblatt, M.E. & Larsson, E. (2016), Baricitinib vs. placebo or adalimumab in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis and an inadequate response to background methotrexate therapy: results of a phase 3 study, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 45: 8-8.
- Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Chen, Y.C.; Greenwald, M.; Drescher, E.; Liu, J.J.; Beattie, S.; Torre, I. de la; Rooney, T.; Schlichting, D.; Bono, S. de; Emery, P. & Bookman, A. (2016), Baricitinib, an Oral Janus Kinase (JAK) 1/JAK2 Inhibitor, in Patients with Active Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and an Inadequate Response to cDMARD Therapy: Results of the Phase 3 RA-BUILD Study, Journal of Rheumatology 43(6): 1188-1188.
- Huo, Y.H.; Vincken, K.L.; Heijde, D. van der; Hair, M.J.H. de; Lafeber, F.P. & Viergever, M.A. (2016), Automatic Quantification of Radiographic Finger Joint Space Width of Patients With Early Rheumatoid Arthritis, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63(10): 2177-2186.
- Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R. (2016), Are conventional radiographs still of value?, Current Opinion in Rheumatology 28(3): 310-315.
- Bakker, P.A.C.; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Lunteren, M. van; Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Fagerli, K.M.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Reijnierse, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F.A. van (2016), Are Additional Tests Needed to Rule Out Axial Spondyloarthritis in Patients Ages 16-45 Years With Short-Duration Chronic Back Pain and Maximally One Spondyloarthritis Feature?, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 68(11): 1726-1730.
- Mease, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Ritchlin, C.; Cuchacovich, R.; Shuler, C.; Lin, C.Y.; Vangerow, H.; Samanta, S.; Lee, C. & Gladman, D. (2016), A Randomized, Double-blind, Active-and Placebo-controlled Phase 3 Study of Efficacy and Safety of Ixekizumab, Adalimumab, and Placebo Therapy in Patients Naive to Biologic Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs with Active Psoriatic Arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 43(6): 1169-1169.
- Bautista-Molano, W.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Londono, J.; Romero-Sanchez, C.; Valle-Onate, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), Analysis and performance of various classification criteria sets in a Colombian cohort of patients with spondyloarthritis, Clinical Rheumatology 35(7): 1759-1767.
- Lunteren, M. van; Scharloo, M.; Kaptein, A.; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Bakker, P.; Fongen, C.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Lorenzin, M.; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2016), THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN DISEASE ACTIVITY AND ILLNESS PERCEPTIONS IN EARLY AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS PATIENTS IN THE SPACE COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 753-753.
- Nieuwenhuis, W.P.; Steenbergen, H.W. van; Stomp, W.; Stijnen, T.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Bloem, J.L.; Heijde, D. van der; Reijnierse, M. & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2016), The Course of Bone Marrow Edema in Early Undifferentiated Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis A Longitudinal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study at Bone Level, Arthritis and Rheumatology 68(5): 1080-1088.
- Mease, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Ritchlin, C.; Cuchacovich, R.; Shuler, C.; Lin, C.Y.; Vangerow, H.; Samanta, S.; Lee, C.H.; Gladman, D. & Larsson, E. (2016), The efficacy and safety of ixekizumab, adalimumab, and placebo in patients with psoriatic arthritis naive to biological disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs: a double-blind phase 3 study, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 45: 31-33.
- Kviatkovsky, M.J.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Dougados, M.; Tubach, F.; Bellamy, N.; Hochberg, M.; Ravaud, P.; Martin-Mola, E.; Awada, H.; Bombardier, C.; Felson, D.; Hajjaj-Hassouni, N.; Logeart, I.; Matucci-Cerinic, M.; Laar, M. van de & Heijde, D. van der (2016), The Minimum Clinically Important Improvement and Patient-acceptable Symptom State in the BASDAI and BASFI for Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis, Journal of Rheumatology 43(9): 1680-1686.
- Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Bakker, P.; Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Lunteren, M. van; Reijnierse, M.; Fagerli, K.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2016), ADDING MRI OF THE SPINE TO THE ASAS CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA FOR AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, REDUNDANT OR BENEFICIAL?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 731-731.
- Winthrop, K.L.; Strand, V.; Heijde, D. van der; Mease, P.; Crow, M.K.; Weinblatt, M.; Bathon, J.; Buch, M.H.; Burmester, G.R.; Dougados, M.; Kay, J.; Mariette, X.; Breedveld, F.C.; Kalden, J.R.; Smolen, J.S. & Furst, D.E. (2016), The unmet need in rheumatology: reports from the Targeted Therapies meeting 2016, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): S69-S76.
- DiCicco, M.; Humby, F.; Kelly, S.; Bombardieri, M.; Rebecca, H.; Rocher, V.; Zou, L.; Myles, L.; Mahto, A.; Blighe, K.; Ng, N.; McInnes, I.; Taylor, P.C.; Landewe, R.; Helm-Van Mil, A. van der; Heijde, D. van der & Pitzalis, C. (2016), SYNOVIAL LYMPHOCYTIC AGGREGATES ASSOCIATE WITH HIGHLY ACTIVE RA AND PREDICT EROSIVE DISEASE PROGRESSION AT 12 MONTHS: RESULTS FROM THE PATHOBIOLOGY OF EARLY ARTHRITIS COHORT, Rheumatology 55: 59-59.
- Erp, S.J. van; Brakenhoff, L.K.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Berg, R. van den; Fidder, H.H.; Verspaget, H.W.; Huizinga, T.W.; Veenendaal, R.A.; Wolterbeek, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Meulen-de Jong, A.E. van der & Hommes, D.W. (2016), Classifying Back Pain and Peripheral Joint Complaints in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients: A Prospective Longitudinal Follow-up Study, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 10(2): 166-175.
- Haavardsholm, E.A.; Aga, A.B.; Olsen, I.C.; Lillegraven, S.; Hammer, H.B.; Uhlig, T.; Fremstad, H.; Madland, T.M.; Lexberg, A.S.; Haukeland, H.; Rodevand, E.; Hoili, C.; Stray, H.; Noraas, A.; Hansen, I.J.W.; Bakland, G.; Nordberg, L.B.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2016), Ultrasound in management of rheumatoid arthritis: ARCTIC randomised controlled strategy trial, BMJ 354.
- Kiltz, U.; Heijde, D. van der; Boonen, A.; Braun, J. & Working Grp ASAS HI Int Validation (2016), VALIDATION OF THE ASAS HEALTH INDEX: RESULTS OF A MULTICENTER INTERNATIONAL STUDY IN 23 COUNTRIES, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 751-751.
- Hooge, M. de; Bruin, F. de; Beer, L. de; Bakker, P.; Berg, R. van den; Ramiro, S.; Gaalen, F. van; Fagerli, K.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T.; Bloem, J.; Reijnierse, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), BACK PAIN IS RELATED TO MRI-LESIONS IN PATIENTS INCLUDED IN THE SPACE COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 771-771.
- Castillo-Ortiz, J.D.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Boonen, A. (2016), Work Outcome in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis: Results From a 12-Year Followup of an International Study, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 68(4): 544-552.
- Inman, R.D.; Baraliakos, X.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Braun, J.; Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Xu, S. & Hsu, B. (2016), Serum biomarkers and changes in clinical/MRI evidence of golimumab-treated patients with ankylosing spondylitis: results of the randomized, placebo-controlled GO-RAISE study, Arthritis Research and Therapy 18.
- Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Braun, J.; Bergman, G.; Curtis, S.P.; Tzontcheva, A.; Philip, G.; Huyck, S. & Sieper, J. (2016), LONG-TERM EFFICACY AND TOLERABILITY OF GOLIMUMAB IN ACTIVE NONRADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: RESULTS OF THE OPEN-LABEL EXTENSION OF A RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND STUDY, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 752-752.
- Essers, I.; Ramiro, S.; Stolwijk, C.; Blaauw, M.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Bosch, F. van den; Dougados, M. & Tubergen, A. van (2016), Do extra-articular manifestations influence outcome in ankylosing spondylitis? 12-year results from OASIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(2): 214-221.
- Gossec, L.; Coates, L.C.; Wit, M. de; Kavanaugh, A.; Ramiro, S.; Mease, P.J.; Ritchlin, C.T.; Heijde, D. van der & Smolen, J.S. (2016), Management of psoriatic arthritis in 2016: a comparison of EULAR and GRAPPA recommendations, Nature Reviews Rheumatology 12(12): 743-750.
- Machado, P.M.; Baraliakos, X.; Heijde, D. van der; Braun, J. & Landewe, R. (2016), MRI vertebral corner inflammation followed by fat deposition is the strongest contributor to the development of new bone at the same vertebral corner: a multilevel longitudinal analysis in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(8): 1486-1493.
- Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), New concepts of clinical trials in rheumatoid arthritis: a boom of noninferiority trials, Current Opinion in Rheumatology 28(3): 316-322.
- Kroon, F.P.B.; Burg, L.R.A. van der; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Buchbinder, R.; Falzon, L. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs for Axial Spondyloarthritis: A Cochrane Review, Journal of Rheumatology 43(3): 607-617.
- Dougados, M.; Maksymowych, W.; Heijde, D. van der; Pedersen, R.; Bonin, R.; Logeart, I.; Bukowski, J. & Jones, H. (2016), NO RADIOLOGICAL SACROILIAC JOINT PROGRESSION AFTER 2 YEARS OF ETANERCEPT TREATMENT IN NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: DATA FROM THE EMBARK STUDY, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 768-768.
- Rudwaleit, M.; Rosenbaum, J.T.; Landewe, R.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Davies, O.; Bartz, H.; Hoepken, B.; Nurminen, T. & Deodhar, A. (2016), Observed Incidence of Uveitis Following Certolizumab Pegol Treatment in Patients With Axial Spondyloarthritis, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 68(6): 838-844.
- Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Navarro-Compan, V.; Reijnierse, M.; Gaalen, F. van; Fagerli, K.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), Patients with chronic back pain of short duration from the SPACE cohort: which MRI structural lesions in the sacroiliac joints and inflammatory and structural lesions in the spine are most specific for axial spondyloarthritis?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(7): 1308-1314.
- Ramiro, S.; Casasola-Vargas, J.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R. & Burgos-Vargas, R. (2016), PERFORMANCE OF DISEASE ACTIVITY MEASURES IN JUVENILE SPONDYLOARTHRITIS IN A PLACEBO CONTROLLED TRIAL WITH INFLIXIMAB, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 760-760.
- Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Bakker, P.; Lunteren, M. van; Berg, I.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Lorenzin, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2016), DOES THE PRESENCE OF MULTIPLE SPA-FEATURES IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC BACK PAIN ALWAYS LEAD TO DIAGNOSIS OF AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 757-757.
- Lunteren, M. van; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Bakker, P.; Dagfinrud, H.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2016), DOES CHANGE IN DISEASE ACTIVITY OVER ONE YEAR RESULT IN CHANGE IN HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS PATIENTS?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 753-753.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Dougados, M.; Miceli-Richard, C.; Richette, P. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), Disease activity is longitudinally related to sacroiliac inflammation on MRI in male patients with axial spondyloarthritis: 2-years of the DESIR cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(5): 874-878.
- Mihai, C.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Walker, U.A.; Constantin, P.I.; Gherghe, A.M.; Ionescu, R.; Rednic, S.; Allanore, Y.; Avouac, J.; Czirjak, L.; Hachulla, E.; Riemekasten, G.; Cozzi, F.; Airo, P.; Cutolo, M.; Mueller-Ladner, U.; Matucci-Cerinic, M. & EUSTAR (2016), Digital ulcers predict a worse disease course in patients with systemic sclerosis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(4): 681-686.
- Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Lunteren, M. van; Bakker, P.; Berg, I.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ortolan, A.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2016), DEVELOPMENT OF SPA-FEATURES IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC BACK PAIN OVER A ONE-YEAR COURSE, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 756-756.
- Voshaar, M.O.; Onna, M. van; Genderen, S. van; Laar, M. van de; Heijde, D. van der; Heuft, L.; Spoorenberg, A.; Luime, J.; Gignac, M. & Boonen, A. (2016), Development and Validation of a Short Form of the Social Role Participation Questionnaire in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis, Journal of Rheumatology 43(7): 1386-1392.
- Lambert, R.G.W.; Bakker, P.A.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Weber, U.; Rudwaleit, M.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Sieper, J.; Baraliakos, X.; Bennett, A.; Braun, J.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Dougados, M.; Pedersen, S.J.; Jurik, A.G.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Ostergaard, M.; Poddubnyy, D.; Reijnierse, M.; Bosch, F. van den; Horst-Bruinsma, I. van der & Landewe, R. (2016), Defining active sacroiliitis on MRI for classification of axial spondyloarthritis: update by the ASAS MRI working group, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(11): 1958-1963.
- Damman, W.; Liu, R.; Kortekaas, M.; Rosendaal, F.; Heijde, D. van der & Kloppenburg, M. (2016), CONSTRUCT VALIDITY OF THE DOYLE INDEX IN THE OUTCOME DOMAIN OF JOINT ACTIVITY IN HAND OSTEOARTHRITIS PATIENTS, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 24: S434-S434.
- Conaghan, P.G.; Ostergaard, M.; Bowes, M.A.; Wu, C.Y.; Fuerst, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Irazoque-Palazuelos, F.; Soto-Raices, O.; Hrycaj, P.; Xie, Z.Y.; Zhang, R.; Wyman, B.T.; Bradley, J.D.; Soma, K. & Wilkinson, B. (2016), Comparing the effects of tofacitinib, methotrexate and the combination, on bone marrow oedema, synovitis and bone erosion in methotrexate-naive, early active rheumatoid arthritis: results of an exploratory randomised MRI study incorporating semiquantitative and quantitative techniques, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(6): 1024-1033.
- Nikiphorou, E.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Molto, A.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Heijde, D. van der (2016), COMORBIDITIES ARE ASSOCIATED WITH WORSE CLINICAL OUTCOMES AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH SPONDYLOARTHRITIS - RESULTS FROM MULTI-NATIONAL ASASCOMOSPA STUDY, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 755-755.
- Sepriano, A.; Rubio, R.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), PERFORMANCE OF THE ASAS CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA FOR AXIAL AND PERIPHERAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS - A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 748-749.
- Heijde, D. van der (2016), IS THE T2T CONCEPT APPLICABLE TO SPA?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 726-726.
- Maksymowych, W.; Larche, M.; Thorne, C.; Boire, G.; Homik, J.; Barnabe, C.; Rahman, P.; Hitchon, C.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Hutchings, E.; Dadashova, R.; Paschke, J. & Ramiro, S. (2016), Is Treat-To-Target Really Working? A Longitudinal Analysis in BIODAM, Journal of Rheumatology 43(6): 1181-1181.
- Genderen, S. van; Plasqui, G.; Landewe, R.; Lacaille, D.; Arends, S.; Gaalen, F. van; Heijde, D. van der; Heuft, L.; Luime, J.; Spoorenberg, A.; Gignac, M. & Boonen, A. (2016), Social Role Participation in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Cross-Sectional Comparison With Population Controls, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 68(12): 1899-1905.
- Putrik, P.; Ramiro, S.; Lie, E.; Keszei, A.P.; Kvien, T.K.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Uhlig, T. & Boonen, A. (2016), Less educated and older patients have reduced access to biologic DMARDs even in a country with highly developed social welfare (Norway): results from Norwegian cohort study NOR-DMARD, Rheumatology 55(7): 1217-1224.
- Markusse, I.M.; Landewe, R.; Wolterbeek, R.; Ho, M.; Jenkins, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), Linear extrapolation of missing radiographic change scores in clinical trials does not spuriously overestimate group radiographic changes in rheumatoid arthritis, Rheumatology 55(7): 1295-1300.
- Takeuchi, T.; Tanaka, Y.; Ishiguro, N.; Yamanaka, H.; Yoneda, T.; Ohira, T.; Okubo, N.; Genant, H.K. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), Effect of denosumab on Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a dose-response study of AMG 162 (Denosumab) in patients with RheumatoId arthritis on methotrexate to Validate inhibitory effect on bone Erosion (DRIVE)-a 12-month, multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II clinical trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(6): 983-990.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Avila-Ribeiro, P.; Fonseca, R.; Borges, J.; Teixeira, L.; Carvalho, P.; Cerqueira, M.; Neves, J.; Meirinhos, T.; Barcelos, A.; Sequeira, G.; Salvador, M.J.; Silva, J.C. da; Santos, H.; Bernardes, M.; Vieira-Sousa, E.; Canhao, H.; Branco, J.C.; Pimentel-Santos, F. & Landewe, R. (2016), EFFECT OF COMEDICATION WITH CONVENTIONAL SYNTHETIC DMARDS ON RETENTION OF TNF INHIBITORS IN PATIENTS WITH SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: A PROSPECTIVE COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 729-729.
- Sepriano, A.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Avila-Ribeiro, P.; Fonseca, R.; Borges, J.; Teixeira, L.; Carvalho, P.D.; Cerqueira, M.; Neves, J.; Meirinhos, T.; Barcelos, A.; Sequeira, G.; Salvador, M.J.; Silva, J.C. da; Santos, H.; Bernardes, M.; Vieira-Sousa, E.; Canhao, H.; Branco, J.C.; Pimentel-Santos, F. & Landewe, R. (2016), Effect of Comedication With Conventional Synthetic Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs on Retention of Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors in Patients With Spondyloarthritis: A Prospective Cohort Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 68(11): 2671-2679.
- Bruin, F. de; Horst, S. ter; Bloem, H.L.; Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Gaalen, F. van; Fagerli, K.M.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Heijde, D. van der & Reijnierse, M. (2016), `Prevalence of degenerative changes of the spine on magnetic resonance images and radiographs in patients aged 16-45 years with chronic back pain of short duration in the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early (SPACE) cohort, Rheumatology 55(1): 56-65.
- Heijde, D. van der; Joshi, A.; Pangan, A.L.; Chen, N.J.; Betts, K.; Mittal, M. & Bao, Y.J. (2016), ASAS40 and ASDAS clinical responses in the ABILITY-1 clinical trial translate to meaningful improvements in physical function, health-related quality of life and work productivity in patients with non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, Rheumatology 55(1): 80-88.
- Kavanaugh, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Beutler, A.; Gladman, D.; Mease, P.; Krueger, G.G.; McInnes, I.B.; Helliwell, P.; Coates, L.C. & Xu, S. (2016), Radiographic Progression of Patients With Psoriatic Arthritis Who Achieve Minimal Disease Activity in Response to Golimumab Therapy: Results Through 5 Years of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 68(2): 267-274.
- Stoffer, M.A.; Schoels, M.M.; Smolen, J.S.; Aletaha, D.; Breedveld, F.C.; Burmester, G.; Bykerk, V.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Haraoui, B.; Gomez-Reino, J.; Kvien, T.K.; Nash, P.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Scholte-Voshaar, M.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Heijde, D. van der & Stamm, T.A. (2016), y Evidence for treating rheumatoid arthritis to target: results of a systematic literature search update, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(1): 16-22.
- Gossec, L.; Smolen, J.S.; Ramiro, S.; Wit, M. de; Cutolo, M.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Landewe, R.; Oliver, S.; Aletaha, D.; Betteridge, N.; Braun, J.; Burmester, G.; Canete, J.D.; Damjanov, N.; FitzGerald, O.; Haglund, E.; Helliwell, P.; Kvien, T.K.; Lories, R.; Luger, T.; Maccarone, M.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; McGonagle, D.; McInnes, I.B.; Olivieri, I.; Pavelka, K.; Schett, G.; Sieper, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Veale, D.J.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Zink, A. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis with pharmacological therapies: 2015 update, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(3): 499-510.
- Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Maksymowych, W.P.; Braun, J.; Bergman, G.; Curtis, S.P.; Tzontcheva, A.; Asphilip, G.; Huyck, S. & Dougados, M. (2016), EFFICACY OF GOLIMUMAB FOR NONRADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS (NR-AXSPA): SUBGROUP ANALYSIS BY BASELINE MRI AND C-REACTIVE PROTEIN STATUS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 780-780.
- Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Lunteren, M. van; Berg, I.J.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Lorenzin, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2016), FAMILY MATTERS: IS A POSITIVE FAMILY HISTORY OF SPONDYLOARTHRITIS OF VALUE IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC BACK PAIN?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 762-762.
- Aga, A.B.; Hammer, H.B.; Olsen, I.C.; Uhlig, T.; Kvien, T.K.; Heijde, D. van der; Fremstad, H.; Madland, T.M.; Lexberg, A.S.; Haukeland, H.; Rodevand, E.; Hoili, C.; Stray, H.; Bendvold, A.N.; Soldal, D.M.; Bakland, G.; Lie, E. & Haavardsholm, E.A. (2016), First step in the development of an ultrasound joint inflammation score for rheumatoid arthritis using a data-driven approach, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(8): 1444-1451.
- Sepriano, A.; Rudwaleit, M.; Sieper, J.; Berg, R. van den; Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), Five-year follow-up of radiographic sacroiliitis: progression as well as improvement?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(6): 1262-U388.
- Essers, I.; Boonen, A.; Busch, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Keszei, A.P.; Landewe, R.; Ramiro, S. & Tubergen, A. van (2016), Fluctuations in patient reported disease activity, pain and global being in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Rheumatology 55(11): 2014-2022.
- Lunteren, M. van; Bakker, P.; Scharloo, M.; Kaptein, A.; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Fongen, C.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Lorenzin, M.; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2016), ILLNESS PERCEPTIONS AND HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS AND OTHER FORMS OF CHRONIC BACK PAIN IN THE SPACE COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 754-754.
- Erp, S. van; Brakenhoff, L.; Vollmann, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Veenendaal, R.; Fidder, H.; Hommes, D.; Kaptein, A.; Meulen-de Jong, A. van der & Scharloo, M. (2016), Illness perceptions and outcomes in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: is coping a mediator?, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 10: S156-S157.
- Haugen, I.K.; Christensen, B.S.; Boyesen, P.; Sesseng, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2016), Increasing synovitis and bone marrow lesions are associated with incident joint tenderness in hand osteoarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(4): 702-708.
- Lunteren, M. van; Bakker, P.; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Vijver, J. van der; Fongen, C.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2016), IS DISEASE ACTIVITY ASSOCIATED WITH WORK PRODUCTIVITY LOSS, PRESENTEEISM, AND ABSENTEEISM IN PATIENTS WITH EARLY AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS? RESULTS FROM THE SPACE COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 34(4): 754-754.
- Landewe, R.B.M.; Connell, C.A.; Bradley, J.D.; Wilkinson, B.; Gruben, D.; Strengholt, S. & Heijde, D. van der (2016), Is radiographic progression in modern rheumatoid arthritis trials still a robust outcome? Experience from tofacitinib clinical trials, Arthritis Research and Therapy 18.
- Lunteren, M. van; Bakker, P.; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Fongen, C.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2016), Is Disease Activity Associated with Work Productivity Loss, Presenteeism and Absenteeism in Patients with Early Axial Spondyloarthritis? Results from the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early (SPACE)-Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 68.
- Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Bakker, P.; Lunteren, M. van; Berg, I.J.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Lorenzin, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2016), Does the Presence of Multiple Spondyloarthritis-Features in Patients with Chronic Back Pain Always Lead to Diagnosis of Axial Spondyloarthritis?, Arthritis and Rheumatology 68.
- Lunteren, M. van; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Bakker, P.; Dagfinrud, H.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2016), Does Change in Disease Activity over One Year Result in Change in Health-Related Quality of Life in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis Patients?, Arthritis and Rheumatology 68.
- Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Lunteren, M. van; Bakker, P.; Berg, I.J.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ortolan, A.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2016), Development of Spondyloarthritis-Features in Patients with Chronic Back Pain over a One-Year Course: Data from the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early (SPACE)-Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 68.
- Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Tsai, W.C.; Saaibi, D.; Bonin, R.; Marshall, L.; Jones, H.; Pedersen, R.; Vlahos, B. & Tarallo, M. (2016), Better Health-Related Quality of Life and Work Capacity in Patients Achieving Inactive Disease and Clinical Response in Patients with Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 68.
- Vargas, R.R.; Berg, R. van den; Lunteren, M. van; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Bakker, P.A.C.; Dagfinrud, H.; Ramonda, R.; Landewe, R.; Molenaar, E.; Gaalen, F.A. van & Heijde, D. van der (2016), Does body mass index (BMI) influence the Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score in axial spondyloarthritis? Data from the SPACE cohort, RMD Open 2(1).
- Lunteren, M. van; Bakker, P.; Scharloo, M.; Kaptein, A.; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Fongen, C.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Lorenzin, M.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2016), Illness Perceptions and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis and Other Forms of Chronic Back Pain in the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early (SPACE)-Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 68.
- Weinblatt, M.E.; Fleischmann, R.; Vollenhoven, R.F. van; Emery, P.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Cutolo, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Duncan, B.; Davies, O.; Luijtens, K. & Dougados, M. (2015), Twenty-eight-week results from the REALISTIC phase IIIb randomized trial: efficacy, safety and predictability of response to certolizumab pegol in a diverse rheumatoid arthritis population.
- Danila, M.I.; Westfall, A.O.; Raman, K.; Chen, L.; Reynolds, R.J.; Hughes, L.B.; Arnett, D.K.; McGwin, G.; Szalai, A.J.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Conn, D.; Callahan, L.F.; Moreland, L.W. & Bridges, S.L. (2015), The role of genetic variants in CRP in radiographic severity in African Americans with early and established rheumatoid arthritis, Genes and Immunity 16(7): 446-451.
- Berg, R. van den; Lenczner, G.; Thevenin, F.; Claudepierre, P.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Saraux, A.; Rahmouni, A.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Classification of axial SpA based on positive imaging (radiographs and/or MRI of the sacroiliac joints) by local rheumatologists or radiologists versus central trained readers in the DESIR cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(11): 2016-2021.
- Genderen, S. van; Boonen, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Heuft, L.; Luime, J.; Spoorenberg, A.; Arends, S.; Landewe, R. & Plasqui, G. (2015), Accelerometer Quantification of Physical Activity and Activity Patterns in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis and Population Controls, Journal of Rheumatology 42(12): 2369-2375.
- Dougados, M.; Etcheto, A.; Molto, A.; Alonso, S.; Bouvet, S.; Daures, J.P.; Landais, P.; d'Agostino, M.A.; Berenbaum, F.; Breban, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Combe, B.; Fautrel, B.; Feydy, A.; Goupille, P.; Richette, P.; Pham, T.; Roux, C.; Treluyer, J.M.; Saraux, A.; Heijde, D. van der & Wendling, D. (2015), Clinical presentation of patients suffering from recent onset chronic inflammatory back pain suggestive of spondyloarthritis: The DESIR cohort, Joint Bone Spine 82(5): 345-351.
- Poddubnyy, D.; Tubergen, A. van; Landewe, R.; Sieper, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Defining an optimal referral strategy for patients with a suspicion of axial spondyloarthritis: what is really important? Response to: 'Evaluating the ASAS recommendations for early referral of axial spondyloarthritis in patients with chronic low back pain; is one parameter present sufficient for primary care practice?' by van Hoeven et al, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(12).
- Dougados, M.; Wood, E.; Gossec, L.; Dubanchet, A.; Logeart, I. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Discriminant Capacity of Clinical Efficacy and Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drug-sparing Endpoints, Alone or in Combination, in Axial Spondyloarthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 42(12): 2361-2368.
- Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Stolwijk, C.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Tubergen, A. van (2015), Hierarchy of Impairment of Spinal Mobility Measures in Ankylosing Spondylitis: Twelve-Year Data, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 67(11): 1571-1577.
- Visser, A.W.; Boyesen, P.; Haugen, I.K.; Schoones, J.W.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Rosendaal, F.R. & Kloppenburg, M. (2015), Instruments Measuring Pain, Physical Function, or Patient's Global Assessment in Hand Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Literature Search, The Journal of Rheumatology 42(11): 2118-2134.
- Kloppenburg, M.; Boyesen, P.; Visser, A.W.; Haugen, I.K.; Boers, M.; Boonen, A.; Conaghan, P.G.; Hawker, G.A.; Kvien, T.K.; Landewe, R.; Uhlig, T.; Smeets, W.; Greibrokk, E. & Heijde, D.M. van der (2015), Report from the OMERACT Hand Osteoarthritis Working Group: Set of Core Domains and Preliminary Set of Instruments for Use in Clinical Trials and Observational Studies, Journal of Rheumatology 42(11): 2190-2197.
- Nieuwenhuis, W.P.; Steenbergen, H.W. van; Stomp, W.; Stijnen, T.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Bloem, J.L.; Heijde, D. van der; Reijnierse, M. & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2015), The Course of Bone Marrow Edema in Early Undifferentiated and Rheumatoid Arthritis; A Longitudinal MRI Study on Bone Level, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Landewe, R.; Provan, S.A.; Odegard, S.; Uhlig, T.; Kvien, T.K.; Keszei, A.P.; Ramiro, S. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Relationship between types of radiographic damage and disability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in the EURIDISS cohort: a longitudinal study, Rheumatology 54(1): 83-90.
- Deodhar, A.; Sieper, J.; Reveille, J.D.; Heijde, D. van der; Gensler, L.S.; Landewe, R.; Spondyloarthritis Res Treatment Ne & Assessment SpondyloArthritis Int S (2015), Is radiographic axial SpA a distinct subset with more severe axial involvement? Comment on the article by Deodhar et al Reply, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67(3): 856-857.
- Rauscher, V.; Englbrecht, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Schett, G. & Hueber, A.J. (2015), High Degree of Nonadherence to Disease-modifying Antirheumatic Drugs in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 42(3): 386-390.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Percentage of patients with spondyloarthritis in patients referred because of chronic back pain and performance of classification criteria: experience from the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early (SPACE) cohort (vol 52, pg 1492, 2013), Rheumatology 54(7): 1336-1336.
- Mangnus, L.; Steenbergen, H.W. van; Lindqvist, E.; Brouwer, E.; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Gregersen, P.K.; Berglin, E.; Rantapaa-Dahlqvist, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2015), Studies on ageing and the severity of radiographic joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Smolen, J.S.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Landewe, R.; Ferraccioli, G.; Silva, J.A.P. da; Moots, R.J.; Kay, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Quality indicators in rheumatoid arthritis: results from the METEOR database, Rheumatology 54(9): 1630-1639.
- Gvozdenovic, E.; Wolterbeek, R.; Allaart, C.F.; Brenol, C.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Ferraccioli, G.; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Kay, J.; Mola, E.M.; Moots, R.J.; Silva, J.A.P. da; Smolen, J.; Veale, D. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2015), Assessment of Global Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis by Patients and Physicians: Differences Across Countries in the METEOR Database, JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 21(7): 349-354.
- Boonen, A.; Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Bukowski, J.F.; Valluri, S.; Vlahos, B. & Kotak, S. (2015), The burden of non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 44(5): 556-562.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Miguel, E. de; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Almodovar, R.; Montilla, C.; Beltran, E. & Zarco, P. (2015), Sponyloarthritis features forecasting the presence of HLA-B27 or sacroiliitis on magnetic resonance imaging in patients with suspected axial spondyloarthritis: results from a cross-sectional study in the ESPeranza Cohort.
- Barnabe, C.; Sun, Y.; Boire, G.; Hitchon, C.; Haraoui, B.; Thorne, C.; Tin, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Curtis, J.; Pope, J.; Keystone, E. & Bykerk, V. (2015), Sociodemographic and Health Status Characteristics Explain Five Clinical Outcome and Radiographic Trajectories in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Data from the CATCH Cohort, Journal of Rheumatology 42(7): 1277-1277.
- Mease, P.J.; McInnes, I.B.; Kirkham, B.; Kavanaugh, A.; Rahman, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Nash, P.; Pricop, L.; Yuan, J.C.; Richards, H.B.; Mpofu, S. & FUTURE 1 Study Grp (2015), Secukinumab Inhibition of Interleukin-17A in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis, New England Journal of Medicine 373(14): 1329-1339.
- Mease, P.; McInnes, I.B.; Kirkham, B.; Kavanaugh, A.; Rahman, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Nash, P.; Pricop, L.; Yuan, J.; Richards, H. & Mpofu, S. (2015), Secukinumab improves active psoriatic arthritis and inhibits radiographic progression: Results of a phase 3 randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 135: S29-S29.
- McInnes, I.B.; Mease, P.J.; Kirkham, B.; Kavanaugh, A.; Ritchlin, C.T.; Rahman, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Conaghan, P.G.; Gottlieb, A.B.; Richards, H.; Pricop, L.; Ligozio, G.; Patekar, M.; Mpofu, S. & FUTURE 2 Study Grp (2015), Secukinumab, a human anti-interleukin-17A monoclonal antibody, in patients with psoriatic arthritis (FUTURE 2): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial, Lancet 386(9999): 1137-1146.
- Genovese, M.C.; Fleischmann, R.; Kivitz, A.J.; Rell-Bakalarska, M.; Martincova, R.; Fiore, S.; Rohane, P.; Hoogstraten, H. van; Garg, A.; Fan, C.P.; Adelsberg, J. van; Weinstein, S.P.; Graham, N.M.H.; Stahl, N.; Yancopoulos, G.D.; Huizinga, T.W.J. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Sarilumab Plus Methotrexate in Patients With Active Rheumatoid Arthritis and Inadequate Response to Methotrexate Results of a Phase III Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67(6): 1424-1437.
- Navarro-Compa, V.; Maria Gherghe, A.; Smolen, J.S.; Aletaha, D.; Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Relationship between disease activity indices and their individual components and radiographic progression in RA: a systematic literature review, Rheumatology 54(6): 994-1007.
- Ramiro, S.; Tubergen, A. van; Stolwijk, C.; Heijde, D. van der; Royston, P. & Landewe, R. (2015), Reference intervals of spinal mobility measures in normal individuals: the mobility study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(6): 1218-1224.
- Kroon, F.P.B.; Burg, L.R.A. van der; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Buchbinder, R.; Falzon, L. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for axial spondyloarthritis (ankylosing spondylitis and non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
- Onna, M. van; Tubergen, A. van; Jurik, A.G.; Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R. (2015), Natural course of bone marrow oedema on magnetic resonance imaging of the sacroiliac joints in patients with early inflammatory back pain: a 2-year follow-up study, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 44(2): 129-134.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Bakker, P.A.C.; Gaalen, F. van; Navarro-Compan, V.; Fagerli, K.M.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Reijnierse, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Metric Properties of the SPARCC Score of the Sacroiliac Joints - Data from Baseline, 3-month, and 12-month Followup in the SPACE Cohort, Journal of Rheumatology 42(7): 1186-1193.
- Heijde, D. van der; Breban, M.; Halter, D.; DiVittorio, G.; Bratt, J.; Cantini, F.; Kary, S.; Pangan, A.L.; Kupper, H.; Rathmann, S.S.; Sieper, J. & Mease, P.J. (2015), Maintenance of improvement in spinal mobility, physical function and quality of life in patients with ankylosing spondylitis after 5 years in a clinical trial of adalimumab, Rheumatology 54(7): 1210-1219.
- Vendelbosch, S.; Boer, M. de; Heijde, D. van der; Berg, T.K. van den; Gaalen, F.A. van & Kuijpers, T.W. (2015), KIR3DL1 and KIR3DL2 gene copy number variation in axial spondyloarthritis, Tissue Antigens 85(6): 497-498.
- Nocturne, G.; Pavy, S.; Boudaoud, S.; Seror, R.; Goupille, P.; Chanson, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Gaalen, F. van; Berenbaum, F.; Mariette, X.; Briot, K.; Feydy, A.; Claudepierre, P.; Dieude, P.; Nithitham, J.; Taylor, K.E.; Criswell, L.A.; Dougados, M.; Roux, C. & Miceli-Richard, C. (2015), Increase in Dickkopf-1 Serum Level in Recent Spondyloarthritis. Data from the DESIR Cohort.
- Jansen, D.T.S.L.; Hameetman, M.; Bergen, J. van; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Toes, R.E.M. & Gaalen, F.A. van (2015), IL-17-producing CD4(+) T cells are increased in early, active axial spondyloarthritis including patients without imaging abnormalities, Rheumatology 54(4): 728-735.
- Fleischmann, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Koenig, A.S.; Pedersen, R.; Szumski, A.; Marshall, L. & Bananis, E. (2015), How much does Disease Activity Score in 28 joints ESR and CRP calculations underestimate disease activity compared with the Simplified Disease Activity Index?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(6): 1132-1137.
- Barnabe, C.; Sun, Y.; Boire, G.; Hitchon, C.A.; Haraoui, B.; Thorne, J.C.; Tin, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Curtis, J.R.; Jamal, S.; Pope, J.E.; Keystone, E.C.; Bartlett, S.; Bykerk, V.P. & CATCH Investigators (2015), Heterogeneous Disease Trajectories Explain Variable Radiographic, Function and Quality of Life Outcomes in the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort (CATCH).
- Deodhar, A.; Braun, J.; Inman, R.D.; Heijde, D. van der; Zhou, Y.Y.; Xu, S.; Han, C.L. & Hsu, B. (2015), Golimumab administered subcutaneously every 4 weeks in ankylosing spondylitis: 5-year results of the GO-RAISE study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(4): 757-761.
- Rooy, D.P.C. de; Tsonaka, R.; Andersson, M.L.E.; Forslind, K.; Zhernakova, A.; Frank-Bertoncelj, M.; Kovel, C.G.F. de; Koeleman, B.P.C.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Toes, R.E.M.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Ospelt, C.; Svensson, B. & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2015), Genetic Factors for the Severity of ACPA-negative Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2 Cohorts of Early Disease: A Genome-wide Study, Journal of Rheumatology 42(8): 1383-1391.
- Landewe, R.; Smolen, J.S.; Florentinus, S.; Chen, S.; Guerette, B. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Existing joint erosions increase the risk of joint space narrowing independently of clinical synovitis in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis.
- Molto, A.; Paternotte, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Claudepierre, P.; Rudwaleit, M. & Dougados, M. (2015), Evaluation of the validity of the different arms of the ASAS set of criteria for axial spondyloarthritis and description of the different imaging abnormalities suggestive of spondyloarthritis: data from the DESIR cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(4): 746-751.
- Nieuwenhuis, W.P.; Krabben, A.; Stomp, W.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Bloem, J.L.; Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der & Reijnierse, M. (2015), Evaluation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Detected Tenosynovitis in the Hand and Wrist in Early Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67(4): 869-876.
- Mandl, P.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Terslev, L.; Aegerter, P.; Heijde, D. van der; D'Agostino, M.A.; Baraliakos, X.; Pedersen, S.J.; Jurik, A.G.; Naredo, E.; Schueller-Weidekamm, C.; Weber, U.; Wick, M.C.; Bakker, P.A.C.; Filippucci, E.; Conaghan, P.G.; Rudwaleit, M.; Schett, G.; Sieper, J.; Tarp, S.; Marzo-Ortega, H. & Ostergaard, M. (2015), EULAR recommendations for the use of imaging in the diagnosis and management of spondyloarthritis in clinical practice, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(7): 1327-1339.
- Smolen, J.S.; Weinblatt, M.E.; Heijde, D. van der; Rigby, W.F.C.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Bingham, C.O.; Veenhuizen, M.; Gill, A.; Zhao, F.Y.; Komocsar, W.J.; Berclaz, P.Y.; Ortmann, R. & Lee, C. (2015), Efficacy and safety of tabalumab, an anti-B-cell-activating factor monoclonal antibody, in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who had an inadequate response to methotrexate therapy: results from a phase III multicentre, randomised, double-blind study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(8): 1567-1570.
- Mease, P.; Hoepken, B.; Davies, O.; Arledge, T.; Peterson, L. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Effect of certolizumab pegol on dermatologic outcomes over 96 weeks in patients with psoriatic arthritis, Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology 72(5): AB232-AB232.
- Berg, I.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Dagfinrud, H.; Seljeflot, I.; Olsen, I.C.; Kvien, T.K.; Semb, A.G. & Provan, S.A. (2015), Disease Activity in Ankylosing Spondylitis and Associations to Markers of Vascular Pathology and Traditional Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors: A Cross-sectional Study, Journal of Rheumatology 42(4): 645-653.
- Kortekaas, M.C.; Kwok, W.Y.; Reijnierse, M.; Wolterbeek, R.; Boyesen, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Bloem, J.L. & Kloppenburg, M. (2015), Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Hand Osteoarthritis: Intraobserver Reliability and Criterion Validity for Clinical and Structural Characteristics, Journal of Rheumatology 42(7): 1224-1230.
- Bellamy, N.; Hochberg, M.; Tubach, F.; Martin-Mola, E.; Awada, H.; Bombardier, C.; Hajjaj-Hassouni, N.; Logeart, I.; Matucci-Cerinic, M.; Laar, M. van de; Heijde, D. van der & Dougados, M. (2015), Development of Multinational Definitions of Minimal Clinically Important Improvement and Patient Acceptable Symptomatic State in Osteoarthritis, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 67(7): 972-980.
- Buch, M.H.; Silva-Fernandez, L.; Carmona, L.; Aletaha, D.; Christensen, R.; Combe, B.; Emery, P.; Ferraccioli, G.; Guillemin, F.; Kvien, T.K.; Landewe, R.; Pavelka, K.; Saag, K.; Smolen, J.S.; Symmons, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Welling, J.; Wells, G.; Westhovens, R.; Zink, A. & Boers, M. (2015), Development of EULAR recommendations for the reporting of clinical trial extension studies in rheumatology, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(6): 963-969.
- Poddubnyy, D.; Tubergen, A. van; Landewe, R.; Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Assessment SpondyloArthrit Int Soc (2015), Development of an ASAS-endorsed recommendation for the early referral of patients with a suspicion of axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(8): 1483-1487.
- Kiltz, U.; Heijde, D. van der; Boonen, A.; Cieza, A.; Stucki, G.; Khan, M.A.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Reveille, J.; Stebbings, S.; Bostan, C. & Braun, J. (2015), Development of a health index in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (ASAS HI): final result of a global initiative based on the ICF guided by ASAS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(5): 830-835.
- Berg, I.J.; Semb, A.G.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Olsen, I.C.; Dagfinrud, H. & Provan, S.A. (2015), CRP and ASDAS are associated with future elevated arterial stiffness, a risk marker of cardiovascular disease, in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: results after 5-year follow-up, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(8): 1562-1566.
- Stolwijk, C.; Ramiro, S.; Vosse, D.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Tubergen, A. van (2015), Comparison of Tests for Lumbar Flexion and Hip Function in Patients With and Without Axial Spondyloarthritis, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 67(4): 538-545.
- Maksymowych, W.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; Citera, G.; Miceli-Richard, C.; Wei, J.; Pedersen, R.; Bonin, R.; Logeart, I.; Wajdula, J. & Bukowski, J. (2015), Clinical and Imaging Efficacy of Etanercept in Early Non-radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis; 48-Week Treatment Data, Journal of Rheumatology 42(7): 1286-1286.
- Essers, I.; Ramiro, S.; Stolwijk, C.; Blaauw, M.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Bosch, F. van den; Dougados, M. & Tubergen, A. van (2015), Characteristics associated with the presence and development of extra-articular manifestations in ankylosing spondylitis: 12-year results from OASIS, Rheumatology 54(4): 633-640.
- Smolen, J.S.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Kavanaugh, A.; Strand, V.; Vencovsky, J.; Schiff, M.; Landewe, R.; Haraoui, B.; Arendt, C.; Mountian, I.; Carter, D. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Certolizumab pegol plus methotrexate 5-year results from the rheumatoid arthritis prevention of structural damage (RAPID) 2 randomized controlled trial and long-term extension in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
- Magnusson, K.; Slatkowsky-Christensen, B.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Hagen, K.B. & Haugen, I.K. (2015), Body mass index and progressive hand osteoarthritis: data from the Oslo hand osteoarthritis cohort, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 44(4): 331-336.
- Have, M. van der; Brakenhoff, L.K.P.M.; Erp, S.J.H. van; Kaptein, A.A.; Leenders, M.; Scharloo, M.; Veenendaal, R.A.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Meulen-de Jong, E. van der; Hommes, D.W. & Fidder, H.H. (2015), Back/joint Pain, Illness Perceptions and Coping are Important Predictors of Quality of Life and Work Productivity in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a 12-month Longitudinal Study, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 9(3): 276-283.
- Landewe, R.; Ostergaard, M.; Keystone, E.C.; Florentinus, S.; Liu, S.F. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Analysis of Integrated Radiographic Data From Two Long-Term, Open-Label Extension Studies of Adalimumab for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 67(2): 180-186.
- Hemke, R.; Nusman, C.M.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Doria, A.S.; Kuijpers, T.W.; Maas, M. & Rossum, M.A.J. van (2015), Frequency of joint involvement in juvenile idiopathic arthritis during a 5-year follow-up of newly diagnosed patients: implications for MR imaging as outcome measure, Rheumatology International 35(2): 351-357.
- Sieper, J.; Landewe, R.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Mease, P.J.; Braun, J.; Deodhar, A.; Kivitz, A.; Walsh, J.; Hoepken, B.; Nurminen, T. & Maksymowych, W.P. (2015), Effect of Certolizumab Pegol Over Ninety-Six Weeks in Patients With Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67(3): 668-677.
- Krabben, A.; Stomp, W.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Bloem, J.L.; Reijnierse, M. & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2015), Concordance between inflammation at physical examination and on MRI in patients with early arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(3): 506-512.
- Machado, P.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Landewe, R.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Roux, C. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Calculating the Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score If the Conventional C-Reactive Protein Level Is Below the Limit of Detection or If High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Is Used: An Analysis in the DESIR Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67(2): 408-413.
- Stomp, W.; Krabben, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Bloem, J.L.; Ostergaard, M.; Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der & Reijnierse, M. (2015), Aiming for a simpler early arthritis MRI protocol: can Gd contrast administration be eliminated?, European Radiology 25(5): 1520-1527.
- DiCicco, M.; Humby, F.; Kelly, S.; Hands, R.; Ng, N.; Mahto, A.; Lazarou, I.; Rocher, V.; Zou, L.; Bombardieri, M.; Buckley, C.; Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der; McInnes, I.B.; Taylor, P.C. & Pitzalis, C. (2015), Synovial Lymphocytic Aggregates Associate with Highly Active RA and Predict Erosive Disease at 12 Months: Results from the Pathobiology of Early Arthritis Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Boire, G.; Schaardenburg, D. van; Wichuk, S.; Turk, S.; Boers, M.; Siminovitch, K.A.; Bykerk, V.; Keystone, E.; Tak, P.P.; Kuijk, A.W. van; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Murphy, M. & Marotta, A. (2015), 14-3-3 eta Autoantibodies: Diagnostic Use in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 42(9): 1587-1594.
- Heijde, D. van der; Aletaha, D.; Carmona, L.; Edwards, C.J.; Kvien, T.K.; Kouloumas, M.; Machado, P.; Oliver, S.; Wit, M. de & Dougados, M. (2015), 2014 Update of the EULAR standardised operating procedures for EULAR-endorsed recommendations, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(1): 8-13.
- Ramiro, S.; Stolwijk, C.; Tubergen, A. van; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Landewe, R. (2015), Evolution of radiographic damage in ankylosing spondylitis: a 12 year prospective follow-up of the OASIS study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(1): 52-59.
- Kavanaugh, A.; Gladman, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Purcaru, O. & Mease, P. (2015), Improvements in productivity at paid work and within the household, and increased participation in daily activities after 24 weeks of certolizumab pegol treatment of patients with psoriatic arthritis: results of a phase 3 double-blind randomised placebo-controlled study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74(1): 44-51.
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.A.; Wei, J.C.; Drescher, E.; Fleishaker, D.; Hendrikx, T.; Li, D.; Menon, S. & Kanik, K.S. (2015), Tofacitinib in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Phase 2, 16-Week, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Dose-Ranging Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67.
- Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Berg, R. van den; Navarro-Compan, V.; Feydy, A.; d'Agostino, M.A.; Loeuille, D.; Dougados, M.; Reijnierse, M. & Claudepierre, P. (2015), Spinal Radiographic Progression in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis: Data from the DESIR Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67.
- Ramiro, S.; Smolen, J.S.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Wit, M. de; Cutolo, M.; Oliver, S. & Gossec, L. (2015), Pharmacological Treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis (PSA): Systematic Literature Review for the Update of the EULAR Recommendations for the Management of PSA, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67.
- Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Maksymowych, W.; Bergman, G.; Curtis, S.P.; Tzontcheva, A.; Philip, G.; Huyck, S. & Sieper, J. (2015), Long-Term Tolerability and Efficacy of Golimumab in Active Nonradiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis: Results from the Open-Label Extension of a Randomized, Double-Blind Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Dougados, M.; Miceli-Richard, C.; Richette, P. & Heijde, D. van der (2015), Inflammation on MRI in Sacroiliac-Joints and Spine Is Longitudinally Related to Disease Activity in Male but Not in Female Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis: 2-Year Data from the DESIR Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67.
- Kavanaugh, A.; Gladman, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Purcaru, O. & Mease, P.J. (2015), Clinical Responses in Joint and Skin Outcomes and Patient-Reported Outcomes Are Associated with Increased Productivity in the Workplace and at Home in Psoriatic Arthritis Patients Treated with Certolizumab Pegol, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67.
- Taylor, P.C.; Keystone, E.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Tanaka, Y.; Ishii, T.; Emoto, K.; Yang, L.L.; Arora, V.; Gaich, C.L.; Rooney, T.; Schlichting, D.E.; Macias, W.; Bono, S. de & Weinblatt, M.E. (2015), Baricitinib Versus Placebo or Adalimumab in Patients with Active Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and an Inadequate Response to Background Methotrexate Therapy: Results of a Phase 3 Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67.
- Balazcs, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Rawal, N.; Sieper, J.; Scott, B.; Bickham, K.; Frontera, N.; Stryszak, P.; Papanicolaou, D.; Popmihajlov, Z. & Peloso, P. (2015), A Randomized, Clinical Trial to Assess the Relative Efficacy and Tolerability of Two Doses of Etoricoxib in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67.
- Haavardsholm, E.A.; Aga, A.B.; Olsen, I.C.; Hammer, H.B.; Uhlig, T.; Fremstad, H.; Madland, T.M.; Lexberg, A.S.; Haukeland, H.; Rodevand, E.; Hoili, C.; Stray, H.; Bendvold, A.N.; Hansen, I.J.W.; Bakland, G.; Nordberg, L.B.; Lillegraven, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2015), Aiming for Remission in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes from a Randomized Controlled Strategy Trial Investigating the Added Value of Ultrasonography in a Treat-to-Target Regimen, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67.
- Damman, W.; Liu, R.; Kortekaas, M.C.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Heijde, D. van der & Kloppenburg, M. (2015), Construct Validity of the Doyle Index in the Outcome Domain of Joint Activity in Hand Osteoarthritis Patients, Arthritis and Rheumatology 67.
- Bakker, P.; Lunteren, M. van; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Berg, I.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T.; Reijnierse, M.; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2015), SHOULD IMAGING OF THE SI JOINTS BE REPEATED AFTER 1 YEAR? IMPACT ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF PATIENTS ACCORDING TO THE ASAS AXIAL SPA CRITERIA, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74: 753-754.
- Bakker, P.; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Lunteren, M. van; Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Berg, I.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T.; Reijnierse, M.; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2015), YOUNG PATIENTS WITH BACK PAIN AND MAXIMALLY 1 SPONDYLOARTHRITIS FEATURE: IS IT NECESSARY TO TEST HLA-B27 OR IMAGE THE SACROILIAC JOINTS?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74: 628-628.
- Lunteren, M. van; Bakker, P.; Berg, R. van den; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Hooge, M. de; Vijver, J. van der; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Lorenzin, M.; Huizinga, T.; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2015), PERSISTENT WORK PRODUCTIVITY LOSS OVER ONE YEAR IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS AND OTHER FORMS OF CHRONIC BACK PAIN FROM THE SPACE-COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74: 506-506.
- Bakker, P.; Berg, R. van den; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Lunteren, M. van; Hooge, M. de; Fagerli, K.; Turina, M.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T.; Reijnierse, M.; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2015), REPLACING RADIOGRAPHIC SACROILIITIS BY STRUCTURAL LESIONS ON MRI OF THE SACROILIAC JOINTS: IMPACT ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF PATIENTS ACCORDING TO THE ASAS AXIAL SPA CRITERIA, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74: 874-875.
- Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Bakker, P.; Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Lunteren, M. van; Fagerli, K.; Landew,, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T.; Reijnierse, M.; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2015), LOCAL RADIOLOGISTS SCORE MORE ABNORMALITIES IN COMPARISON TO CENTRAL READERS LEADING TO MORE PATIENTS FULFILLING THE CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA OF AXIAL SPA: DATA FROM THE SPACE-COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74: 1267-1267.
- Lunteren, M. van; Roeterink, A.; Bakker, P.; Berg, R. van den; Ez-Zaitouni, Z.; Hooge, M. de; Turina, M.; Oosterhout, M. van; Lorenzin, M.; Huizinga, T.; Gaalen, F. van & Heijde, D. van der (2015), HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE IS SUBSTANTIALLY AFFECTED AT BASELINE AND AFTER ONE YEAR IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS AND OTHER FORMS OF CHRONIC BACK PAIN PARTICIPATING IN THE SPACE-COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 74: 1160-1160.
- Berg, R. van den; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Lambalgen, K. van; Huizinga, T. & Merit Fdn (2014), The METEOR initiative: the way forward for optimal, worldwide data integration to improve care for RA patients, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): S135-S140.
- Heijde, D. van der (2014), DISTINGUISHING NR-AXSPA AND AS BY IMAGING: HOW FEASIBLE AND HOW RELEVANT?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 769-769.
- Bakker, P.A.C.; Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M.S.M. de; Gaalen, F.A. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der (2014), DO BONE MARROW EDEMA LESIONS IN THE SACROILIAC JOINT CHANGE INTO FATTY LESIONS OVER A 1-YEAR PERIOD IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS OR POSSIBLE SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 826-826.
- Essers, I.; Ramiro, S.; Stolwijk, C.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Bosch, F. van den; Dougados, M. & Tubergen, A. van (2014), DO EXTRA-ARTICULAR MANIFESTATIONS INFLUENCE OUTCOME IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS? 12 YEAR RESULTS FROM OASIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 797-797.
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Braun, J.; Mack, M.; Hsu, B.; Gathany, T.A.; Inman, R.D.; Han, C.L. & GO-RAISE Investigators (2014), The Effect of Golimumab Therapy on Disease Activity and Health-related Quality of Life in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: 2-year Results of the GO-RAISE Trial, Journal of Rheumatology 41(6): 1095-1103.
- Deodhar, A.; Reveille, J.D.; Bosch, F. van den; Braun, J.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Caplan, L.; Clegg, D.O.; Colbert, R.A.; Gensler, L.S.; Heijde, D. van der; Horst-Bruinsma, I.E. van der; Inman, R.D.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Mease, P.J.; Raychaudhuri, S.; Reimold, A.; Rudwaleit, M.; Sieper, J.; Weisman, M.H. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2014), The Concept of Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 66(10): 2649-2656.
- Kiltz, U.; Heijde, D. van der; Boonen, A. & Braun, J. (2014), The ASAS Health Index (ASAS HI) - a new tool to assess the health status of patients with spondyloarthritis, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): S105-S108.
- Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Citera, G.; Miceli-Richard, C.; Wei, J.C.C.; Pedersen, R.; Bonin, R.; Rahman, M.U.; Logeart, I.; Wajdula, J.; Koenig, A.S.; Vlahos, B.; Alvarez, D. & Bukowski, J.F. (2014), Symptomatic Efficacy of Etanercept and Its Effects on Objective Signs of Inflammation in Early Nonradiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatology 66(8): 2091-2102.
- Rooy, D.P.C. de; Nies, J.A.B. van; Kapetanovic, M.C.; Kristjansdottir, H.; Andersson, M.L.E.; Forslind, K.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Gregersen, P.K.; Lindqvist, E.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Grondal, G.; Svensson, B. & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2014), Smoking as a risk factor for the radiological severity of rheumatoid arthritis: a study on six cohorts, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(7): 1384-1387.
- Inman, R.D.; Baraliakos, X.; Hermann, K.G.; Braun, J.; Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D.F.M. van der; Xu, S. & Hsu, B. (2014), SERUM BIOMARKERS ASSOCIATED WITH CHANGES IN ASDAS AND MRI FOLLOWING TREATMENT OF AS WITH GOLIMUMAB, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 825-825.
- Marotta, A.; Schaardenburg, D. van; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Tak, P.; Beers-Tas, M. van; Britsemmer, K.; Boers, M. & Maksymowych, W. (2014), Serum 14-3-3 eta is an RA Specific Diagnostic Marker that Predicts RA Development in Arthralgia Patients, Journal of Rheumatology 41(7): 1510-1511.
- Hemke, R.; Doria, A.S.; Tzaribachev, N.; Maas, M.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der & Rossum, M.A.J. van (2014), Selecting Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Outcome Measures for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) Clinical Trials: First Report of the MRI in JIA Special Interest Group, Journal of Rheumatology 41(2): 354-358.
- McInnes, I.B.; Mease, P.J.; Kirkham, B.; Kavanaugh, A.; Ritchlin, C.T.; Rahman, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Conaghan, P.G.; Richards, H.; Ligozio, G.; Pricop, L. & Mpofu, S. (2014), Secukinumab, a Human Anti-Interleukin-17A Monoclonal Antibody, Improves Active Psoriatic Arthritis: 24-Week Efficacy and Safety Data from a Phase 3 Randomized, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Using Subcutaneous Dosing., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66(12): 3529-3529.
- Kloppenburg, M.; Boyesen, P.; Smeets, W.; Haugen, I.K.; Liu, R.; Visser, W. & Heijde, D.M. van der (2014), Report from the OMERACT Hand OA Special Interest Group: Advances and Future Research Priorities (vol 41, pg 810, 2014), Journal of Rheumatology 41(5).
- Weinblatt, M.E.; Genovese, M.C.; Ho, M.; Hollis, S.; Rosiak-Jedrychowicz, K.; Kavanaugh, A.; Millson, D.S.; Leon, G.; Wang, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Effects of Fostamatinib, an Oral Spleen Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor, in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients With an Inadequate Response to Methotrexate Results From a Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study, Arthritis and Rheumatology 66(12): 3255-3264.
- Yamamoto, K.; Takeuchi, T.; Yamanaka, H.; Ishiguro, N.; Tanaka, Y.; Eguchi, K.; Watanabe, A.; Origasa, H.; Shoji, T.; Sakamaki, Y.; Heijde, D. van der; Miyasaka, N. & Koike, T. (2014), Efficacy and safety of certolizumab pegol plus methotrexate in Japanese rheumatoid arthritis patients with an inadequate response to methotrexate: the J-RAPID randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
- Berg, I.J.; Semb, A.G.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Hisdal, J.; Olsen, I.C.; Dagfinrud, H. & Provan, S.A. (2014), Uveitis is associated with hypertension and atherosclerosis in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: A cross-sectional study, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 44(3): 309-313.
- Ramiro, S.; Tubergen, A. van; Heijde, D. van der; Stolwijk, C.; Bookelman, G.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Landewe, R.B.M. (2014), Erosions and Sclerosis on Radiographs Precede the Subsequent Development of Syndesmophytes at the Same Site: A Twelve-Year Prospective Followup of Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 66(10): 2773-2779.
- Abawi, O.; Berg, R. van den; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2014), EVALUATION OF REFERRAL MODELS FOR AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS IN PRIMARY CARE IN THE SPONDYLOARTHRITIS CAUGHT EARLY COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 793-793.
- Kiltz, U.; Heijde, D. van der; Boonen, A.; Bautista-Molano, W.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Chiowchanwisawakit, P.; Duruoz, M.T.; El-Zorkany, B.; Gaydukova, I.; Essers, I.; Geher, P.; Gossec, L.; Grazio, S.; Gu, J.R.; Khan, M.A.; Kim, T.J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Olivieri, I.; Patrikos, D.; Pimentel-Santos, F.; Bosch, F. van den; Zochling, J. & Braun, J. (2014), Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the ASAS Health Index and the environmental Item Set into 15 Languages., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S244-S245.
- Weinblatt, M.; Schiff, M.; Valente, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Citera, G.; Elegbe, A.; Maldonado, M. & Fleischmann, R. (2014), Head-To-Head Comparison of Subcutaneous Abatacept Versus Adalimumab on Background Methotrexate in RA: Blinded Two-Year Results from the AMPLE (Abatacept Versus Adalimumab Comparison in Biologic-Naive RA Subjects with Background Methotrexate) Study, Journal of Rheumatology 41(7): 1476-1476.
- Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Tubergen, A. van; Stolwijk, C.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Landewe, R. (2014), Higher disease activity leads to more structural damage in the spine in ankylosing spondylitis: 12-year longitudinal data from the OASIS cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(8): 1455-1461.
- Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Elewaut, D.; Deodhar, A.; Pangan, A.L. & Dorr, A.P. (2014), Referral Patterns, Diagnosis, and Disease Management of Patients With Axial Spondyloarthritis Results of an International Survey, JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 20(8): 411-417.
- Rudwaleit, M.; Landewe, R.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Rosenbaum, J.; Davies, O.; Stach, C.; Nurminen, T. & Deodhar, A. (2014), OBSERVED INCIDENCE RATES OF UVEITIS FOLLOWING CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL TREATMENT IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 787-787.
- Machado, P.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Landewe, R.; Gaalen, F.A. van & Heijde, D. van der (2014), HOW SHOULD WE CALCULATE THE ASDAS IF THE CONVENTIONAL C-REACTIVE PROTEIN IS BELOW THE LIMIT OF DETECTION? AN ANALYSIS IN THE DESIR COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 781-781.
- Bautista-Molano, W.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Boers, M.; Kirkham, J.J. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), How well are the ASAS/OMERACT Core Outcome Sets for Ankylosing Spondylitis implemented in randomized clinical trials? A systematic literature review, Clinical Rheumatology 33(9): 1313-1322.
- Tuyl, L.H.D. van; Heijde, D. van der; Knol, D.L. & Boers, M. (2014), Chronological reading of radiographs in rheumatoid arthritis increases efficiency and does not lead to bias, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(2): 391-395.
- McInnes, I.B.; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; Emery, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Isaacs, J.D.; Dahmen, G.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Schulze-Koops, H.; Kogan, J.; Ma, S.L.; Schumacher, M.M.; Bertolino, A.P.; Hueber, W. & Tak, P.P. (2014), Efficacy and safety of secukinumab, a fully human anti-interleukin-17A monoclonal antibody, in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriatic arthritis: a 24-week, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II proof-of-concept trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(2): 349-356.
- Landewe, R.; Braun, J.; Deodhar, A.; Dougados, M.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Mease, P.J.; Reveille, J.D.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Stach, C.; Hoepken, B.; Fichtner, A.; Coteur, G.; Longueville, M. de & Sieper, J. (2014), Efficacy of certolizumab pegol on signs and symptoms of axial spondyloarthritis including ankylosing spondylitis: 24-week results of a double-blind randomised placebo-controlled Phase 3 study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(1): 39-47.
- Sivera, F.; Andres, M.; Carmona, L.; Kydd, A.S.R.; Moi, J.; Seth, R.; Sriranganathan, M.; Durme, C. van; Echteld, I. van; Vinik, O.; Wechalekar, M.D.; Aletaha, D.; Bombardier, C.; Buchbinder, R.; Edwards, C.J.; Landewe, R.B.; Bijlsma, J.W.; Branco, J.C.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Catrina, A.I.; Elewaut, D.; Ferrari, A.J.L.; Kiely, P.; Leeb, B.F.; Montecucco, C.; Muller-Ladner, U.; Ostergaard, M.; Zochling, J.; Falzon, L. & Heijde, D.M. van der (2014), Multinational evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis and management of gout: integrating systematic literature review and expert opinion of a broad panel of rheumatologists in the 3e initiative, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(2): 328-335.
- Bakker, P.A.C.; Hooge, M.S.M. de; Berg, R. van den; Gaalen, F.A. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der (2014), IMPACT OF REPEATING IMAGING OF THE SACROILIAC JOINTS OVER ONE YEAR ON THE CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING THE ASAS AXIAL SPA CRITERIA OF PATIENTS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 787-787.
- Kroon, F.; Burg, L. van der; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Buchbinder, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: A COCHRANE REVIEW, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 831-831.
- Nieuwenhuis, W.P.; Krabben, A.; Stomp, W.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Bloem, J.L.; Reijnierse, M. & Helm-van rMil, A.H.M. van der (2014), Evaluating MRI-Detected Tenosynovitis of the Hand and Wrist in Early Arthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S515-S516.
- Gaalen, F. van; Berg, R. van den; Verhoog, I.; Schonkeren, J.; Helm-van Mil, A. van der; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D.M. van der (2014), Is HLA-B27 Increased in Patients Diagnosed with Undifferentiated Arthritis? Results from the Leiden Early Arthritis Cohort.
- Bakker, P.; Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T.W.J. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Impact of Repeating Imaging of the Sacro-Iliac Joints over One Year on the Classification According the ASAS Axial Spa Criteria of Patients., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1136-S1136.
- Machado, P.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Landewe, R.; Gaalen, F. van; Roux, C. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), How Should We Calculate the ASDAS If the Conventional C-Reactive Protein Is below the Limit of Detection? - an Analysis in the DESIR Cohort., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1127-S1128.
- Bakker, P.; Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T.W.J. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Do Bone Marrow Edema Lesions in the Sacroiliac Joint Change into Fatty Lesions over a 1-Year Period in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis or Possible Spondyloarthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S261-S261.
- Roeterink, A.; Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Dagfinrud, H.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2014), Disease Activity Strongly Influences Work Productivity and Physical Health Related Quality of Life in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis: Data from the SPACE-Cohort., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S253-S253.
- Roeterinki, A.; Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Dagfinrud, H.; Turina, M.; Oosterhout, M. van; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2014), A Substantial Decrease in Work Productivity and Physical Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Back Pain of Recent Onset: Data from the SPACE-Cohort., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S254-S254.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Aznar, J.J.; Linares, L.F.; Collantes-Estevez, E.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Zarco, P. (2014), xWhich Characteristics of Inflammatory Back Pain (CBP) Forecast the Presence of HLA-B27? Results from the Esperanza Cohort., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1131-S1132.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Gonzalez, R.A.; Hernandez, A.; Beltran, E.; Miguel, E. de; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Zarco, P. (2014), Which Characteristics of Inflammatory Back Pain (CBP) Forecast the Presence of Sacroiliitis on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)? Results from the Esperanza Cohort., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1130-S1131.
- Kydd, A.S.; Seth, R.; Buchbinder, R.; Falzon, L.; Edwards, C.J.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Bombardier, C. (2014), Urate-Lowering Therapy for the Management of Gout: Summary of 2 Cochrane Reviews, Journal of Rheumatology 41: 33-41.
- Dougados, M.; Demattei, C.; Berg, R. van den; Hoang, V.V.; Thevenin, F.; Reijnierse, M.; Loeuille, D.; Feydy, A.; Claudepierre, P. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Two Years Sacroiliac Radiographic Progression Rate and Influence of Baseline Markers of Inflammation in Recent Onset Spondyloarthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S234-S235.
- Andres, M.; Sivera, F.; Falzon, L.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Carmona, L. (2014), Treatment Target and Followup Measures for Patients with Gout: A Systematic Literature Review, Journal of Rheumatology 41: 55-62.
- Echteld, I.A. van; Durme, C. van; Falzon, L.; Landewe, R.B.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Aletaha, D. (2014), Treatment of Gout Patients with Impairment of Renal Function: A Systematic Literature Review, Journal of Rheumatology 41: 48-54.
- Vinik, O.; Wechalekar, M.D.; Falzon, L.; Buchbinder, R.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Bombardier, C. (2014), Treatment of Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia for the Prevention of Gouty Arthritis, Renal Disease, and Cardiovascular Events: A Systematic Literature Review, Journal of Rheumatology 41: 70-74.
- Haugen, I.K.; Slatkowsky-Christensen, B.; Sesseng, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2014), THE PREDICTIVE VALUE OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING FOR RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION OVER 5 YEARS IN HAND OSTEOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 84-84.
- Atsumi, T.; Yamamoto, K.; Takeuchi, T.; Yamanaka, H.; Ishiguro, N.; Tanaka, Y.; Eguchi, K.; Watanabe, A.; Origasa, H.; Shoji, T.; Okada, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Miyasaka, N. & Koike, T. (2014), THE FIRST EARLY RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL, MULTICENTER, DOUBLE-BLIND, RANDOMIZED, PARALLEL-GROUP STUDY: C-OPERA, IN PATIENTS FULFILLING THE 2010 ACR/EULAR CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA, DEMONSTRATES INHIBITION OF JOINT DAMAGE PROGRESSION, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 484-484.
- Atsumi, T.; Yamamoto, K.; Takeuchi, T.; Yamanaka, H.; Ishiguro, N.; Tanaka, Y.; Eguchi, K.; Watanabe, A.; Origasa, H.; Shoji, T.; Togo, O.; Okada, T.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Miyasaka, N. & Koike, T. (2014), The First, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Parallel-Group Study of Certolizumab Pegol in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Demonstrates Inhibition of Joint Damage Progression., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1078-S1079.
- Wechalekar, M.D.; Vinik, O.; Moi, J.H.Y.; Sivera, F.; Echteld, I.A.A.M. van; Durme, C. van; Falzon, L.; Bombardier, C.; Carmona, L.; Aletaha, D.; Landewe, R.B.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der & Buchbinder, R. (2014), The Efficacy and Safety of Treatments for Acute Gout: Results from a Series of Systematic Literature Reviews Including Cochrane Reviews on Intraarticular Glucocorticoids, Colchicine, Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs, and Interleukin-1 Inhibitors, Journal of Rheumatology 41: 15-25.
- Kavanaugh, A.; Gladman, D.D.; Heijde, D. van der; Purcaru, O. & Mease, P. (2014), Sustained Improvements in Workplace and Household Productivity and Social Participation with Certolizumab Pegol over 96 Weeks in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S684-S685.
- Heijde, D. van der; Braun, J.; Rudwaleit, M.; Purcaru, O. & Kavanaugh, A. (2014), Sustained Improvements in Workplace and Household Productivity and Social Participation with Certolizumab Pegol over 96 Weeks in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis, Including Ankylosing Spondylitis and Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1119-S1119.
- Heijde, D. van der; Mittal, M.; Chen, N.J.; Pangan, A.L. & Joshi, A.D. (2014), Sustained Improvement in Physical Function, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Work Productivity with Adalimumab Treatment in NonRadiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S242-S242.
- Mangnus, L.; Steenbergen, H.W. van; Brouwer, E.; Lindqvist, E.; Reijnierse, M.; Gregersen, P.K.; Rantapaa-Dahlqvist, S.M.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2014), Studies on Ageing and the Severity of Radiographic Joint Damage in Rheumatoid Arthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S607-S608.
- Heijde, D.M. van der; Maksymowych, W.P.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Stach, C.; Davies, O.; Nurminen, T. & Braun, J. (2014), Structural Progression of the Spine Measured By X-Ray in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis Treated with Certolizumab Pegol over 96 Weeks, Including Ankylosing Spondylitis and Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S248-S249.
- Inman, R.D.; Baraliakos, X.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Braun, J.; Deodhar, A.A.; Heijde, D. van der; Xu, S. & Hsu, B. (2014), Serum Biomarkers Associated with Changes in ASDAS and MRI Following Treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis with Golimumab., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1137-S1138.
- Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Mease, P.; McInnes, I.B.; Conaghan, P.G.; Pricop, L.; Ligozio, G.; Richards, H. & Mpofu, S. (2014), Secukinumab, a Monoclonal Antibody to Interleukin-17A, Provides Significant and Sustained Inhibition of Joint Structural Damage in Active Psoriatic Arthritis Regardless of Prior TNF Inhibitors or Concomitant Methotrexate: A Phase 3 Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S424-S425.
- Mease, P.; McInnes, I.B.; Kirkham, B.; Kavanaugh, A.; Rahman, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Nash, P.; Pricop, L.; Yuan, J.C.; Richards, H. & Mpofu, S. (2014), Secukinumab, a Human Anti-Interleukin-17A Monoclonal Antibody, Improves Active Psoriatic Arthritis and Inhibits Radiographic Progression: Efficacy and Safety Data from a Phase 3 Randomized, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S423-S424.
- Hooge, M. de; Pialat, J.B.; Reijnierse, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Claudepierre, P.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M. & Feydy, A. (2014), Scoring of Spinal Lesions Compatible with Axial Spondyloarthritis on MRI in Clinical Practice By Local Radiologist or Rheumatologist in Desir; Comparison with Central Reading., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S522-S522.
- Hooge, M. de; Pialat, J.; Reijnierse, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Claudepierre, P.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M. & Feydy, A. (2014), SCORING OF SPINAL LESIONS COMPATIBLE WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS ON MRI IN CLINICAL PRACTICE BY LOCAL RADIOLOGIST OR RHEUMATOLOGIST IN DESIR; COMPARISON WITH CENTRAL READING, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 660-661.
- Sieper, J.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Maksymowych, W.P.; Dougados, M.; Mease, P.; Braun, J.; Deodhar, A.A.; Hoepken, B.; Nurminen, T. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2014), Safety and Efficacy of Certolizumab Pegol over 96 Weeks in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis, Including Ankylosing Spondylitis and Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S376-S377.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Landewe, R.; Provan, S.A.; Odegard, S.; Uhlig, T.; Kvien, T.K.; Keszei, A.P.; Ramiro, S. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TYPES OF RADIOGRAPHIC DAMAGE AND DISABILITY IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS (RA) IN THE EURIDISS COHORT: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 614-615.
- Nieuwenhuis, W.P.; Nies, J.A.B. van; Reijnierse, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Is the modified Disease Activity Score superior to the Disease Activity Score in early arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis? Comment on the article by Baker et al, Arthritis and Rheumatology 66(11): 3244-3245.
- Ramiro, S.; Tubergen, A. van; Heijde, D. van der; Bosch, F. van den; Dougados, M. & Landewe, R. (2014), How to deal with missing items in BASDAI and BASFI, Rheumatology 53(2): 374-376.
- Smolen, J.S.; Landewe, R.; Breedveld, F.C.; Buch, M.; Burmester, G.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Gaujoux-Viala, C.; Gossec, L.; Nam, J.; Ramiro, S.; Winthrop, K.; Wit, M. de; Aletaha, D.; Betteridge, N.; Bijlsma, J.W.J.; Boers, M.; Buttgereit, F.; Combe, B.; Cutolo, M.; Damjanov, N.; Hazes, J.M.W.; Kouloumas, M.; Kvien, T.K.; Mariette, X.; Pavelka, K.; Riel, P.L.C.M. van; Rubbert-Roth, A.; Scholte-Voshaar, M.; Scott, D.L.; Sokka-Isler, T.; Wong, J.B. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: 2013 update, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(3): 492-509.
- Ramiro, S.; Gaujoux-Viala, C.; Nam, J.L.; Smolen, J.S.; Buch, M.; Gossec, L.; Heijde, D. van der; Winthrop, K. & Landewe, R. (2014), Safety of synthetic and biological DMARDs: a systematic literature review informing the 2013 update of the EULAR recommendations for management of rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(3): 529-535.
- Heijde, D. van der; Zack, D.; Wajdula, J.; Sridharan, S. & Koenig, A.S. (2014), Rates of serious infections, opportunistic infections, inflammatory bowel disease, and malignancies in subjects receiving etanercept vs. controls from clinical trials in ankylosing spondylitis: a pooled analysis, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 43(1): 49-53.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Gherghe, A.M.; Smolen, J.S.; Aletaha, D.; Landewe, R.B.M. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Relation Between Disease Activity Indices and Their Individual Components and Radiographic Progression in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Literature Review, Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1040-S1040.
- Gaalen, F.A. van; Verduijn, W.; Roelen, D.L.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Heijde, D. van der & Toes, R.E.M. (2014), HLA-B60 and the HLA-B27/HLA-B60 genotype are not risk factors for acute anterior uveitis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(3): 633-634.
- Berg, R. van den; Lenczner, G.; Feydy, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Reijnierse, M.; Saraux, A.; Rahmouni, A.; Dougados, M. & Claudepierre, P. (2014), READING OF THE SACROILIAC JOINTS ON PLAIN RADIOGRAPHS: AGREEMENT BETWEEN CLINICAL PRACTICE AND TRAINED CENTRAL READING OF THE DESIR-COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 664-665.
- Barnabe, C.; Sun, Y.; Boire, G.; Hitchon, C.; Keystone, E.C.; Thorne, J.C.; Haraoui, B.; Curtis, J.R.; Heijde, D. van der; Tin, D.; Pope, J.E. & Bykerk, V.P. (2014), Radiographic Progression Differs Between Trajectory Clusters Defined By DAS28 Scores in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S611-S612.
- Aga, A.B.; Hammer, H.B.; Olsen, I.C.; Uhlig, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Haavardsholmt, E.A. & ARCTIC Working Grp (2014), PREVALENCE OF ULTRASONOGRAPHIC JOINT INFLAMMATION IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS (RA): A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF 230 EARLY AND 212 ESTABLISHED RA PATIENTS STARTING DMARD TREATMENT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 652-653.
- Keystone, E.; Landewe, R.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Combe, B.; Strand, V.; Mease, P.; Shaughnessy, L.; VanLunen, B. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Certolizumab Pegol in Combination with Methotrexate in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: 5-Year Results from a 52-Week Randomized Controlled Trial and Open-Label Extension Study, Journal of Rheumatology 41(7): 1455-1456.
- Gherghe, A.M.; Dougados, M.; Combe, B.; Landewe, R.; Mihai, C.; Berenbaum, F.; Mariette, X.; Wolterbeek, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), PREVALENCE OF TUBERCULOSIS IN EARLY ARTHRITIS AND EARLY SPONDYLOARTHRITIS INCREASED IN COMPARISON TO THE GENERAL POPULATION - RESULTS FROM THE ESPOIR AND DESIR COHORTS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 398-399.
- Hooge, M. de; Pialat, J.B.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Prevalence of MRI Spinal Lesions Typical for Axial Spondyloarthritis in Patients with Inflammatory Back Pain., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S522-S522.
- Hooge, M. de; Pialat, J.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), PREVALENCE OF MRI SPINAL LESIONS TYPICAL FOR AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS IN PATIENTS WITH INFLAMMATORY BACK PAIN, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 471-471.
- Gherghe, A.M.; Dougados, M.; Combe, B.; Landewe, R.; Mihai, C.; Berenbaum, F.; Mariette, X.; Wolterbeek, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), PREVALENCE OF CARDIOVASCULAR COMORBIDITIES ALREADY INCREASED AT ONSET OF ARTHRITIS AND AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS - RESULTS FROM THE ESPOIR AND DESIR COHORTS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 631-632.
- Kiltz, U.; Hiligsmann, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Braun, J.; Cieza, A.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Taylor, W. & Boonen, A. (2014), Preferences of Patients with Spondyloarthritis for the Items of the ASAS Health Index : A Best Worst Scaling., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1125-S1125.
- Kiltz, U.; Hiligsmann, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Braun, J.; Taylor, W.; Cieze, A.; Maksymowych, W. & Boonen, A. (2014), PREFERENCES OF PATIENTS WITH SPONDYLOARTHRITIS FOR THE ITEMS OF THE ASAS HEALTH INDEX: A BEST WORST SCALING, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 626-626.
- Pellegrom, S.; Hooge, M. de; Huizinga, T.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2014), PERFORMANCE OF REFERRAL PARAMETERS OF PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC BACK PAIN INCLUDED IN THE SPONDYLOARTHRITIS CAUGHT EARLY COHORT (SPACE), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 1041-1041.
- Rosenbaum, J.T.; Rudwaleit, M.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Sieper, J.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Davies, O.; Stach, C.; Nurminen, T. & Deodhar, A.A. (2014), Observed Incidence Rates of Uveitis over 96 Weeks of Certolizumab Pegol Treatment in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S237-S237.
- Berg, I.J.; Semb, A.G.; Halvorsen, S.; Fongen, C.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Dagfinrud, H. & Provan, S.A. (2014), LOW CARDIO-RESPIRATORY FITNESS IS ASSOCIATED TO INCREASED ARTERIAL STIFFNESS IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 205-206.
- Mease, P.; Fleischmann, R.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Deodhar, A.A.; Gladman, D.D.; Hoepken, B.; Peterson, L. & Heijde, D.M. van der (2014), Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Certolizumab Pegol over 96 Weeks in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis with and without Prior Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor Exposure., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S237-S238.
- Mease, P.J.; Fleischmann, R.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Deodhar, A.; Gladman, D.; Hoepken, B.; Peterson, L. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), LONG-TERM SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL IN PATIENTS WITH PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS WITH AND WITHOUT PRIOR ANTI-TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR EXPOSURE: 96-WEEK OUTCOMES FROM THE RAPID-PSA TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 90-90.
- Sieper, J.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Maksymowych, W.; Dougados, M.; Mease, P.J.; Braun, J.; Deodhar, A.; Hoepken, B.; Nurminen, T. & Landewe, R. (2014), LONG-TERM SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, INCLUDING ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS AND NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: 96-WEEK OUTCOMES OF THE RAPID-AXSPA TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 719-720.
- Markusse, I.; Landewe, R.; Ho, M.L.; Jenkins, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Linear Extrapolation of Missing Radiographic Progression Scores Does Not Spuriously overestimate overall Radiographic Progression in Rheumatoid Arthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S934-S935.
- Moi, J.H.Y.; Sriranganathan, M.K.; Falzon, L.; Edwards, C.J.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Buchbinder, R. (2014), Lifestyle Interventions for the Treatment of Gout: A Summary of 2 Cochrane Systematic Reviews, Journal of Rheumatology 41: 26-32.
- Hooge, M. de; Pialat, J.B.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Is It Worth to Include MRI of the Spine in the ASAS Classification Criteria for Axial Spondyloarthritis?, Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S833-S834.
- Landewe, R.B.M. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Optimisation of rheumatic disease assessments in clinical trials, clinical care, and long-term databases, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): S2-S6.
- Mease, P.J.; Fleischmann, R.; Deodhar, A.A.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Khraishi, M.; Kielar, D.; Woltering, F.; Stach, C.; Hoepken, B.; Arledge, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Effect of certolizumab pegol on signs and symptoms in patients with psoriatic arthritis: 24-week results of a Phase 3 double- blind randomised placebo- controlled study (RAPID-PsA), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(1): 48-55.
- Heijde, D. van der; Fleischmann, R.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Deodhar, A.; Kielar, D.; Woltering, F.; Stach, C.; Hoepken, B.; Arledge, T. & Mease, P.J. (2014), Effect of different imputation approaches on the evaluation of radiographic progression in patients with psoriatic arthritis: results of the RAPID-PsA 24-week phase III double-blind randomised placebo-controlled study of certolizumab pegol, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(1): 233-237.
- Schiff, M.; Weinblatt, M.E.; Valente, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Citera, G.; Elegbe, A.; Maldonado, M. & Fleischmann, R. (2014), Head-to-head comparison of subcutaneous abatacept versus adalimumab for rheumatoid arthritis: two-year efficacy and safety findings from AMPLE trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(1): 86-94.
- Hooge, M. de; Pialat, J.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), IS IT WORTH TO INCLUDE MRI OF THE SPINE IN THE ASAS CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA FOR AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS; DATA FROM THE DESIR-COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 660-660.
- Sriranganathan, M.K.; Vinik, O.; Falzon, L.; Bombardier, C.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Edwards, C.J. (2014), Interventions for Tophi in Gout: A Cochrane Systematic Literature Review, Journal of Rheumatology 41: 63-69.
- Aga, A.B.; Hammer, H.B.; Lie, E.; Olsen, I.C.; Uhlig, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Haavardsholm, E.A. & ARCTIC Working Grp (2014), INFLAMMATION IN EARLY AND ESTABLISHED RA: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DIFFERENT ULTRASONOGRAPHIC JOINT ASSESSMENTS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 652-652.
- Putrik, P.; Ramiro, S.; Lie, E.; Keszei, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Kvien, T.K.; Uhlig, T. & Boonen, A. (2014), Inequity: Level of Education Is Associated with Access to Biologic Dmards Even in a Country with Highly Developed Social Welfare (Norway)., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S511-S512.
- Putrik, P.; Ramiro, S.; Lie, E.; Keszei, A.P.; Uhlig, T.; Kvien, T.K.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R. & Boonen, A. (2014), INEQUITY: LEVEL OF EDUCATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH ACCESS TO BIOLOGIC DMARDS EVEN IN A COUNTRY WITH HIGHLY DEVELOPED SOCIAL WELFARE (NORWAY), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 87-87.
- Bakker, P.; Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), IMPACT OF REPEATING IMAGING OF THE SACRO-ILIAC JOINTS OVER ONE YEAR ON THE CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING THE ASAS AXIAL SPA CRITERIA OF PATIENTS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 426-427.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Ostergaard, M.; Elkayam, O.; Landewe, R.; Homik, J.; Thorne, C.; Backhaus, M.; Shaikh, S.; Boire, G.; Larche, M.; Combe, B.; Schaeverbeke, T.; Saraux, A.; Ferraccioli, G.; Dougados, M.; Barnabe, C.; Govoni, M.; Tak, P.P.; Schaardenburg, D. van; Heijde, D. van der; Dadashova, R.; Hutchings, E.; Paschke, J. & FitzGerald, O. (2014), Impact of Failure to Adhere to Treat-to-Target of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Real World Practice: Data from the International Rheumatoid Arthritis Biomarker Program., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1272-S1273.
- Hooge, M. de; Claudepierre, P.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), HOW RELIABLE IS THE SCORING OF MSASSS IN CLINICAL PRACTICE IN CENTERS PARTICIPATING IN DESIR? COMPARISON WITH THE GOLD STANDARD CENTRAL READING, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 471-472.
- Webers, C.; Essers, I.; Ramiro, S.; Stolwijk, C.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Bosch, F. van den; Dougados, M. & Tubergen, A. van (2014), Gender-Attributable Differences in Outcome of Ankylosing Spondylitis: Long-Term Results from the Outcome in Ankylosing Spondylitis International Study., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1137-S1137.
- Dougados, M.; Wood, E.; Gossec, L.; Heijde, D. van der & Logeart, I. (2014), Flare in Spondyloarthritis: Proposal of a Meaningful Change in Symptomatic Outcome Measures in Axial Spondyloarthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S257-S257.
- Aga, A.B.; Hammer, H.B.; Olsen, I.C.; Uhlig, T.; Kvien, T.K.; Heijde, D. van der; Lie, E.; Haavardsholm, E.A. & Arctic Study Grp (2014), First Step in the Development of an Ultrasound Joint Inflammation Score for Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Data Driven Approach., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S400-S401.
- Mandl, P.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Bakker, P.; Terslev, L.; Aegerter, P.; Heijde, D. van der; d'Agostino, M.A.; Baraliakos, X.; Pedersen, S.J.; Jurik, A.G.; Naredo, E.; Schueller-Weidekamm, C.; Weber, U.; Wick, M.; Filippucci, E.; Conaghan, P.G.; Rudwaleit, M.; Schett, G.A.; Sieper, J.; Tarp, S.; Marzo-Ortega, H. & Ostergaard, M. (2014), EULAR Recommendations for the Use of Imaging in Spondyloarthritis in Clinical Practice., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1132-S1133.
- Mandl, P.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Terslev, L.; Aegerter, P.; Heijde, D. van der; D'Agostino, M.A.; Baraliakos, X.; Pedersen, S.J.; Jurik, A.G.; Naredo, E.; Schueller-Weidekamm, C.; Weber, U.; Wick, M.; Filippucci, E.; Conaghan, P.; Rudwaleit, M.; Schett, G.; Sieper, J.; Tarp, S.; Marzo-Ortega, H. & Ostergaard, M. (2014), EULAR RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE USE OF IMAGING IN SPONDYLOARTHRITIS IN CLINICAL PRACTICE, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 427-428.
- Smolen, J.S.; Weinblatt, M.E.; Heijde, D. van der; Rigby, W.F.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Bingham, C.O.; Veenhuizen, M.; Gill, A.; Zou, H.; Komocsar, W.; Berclaz, P.Y.; Ortmann, R. & Lee, C. (2014), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF TABALUMAB, AN ANTI-B CELL ACTIVATING FACTOR MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY, IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS WHO HAD AN INADEQUATE RESPONSE TO METHOTREXATE THERAPY: RESULTS FROM A PHASE 3 MULTICENTER, RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 504-504.
- Smolen, J.S.; Heijde, D. van der; Machold, K.P.; Aletaha, D. & Landewe, R. (2014), Proposal for a new nomenclature of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(1): 3-5.
- Conaghan, P.G.; Ostergaard, M.; Wu, C.; Heijde, D. van der; Irazoque-Palazuelos, F.; Hrycaj, P.; Xie, Z.; Zhang, R.; Wyman, B.T.; Bradley, J.D.; Soma, K. & Wilkinson, B. (2014), Effects of Tofacitinib on Bone Marrow Edema, Synovitis, and Erosive Damage in Methotrexate-Naive Patients with Early Active Rheumatoid Arthritis (Duration <= 2 Years): Results of an Exploratory Phase 2 MRI Study., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S519-S520.
- Genovese, M.; Fleischmann, R.M.; Kivitz, A.J.; Rell-Bakalarska, M.; Martincova, R.; Fiore, S.; Rohane, P.; Hoogstraten, H. van; Fan, C.; Adelsberg, J. van; Weinstein, S.; Graham, N.; Stahl, N.; Yancopoulos, G.; Huizinga, T.W. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), EFFECTS OF SARILUMAB PLUS MTX ON CLINICAL, RADIOGRAPHIC, AND FUNCTIONAL ENDPOINTS IN PATIENTS WITH MODERATE-TO-SEVERE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: RESULTS OF A PHASE 3, RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED, INTERNATIONAL STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 70-70.
- Braun, J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Stach, C.; Davies, O.; Nurminen, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Effect of Certolizumab Pegol over 96 Weeks of Treatment on Inflammation of Spine and Sacroiliac Joints Measured By Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S248-S248.
- Essers, I.; Ramiro, S.; Stolwijk, C.; Blaauw, M.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Bosch, F. van den; Dougados, M. & Tubergen, A. van (2014), Do Extra-Articular Manifestations Influence Outcome in Ankylosing Spondylitis? a 12 Year Follow-up Study., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S252-S253.
- Bakker, P.; Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), DO BONE MARROW EDEMA LESIONS IN THE SACROILIAC JOINT CHANGE INTO FATTY LESIONS OVER A 1-YEAR PERIOD IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS OR POSSIBLE SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 663-664.
- Berg, I.J.; Semb, A.G.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Dagfinrud, H.; Hisdal, J. & Provan, S.A. (2014), Disease Activity and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis with High and Low Body Mass Index., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1124-S1124.
- Mease, P.; Fleischmann, R.; Davies, O.; Nurminen, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Disease Activity and Clinical Response Early in the Course of Treatment Predict Long-Term Outcomes in Psoriatic Arthritis Patients Treated with Certolizumab Pegol, Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S685-S685.
- Heijde, D.M. van der; Deodhar, A.A.; Davies, O.; Nurminen, T. & Rudwaleit, M. (2014), Disease Activity and Clinical Response Early in the Course of Treatment Predict Long-Term Outcomes in Axial Spondyloarthritis Patients Treated with Certolizumab Pegol., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S236-S237.
- Dougados, M.; Wood, E.; Gossec, L.; Heijde, D. van der; Dubanchet, A. & Logeart, I. (2014), DISCRIMINANT CAPACITY OF CLINICAL EFFICACY MEASURES, ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH NSAID INTAKE, IN DETECTING ANTI-TNF TREATMENT EFFECT IN SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 722-722.
- Sivera, F.; Andres, M.; Falzon, L.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der & Carmona, L. (2014), Diagnostic Value of Clinical, Laboratory, and Imaging Findings in Patients with a Clinical Suspicion of Gout: a Systematic Literature Review, Journal of Rheumatology 41: 3-8.
- Heijde, D. van der & Buchbinder, R. (2014), Diagnosis and Management of Gout. Systematic Literature Reviews of the 3e Initiative 2011-2012 Introduction, Journal of Rheumatology 41: 1-2.
- Nam, J.L.; Villeneuve, E.; Hensor, E.M.A.; Conaghan, P.G.; Keen, H.I.; Buch, M.H.; Gough, A.K.; Green, M.J.; Helliwell, P.S.; Keenan, A.M.; Morgan, A.W.; Quinn, M.; Reece, R.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Wakefield, R.J. & Emery, P. (2014), Remission induction comparing infliximab and high-dose intravenous steroid, followed by treat-to-target: a double-blind, randomised, controlled trial in new-onset, treatment-naive, rheumatoid arthritis (the IDEA study), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(1): 75-85.
- Bruin, F. de; Treyvaud, M.O.; Feydy, A.; Dougados, M.; Gossec, L.; Bloem, J.L.; Heijde, D. van der & Reijnierse, M. (2014), Degenerative Changes of the Spine on MRI in Patients with Inflammatory Back Pain from the DESIR Cohort., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1304-S1305.
- Bruin, F. de; Treyvaud, M.; Feydy, A.; Bloem, J.; Dougados, M.; Gossec, L.; Heijde, D. van der & Reijnierse, M. (2014), DEGENERATIVE CHANGES OF THE SPINE ON MRI IN PATIENTS WITH INFLAMMATORY BACK PAIN FROM THE DESIR COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 123-123.
- Fagerli, K.M.; Lie, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Heiberg, M.S.; Lexberg, A.S.; Rodevand, E.; Kalstad, S.; Mikkelsen, K. & Kvien, T.K. (2014), The role of methotrexate co-medication in TNF-inhibitor treatment in patients with psoriatic arthritis: results from 440 patients included in the NOR-DMARD study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(1): 132-137.
- Essers, I.; Ramiro, S.; Stolwijk, C.; Blaauw, M.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Bosch, F. van den; Dougados, M. & Tubergen, A. van (2014), CONTRIBUTION OF EXTRA-ARTICULAR MANIFESTATIONS TO THE BURDEN OF DISEASE IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS. A LONGITUDINAL STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 1035-1036.
- Ishiguro, N.; Tanaka, Y.; Yamanaka, H.; Yoneda, T.; Ohira, T.; Okubo, N.; Genant, H.K.; Heijde, D. van der & Takeuchi, T. (2014), Consistent Inhibition of Bone Destruction By Denosumab in Important Subgroups of Japanese Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S831-S832.
- Berg, R. van den; Thevenin, F.; Feydy, A.; Claudepierre, P.; Reijnierse, M.; Saraux, A.; Rahmouni, A.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), CONCORDANCE BETWEEN "A POSITIVE MRI OF THE SACROILIAC JOINTS" BASED ON THE LOCAL READING VERSUS A CENTRALISED READING: EXPERIENCE FROM THE DESIR-COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 1134-1134.
- Hooge, M. de; Claudepierre, P.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), COMPARISON OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE BASRI AND MSASSS IN PATIENTS WITH EARLY INFLAMMATORY BACK PAIN FROM THE DESIR COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 1125-1125.
- Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Varothai, N.A. & Anderson, J.K. (2014), Comparison of Baseline Extra-Articular Manifestations, Comorbidities, and Long-Term Safety in Patients Treated with Adalimumab for Ankylosing Spondylitis and Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S242-S243.
- Schiff, M.; Weinblatt, M.E.; Valente, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Citera, G.; Maldonado, M.A.; Fay, J. & Fleischmann, R. (2014), CLINICAL RESPONSES BY BASELINE RA DISEASE DURATION IN THE AMPLE (ABATACEPT VERSUS ADALIMUMAB COMPARISON IN BIOLOGIC-NAIVE RA PATIENTS WITH BACKGROUND METHOTREXATE) TRIAL: 2-YEAR RESULTS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 387-388.
- Schoels, M.M.; Braun, J.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Fitzgerald, O.; Kavanaugh, A.; Kvien, T.K.; Landewe, R.; Luger, T.; Mease, P.; Olivieri, I.; Reveille, J.; Ritchlin, C.; Rudwaleit, M.; Sieper, J.; Smolen, J.S.; Wit, M. de & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Treating axial and peripheral spondyloarthritis, including psoriatic arthritis, to target: results of a systematic literature search to support an international treat-to-target recommendation in spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(1): 238-242.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; Citera, G.; Miceli-Richard, C.; Wei, J.C.C.; Pedersen, R.; Bonin, R.; Logeart, I.; Wajdula, J.; Rahman, M.U.; Vlahos, B. & Bukowski, J. (2014), CLINICAL AND IMAGING EFFICACY OF ETANERCEPT IN EARLY NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: 48-WEEK TREATMENT DATA, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 728-728.
- Smolen, J.S.; Braun, J.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; FitzGerald, O.; Helliwell, P.; Kavanaugh, A.; Kvien, T.K.; Landewe, R.; Luger, T.; Mease, P.; Olivieri, I.; Reveille, J.; Ritchlin, C.; Rudwaleit, M.; Schoels, M.; Sieper, J.; Wit, M. de; Baraliakos, X.; Betteridge, N.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Collantes-Estevez, E.; Deodhar, A.; Elewaut, D.; Gossec, L.; Jongkees, M.; Maccarone, M.; Redlich, K.; Bosch, F. van den; Wei, J.C.C.; Winthrop, K. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Treating spondyloarthritis, including ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis, to target: recommendations of an international task force, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(1): 6-16.
- Berg, R. van den; Lenczner, G.; Thevenin, F.; Claudepierre, P.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Saraux, A.; Rahmouni, A.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), CLASSIFICATION OF AXSPA BASED ON POSITIVE IMAGING (RADIOGRAPHS AND/OR MRI OF THE SACROILIAC JOINTS) BY LOCAL RHEUMATOLOGISTS OR RADIOLOGISTS VERSUS CENTRAL TRAINED READERS IN THE DESIR-COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 122-122.
- Durme, C.M.P.G. van; Wechalekar, M.D.; Buchbinder, R.; Schlesinger, N.; Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R.B.M. (2014), Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for acute gout, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
- Durme, C. van; Echteld, I.A.A.M. van; Falzon, L.; Aletaha, D.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der & Landewe, R.B. (2014), Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Comorbidities in Patients with Hyperuricemia and/or Gout: A Systematic Review of the Literature, Journal of Rheumatology 41: 9-14.
- Kroon, F.; Burg, L. van der; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Buchbinder, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Axial Spondyloarthritis: A Cochrane Review., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S256-S256.
- Roeterink, A.; Hooge, M. de; Vijver, J. van der; Berg, R. van der; Dagfinrud, H.; Turina, M.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T.; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2014), A SUBSTANTIAL DECREASE IN WORK PRODUCTIVITY AND PHYSICAL HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC BACK PAIN IN THE SPACE-COHORT, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 198-198.
- Gherghe, A.M.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Mihai, C. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), ASSOCIATION OF RADIOGRAPHIC DAMAGE WITH PHYSICAL FUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS - RESULTS FROM THE RAPID1 TRIAL, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 261-261.
- Poddubnyy, D.; Tubergen, A. van; Landewe, R.; Sieper, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society Endorsed Recommendations for Early Referral of Patients Suspected for Axial Spondyloarthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1133-S1134.
- Gvozdenovic, E.; Allaart, C.; Wolterbeek, R.; Brenol, C.; Chopra, A.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Ferraccioli, G.; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T.; Kay, J.; Mola, E.; Moots, R.; Silva, J. da; Smolen, J.; Veale, D. & Landewe, R. (2014), ASSESSMENT OF GLOBAL DISEASE ACTIVITY IN RA BY PATIENTS AND PHYSICIANS: CULTURAL DIFFERENCES ACROSS COUNTRIES IN THE METEOR DATABASE, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 336-336.
- Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Maksymowych, W.; Boice, J.; Bergman, G.; Curtis, S.; Tzontcheva, A.; Huyck, S. & Weng, H.H. (2014), A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, 16-Week Study of Subcutaneous Golimumab in Patients with Active Nonradiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1283-S1284.
- Ramiro, S.; Tubergen, A. van; Landewe, R.; Boonen, A.; Stolwijk, C.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Heijde, D. van der (2014), A PHYSICALLY DEMANDING JOB MAY AMPLIFY THE EFFECT OF DISEASE ACTIVITY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SYNDESMOPHYTES IN PATIENTS WITH AS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73: 160-161.
- Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Stolwijk, C.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Tubergen, A. van (2014), SPINAL MOBILITY GETS IMPAIRED IN A FIXED ORDER IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: 12-YEAR OASIS RESULTS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 791-791.
- Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Brown, M.A.; Lambert, R.G.W.; Rathmann, S.S. & Pangan, A.L. (2014), Spinal Inflammation in the Absence of Sacroiliac Joint Inflammation on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Active Nonradiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 66(3): 667-673.
- Abawi, O.; Berg, R. van den; Heijde, D. van der & Gaalen, F. van (2014), Evaluation of Referral Models for Axial Spondyloarthritis in Primary Care in the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early Cohort., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1283-S1283.
- Kloppenburg, M.; Boyesen, P.; Smeets, W.; Haugen, I.; Liu, R.; Visser, W. & Heijde, D.M. van der (2014), Report from the OMERACT Hand Osteoarthritis Special Interest Group: Advances and Future Research Priorities, Journal of Rheumatology 41(4): 810-818.
- Ramiro, S.; Tubergen, A.M. van; Landewe, R.; Boonen, A.; Stolwijk, C.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Heijde, D. van der (2014), A Physically Demanding Job May Amplify the Effect of Disease Activity on the Development of Syndesmophytes in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S1235-S1236.
- Fagerli, K.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Heiberg, M.S.; Wierod, A.; Kalstad, S.; Rodevand, E.; Mikkelsen, K.; Kvien, T.K. & Lie, E. (2014), Is there a role for sulphasalazine in axial spondyloarthritis in the era of TNF inhibition? Data from the NOR-DMARD longitudinal observational study, Rheumatology 53(6): 1087-1094.
- Keystone, E.C.; Breedveld, F.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Florentinus, S.; Arulmani, U.; Liu, S.F.; Kupper, H. & Kavanaugh, A. (2014), Longterm Effect of Delaying Combination Therapy with Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor in Patients with Aggressive Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: 10-year Efficacy and Safety of Adalimumab from the Randomized Controlled PREMIER Trial with Open-label Extension, Journal of Rheumatology 41(1): 5-14.
- Maksymowych, W.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Lambert, R.; Brown, M.; Rathmann, S.; Anderson, J. & Pangan, A. (2014), Relationship between MRI and Clinical Remission in Patients with Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis after Two Years of Adalimumab Therapy, Journal of Rheumatology 41(7): 1497-1497.
- Keystone, E.; Landewe, R.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Combe, B.; Strand, V.; Mease, P.; Shaughnessy, L.; VanLunen, B. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Long-term safety and efficacy of certolizumab pegol in combination with methotrexate in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: 5-year results from the RAPID 1 trial and open-label extension, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(12): 2094-2100.
- Sieper, J.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Maksymowych, W.P.; Dougados, M.; Mease, P.J.; Reveille, J.; Braun, J.; Deodhar, A.; Arledge, T.; Nurminen, T. & Landewe, R. (2014), LONG-TERM SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: 96-WEEK OUTCOMES OF THE RAPID-AXSPA TRIAL, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 785-786.
- Visser, A.W.; Boyesen, P.; Haugen, I.K.; Schoones, J.W.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Rosendaal, F.R. & Kloppenburg, M. (2014), Radiographic scoring methods in hand osteoarthritis - a systematic literature search and descriptive review, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 22(10): 1710-1723.
- Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Stolwijk, C.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Tubergen, A. van (2014), MEASUREMENT OF LATERAL SPINAL FLEXION AND SCHOBER IS SUFFICIENT TO BE INFORMED ABOUT SPINAL MOBILITY IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: 12-YEAR OASIS RESULTS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 791-791.
- Smolen, J.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Kavanaugh, A.; Strand, V.; Vencovsky, J.; Schiff, M.; Landewe, R.; Haraoui, B.; Walker, S. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Certolizumab Pegol in Combination with Methotrexate in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: 5-Year Results from a 24-Week Randomized Controlled Trial and Open-Label Extension Study, Journal of Rheumatology 41(7): 1506-1507.
- Magnusson, K.; Slatkowsky-Christensen, B.; Heijde, D. van der & Haugen, I.K. (2014), HIGHER BODY MASS INDEX IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH PROGRESSIVE HAND OSTEOARTHRITIS, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 22: S388-S389.
- Onna, M. van; Tubergen, A. van; Heijde, D. van der; Jurik, A.G. & Landewe, R. (2014), Gadolinium contrast-enhanced MRI sequence does not have an incremental value in the assessment of sacroiliitis in patients with early inflammatory back pain by using MRI in combination with pelvic radiographs: a 2-year follow-up study, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(2): 225-230.
- Abawi, O.; Berg, R. van den; Heijde, D. van der; Hooge, M. de; Bakker, P. & Gaalen, H.T. van (2014), EVALUATION OF THE TWO-STEP REFERRAL STRATEGY FOR AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS IN THE SPONDYLOARTHRITIS CAUGHT EARLY COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 792-792.
- Mease, P.; Maldonado, M.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Deodhar, A.; Gladman, D.; Stach, C.; Hoepken, B.; Peterson, L. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Effect of Certolizumab Pegol Over 48 Weeks on Signs and Symptoms in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis with and without Prior Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor Exposure, Journal of Rheumatology 41(7): 1448-1449.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Heijde, D. van der; Ahmad, H.A.; Miller, C.G.; Wolterbeek, R. & Landewe, R. (2014), Measurement error in the assessment of radiographic progression in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) clinical trials: the smallest detectable change (SDC) revisited, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(6): 1067-1070.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Allaart, C.F.; Landewe, R.; Boire, G.; Tak, P.P.; Gui, Y.; Ghahary, A.; Kilani, R. & Marotta, A. (2014), 14-3-3 eta is a novel mediator associated with the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis and joint damage.
- Berg, R. van den; Lenczner, G.; Feydy, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Reijnierse, M.; Saraux, A.; Rahmouni, A.; Dougados, M. & Claudepierre, P. (2014), Agreement Between Clinical Practice and Trained Central Reading in Reading of Sacroiliac Joints on Plain Pelvic Radiographs Results From the DESIR Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatology 66(9): 2403-2411.
- Stomp, W.; Krabben, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Bloem, J.L.; Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der & Reijnierse, M. (2014), Aiming for a shorter rheumatoid arthritis MRI protocol: can contrast-enhanced MRI replace T2 for the detection of bone marrow oedema?, European Radiology 24(10): 2614-2622.
- Genovese, M.C.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Keystone, E.C.; Spindler, A.J.; Benhamou, C.; Kavanaugh, A.; Fudman, E.; Lampl, K.; O'Brien, C.; Duffield, E.L.; Poiley, J. & Weinblatt, M.E. (2014), A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group Study of 2 Dosing Regimens of Fostamatinib in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis with an Inadequate Response to a Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Antagonist, Journal of Rheumatology 41(11): 2120-2128.
- Mease, P.J.; Fleischmann, R.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Deodhar, A.; Gladman, D.; Arledge, T.; Peterson, L. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), LONG-TERM SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL IN PATIENTS WITH PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS WITH AND WITHOUT PRIOR ANTI-TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR EXPOSURE: 96-WEEK OUTCOMES OF THE RAPID-PSA TRIAL, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 786-786.
- Marotta, A.; Schaardenburg, D. van; Boire, G.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Boers, M.; Allaart, C.F.; Murphy, M.; Turk, S.; Bykerk, V.P.; Keystone, E.; Siminovitch, K.A. & Maksymowych, W.P. (2014), Citrullinated 14-3-3 eta Antibodies Are Specific for Early and Established RA and Are Complementary to ACPA, Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S152-S152.
- Brakenhoff, L.K.P.M.; Stomp, W.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Hommes, D.W.; Bloem, J.L.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Fidder, H.H. & Reijnierse, M. (2014), Magnetic resonance imaging of the hand joints in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and arthralgia: a pilot study, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 43(5): 416-418.
- Krabben, A.; Stomp, W.; Nies, J.A.B. van; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Bloem, J.L.; Reijnierse, M. & Helm-Van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2014), MRI-detected subclinical joint inflammation is associated with radiographic progression, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(11): 2034-2037.
- Ramiro, S.; Tubergen, A. van; Stolwijk, C.; Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R. (2014), Neutral lateral fingertip-to-floor distance can be derived from height, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(9): 1748-+.
- Ramiro, S.; Tubergen, A. van; Landewe, R.; Boonen, A.; Stolwijk, C.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Heijde, D. van der (2014), A PHYSICALLY DEMANDING JOB MAY AMPLIFY THE EFFECT OF DISEASE ACTIVITY ON RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION IN PATIENTS WITH AS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 791-791.
- Nam, J.L.; Villeneuve, E.; Hensor, E.M.A.; Wakefield, R.J.; Conaghan, P.G.; Green, M.J.; Gough, A.; Quinn, M.; Reece, R.; Cox, S.R.; Buch, M.H.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Emery, P. (2014), A randomised controlled trial of etanercept and methotrexate to induce remission in early inflammatory arthritis: the EMPIRE trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(6): 1027-1036.
- Stomp, W.; Krabben, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Bloem, J.L.; Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der & Reijnierse, M. (2014), Are Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Discernible from Other Early Arthritis Patients Using 1.5T Extremity Magnetic Resonance Imaging? A Large Cross-sectional Study, Journal of Rheumatology 41(8): 1630-1637.
- Stolwijk, C.; Tubergen, A. van; Ramiro, S.; Essers, I.; Blaauw, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Bosch, F. van den; Dougados, M. & Boonen, A. (2014), Aspects of validity of the self-administered comorbidity questionnaire in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Rheumatology 53(6): 1054-1064.
- Gaalen, F.A. van; Bakker, P.A.C.; Hooge, M. de; Schoones, J.W. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Assessment of sacroiliitis by radiographs and MRI: where are we now?, Current Opinion in Rheumatology 26(4): 384-388.
- Onna, M. van; Tubergen, A. van; Heijde, D.M. van der; Jurik, A.G. & Landewe, R. (2014), Bone Marrow Edema on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the Sacroiliac Joints Is Associated with Development of Fatty Lesions on MRI over a 1-year Interval in Patients with Early Inflammatory Low Back Pain: A 2-year Followup Study, Journal of Rheumatology 41(6): 1088-1094.
- Landewe, R.B.M.; Smolen, J.S.; Weinblatt, M.E.; Emery, P.; Dougados, M.; Fleischmann, R.; Aletaha, D.; Kavanaugh, A. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Can we improve the performance and reporting of investigator-initiated clinical trials? Rheumatoid arthritis as an example, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(10): 1755-1760.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; Citera, G.; Miceli-Richard, C.; Wei, J.C.C.; Pedersen, R.; Bonin, R.; Logeart, I.; Wajdula, J.; Vlahos, B. & Bukowski, J.F. (2014), CLINICAL AND IMAGING EFFICACY OF ETANERCEPT IN EARLY NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTBRITIS: 48-WEEK TREATMENT DATA, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 774-774.
- Kavanaugh, A.; McInnes, I.B.; Mease, P.; Krueger, G.G.; Gladman, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Zhou, Y.Y.; Lu, J.D.; Leu, J.H.; Goldstein, N. & Beutler, A. (2014), Clinical efficacy, radiographic and safety findings through 5 years of subcutaneous golimumab treatment in patients with active psoriatic arthritis: results from a long-term extension of a randomised, placebo-controlled trial (the GO-REVEAL study), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(9): 1689-1694.
- Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Baeten, D.; Maksymowych, W.; Xia, Y.; Anderson, J. & Pangan, A. (2014), CLINICAL RESPONSE AND REMISSION IN PATIENTS WITH NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS AFTER THREE YEARS OF ADALIMUMAB THERAPY, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 829-829.
- Maksymowych, W.; Landewe, R.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Mease, P.; Reveille, J.; Walsh, J.; Kivitz, A.; Braun, J.; Deodhar, A.; Stach, C.; Hoepken, B.; Singh, P. & Sieper, J. (2014), Effect of Certolizumab Pegol Over 48 Weeks in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis, including Ankylosing Spondylitis and Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 41(7): 1496-1497.
- Heijde, D.M. van der; Sieper, J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Baeten, D.L.; Xia, Y.L.; Anderson, J.K. & Pangan, A.L. (2014), Clinical Response and Remission in Patients with Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis after Three Years of Adalimumab Therapy., Arthritis and Rheumatology 66: S247-S247.
- Ramiro, S.; Tubergen, A. van; Landewe, R.; Stolwijk, C.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Heijde, D. van der (2014), DISEASE ACTIVITY IN MALE SMOKERS HAS A > 10-FOLD AMPLIFIED EFFECT ON RADIOGRAPHIC DAMAGE IN COMPARISON WITH FEMALE NON-SMOKERS IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 772-773.
- Landewe, R.B.M. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), Comment on: 'Comparison of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F with methotrexate in the treatment of active rheumatoid arthritis (TRIFRA): a randomised, controlled clinical trial' by Qian-wen et al, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(10): E62-E62.
- Gvozdenovic, E.; Koevoets, R.; Wolterbeek, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Allaart, C.F. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2014), Assessment of global disease activity in RA patients monitored in the METEOR database: the patient's versus the rheumatologist's opinion, Clinical Rheumatology 33(4): 461-466.
- Baraliakos, X.; Heldmann, F.; Callhoff, J.; Listing, J.; Appelboom, T.; Brandt, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Breban, M.; Burmester, G.R.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Gaston, H.; Grunke, M.; Horst-Bruinsma, I.E. van der; Landewe, R.; Leirisalo-Repo, M.; Sieper, J.; Vlam, K. de; Pappas, D.; Kiltz, U.; Heijde, D. van der & Braun, J. (2014), Which spinal lesions are associated with new bone formation in patients with ankylosing spondylitis treated with anti-TNF agents? A long-term observational study using MRI and conventional radiography, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(10): 1819-1825.
- Dougados, M.R.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Brault, Y.; Koenig, A.S. & Logeart, I.S. (2014), When to Adjust Therapy in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis After Initiation of Etanercept plus Methotrexate or Methotrexate Alone: Findings from a Randomized Study (COMET), Journal of Rheumatology 41(10): 1922-1934.
- D'Agostino, M.A.; Boers, M.; Kirwan, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Ostergaard, M.; Schett, G.; Landewe, R.B.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Naredo, E.; Dougados, M.; Iagnocco, A.; Bingham, C.O.; Brooks, P.M.; Beaton, D.E.; Gandjbakhch, F.; Gossec, L.; Guillemin, F.; Hewlett, S.E.; Kloppenburg, M.; March, L.; Mease, P.J.; Moller, I.; Simon, L.S.; Singh, J.A.; Strand, V.; Wakefield, R.J.; Wells, G.A.; Tugwell, P. & Conaghan, P.G. (2014), Updating the OMERACT Filter: Implications for Imaging and Soluble Biomarkers, Journal of Rheumatology 41(5): 1016-1024.
- Wells, G.; Beaton, D.E.; Tugwell, P.; Boers, M.; Kirwan, J.R.; Bingham, C.O.; Boonen, A.; Brooks, P.; Conaghan, P.G.; D'Agostino, M.A.; Dougados, M.; Furst, D.E.; Gossec, L.; Guillemin, F.; Helliwell, P.; Hewlett, S.; Kvien, T.K.; Landewe, R.B.; March, L.; Mease, P.J.; Ostergaard, M.; Simon, L.; Singh, J.A.; Strand, V. & Heijde, D.M. van der (2014), Updating the OMERACT Filter: Discrimination and Feasibility, Journal of Rheumatology 41(5): 1005-1010.
- Kiltz, U.; Heijde, D. van der; Boonen, A.; Bautista, W.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Chiowchanwisawakit, P.; Duruoz, T.; El-Zorkany, B.; Essers, I.; Gaydukova, I.; Geher, P.; Gossec, L.; Grazio, S.; Gu, J.; Khan, A.; Kim, T.J.; Maksymowych, W.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Navarro, V.; Olivieri, I.; Patrikos, D.; Santos, F.P. dos; Bosch, F. van den; Zochling, J. & Braun, J. (2014), TRANSLATION AND CROSS-CULTURAL ADAPTATION OF THE ASAS HEALTH INDEX AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL ITEM SET INTO 15 LANGUAGES, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 32(5): 808-808.
- Hafstrom, I.; Engvall, I.L.; Ronnelid, J.; Boonen, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Svensson, B. & BARFOT Study Grp (2014), Rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP do not predict progressive joint damage in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis treated with prednisolone: a randomised study, BMJ Open 4(7).
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Naides, S.J.; Bykerk, V.; Siminovitch, K.A.; Schaardenburg, D. van; Boers, M.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Tak, P.P.; Genovese, M.C.; Weinblatt, M.E.; Keystone, E.C.; Zhukov, O.S.; Abolhosn, R.W.; Popov, J.M.; Britsemmer, K.; Kuijk, A.W. van & Marotta, A. (2014), Serum 14-3-3 eta is a Novel Marker that Complements Current Serological Measurements to Enhance Detection of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 41(11): 2104-2113.
- Braun, J.; Baraliakos, X.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Deodhar, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Inman, R.; Beutler, A.; Zhou, Y.Y.; Xu, S. & Hsu, B. (2014), The effect of two golimumab doses on radiographic progression in ankylosing spondylitis: results through 4 years of the GO-RAISE trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(6): 1107-1113.
- Kirwan, J.R.; Boers, M.; Hewlett, S.; Beaton, D.; Bingham, C.O.; Choy, E.; Conaghan, P.G.; D'Agostino, M.A.; Dougados, M.; Furst, D.E.; Guillemin, F.; Gossec, L.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Kloppenburg, M.; Kvien, T.K.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Mackie, S.L.; Matteson, E.L.; Mease, P.J.; Merkel, P.A.; Ostergaard, M.; Saketkoo, L.A.; Simon, L.; Singh, J.A.; Strand, V. & Tugwell, P. (2014), Updating the OMERACT Filter: Core Areas as a Basis for Defining Core Outcome Sets, Journal of Rheumatology 41(5): 994-999.
- Tugwell, P.; Boers, M.; D'Agostino, M.A.; Beaton, D.; Boonen, A.; Bingham, C.O.; Choy, E.; Conaghan, P.G.; Dougados, M.; Duarte, C.; Furst, D.E.; Guillemin, F.; Gossec, L.; Heiberg, T.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Hewlett, S.; Kirwan, J.R.; Kvien, T.K.; Landewe, R.B.; Mease, P.J.; Ostergaard, M.; Simon, L.; Singh, J.A.; Strand, V. & Wells, G. (2014), Updating the OMERACT Filter: Implications of Filter 2.0 to Select Outcome Instruments Through Assessment of "Truth": Content, Face, and Construct Validity, Journal of Rheumatology 41(5): 1000-1004.
- Yamamoto, K.; Takeuchi, T.; Yamanaka, H.; Ishiguro, N.; Tanaka, Y.; Eguchi, K.; Watanabe, A.; Origasa, H.; Iwai, K.; Sakamaki, Y.; Heijde, D. van der; Miyasaka, N. & Koike, T. (2014), Efficacy and safety of certolizumab pegol without methotrexate co-administration in Japanese patients with active rheumatoid arthritis: The HIKARI randomized, placebo-controlled trial, Modern Rheumatology 24(4): 552-560.
- Bautista-Molano, W.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Boers, M.; Kirkham, J.J. & Heijde, D. van der (2014), How well are the ASAS/OMERACT Core Outcome Sets for Ankylosing Spondylitis implemented in randomized clinical trials? A systematic literature review., Clinical Rheumatology 33(9).
- Siebuhr, A.S.; Bay-Jensen, A.C.; Leeming, D.J.; Platt, A.; Byrjalsen, I.; Christiansen, C.; Heijde, D. van der & Karsdal, M. (2013), CIRCULATING LEVELS OF MMP-MEDIATED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DESTRUCTION IS PREDICTIVE OF STRUCTURAL PROGRESSION IN PATIENTS WITH INFLAMMATORY ARTHRITIS, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 21: S9-S10.
- Kiltz, U.; Heijde, D. van der; Boonen, A.; Cieza, A.; Stucki, G.; Khan, M.A.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Reveille, J.D.; Stebbings, S.; Bostan, C. & Braun, J. (2013), Development of a Health Index in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis (ASAS HI)-Final Result of a Global Initiative Based On the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Guided By Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society (ASAS)., Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S1215-S1215.
- Molto, A.; Paternotte, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Claudepierre, P.; Rudwaleit, M. & Dougados, M. (2013), Different Imaging Abnormalities Suggestive Of Spondyloarthritis Are Present In Early Axial Spondyloarthritis. Data From The DESIR Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S643-S643.
- Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Gaalen, F. van; Navarro-Compan, V.; Reijnierse, M.; Fagerli, K.; Turina, M.C.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Is Site Of Back Pain Related To Location Of Inflammatory and Structural Lesions On MRI In Patients With Chronic Back Pain?, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S769-S769.
- Halvorsen, S.; Vollestad, N.K.; Provan, S.A.; Semb, A.G.; Heijde, D. van der; Hagen, K.B. & Dagfinrud, H. (2013), Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Cardiovascular Risk in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Cross-Sectional Comparative Study.
- Ramiro, S.; Tubergen, A.M. van; Landewe, R.; Stolwijk, C.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Disease Activity In Male Smokers Has A > 10-Fold Amplified Effect On Radiographic Damage In Comparison With Female NON-Smokers In Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S640-S640.
- Maehlen, M.T.; Provan, S.A.; Rooy, D.P.C. de; Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der; Krabben, A.; Saxne, T.; Lindqvist, E.; Semb, A.G.; Uhlig, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Mero, I.L.; Olsen, I.C.; Kvien, T.K. & Lie, B.A. (2013), Associations between APOE Genotypes and Disease Susceptibility, Joint Damage and Lipid Levels in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, PLoS ONE 8(4).
- Smolen, J.S.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Keystone, E.C.; Vollenhoven, R.F. van; Goldring, M.B.; Guerette, B.; Cifaldi, M.A.; Chen, N.J.; Liu, S.F. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2013), Association of joint space narrowing with impairment of physical function and work ability in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis: protection beyond disease control by adalimumab plus methotrexate, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(7): 1156-1162.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Rudwaleit, M.; Sieper, J.; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Landewe, R.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), ASAS modification of the Berlin algorithm for diagnosing axial spondyloarthritis: results from the SPondyloArthritis Caught Early (SPACE)-cohort and from the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS)-cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(10): 1646-1653.
- Essers, I.; Ramiro, S.; Stolwijk, C.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Bosch, F. van den; Dougados, M. & Tubergen, A. van (2013), Disease Activity Is Associated With Development Of Inflammatory Bowel Disease In Ankylosing Spondylitis: 12-Year Results From OASIS, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S1046-S1047.
- Machado, P.; Landewe, R.; Braun, J.; Baraliakos, X.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Hsu, B.; Baker, D. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Ankylosing spondylitis patients with and without psoriasis do not differ in disease phenotype, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(6): 1104-1107.
- Keystone, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Breedveld, F.; Liu, S.F. & Mozaffarian, N. (2013), Analysis of Integrated Radiographic Data for Two Longterm, Open-Label Extension Studies of Adalimumab.
- Inman, R.; Deodhar, A.; Braun, J.; Mack, M.; Hsu, B.; Gathany, T.; Han, C.L. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Achieving Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score-C-Reactive Protein Major Improvement and Inactive Disease in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis after Treatment with Golimumab is Associated with Normalized Health Related Quality of Life: 2-Year Results from GO-RAISE.
- Takeuchi, T.; Tanaka, Y.; Ishiguro, N.; Yamanaka, H.; Yoneda, T.; Genant, H.K. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Dose-Response Effects Of Denosumab, a Novel Subcutaneous RANKL Inhibitor, On The Progression Of Bone Erosion In Japanese Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated With Methotrexate: Results Of Phase II DRIVE Study-A Twelve Month Placebo Controlled, Randomized, Double Blind Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S1198-S1198.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Gaalen, F. van; Navarro-Compan, V.; Reijnierse, M.; Fagerli, K.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Influence Of Taking Structural Lesions Into Account In Addition To Inflammatory Lesions On MRI Of The Sacroiliac Joints On The Classification Of Patients With Possible Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S642-S642.
- Landewe, R.B.M.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Dougados, M.; Mease, P.J.; Reveille, J.D.; Walsh, J.; Kivitz, A.J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Braun, J.; Deodhar, A.A.; Stach, C.; Hoepken, B.; Singh, P. & Sieper, J. (2013), Effect Of Certolizumab Pegol Over 48 Weeks In Patients With Axial Spondyloarthritis, Including Ankylosing Spondylitis and Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S767-S767.
- Kiltz, U.; Heijde, D. van der; Boonen, A.; Cieza, A. & Braun, J. (2013), Development of an ICF-based Health Index for measuring the Burden of Disease in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis - International Project directed by ASAS, INTERNIST 54: 61-62.
- Mease, P.J.; Fleischmann, R.M.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Deodhar, A.; Gladman, D.; Stach, C.; Hoepken, B.; Peterson, L. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Effect Of Certolizumab Pegol Over 48 Weeks On Signs and Symptoms In Patients With Psoriatic Arthritis With and Without Prior Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor Exposure, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S132-S133.
- Ramiro, S.; Tubergen, A.M. van; Heijde, D. van der; Stolwijk, C.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Landewe, R. (2013), Erosions and Sclerosis, But Not Squaring, Predict The Development Of New Syndesmophytes: A 12-Year Longitudinal Analysis (OASIS), Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S1237-S1238.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Reijnierse, M.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Fagerli, K.; Turina, M.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Gaalen, F. van; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Inflammation In The Posterior Elements Of The Spine Is Infrequent In Patients With Recent Onset Axial Spondyloarthritis, Especially If No Inflammation In The Vertebral Bodies Is Observed, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S653-S653.
- Tanaka, Y.; Takeuchi, T.; Ishiguro, N.; Yamanaka, H.; Yoneda, T.; Genant, H.K. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Estimation Of The Effect Of Denosumab On Bone Loss From The Results Of The 12-Month Phase II Study In Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) On Background Methotrexate (MTX), Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S585-S585.
- Weinblatt, M.E.; Schiff, M.H.; Valente, R.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Citera, G.; Elegbe, A.; Maldonado, M.A. & Fleischmann, R.M. (2013), Head-To-Head Comparison Of Subcutaneous Abatacept Versus Adalimumab On Background Methotrexate In RA: Blinded Two Year Results From The Ample (Abatacept Versus Adalimumab Comparison in Biologic-Naive RA Subjectswith Background Methotrexate) study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S991-S992.
- Ramiro, S.; Tubergen, A.M. van; Heijde, D. van der; Stolwijk, C.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Landewe, R. (2013), Higher Disease Activity Leads To More Damage In The Early Phases Of Ankylosing Spondylitis: 12-Year Data From The OASIS Cohort., Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S1215-S1216.
- Claudepierre, P.; Hooge, M. de; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), How Reliable Is The Scoring Of Msasss In Clinical Practice In Centers Participating In DESIR? Comparison With The Gold Standard Central Reading., Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S476-S476.
- Bautista-Molano, W.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), How Well Are The Assessment Of Spondyloarthritis International Society (ASAS)/Outcome Measures In Rheumatology (OMERACT) Core Outcome Sets For Ankylosing Spondylitis Implemented In Randomized Clinical Trials? A Systematic Literature Review, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S638-S639.
- Abawi, O.; Berg, R. van den; Heijde, D. van der; Hooge, M. de; Bakker, P.; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T.; Braun, J. & Gaalen, F. van (2013), Evaluation Of The Two-Step Referral Strategy For Axial Spondyloarthritis In The Spondyloarthritis Caught Early Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S1039-S1040.
- Heijde, D.M. van der; Mease, P.J.; Pangan, A.L.; Rao, S.A.; Chen, N.J. & Cifaldi, M. (2013), Improvement In Physical Function, Health-Related Quality Of Life, and Work Productivity With Adalimumab Treatment In Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S1052-S1052.
- Keystone, E.C.; Breedveld, F.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Florentinus, S.; Arulmani, U.; Liu, S.F.; Kupper, H. & Kavanaugh, A. (2013), Long-Term Impact of Delaying Combination Therapy With Adalimumab Plus Methotrexate By 2 Years in Patients With Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Final 10-Year Results of the Premier Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S595-S595.
- Gaalen, F.A. van; Verduijn, W.; Roelen, D.L.; Bohringer, S.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Toes, R.E.M. (2013), Epistasis between two HLA antigens defines a subset of individuals at a very high risk for ankylosing spondylitis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(6): 974-978.
- Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Navarro-Compan, V.; Reijnierse, M.; Gaalen, F. van; Fagerli, K.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Do Bone Marrow Edema (BME) Lesions In The Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) Change Into Fatty Lesions Over a 3-Month Period In Patients With Axial Spondyloarthritis (axSpA)?, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S727-S728.
- Gvozdenovic, E.; Wolterbeek, R.; Allaart, C.F.; Brenol, C.; Chopra, A.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Kay, J.; Mola, E.M.; Moots, R.J.; Silva, J.A.P. da; Smolen, J.S.; Veale, D.J. & Landewe, R. (2013), Assessment Of Global Disease Activity In Rheumatoid Arthritis By Patients and Physicians: Cultural Differences Among Countries In The Meteor Database., Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S970-S971.
- Koevoets, R.; Dirven, L.; Klarenbeek, N.B.; Krugten, M.V. van; Ronday, H.K.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Kerstens, P.S.J.M.; Lems, W.F. & Allaart, C.F. (2013), 'Insights in the relationship of joint space narrowing versus erosive joint damage and physical functioning of patients with RA', Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(6): 870-874.
- Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Navarro-Compan, V.; Reijnierse, M.; Gaalen, F. van; Fagerli, K.; Turina, M.C.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Prevalence Of Structural Lesions Seen On MRI-Spine In Patients With (Possible) Axial Spondyloarthritis (axSpA) Included In The SPACE-Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S1237-S1237.
- Smolen, J.S.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Kavanaugh, A.; Strand, V.; Vencovsky, J.; Schiff, M.H.; Landewe, R.; Haraoui, B.; Walker, S. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Long-Term Safety and Efficacy Of Certolizumab Pegol In Combination With Methotrexate In The Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis: 5-Year Results From a 24-Week Randomized Controlled Trial and Open-Label Extension Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S988-S989.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Navarro-Compan, V.; Reijnierse, M.; Gaalen, F. van; Fagerli, K.; Turina, M.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Prevalence Of Structural Lesions On MRI Of The Sacroiliac Joints In Patients With Early Axial Spondyloarthritis and Patients With Back Pain, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S1238-S1238.
- Keystone, E.; Landewe, R.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Combe, B.; Strand, V.; Mease, P.J.; Shaughnessy, L.; VanLunen, B. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Long-Term Safety and Efficacy Of Certolizumab Pegol In Combination With Methotrexate In The Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis: 5-Year Results From a 52-Week Randomized Controlled Trial and Open-Label Extension Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S596-S597.
- Bruin, F. de; Horst, S. ter; Fagerli, K.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Bloem, J.L.; Heijde, D. van der & Reijnierse, M. (2013), Lumbar Degenerative Changes In The Spondyloartritis Caught Early Cohort., Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S477-S477.
- Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, S. van der; Stolwijk, C.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Tubergen, A.M. van (2013), Measurement Of Lateral Spinal Flexion and Schober Is Sufficient To Be Informed About Spinal Mobility In Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis: 12-Year OASIS Results, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S647-S647.
- Strand, V.; Heijde, D. van der; Zerbini, C.A.F.; Connell, C.A.; Gruben, D.; Riese, R. & Wallenstein, G. (2013), ORAL SCAN: Effects Of The Oral JAK Inhibitor Tofacitinib In Combination With Methotrexate On Patient Reported Outcomes In a 24-Month Phase 3 Trial Of Active Rheumatoid Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S996-S997.
- Weinblatt, M.; Genovese, M.C.; Ho, M.; Hollis, S.; Rosiak-Jedrychowicz, K.; Kavanaugh, A.; Millson, D.; Leon, G.; Wang, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Oskira-1: A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Parallel-Group Study Of 2 Dosing Regimens Of Fostamatinib In Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients With An Inadequate Response To Methotrexate, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S763-S764.
- Dawes, P.; Dimic, A.; Genovese, M.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Jenkins, M.; O'Brien, C.; Oemar, B.; Vencovsky, J. & Weinblatt, M. (2013), Oskira-2: A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Parallel-Group Study Of 2 Dosing Regimens Of Fostamatinib In Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients With An Inadequate Response To Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs., Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S198-S199.
- Genovese, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Keystone, E.; Spindler, A.; Benhamou, C.L.; Kavanaugh, A.; Fudman, E.; Lampl, K.; O'Brien, C.; Duffield, E.; Poiley, J. & Weinblatt, M. (2013), Oskira-3: A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Parallel-Group Study Of 2 Dosing Regimens Of Fostamatinib In Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients With An Inadequate Response To a Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Antagonist., Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S199-S200.
- Molto, A.; Paternotte, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Claudepierre, P.; Rudwaleit, M. & Dougados, M. (2013), Phenotype Of Patients and Impact Of The Disease In Early Spondyloarthritis Are Similar Regardless The Arm Of The Assessment In Spondyloarthritis International Society Criteria ("imaging" or "clinical") Fulfilled By The Patients. Data From The DESIR Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S651-S651.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Landewe, R.; Ahmad, H.A.; Miller, C.G.; Xu, D.; Wolterbeek, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Rate of adjudication of radiological progression in rheumatoid arthritis randomized controlled trials depending on preset limits of agreement: a pooled analysis from 15 randomized trials, Rheumatology 52(8): 1404-1407.
- Berg, R. van den; Lenczner, G.; Feydy, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Reijnierse, M.; Saraux, A. & Claudepierre, P. (2013), Reading Of The Sacroiliac Joints On Plain Radiographs: Agreement Between Clinical Practice and Trained Central Reading Of The DESIR-Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S728-S728.
- Heijde, D.M. van der; Braun, J.; Rudwaleit, M.; Purcaru, O. & Kavanaugh, A. (2013), Reduction Of Disease Burden On Workplace and Household Productivity In Axial Spondyloarthritis, Including Ankylosing Spondylitis and Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis, Over 48 Weeks Of Treatment With Certolizumab Pegol, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S644-S645.
- Kavanaugh, A.; Gladman, D.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Purcaru, O. & Mease, P.J. (2013), Reduction Of Disease Burden On Workplace and Household Productivity In Psoriatic Arthritis Over 48 Weeks Of Treatment With Certolizumab Pegol, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S140-S141.
- Heijde, D. van der; Maksymowych, W.P.; Sieper, J.; Lambert, R.; Brown, M.A.; Rathmann, S.S.; Anderson, J.K. & Pangan, A.L. (2013), Relationship Between MRI and Clinical Remission In Patients With Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis After Two Years Of Adalimumab Therapy, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S768-S768.
- Strand, V.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Lee, E.B.; Wilkinson, B.; Zwillich, S.H.; Bradley, J.; Mebus, C.; Benda, B. & Gruben, D. (2013), Remission At 3 Or 6 Months and Radiographic Non-Progression At 12 Months In Methotrexate-Naive Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Treated With Tofacitinib Or Methotrexate: A Post-Hoc Analysis Of The ORAL Start Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S842-S843.
- Dougados, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Citera, G.; Wei, J.C.C.; Lenaerts, J.; Pedersen, R.; Bonin, R.; Mahgoub, E.Y.; Vlahos, B. & Bukowski, J. (2013), Safety and Efficacy Of Etanercept In Early Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial At 24 Weeks, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S642-S643.
- Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Stolwijk, C.; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Tubergen, a.m. van (2013), Spinal Mobility Gets Impaired In a Fixed Order In Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis: 12-Year OASIS Results, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S654-S654.
- Fagerli, K.M.; Lie, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Heiberg, M.S.; Kalstad, S.; Rodevand, E.; Mikkelsen, K.; Lexberg, A.S. & Kvien, T.K. (2013), Switching between TNF inhibitors in psoriatic arthritis: data from the NOR-DMARD study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(11): 1840-1844.
- Kviatkovsky, M.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Tubach, F.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), The Minimum Clinically Important Improvement and Patient Acceptable Symptom State In Basdai and BASFI For Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S659-S659.
- Danila, M.I.; Reynolds, R.J.; Aslibekyan, S.; Tamhane, A.; Hughes, L.B.; Sokolove, J.; Robinson, W.H.; Conn, D.L.; Jonas, B.L.; Callahan, L.F.; Moreland, L.W.; Brasington, R.D.; Smith, E.A.; Mikuls, T.R.; Heijde, D. van der & Bridges, S.L. (2013), The Relationship Between Anti-Citrullinated Protein Antibodies and Radiographic Damage In African-Americans With Rheumatoid Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S1028-S1028.
- Castillo-Ortiz, J.D.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den & Boonen, A. (2013), Work Outcome In Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis: 12-Year Results From OASIS, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S650-S651.
- Weinblatt, M.E.; Schiff, M.; Valente, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Citera, G.; Zhao, C.; Maldonado, M. & Fleischmann, R. (2013), Head-to-head comparison of subcutaneous abatacept versus adalimumab for rheumatoid arthritis: Findings of a phase IIIb, multinational, prospective, randomized study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65(1): 28-38.
- Keystone, E.; Breedveld, F.; Heijde, D. van der; Vollenhoven, R. van; Florentinus, S.; Faccin, F.; Liu, S.F.; Kupper, H. & Kavanaugh, A. (2013), Achieving Comprehensive Disease Control in Long-Standing or Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Treated with Adalimumab Plus Methotrexate versus Methotrexate Alone.
- Maksymowych, W.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Brown, M.; Rathmann, S. & Pangan, A. (2013), Spinal Inflammation in the Absence of SI Joint Inflammation on MRI in Patients with Active Non-radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis.
- Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Brown, M.A.; Rathmann, S. & Pangan, A.L. (2013), SPINAL INFLAMMATION IN THE ABSENCE OF SI JOINT INFLAMMATION ON MRI IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Rheumatology 52: 53-53.
- Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Fagerli, K.; Turina, M.C.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Prevalence Of Syndesmophytes In Patients With Chronic Back Pain Suspected Of Axial Spondyloarthritis (axSpA) Not Fulfilling The Modified New York (mNY) Criteria, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S658-S658.
- Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Gaalen, F. van; Fagerli, K.; Turina, M.C.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Prevalence Of Inflammatory Lesions MRI-Spine In Patients With Chronic Back Pain Of <= 2 Years Duration Included In The SPACE-Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S1040-S1041.
- Vossen, M.H.E.; Broeder, A.A. den; Hendriks-Roelofs, F.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der & Reijnierse, M. (2013), Improvement in deployment of MRI of the sacroiliac joints in patients suspected for spondyloarthritis using a targeted intervention: a case study, Rheumatology 52(5): 933-938.
- Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Navarro-Compan, V.; Gaalen, F. van; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T. & Reijnierse, M. (2013), Magnetic resonance imaging of the sacroiliac joints in the early detection of spondyloarthritis: no added value of gadolinium compared with short tau inversion recovery sequence, Rheumatology 52(7): 1220-1224.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Navarro-Compan, V.; Reijnierse, M.; Gaalen, F. van; Fagerli, K.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Volatility Of The Site and Type Of Lesions In The Spine In Patients With Recent Onset Spondyloarthritis and Possible Spondyloarthritis Over a 3-Month Period., Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S475-S476.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Schaardenburg, D. van; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Boire, G.; Boers, M.; Bykerk, V.P.; Keystone, E.C.; Siminovitch, K.A.; Murphy, M. & Marotta, A. (2013), 91% Of Early RA Patients Are Positive For Serum 14-3-3 eta Or Its Auto-Antibodies, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S760-S760.
- Krabben, A.; Stomp, W.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Nies, J. van; Bloem, J.L.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Reijnierse, M. & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2013), MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING OF HAND AND FOOT JOINTS OF PATIENTS WITH ACPA POSITIVE ARTHRALGIA WITHOUT CLINICAL ARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72: A3-A3.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Heijde, D. van der; Combe, B.; Cosson, C. & Gaalen, F.A. van (2013), Value of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein for classification of early axial spondyloarthritis: results from the DESIR cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(5): 785-786.
- Kydd, A.; Seth, R.; Edwards, C.; Heijde, D. van der & Bombardier, C. (2013), Urate Lowering Therapy in Gout: A Systematic Literature Review.
- Vinik, O.; Wechalekar, M.; Buchbinder, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Bombardier, C. (2013), Treatment of Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia for the Prevention of Gouty Arthritis, Renal Disease and Cardiovascular Events: Systematic Review.
- Schoels, M.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Breedveld, F.C.; Burmester, G.R.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Ferraccioli, G.; Gabay, C.; Gibofsky, A.; Gomez-Reino, J.J.; Jones, G.; Kvien, T.K.; Murikama, M.M.; Nishimoto, N. & Smolen, J.S. (2013), Blocking the effects of interleukin-6 in rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory rheumatic diseases: systematic literature review and meta-analysis informing a consensus statement, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(4): 583-589.
- Heijde, D. van der; Braun, J.; Deodhar, A.; Inman, R.D.; Xu, S.; Mack, M.E. & Hsu, B. (2013), Comparison of three enthesitis indices in a multicentre, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of golimumab in ankylosing spondylitis (GO-RAISE), Rheumatology 52(2): 321-325.
- Smolen, J.S.; Schoels, M.M.; Nishimoto, N.; Breedveld, F.C.; Burmester, G.R.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Ferraccioli, G.; Gabay, C.; Gibofsky, A.; Gomez-Reino, J.J.; Jones, G.; Kvien, T.K.; Murakami, M.; Betteridge, N.; Bingham, C.O.; Bykerk, V.; Choy, E.H.; Combe, B.; Cutolo, M.; Graninger, W.; Lanas, A.; Martin-Mola, E.; Montecucco, C.; Ostergaard, M.; Pavelka, K.; Rubbert-Roth, A.; Sattar, N.; Scholte-Voshaar, M.; Tanaka, Y.; Trauner, M.; Valentini, G.; Winthrop, K.L.; Wit, M. de & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Consensus statement on blocking the effects of interleukin-6 and in particular by interleukin-6 receptor inhibition in rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(4): 482-492.
- Knevel, R.; Lukas, C.; Heijde, D. van der; Rincheval, N.; Combe, B. & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2013), Defining erosive disease typical of RA in the light of the ACR/EULAR 2010 criteria for rheumatoid arthritis; results of the data driven phase, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(4): 590-595.
- Berg, R. van den; Lenczner, G.; Thevenin, F.; Claudepierre, P.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Saraux, A. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Classification Of Axspa Based On Positive Imaging (Radiographs and/or MRI of the Sacroiliac Joints) By Local Rheumatologists Or Radiologists Versus Central Trained Readers In The DESIR-Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S1041-S1041.
- Kavanaugh, A.; McInnes, I.B.; Mease, P.J.; Krueger, G.G.; Gladman, D.D.; Heijde, D. van der; Mudivarthy, S.; Xu, W.C.; Mack, M.; Xu, Z.H. & Beutler, A. (2013), Clinical efficacy, radiographic and safety findings through 2 years of golimumab treatment in patients with active psoriatic arthritis: results from a long-term extension of the randomised, placebo-controlled GO-REVEAL study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(11): 1777-1785.
- Hooge, M. de; Claudepierre, P.; Feydy, A.; Reijnierse, M.; Saraux, A.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Comparison Of The Performance Of The BASRI and Msasss In Patients With Early Inflammatory Back Pain From The DESIR Cohort., Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S476-S477.
- Heijde, D. van der; Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der; Aletaha, D.; Bingham, C.O.; Burmester, G.R.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Felson, D.; Knevel, R.; Kvien, T.K.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Lukas, C.; McInnes, I.; Silman, A.J.; Smolen, J.S.; Stanislawska-Biernat, E.; Zink, A. & Combe, B. (2013), EULAR definition of erosive disease in light of the 2010 ACR/EULAR rheumatoid arthritis classification criteria, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(4): 479-481.
- Sieper, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Review: Nonradiographic axial spondyloarthritis: New definition of an old disease?, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65(3): 543-551.
- Heijde, D. van der; Tanaka, Y.; Fleischmann, R.; Keystone, E.; Kremer, J.; Zerbini, C.; Cardiel, M.H.; Cohen, S.; Nash, P.; Song, Y.W.; Tegzova, D.; Wyman, B.T.; Gruben, D.; Benda, B.; Wallenstein, G.; Krishnaswami, S.; Zwillich, S.H.; Bradley, J.D.; Connell, C.A. & ORAL Scan Investigators (2013), Tofacitinib (CP-690,550) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving methotrexate: Twelve-month data from a twenty-fourmonth phase III randomized radiographic study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65(3): 559-570.
- Dougados, M.; Devauchelle-Pensec, V.; Ferlet, J.F.; Jousse-Joulin, S.; D'Agostino, M.A.; Backhaus, M.; Bentin, J.; Chales, G.; Chary-Valckenaere, I.; Conaghan, P.; Wakefield, R.J.; Etcheparre, F.; Gaudin, P.; Grassi, W.; Heijde, D. van der; Mariette, X.; Naredo, E. & Szkudlarek, M. (2013), The ability of synovitis to predict structural damage in rheumatoid arthritis: a comparative study between clinical examination and ultrasound, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(5): 665-671.
- Ramiro, S.; Tubergen, A. van; Stolwijk, C.; Landewe, R.; Bosch, F. van de; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Scoring radiographic progression in ankylosing spondylitis: should we use the modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spine Score (mSASSS) or the Radiographic Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Score (RASSS)?, Arthritis Research and Therapy 15(1).
- Helliwell, P.S.; Mease, P.J.; FitzGerald, O.; Taylor, W.J. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Peripheral Spondyloarthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis; Overlaps and Distinctions: A Report from the GRAPPA 2012 Annual Meeting.
- Molto, A.; Paternotte, S.; Comet, D.; Thibout, E.; Rudwaleit, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Heijde, D. van der & Dougados, M. (2013), Performances of the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society Axial Spondyloarthritis Criteria for Diagnostic and Classification Purposes in Patients Visiting a Rheumatologist Because of Chronic Back Pain: Results From a Multicenter, Cross-Sectional Study.
- Krabben, A.; Stomp, W.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Nies, J.A.B. van; Bloem, J.L.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Reijnierse, M. & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2013), MRI of hand and foot joints of patients with anticitrullinated peptide antibody positive arthralgia without clinical arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(9): 1540-1544.
- Engvall, I.L.; Svensson, B.; Boonen, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Lerner, U.H.; Hafstrom, I. & BARFOT Study Grp (2013), Low-dose prednisolone in early rheumatoid arthritis inhibits collagen type I degradation by matrix metalloproteinases as assessed by serum 1CTP-a possible mechanism for specific inhibition of radiological destruction, Rheumatology 52(4): 733-742.
- Weinblatt, M.E.; Schiff, M.H.; Fleischmann, R.; Valente, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Citera, G.; Zhao, C. & Maldonado, M.A. (2013), HEAD-TO-HEAD COMPARISON OF SUBCUTANEOUS ABATACEPT VS ADALIMUMAB IN THE TREATMENT OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: KEY EFFICACY AND SAFETY RESULTS FROM THE AMPLE TRIAL, Rheumatology 52: 45-46.
- Maldonado, M.; Weinblatt, M.; Schiff, M.; Fleischmann, R.; Valente, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Citera, G. & Zhao, C. (2013), Head-to-Head Comparison of Subcutaneous Abatacept Versus Adalimumab in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Key Efficacy and Safety Results from the AMPLE (Abatacept Versus Adalimumab Comparison in Biologic-Naive RA Subjects with Background Methotrexate) Trial.
- Landewe, R.; Strand, V. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), From inhibition of radiographic progression to maintaining structural integrity: a methodological framework for radiographic progression in rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis clinical trials, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(7): 1113-1117.
- Berg, R. van den; Thevenin, F.; Feydy, A.; Claudepierre, P.; Reijnierse, M.; Saraux, A. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Concordance Between 'a Positive MRI Of The Sacroiliac joints' Based On The Local Reading Versus a Centralised Reading: Experience From The DESIR-Cohort., Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S475-S475.
- Colebatch, A.N.; Edwards, C.J.; Ostergaard, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Balint, P.V.; D'Agostino, M.A.; Forslind, K.; Grassi, W.; Haavardsholm, E.A.; Haugeberg, G.; Jurik, A.G.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Naredo, E.; O'Connor, P.J.; Ostendorf, B.; Potocki, K.; Schmidt, W.A.; Smolen, J.S.; Sokolovic, S.; Watt, I. & Conaghan, P.G. (2013), EULAR recommendations for the use of imaging of the joints in the clinical management of rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(6): 804-814.
- Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Mease, P.J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Brown, M.A.; Arora, V. & Pangan, A.L. (2013), Efficacy and safety of adalimumab in patients with non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis: results of a randomised placebo-controlled trial (ABILITY-1), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72(6): 815-822.
- Keystone, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Kavanaugh, A.; Kupper, H.; Liu, S.F. & Mozaffarian, N. (2013), Effective Disease Control Following Up to 10 Years of Treatment with Adalimumab in Patients with Long-Standing Rheumatoid Arthritis and an Inadequate Response to Methotrexate: Final 10-Year Results of the DE019 Trial.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), Percentage of patients with spondyloarthritis in patients referred because of chronic back pain and performance of classification criteria: experience from the Spondyloarthritis Caught Early (SPACE) cohort, Rheumatology 52(8): 1492-1499.
- Lie, E.; Fagerli, K.M.; Rodevand, E.; Kalstad, S.; Mikkelsen, K.; Wierod, A.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2013), Conventional Dmards For Psoriatic Arthritis: Data On 1351 Treatment Courses With Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine and Leflunomide, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S148-S149.
- Knevel, R.; Tsonaka, R.; Cessie, S. le; Linden, M.P.M. van der; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J. & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2013), Comparison of methodologies for analysing the progression of joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 42(3): 182-189.
- Mandl, P.; Balint, P.V.; Brault, Y.; Backhaus, M.; D'Agostino, M.A.; Grassi, W.; Heijde, D. van der; Miguel, E. de; Wakefield, R.J.; Logeart, I. & Dougados, M. (2013), Clinical and Ultrasound-Based Composite Disease Activity Indices in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results From a Multicenter, Randomized Study.
- Haugen, I.K.; Slatkowsky-Christensen, B.; Boyesen, P.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2013), Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between radiographic features and measures of pain and physical function in hand osteoarthritis, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 21(9): 1191-1198.
- Rooy, D. de; Nies, J. van; Andersson, M.; Forslind, K.; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T.; Gregersen, P.; Svensson, B. & Helm-van Mil, A. van der (2013), SMOKING AS A RISK FACTOR FOR THE SEVERITY OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72: 113-113.
- Ferraccioli, G.; Lapadula, G.; Dougados, M.; Veale, D.J.; Huizinga, T.W.; Allaart, C.F.; Landewe, R.B.; Silva, J.A.P. da; Mola, E.M.; Moots, R.J.; Kay, J.; Salomon-Escoto, K.I. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), HAQ BASELINE VALUES IN AN INTERNATIONAL REGISTRY OF RA PATIENTS DURING THE ERA OF BIOLOGIC TERAPIES: THE 2013 METEOR DATABASE., Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72: 402-402.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Gaalen, F. van; Compan, V.N.; Reijnierse, M.; Fagerli, K.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Punzi, L.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), INFLUENCE OF TAKING STRUCTURAL LESIONS INTO ACCOUNT IN ADDITION TO INFLAMMATORY LESIONS ON MRI OF THE SACROILIAC JOINTS ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF PATIENTS WITH POSSIBLE AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72: 664-664.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Reijnierse, M.; Compan, V.N.; Fagerli, K.; Turina, M.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Gaalen, F. van; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), INFLAMMATION IN THE POSTERIOR ELEMENTS OF THE SPINE IS INFREQUENT IN PATIENTS WITH RECENT ONSET AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, ESPECIALLY IF NO INFLAMMATION IN THE VERTEBRAL BODIES IS OBSERVED, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72: 663-664.
- Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Compan, M.V.N.; Reijnierse, M.; Gaalen, F. van; Fagerli, K.M.; Landewe, R.; Oosterhout, M. van; Ramonda, R.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2013), DO BONE MARROW EDEMA (BME) LESIONS IN THE SACROILIAC JOINT (SW) CHANGE INTO FATTY LESIONS OVER A 3-MONTH PERIOD IN PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS (AXSPA)?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72: 656-657.
- Rooy, D. de; Tsonaka, R.; Andersson, M.; Forslind, K.; Zhernakova, A.; Kovel, C. de; Koeleman, B.; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T.; Toes, R.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.; Svensson, B. & Helm-van Mil, A. van der (2013), GENETIC FACTORS FOR THE SEVERITY OF ACPA-NEGATIVE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS IN TWO COHORTS OF EARLY DISEASE: A GENOME-WIDE STUDY, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72: 55-55.
- Brakenhoff, L.; Berg, R. van den; Gaalen, F. van; Meulen-de Jong, A. van der; Huizinga, T.; Hommes, D.; Heijde, D. van der & Fidder, H. (2013), BACK PAIN AND PERIPHERAL JOINT COMPLAINTS IN INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE PATIENTS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72: 532-533.
- Krabben, A.; Stomp, W.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Bloem, H.L.; Reijnierse, M. & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2013), CONCORDANCE BETWEEN JOINT SWELLING OR TENDERNESS AT PHYSICAL EXAMINATION AND INFLAMMATION ON MRI IN EARLY ARTHRITIS PATIENTS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 72: 111-111.
- Keystone, E.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Kavanaugh, A.; Kupper, H.; Liu, S.F.; Guerette, B. & Mozaffarian, N. (2013), Clinical, Functional, and Radiographic Benefits of Longterm Adalimumab Plus Methotrexate: Final 10-year Data in Longstanding Rheumatoid Arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 40(9): 1487-1497.
- Krabben, A.; Stomp, W.; Nies, J.A.B. van; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Bloem, J.L.; Reijnierse, M. & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2013), Radiological Outcome Of Joints With MRI Detected Subclinical Inflammation In Early Arthritis Patients, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65: S1200-S1200.
- Semb, A.G.; Rolefstad, S.; Ikdahl, E.; Hisdal, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Stranden, E.; Kvien, T.K. & Olsen, I.C. (2013), Impact of asymptomatic atherosclerosis on CV prevention in patients with rheumatic joint diseases, European Heart Journal 34: 798-798.
- Ciurea, A.; Scherer, A.; Exer, P.; Bernhard, J.; Dudler, J.; Beyeler, B.; Kissling, R.; Stekhoven, D.; Rufibach, K.; Tamborrini, G.; Weiss, B.; Muller, R.; Nissen, M.J.; Michel, B.A.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Boonen, A.; Weber, U. & Rheumatologists Swiss Clinical Qua (2013), Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha Inhibition in Radiographic and Nonradiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis Results From a Large Observational Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatism 65(12): 3096-3106.
- Baeten, D.; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Sieper, J.; Emery, P.; Heijde, D. van der; McInnes, I.; Laar, J.M. van; Landewe, R.; Wordsworth, P.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Kellner, H.; Paramarta, J.; Wei, J.W.; Brachat, A.; Bek, S.; Laurent, D.; Li, Y.L.; Wang, Y.A.; Bertolino, A.P.; Gsteiger, S.; Wright, A.M. & Hueber, W. (2013), Anti-interleukin-17A monoclonal antibody secukinumab in treatment of ankylosing spondylitis: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Lancet 382(9906): 1705-1713.
- Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Elewaut, D.; Pangan, A.L. & Nguyen, D. (2013), REFERRAL PATTERNS AND DIAGNOSIS OF PATIENTS WITH AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: RESULTS OF AN INTERNATIONAL SURVEY, Rheumatology 52: 160-161.
- Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), Almost 40% of Patients with Chronic Back Pain Starting Before the Age of 45 Fulfill the ASAS Axial Spondyloarthritis Criteria., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S245-S246.
- Gvozdenovic, E.; Koevoets, R.; Wolterbeek, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Allaart, C.F. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2012), Assessment of Global Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Monitored in the Measurement of Efficacy of Treatment in the Era of Rheumatology Database: The patient's Versus the rheumatologist's Opinion, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S173-S174.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Bykerk, V.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R. & Marotta, A. (2012), 14-3-3 Eta Is a Novel Citrullination Target in Rheumatoid Arthritis That Enhances Diagnostic Utility in Anti-CCP Negative Patients., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S423-S424.
- Kavanaugh, A.; Heijde, D. van der; McInnes, I.B.; Mease, P.; Krueger, G.G.; Gladman, D.; Zhou, Y.Y.; Lu, J.D.; Xu, Z.H.; Noonan, L. & Beutler, A. (2012), 5 Year Safety, Efficacy, and Radiographic Data in Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis Treated with Golimumab: Results From the Long-Term Extension of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S938-S939.
- Keystone, E.C.; Breedveld, F.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Vollenhoven, R.F. van; Florentinus, S.; Faccin, F.; Liu, S.F.; Kupper, H. & Kavanaugh, A. (2012), Achieving Comprehensive Disease Control in Long-Standing or Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Treated with Adalimumab Plus Methotrexate Versus Methotrexate Alone, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S559-S559.
- Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Keystone, E.C.; Breedveld, F.C.; Liu, S.F. & Mozaffarian, N. (2012), Analysis of Integrated Radiographic Data for Two Long-Term, Open-Label Extension Studies of Adalimumab., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S439-S440.
- Ramiro, S.; Wolfe, F.; Harrison, D.J.; Joseph, G.; Collier, D.H.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R. & Michaud, K. (2012), Comparison of Discontinuation Rates by Biologic Since 1998 in US Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S216-S217.
- Kiltz, U.; Heijde, D. van der; Boonen, A.; Cieza, A.; Stucki, G.; Khan, M.A.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Reveille, J.D.; Taylor, W.; Bostan, C. & Braun, J. (2012), Development of A Health Index for Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis - First Steps of A Global Initiative Based On the ICF Guided by ASAS, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S593-S594.
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Heijde, D.S. van der; Combe, B.; Cosson, C. & Gaalen, F. van (2012), Diagnostic Value of High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein for Early Axial Spondyloarthritis: Results From the Devenir Des Spondylarthopathies Indifferenciees Recentes Cohort., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S579-S579.
- Fleischmann, R.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Koenig, A.S.; Pedersen, R.; Szumski, A.; Marshall, L. & Bananis, E. (2012), Disease Activity Score 28-Joint Count: Are Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and C-Reactive Protein Versions Comparable?, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S1128-S1129.
- Male, J.S.; Heijde, D. van der; Elewaut, D.; Pangan, A.L. & Anderson, J.K. (2012), Disease Burden Is Comparable in Patients with Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S586-S587.
- Nocturne, G.; Pavy, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Goupille, P.M.; Dougados, M.; Roux, C.; Mariette, X. & Miceli-Richard, C. (2012), DKK1 Serum Level Is Increased in Recent Spondyloarthritis and Is Associated with Higher Prevalence of Syndesmophytes. Sclerostin Is Highly Correlated with Age. Data From the DESIR Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S258-S258.
- Heijde, D. van der; Maksymowych, W.P.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Stach, C.; Hoepken, B.; Fichtner, A.; Kielar, D. & Braun, J. (2012), Effect of Certolizumab Pegol On Inflammation of Spine and Sacroiliac Joints in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis: 12 Week Magnetic Resonance Imaging results of a Phase 3 Double Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S730-S730.
- Mease, P.; Fleischmann, R.M.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Deodhar, A.A.; Kielar, D.; Woltering, F.; Stach, C.; Hoepken, B.; Arledge, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), Effect of Certolizumab Pegol On Signs and Symptoms in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis with and without Prior Anti-TNF Exposure: 24 Week Results of a Phase 3 Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S1107-S1107.
- Landewe, R.B.M.; Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Braun, J.; Deodhar, A.A.; Stach, C.; Hoepken, B.; Coteur, G.; Kielar, D.; Fichtner, A.; Arledge, T. & Sieper, J. (2012), Effect of Certolizumab Pegol On Signs and Symptoms of Ankylosing Spondyltitis and Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis: 24 Week Results of a Double Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Phase 3 Axial Spondyloarthritis Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S336-S337.
- Burmester, G.R.; Heijde, D. van der; Strand, V.; Zerbini, C.A.F.; Connell, C.A.; Mebus, C.A.; Zwillich, S.H.; Bradley, J.D.; Gruben, D. & Wallenstein, G. (2012), Effects of Tofacitinib On Patient-Reported Outcomes in Patients with Active Rheumatoid Arthritis Receiving Stable-Dose Methotrexate: Results of Two Phase 3 Studies, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S549-S549.
- Haugen, I.K.; Slatkowsky-Christensen, B.; Boyesen, P.; Sesseng, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2012), Erosive Evolution in Hand Osteoarthritis Is Associated with Incident Joint Tenderness Independent of MRI-Defined Bone Marrow Lesions and Synovitis., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S477-S477.
- Weinblatt, M.E.; Schiff, M.H.; Fleischmann, R.; Valente, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Citera, G.; Zhao, C. & Maldonado, M.A. (2012), Head to Head Comparison of Subcutaneous Abatacept Versus Adalimumab in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Key Efficacy and Safety Results From the Ample (Abatacept Versus Adalimumab Comparison in Biologic-Naive RA Subjects with Background Methotrexate) Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S1031-S1031.
- Danila, M.I.; Steg, A.D.; Cui, X.Q.; Redden, D.; Johnson, M.R.; Reynolds, R.J.; Heijde, D. van der; Conn, D.L.; Jonas, B.L.; Callahan, L.F.; Moreland, L.W.; Gregersen, P.K. & Bridges, S.L. (2012), High Expression of Genes in the Toll-Like Receptor and Interferon Pathways Are Associated with Radiographic Damage in African-Americans with ACPA-Positive RA., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S514-S515.
- Heijde, D. van der; Mease, P.; Pangan, A.L.; Rao, S.; Chen, N.J. & Cifaldi, M.A. (2012), Improvement in Physical Function, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Work Productivity with Adalimumab Treatment in Nonradiographic Axial Spa: Wk-52 Results From Ability-1., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S583-S583.
- Baeten, D.L.; Bek, S.; Wei, J.W.; Brachat, A.; Sieper, J.; Emery, P.; Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der; McInnes, I.B.; Laar, J.M. van; Landewe, R.; Wordsworth, P.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Kellner, H.; Paramarta, J.E.; Bertolino, A.; Wright, A. & Wolfgang, H. (2012), Improvement in Signs and Symptoms of Active Ankylosing Spondylitis Following Treatment with Anti-Interleukin (IL)-17A Monoclonal Antibody Secukinumab Are Paralleled by Reductions in Acute Phase Markers and Inflammatory Markers S100A8 and A9 (Calgranulin A and B), Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S942-S942.
- Machado, P.; Landewe, R.; Braun, J.; Baraliakos, X.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Hsu, B.; Baker, D. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), In Ankylosing Spondylitis, a Decrease in MRI Spinal Inflammation Predicts Improvement in Spinal Mobility Independently of Patient Reported Symptomatic Improvement., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S245-S245.
- Heijde, D. van der; Braun, J.; Rudwaleit, M.; Purcaru, O. & Kavanaugh, A. (2012), Increased Participation in Daily Activities After 24 Weeks of Certolizumab Pegol Treatment of Axial Spondyloarthritis Patients, Including Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: Results of a Phase 3 Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S592-S592.
- Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Laurent, D.D.; Baeten, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Emery, P.; McInnes, I.B.; Laar, J. van; Landewe, R.; Wordsworth, P.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Kellner, H.; Wright, A.; Vandenhende, F.; Radford, K.; Borah, B. & Wolfgang, H. (2012), Long Term Inhibition of Interleukin (IL)-17A with Secukinumab Improves Clinical Symptoms and Reduces Spinal Inflammation As Assessed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S250-S251.
- Tubach, F.; Ravaud, P.; Martin-Mola, E.; Awada, H.; Bellamy, N.; Bombardier, C.; Felson, D.T.; Hajjaj-Hassouni, N.; Hochberg, M.; Logeart, I.; Matucci-Cerinic, M.; Laar, M. van de; Heijde, D. van der & Dougados, M. (2012), Minimum clinically important improvement and patient acceptable symptom state in pain and function in rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, chronic back pain, hand osteoarthritis, and hip and knee osteoarthritis: Results from a prospective multinational study.
- Machado, P.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Braun, J.; Baraliakos, X.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Hsu, B.; Baker, D. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), MRI inflammation and its relation with measures of clinical disease activity and different treatment responses in patients with ankylosing spondylitis treated with a tumour necrosis factor inhibitor, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(12): 2002-2005.
- Andres, M.; Sivera, F.; Kydd, A.; Moi, J.; Seth, R.; Sriranganathan, M.K.; Durme, C. van; Echteld, I.A.A.M. van; Vinik, O.; Wechalekar, M.D.; Aletaha, D.; Bombardier, C.; Buchbinder, R.; Carmona, L.; Edwards, C.J.; Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), Multinational Evidence-Based Recommendations for Diagnosis and Management of Gout: Integrating Systematic Literature Research and Expert Opinion of a Broad Panel of Rheumatologists in the 3E Initiative, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S810-S810.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Bykerk, V.P. & Marotta, A. (2012), Novel Autoantibodies to 14-3-3 Eta Are Highly Specific for Rheumatoid Arthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S1091-S1091.
- Molto, A.; Paternotte, S.; Comet, D.; Hacquard-Bouder, C.; Rudwaleit, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Heijde, D. van der & Dougados, M. (2012), Performances of the ASAS Axial Spondyloarthritis Criteria for Diagnosis and Classification Purposes in Patients Visiting a Rheumatologist Because of Chronic Back Pain: The Declic Study., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S241-S242.
- Ramiro, S.; Wolfe, F.; Harrison, D.J.; Joseph, G.; Collier, D.H.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R. & Michaud, K. (2012), Predictors of Discontinuation of Biologics in 2,281 US Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S726-S727.
- Ramiro, S.; Stolwijk, C.; Tubergen, A.M. van; Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R. (2012), Radiographic Damage in Ankylosing Spondylitis Over 12 Years of Follow-up: A Longitudinal Analysis., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S249-S250.
- Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Elewaut, D.; Pangan, A.L. & Nguyen, D. (2012), Referral Patterns and Diagnosis of Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis: Results of an International Survey, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S934-S934.
- Fagerli, K.M.; Lie, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Heiberg, M.S.; Rodevand, E.; Lexberg, A.S.; Kalstad, S.; Mikkelsen, K. & Kvien, T.K. (2012), Response and Drug Survival of 1st TNF-Inhibitor in 440 Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis - What Is the Role of Co-Medication with Methotrexate?, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S1082-S1082.
- Ramiro, S.; Tubergen, A.M. van; Stolwijk, C.; Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), Scoring Radiographic Progression in Axial Spa: Should We Use the Modified Stoke in Ankylosing Spondylitis Spine Score or the Radiographic Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Score?, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S443-S443.
- Bosch, F. van den; Mease, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Rudwaleit, M.; Obermeyer, K. & Pangan, A.L. (2012), Similar Levels of Disease Activity in Patients with Oligoarticular Vs. Polyarticular Peripheral Spondyloarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S936-S937.
- Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Brown, M.A.; Rathmann, S.S. & Pangan, A.L. (2012), Spinal Inflammation in the Absence of SI Joint Inflammation On MRI in Patients with Active Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S444-S444.
- Ramiro, S.; Stolwijk, C.; Tubergen, A.M. van; Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R. (2012), Spinal Mobility Measures in Normal Individuals - the Mobility Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S940-S941.
- Fagerli, K.M.; Lie, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Heiberg, M.S.; Lexberg, A.S.; Mikkelsen, K.; Rodevand, E.; Kalstad, S. & Kvien, T.K. (2012), Switching Between TNF-Inhibitors in Psoriatic Arthritis: Data From the NOR-DMARD Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S1083-S1083.
- Semb, A.G.; Rollefstad, S.; Olsen, I.C.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2012), The Presence of Asymptomatic Carotid Plaques in Patients with Inflammatory Joint Disease Results in Inadequate Treatment to Lipid Targets in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S29-S29.
- Poddubnyy, D. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), Therapeutic Controversies in Spondyloarthritis Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America 38(3): 601-+.
- Heijde, D. van der; Tanaka, Y.; Fleischmann, R.M.; Keystone, E.; Kremer, J.M.; Zerbini, C.; Cardiel, M.H.; Cohen, S.B.; Nash, P.T.; Song, Y.; Tegzova, D.; Wyman, B.; Gruben, D.; Benda, B.; Wallenstein, G.; Krishnaswami, S.; Zwillich, S.H.; Bradley, J.; Connell, C.A. & ORAL Scan Investigators (2012), Tofacitinib, an Oral Janus Kinase Inhibitor, in Combination with Methotrexate Reduced the Progression of Structural Damage in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Year 2 Efficacy and Safety Results From a 24-Month Phase 3 Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S546-S547.
- Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M. & Gruben, D. (2012), Tofacitinib Inhibits Radiographic Progression in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Prone to Develop Structural Damage: A Post-Hoc Analysis of a Phase 3 Trial., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S1075-S1076.
- Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der; Connell, C.; Bradley, J.; Gruben, D. & Brown, M. (2012), Trimmed Analyses, a New Approach to the Analysis of Sharp Score Data in the Assessment of Progression in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S438-S439.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Wells, G.A.; Bathon, J.M.; Bingham, C.O.; Bykerk, V.P.; Ostergaard, M.; Hammer, H.B.; Boers, M.; Tak, P.P.; FitzGerald, O.M.; Ritchlin, C.T.; Gladman, D.; Mease, P.; Schaardenburg, D. van; Backhaus, M.; Combe, B.; Ferraccioli, G. & Marotta, A. (2012), Validation of Prognostic Biomarkers for RA: Testing of 14-3-3 Eta According to the Omeract Soluble Biomarker Criteria., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S896-S896.
- Dougados, M.; Braun, J.; Vargas, R.B.; Gossec, L.; Maksymowych, W.; Sieper, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), ASAS recommendations for variables to be collected in clinical trials/epidemiological studies of spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(6): 1103-1104.
- Stolwijk, C.; Tubergen, A.M. van; Ramiro, S.; Essers, I.; Blaauw, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.B.M.; Bosch, F. van den; Dougados, M. & Boonen, A. (2012), Validation of the Self-Administered Comorbidity Questionnaire in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S587-S588.
- Haugen, I.K.; Boyesen, P.; Slatkowsky-Christensen, B.; Sesseng, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2012), Associations between MRI-defined synovitis, bone marrow lesions and structural features and measures of pain and physical function in hand osteoarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(6): 899-904.
- Tubergen, A. van; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Mielants, H. & Landewe, R. (2012), Development of new syndesmophytes and bridges in ankylosing spondylitis and their predictors: a longitudinal study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(4): 518-523.
- Laar, J. van; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Laurent, D.D.; Baeten, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Emery, P.; McInnes, I.; Landewe, R.; Wordsworth, B.P.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Kellner, H.; Wright, A.M.; Gsteiger, S. & Hueber, W. (2012), EARLY EFFECT OF SECUKINUMAB IN REDUCING SPINAL INFLAMMATION AS DETECTED BY MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, Rheumatology 51: 23-24.
- Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Brown, L.S.; Lavie, F. & Pangan, A.L. (2012), Early response to adalimumab predicts long-term remission through 5 years of treatment in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(5): 700-706.
- Emery, P.; Conaghan, P.G.; Fleischmann, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Keystone, E.C.; Genovese, M.C.; Hsia, E.C.; Xu, W.C.; Beutler, A.; Baratelle, A. & Rahman, M.U. (2012), Effect of golimumab combined with methotrexate on radiographic progression in rheumatoid arthritis: comment on the article by Emery et al Reply, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(4): 1298-1299.
- Emery, P.; Baeten, D.; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der; McInnes, I.; Laar, J. van; Landewe, R.; Wordsworth, B.P.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Kellner, H.; Paramarta, I.; Bertolino, A.; Wright, A.M. & Hueber, W. (2012), EVALUATION OF EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF SECUKINUMAB IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH MODERATE-TO-SEVERE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, Rheumatology 51: 21-21.
- Braun, J.; Deodhar, A.; Inman, R.D.; Heijde, D. van der; Mack, M.; Xu, S.P. & Hsu, B. (2012), Golimumab administered subcutaneously every 4 weeks in ankylosing spondylitis: 104-week results of the GO-RAISE study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(5): 661-667.
- Braun, J.; Baraliakos, X.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Heijde, D. van der; Inman, R.D.; Deodhar, A.A.; Baratelle, A.; Xu, S.; Xu, W.C. & Hsu, B. (2012), Golimumab reduces spinal inflammation in ankylosing spondylitis: MRI results of the randomised, placebo- controlled GO-RAISE study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(6): 878-884.
- Kavanaugh, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Chattopadhyay, C.; Gladman, D.; Mease, P.; McInnes, I.; Krueger, G.; Xu, W.C.; Goldstein, N. & Beutler, A. (2012), LONG-TERM RADIOGRAPHIC OUTCOME IN PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS PATIENTS TREATED WITH GOLIMUMAB: 104 WEEK RESULTS FROM THE GO-REVEAL STUDY, Rheumatology 51: 23-23.
- Mandl, P.; Balint, P.V.; Brault, Y.; Backhaus, M.; D'Agostino, M.A.; Grassi, W.; Heijde, D. van der; Miguel, E. de; Wakefield, R.J.; Logeart, I. & Dougados, M. (2012), Metrologic Properties of Ultrasound Versus Clinical Evaluation of Synovitis in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(4): 1272-1282.
- Radner, H.; Ramiro, S.; Buchbinder, R.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Aletaha, D. (2012), Pain management for inflammatory arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and other spondylarthritis) and gastrointestinal or liver comorbidity, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews: -.
- Haugen, I.K.; Boyesen, P.; Slatkowsky-Christensen, B.; Sesseng, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T. (2012), RADIOGRAPHIC JOINT SPACE NARROWING, MALALIGNMENT AND CLINICAL SOFT TISSUE SWELLING ARE ASSOCIATED WITH MRI-DEFINED BONE MARROW LESIONS IN HAND OSTEOARTHRITIS, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 20: S14-S15.
- Heijde, D. van der (2012), Remission by imaging in rheumatoid arthritis: should this be the ultimate goal?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71: 89-92.
- Wagner, C.; Visvanathan, S.; Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Hsu, B.; Mack, M.; Elashoff, M. & Inman, R.D. (2012), Serum markers associated with clinical improvement in patients with ankylosing spondylitis treated with golimumab, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(5): 674-680.
- Heijde, D. van der (2012), WHAT'S NEW IN THE CLINICAL ASSESSMENT OF AS?, Rheumatology 51: 18-18.
- Lillegraven, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Uhlig, T.; Kvien, T.K. & Haavardsholm, E.A. (2012), What is the clinical relevance of erosions and joint space narrowing in RA?, Nature Reviews Rheumatology 8(2): 117-120.
- Gossec, L.; Smolen, J.S.; Gaujoux-Viala, C.; Ash, Z.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Heijde, D. van der; FitzGerald, O.; Aletaha, D.; Balint, P.; Boumpas, D.; Braun, J.; Breedveld, F.C.; Burmester, G.; Canete, J.D.; Wit, M. de; Dagfinrud, H.; Vlam, K. de; Dougados, M.; Helliwell, P.; Kavanaugh, A.; Kvien, T.K.; Landewe, R.; Luger, T.; Maccarone, M.; McGonagle, D.; McHugh, N.; McInnes, I.B.; Ritchlin, C.; Sieper, J.; Tak, P.P.; Valesini, G.; Vencovsky, J.; Winthrop, K.L.; Zink, A. & Emery, P. (2012), European League Against Rheumatism recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis with pharmacological therapies, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(1): 4-12.
- Haugen, I.K.; Boyesen, P.; Slatkowsky-Christensen, B.; Sesseng, S.; Bijsterbosch, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2012), Comparison of features by MRI and radiographs of the interphalangeal finger joints in patients with hand osteoarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(3): 345-350.
- Ash, Z.; Gaujoux-Viala, C.; Gossec, L.; Hensor, E.M.A.; FitzGerald, O.; Winthrop, K.; Heijde, D. van der; Emery, P.; Smolen, J.S. & Marzo-Ortega, H. (2012), A systematic literature review of drug therapies for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis: current evidence and meta-analysis informing the EULAR recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(3): 319-326.
- Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Gaalen, F. van; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), Localisation of Bone Marrow Edema in Sacroiliac Joints in Spondyloarthritis Patients: Does the Site of Lesions Change Over a 3-Month Period?, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S1106-S1107.
- Kroon, F.; Landewe, R.; Dougados, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), Continuous NSAID use reverts the effects of in ammation on radiographic progression in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(10): 1623-1629.
- Stolwijk, C.; Tubergen, A. van; Ramiro, S.; Essers, I.; Blaauw, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Bosch, F. van den; Dougados, M. & Boonen, A. (2012), VALIDATION OF THE SELF-ADMINISTERED COMORBIDITY QUESTIONNAIRE IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 617-617.
- Gaalen, F. van; Verduijn, W.; Roelen, D.; Bohringer, S.; Huizinga, T.; Heijde, D. van der & Toes, R. (2012), EPISTASIS BETWEEN TWO HLA ANTIGENS DEFINES A SUBSET OF INDIVIDUALS AT A VERY HIGH RISK FOR ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 625-625.
- Berg, R. van den; Gaalen, F. van; Helm-van Mil, A. van der; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), Performance of classification criteria for peripheral spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis in the Leiden early arthritis cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(8): 1366-1369.
- Moreland, L.W.; O'Dell, J.R.; Paulus, H.E.; Curtis, J.R.; Bathon, J.M.; St Clair, E.W.; Bridges, S.L.; Zhang, J.; McVie, T.; Howard, G.; Heijde, D. van der; Cofield, S.S. & TEAR Investigators (2012), A Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Study of Oral Triple Therapy Versus Etanercept Plus Methotrexate in Early Aggressive Rheumatoid Arthritis The Treatment of Early Aggressive Rheumatoid Arthritis Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(9): 2824-2835.
- Tubergen, A. van; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Mielants, H. & Landewe, R. (2012), Are syndesmophytes most prevalent in the lumbar or in the cervical spine in patients with ankylosing spondylitis and do they develop in a specific direction?, Rheumatology 51(8): 1432-1439.
- Ramiro, S.; Radner, H.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Buchbinder, R.; Aletaha, D. & Landewe, R.B. (2012), Combination Therapy for Pain Management in Inflammatory Arthritis: A Cochrane Systematic Review.
- Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Maksymowych, W.; Brown, M.A.; Sarkar, S. & Pangan, A.L. (2012), CONCURRENT SACROILIAC JOINT AND SPINAL INFLAMMATION ON MRI IN PATIENTS WITH NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 628-628.
- Hermann, K.G.A.; Baraliakos, X.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Jurik, A.G.; Landewe, R.; Marzo-Ortega, H.; Ostergaard, M.; Rudwaleit, M.; Sieper, J.; Braun, J. & Assessment SpondyloArthritis Int (2012), Descriptions of spinal MRI lesions and definition of a positive MRI of the spine in axial spondyloarthritis: a consensual approach by the ASAS/OMERACT MRI study group, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(8): 1278-1288.
- Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Elewaut, D.; Pangan, A.L. & Anderson, J. (2012), DISEASE BURDEN IS COMPARABLE IN NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS AND ANKLOYSING SPONDYLITIS PATIENTS: TREATMENT IMPLICATIONS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 638-639.
- Richards, B.L.; Whittle, S.L.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Buchbinder, R. (2012), Efficacy and Safety of Neuromodulators in Inflammatory Arthritis: A Cochrane Systematic Review.
- Berg, R. van den; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), First update of the current evidence for the management of ankylosing spondylitis with non-pharmacological treatment and non-biologic drugs: a systematic literature review for the ASAS/EULAR management recommendations in ankylosing spondylitis, Rheumatology 51(8): 1388-1396.
- Kavanaugh, A.; Heijde, D. van der; McInnes, I.B.; Mease, P.; Krueger, G.G.; Gladman, D.D.; Gomez-Reino, J.; Papp, K.; Baratelle, A.; Xu, W.C.; Mudivarthy, S.; Mack, M.; Rahman, M.U.; Xu, Z.H.; Zrubek, J. & Beutler, A. (2012), Golimumab in psoriatic arthritis: One-year clinical efficacy, radiographic, and safety results from a phase III, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(8): 2504-2517.
- Radner, H.; Ramiro, S.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Landewe, R.; Buchbinder, R. & Aletaha, D. (2012), How Do Gastrointestinal or Liver Comorbidities Influence the Choice of Pain Treatment in Inflammatory Arthritis? A Cochrane Systematic Review.
- Kavanaugh, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Gladman, D.; Mease, P.; McInnes, L.; Krueger, G.; Xu, W.C.; Goldstein, N.; Beutler, A. & Chandran, V. (2012), Long-term Radiographic Outcome in Psoriatic Arthritis Patients Treated with Golimumab: 104 Week Results from the GO-REVEAL Study.
- Englbrecht, M.; Tarner, I.H.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Manger, B.; Bombardier, C. & Muller-Ladner, U. (2012), Measuring Pain and Efficacy of Pain Treatment in Inflammatory Arthritis: A Systematic Literature Review.
- Whittle, S.L.; Colebatch, A.N.; Buchbinder, R.; Edwards, C.J.; Adams, K.; Englbrecht, M.; Hazlewood, G.; Marks, J.L.; Radner, H.; Ramiro, S.; Richards, B.L.; Tarner, I.H.; Aletaha, D.; Bombardier, C.; Landewe, R.B.; Muller-Ladner, U.; Bijlsma, J.W.J.; Branco, J.C.; Bykerk, V.P.; Pinheiro, G.D.C.; Catrina, A.I.; Hannonen, P.; Kiely, P.; Leeb, B.; Lie, E.; Martinez-Osuna, P.; Montecucco, C.; Ostergaard, M.; Westhovens, R.; Zochling, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), Multinational evidence-based recommendations for pain management by pharmacotherapy in inflammatory arthritis: integrating systematic literature research and expert opinion of a broad panel of rheumatologists in the 3e Initiative, Rheumatology 51(8): 1416-1425.
- Heijde, D.M. van der (2012), Pain Management by Pharmacotherapy in Inflammatory Arthritis. Systematic Literature Reviews of the 3e Initiative 2010.
- Marks, J.L.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Colebatch, A.N.; Buchbinder, R. & Edwards, C.J. (2012), Pain Pharmacotherapy in Patients with Inflammatory Arthritis and Concurrent Cardiovascular or Renal Disease: A Cochrane Systematic Review.
- Hazlewood, G.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Bombardier, C. (2012), Paracetamol for the Management of Pain in Inflammatory Arthritis: A Systematic Literature Review.
- Berdal, G.; Halvorsen, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Mowe, M. & Dagfinrud, H. (2012), Restrictive pulmonary function is more prevalent in patients with ankylosing spondylitis than in matched population controls and is associated with impaired spinal mobility: a comparative study, Arthritis Research and Therapy 14(1): -.
- Colebatch, A.N.; Marks, J.L.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Edwards, C.J. (2012), Safety of Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs and/or Paracetamol in People Receiving Methotrexate for Inflammatory Arthritis: A Cochrane Systematic Review.
- McInnes, I.; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; Emery, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Isaacs, J.; Dahmen, G.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Schulze-Koops, H.; Gsteiger, S.; Bertolino, A.P.; Hueber, W. & Tak, P.P. (2012), SECUKINUMAB IMPROVES SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS: A 24-WEEK, DOUBLE-BLIND, TRIAL, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 619-619.
- Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Laurent, D.D.; Baeten, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Emery, P.; McInnes, I.; Laar, J. van; Landewe, R.; Wordsworth, P.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Kellner, H.; Wright, A.M.; Gsteiger, S. & Hueber, W. (2012), SECUKINUMAB REDUCES SPINAL INFLAMMATION AS EARLY AS WEEK 6, AS DETECTED BY MRI - RESULTS OF A DOUBLE-BLIND, PHASE II PROOF-OF-CONCEPT STUDY IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 632-632.
- Emery, P.; Baeten, D.; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der; McInnes, I.; Laar, J. van; Landewe, R.; Wordsworth, P.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Kellner, H.; Paramarta, J.; Bertolino, A.; Gsteiger, S.; Wright, A. & Hueber, W. (2012), SECUKINUMAB SIGNIFICANTLY IMPROVES ASAS20 RESPONSES VERSUS PLACEBO IN MODERATE-TO-SEVERE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS PATIENTS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 609-609.
- Fagerli, K.M.; Lie, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Heiberg, M.S.; Kaufmann, C.; Rodevand, E.; Mikkelsen, K.; Kalstad, S. & Kvien, T.K. (2012), Selecting patients with ankylosing spondylitis for TNF inhibitor therapy: comparison of ASDAS and BASDAI eligibility criteria, Rheumatology 51(8): 1479-1483.
- Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Bosch, F. van den; Goupille, P.; Sarkar, S. & Pangan, A.L. (2012), SUSTAINED EFFICACY OF ADALIMUMAB IN NON-RADIOGRAPHIC AXIAL SPONDYLARTHRITIS: WEEK 68 RESULTS FROM ABILITY 1, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 639-639.
- Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Hermann, K.G.; Baraliakos, X.; Deodhar, A.; Beutler, A.; Mack, M.; Xu, W.; Hsu, B. & Inman, R. (2012), THE EFFECT OF ANTI-TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR THERAPY WITH GOLIMUMAB ON RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION IN DEFINITE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: 4-YEAR RESULTS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 604-604.
- Richards, B.L.; Whittle, S.L.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Buchbinder, R. (2012), The Efficacy and Safety of Antidepressants in Inflammatory Arthritis: A Cochrane Systematic Review.
- Richards, B.L.; Whittle, S.L.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Buchbinder, R. (2012), The Efficacy and Safety of Muscle Relaxants in Inflammatory Arthritis: A Cochrane Systematic Review.
- Whittle, S.L.; Richards, B.L.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Buchbinder, R. (2012), The Efficacy and Safety of Opioids in Inflammatory Arthritis: A Cochrane Systematic Review.
- Tarner, I.H.; Englbrecht, M.; Schneider, M.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Muller-Ladner, U. (2012), The Role of Corticosteroids for Pain Relief in Persistent Pain of Inflammatory Arthritis: A Systematic Literature Review.
- Heijde, D. van der; Keystone, E.C.; Curtis, J.R.; Landewe, R.B.; Schiff, M.H.; Khanna, D.; Kvien, T.K.; Ionescu, L.; Gervitz, L.M.; Davies, O.R.; Luijtens, K. & Furst, D.E. (2012), Timing and Magnitude of Initial Change in Disease Activity Score 28 Predicts the Likelihood of Achieving Low Disease Activity at 1 Year in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Treated with Certolizumab Pegol: A Post-hoc Analysis of the RAPID 1 Trial.
- Baraliakos, X.; Berg, R. van den; Braun, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), Update of the literature review on treatment with biologics as a basis for the first update of the ASAS/EULAR management recommendations of ankylosing spondylitis, Rheumatology 51(8): 1378-1387.
- Ramiro, S.; Stolwijk, C.; Tubergen, A.M. van; Royston, P.; Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R. (2012), Reference Intervals of Spinal Mobility Measures in Normal Individuals - The Mobility Study., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(12): 4173-4174.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Navarro-Compan, V.; Reijnierse, M.; Gaalen, F. van; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), A SPARCC-SCORE CUT-OFF >= 3 AS BEST MATCH FOR THE ASAS DEFINITION OF A POSITIVE MRI OF THE SACROILIAC JOINTS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 626-626.
- Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Navarro-Compan, V.; Gaalen, F. van; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T. & Reijnierse, M. (2012), ASSESSING ACTIVE INFLAMMATION IN SACROILIAC JOINTS IN SPONDYLOARTHRITIS PATIENTS: NO ADDED VALUE OF GADOLINIUM COMPARED TO STIR SEQUENCE, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 627-627.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Navarro-Compan, V.; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), HOW MUCH DOES THE SPARCC-SCORE OF THE SI-JOINTS CHANGE OVER A 3-MONTH PERIOD IN PATIENTS ON NON-BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 626-626.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Navarro-Compan, V.; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), HOW USEFUL IS IMAGING OF THE SI-JOINTS (MRI AND/OR X-RAY) IN PATIENTS WITH POSSIBLE SPONDYLOARTHRITIS IN THE DIAGNOSTIC WORK-UP?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 611-612.
- Lie, E.; Uhlig, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Rodevand, E.; Kalstad, S.; Kaufmann, C.; Mikkelsen, K. & Kvien, T.K. (2012), Effectiveness of sulfasalazine and methotrexate in 1102 DMARD-naive patients with early RA, Rheumatology 51(4): 670-678.
- McInnes, I.; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; Emery, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Isaacs, J.; Dahmen, G.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Schulze-Koops, H.; Gsteiger, S.; Bertolino, A.; Hueber, W. & Tak, P.P. (2012), EFFECT OF SECUKINUMAB ON SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS: RESULTS OF A 24-WEEK MULTICENTRE, DOUBLE-BLIND, RANDOMIZED, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED TRIAL, Rheumatology 51: 90-91.
- Heijde, D. van der; Machado, P.; Braun, J.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Baraliakos, X.; Hsu, B.; Baker, D. & Landewe, R. (2012), MRI inflammation at the vertebral unit only marginally predicts new syndesmophyte formation: a multilevel analysis in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(3): 369-373.
- Heijde, D. van der; Braun, J.; Dougados, M.; Sieper, J.; Pedersen, R.; Szumski, A. & Koenig, A.S. (2012), Sensitivity and discriminatory ability of the Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score in patients treated with etanercept or sulphasalazine in the ASCEND trial, Rheumatology 51(10): 1894-1905.
- Chung, H.Y.; Machado, P.; Heijde, D. van der; D'Agostino, M.A. & Dougados, M. (2012), Smokers in early axial spondyloarthritis have earlier disease onset, more disease activity, inflammation and damage, and poorer function and health-related quality of life: results from the DESIR cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(6): 809-816.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Navarro-Compan, V.; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), IS IT USEFUL TO REPEAT MRI IN THE DIAGNOSTIC WORK-UP FOR SPONDYLOARTHRITIS?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 612-612.
- Keystone, E.C.; Combe, B.; Smolen, J.; Strand, V.; Goel, N.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Mease, P.; Landewe, R.; Fleischmann, R.; Luijtens, K. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), Sustained efficacy of certolizumab pegol added to methotrexate in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: 2-year results from the RAPID 1 trial, Rheumatology 51(9): 1628-1638.
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Inman, R.D.; Braun, J.; Hsu, B. & Mack, M. (2012), Comparison of three methods for calculating the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index in a randomized placebo-controlled study.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), PATIENTS FULFILLING THE IMAGING-ARM AND PATIENTS FULFILLING THE HLA-B27-ARM OF THE ASAS AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA: ARE THEY SIMILAR?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 612-612.
- Dougados, M.; Brault, Y.; Logeart, I.; Heijde, D. van der; Gossec, L. & Kvien, T. (2012), Defining cut-off values for disease activity states and improvement scores for patient-reported outcomes: the example of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Impact of Disease (RAID), Arthritis Research and Therapy 14(3).
- Navarro-Compan, V.; Heijde, D. van der; Combe, B.; Cosson, C. & Gaalen, F. van (2012), DIAGNOSTIC VALUE OF HIGH SENSITIVITY C-REACTIVE PROTEIN (hsCRP) FOR EARLY AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS (SpA): RESULTS FROM THE DESIR COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 615-615.
- Nocturne, G.; Pavy, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Goupille, P.; Dougados, M.; Roux, C.; Mariette, X. & Miceli-Richard, C. (2012), DKKI SERUM LEVEL IS INCREASED IN RECENT SPONDYLOARTHRITIS AND IS ASSOCIATED WITH HIGHER PREVALENCE OF SYNDESMOPHYTES - DATA FROM THE DESIR COHORT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 610-611.
- Ramiro, S.; Stolwijk, C.; Tubergen, A. van; Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R. (2012), EVOLUTION OF RADIOGRAPHIC DAMAGE IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS OVER 12 YEARS OF FOLLOW-UP, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 629-629.
- Ramiro, S.; Tubergen, A. van; Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R. (2012), HOW TO DEAL WITH MISSING ITEMS IN BASDAI AND BASFI?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 616-616.
- Stolwijk, C.; Ramiro, S.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Tubergen, A. van (2012), INTERMALLEOLAR DISTANCE AND INTERNAL HIP ROTATION ARE DEPENDENT ON HEIGHT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 617-617.
- Machado, P.; Landewe, R.; Braun, J.; Baraliakos, X.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Hsu, B.; Baker, D. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), MRI INFLAMMATION AND ITS RELATION WITH MEASURES OF CLINICAL DISEASE ACTIVITY AND DIFFERENT TREATMENT RESPONSES IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS TREATED WITH A TNF INHIBITOR, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 608-609.
- Ramiro, S.; Machado, P.; Roque, R.; Santos, H.; Polido-Pereira, J.; Peixoto, D.; Duarte, C.; Pimentel-Santos, F.; Silva, C.; Fonseca, J.E.; Teixeira, F.; Marques, A.; Araujo, F.; Branco, J.; Silva, J.A.P. da; Costa, J.; Silva, J.P. da; Miranda, L.; Silva, J.C. da; Canhao, H.; Tubergen, A. van; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R. & Santos, M.J. (2012), PREDICTIVE FACTORS OF RESPONSE AT 12 WEEKS IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS STARTING BIOLOGICAL THERAPIES - RESULTS FROM THE PORTUGUESE REGISTER - REUMA.PT, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 641-642.
- Ramiro, S.; Stolwijk, C.; Tubergen, A. van; Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R. (2012), RADIOGRAPHIC SCORE FOR AS: MSASSS VS RASSS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 630-630.
- Ramiro, S.; Stolwijk, C.; Tubergen, A. van; Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R. (2012), SPINAL MOBILITY MEASURES ARE DEPENDENT ON AGE-THE MOBILITY STUDY, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 30(4): 617-617.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Navarro-Compan, V.; Reijnierse, M.; Gaalen, F. van; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), A Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada Score Cut-off >= 3 As Best Match for the Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society Definition of a Positive MRI of the Sacroiliac Joints., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S595-S595.
- Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Navarro-Compan, V.; Gaalen, F. van; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T. & Reijnierse, M. (2012), Assessing Active Inflammation in Sacroiliac Joints in Spondyloarthritis Patients: No Added Value of Gadolinium Compared to Short Tau Inversion Recovery Sequence, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S934-S934.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Navarro-Compan, V.; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), How Much Does the Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada Score of the Sacroiliac Joints Change Over a 3-Month Period in Patients On Non-Biological Treatment?, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S935-S936.
- Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), Almost 40% of Patients with Chronic Back Pain Starting Before the Age of 45 Fulfill the ASAS Axial Spondyloarthritis Criteria., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S245-S246.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Navarro-Compan, V.; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), How Useful Is Imaging of the Sacroiliac Joints (MRI and/or X-ray) in Patients with Possible Spondyloarthritis in the Diagnostic Work-up?, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S933-S933.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Navarro-Compan, V.; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), Is It Useful to Repeat an MRI of the Sacroiliac Joints in the Diagnostic Work-up for Spondyloarthritis?, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S935-S935.
- Hooge, M. de; Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Navarro-Compan, V.; Gaalen, F. van; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), Localisation of Bone Marrow Edema in Sacroiliac Joints in Spondyloarthritis Patients: Does the Site of Lesions Change Over a 3-Month Period?, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S1106-S1107.
- Stomp, W.; Brakenhoff, L.K.P.M.; Gaalen, F.A. van; Heijde, D. van der; Fidder, H.H.; Hommes, D.W.; Reijnierse, M. & Bloem, J.L. (2012), Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients with Arthralgia, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S455-S455.
- Berg, R. van den; Hooge, M. de; Gaalen, F. van; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2012), Patients Fulfilling the Imaging-Arm and Patients Fulfilling the HLA-B27+Arm of the Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society Axial Spondyloarthritis Classification Criteria: Are They Similar?, Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S933-S933.
- Smolen, J.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Kavanaugh, A.; Fichtner, A.; Strand, V.; Vencovsky, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2011), Efficacy and Safety of Certolizumab Pegol Plus Methotrexate in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: 3-Year Data From the RAPID 2 Study, Journal of Rheumatology 38(6): 1152-1152.
- Smolen, J.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Kavanaugh, A.; Fichtner, A.; Strand, V.; Vencovsky, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2011), EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL PLUS METHOTREXATE IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: 3-YEAR DATA FROM THE RAPID 2 STUDY, Rheumatology 50: 123-123.
- Smolen, J.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Kavanaugh, A.; Luijtens, K.; Heijde, D. van der & Curtis, J. (2011), Efficacy Sustained After Dose De-escalation of Certolizumab Pegol in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: Post-hoc Analysis of the RAPID 2 Open-label Extension, Journal of Rheumatology 38(6): 1153-1153.
- Smolen, J.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Kavanaugh, A.; Luijtens, K.; Heijde, D. van der & Curtis, J. (2011), EFFICACY SUSTAINED AFTER DOSE DE-ESCALATION OF CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PATIENTS: POST-HOC ANALYSIS OF THE RAPID 2 OPEN-LABEL EXTENSION, Rheumatology 50: 116-116.
- Machado, P.M.M.C.; Landewe, R.B.M. & Heijde, D.M. van der (2011), Endorsement of Definitions of Disease Activity States and Improvement Scores for the Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score: Results from OMERACT 10, Journal of Rheumatology 38(7): 1502-1506.
- Lukas, C.; Combe, B.; Ravaud, P.; Sibilia, J.; Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2011), Favorable Effect of Very Early Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drug Treatment on Radiographic Progression in Early Inflammatory Arthritis Data From the Etude et Suivi des Polyarthrites Indifferenciees Recentes (Study and Followup of Early Undifferentiated Polyarthritis), Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(7): 1804-1811.
- Emery, P.; Fleischmann, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Keystone, E.; Genovese, M.C.; Conaghan, P.G.; Hsia, E.C.; Xu, W.; Baratelle, A.; Beutler, A.; Rahman, M.U. & GO-BEFORE & GO-FORWARD (2011), GOLIMUMAB AND RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: RESULTS OF GO-BEFORE AND GO-FORWARD STUDIES, Rheumatology 50: 119-120.
- Haugen, I.K.; Lillegraven, S.; Slatkowsky-Christensen, B.; Haavardsholm, E.A.; Sesseng, S.; Kvien, T.K.; Heijde, D. van der & Boyesen, P. (2011), Hand osteoarthritis and MRI: development and first validation step of the proposed Oslo Hand Osteoarthritis MRI score, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(6): 1033-1038.
- Bombardier, C. & Heijde, D.M. van der (2011), How to Investigate and Follow Up Undifferentiated Peripheral Inflammatory Arthritis? 3e Initiative 2008-2009: Systematic Reviews and Clinical Algorithm Introduction, Journal of Rheumatology 38: 1-2.
- Machado, P. & Heijde, D. van der (2011), How to measure disease activity in axial spondyloarthritis?, Current Opinion in Rheumatology 23(4): 339-345.
- Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2011), Joint space narrowing, cartilage and physical function: are we deceived by measurements and distributions?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(5): 717-718.
- Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Guerette, B.; Roy, S.; Patra, K. & Keystone, E. (2011), Joint Space Narrowing has a Stronger Impact on Physical Function Than Joint Erosion: Results From 8-year Longitudinal Analyses, Journal of Rheumatology 38(6): 1146-1146.
- Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Guerette, B.; Roy, S.; Patra, K. & Keystone, E. (2011), JOINT SPACE NARROWING HAS A STRONGER IMPACT ON PHYSICAL FUNCTION THAN JOINT EROSION: RESULTS FROM EIGHT YEAR LONGITUDINAL ANALYSES, Rheumatology 50: 119-119.
- Boyesen, P.; Haavardsholm, E.A.; Ostergaard, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Sesseng, S. & Kvien, T.K. (2011), MRI in early rheumatoid arthritis: synovitis and bone marrow oedema are independent predictors of subsequent radiographic progression, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(3): 428-433.
- Strand, V.; Kingsbury, S.R.; Woodworth, T.; Landewe, R.; Ostergaard, M.; Peterfy, C.; Heijde, D. van der; D'Agostino, M.A.; Maksymowych, W.; Tak, P.P.; Wells, G. & Conaghan, P.G. (2011), OMERACT 10 Sharp Symposium: Important Findings in Examination of Imaging Methods for Measurement of Joint Damage in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 38(9): 2009-2013.
- Baraliakos, X.; Heijde, D. van der; Braun, J. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2011), OMERACT Magnetic Resonance Imaging Initiative on Structural and Inflammatory Lesions in Ankylosing Spondylitis - Report of a Special Interest Group at OMERACT 10 on Sacroiliac Joint and Spine Lesions, Journal of Rheumatology 38(9): 2051-2054.
- Vastesaeger, N.; Heijde, D. van der; Inman, R.D.; Wang, Y.X.; Deodhar, A.; Hsu, B.; Rahman, M.U.; Dijkmans, B.; Geusens, P.; Vander Cruyssen, B.; Collantes, E.; Sieper, J. & Braun, J. (2011), Predicting the outcome of ankylosing spondylitis therapy, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(6): 973-981.
- Vastesaeger, N.; Wang, Y.; Inman, R.; Deodhar, A.; Hsu, B.; Rahman, M.U.; Dijkmans, B.; Braun, J.; Geusens, P.; Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der & ASSERT & GO-RAISE Investigators (2011), PREDICTION OF EARLY RESPONSE TO ANTI-TNF THERAPY AND DISEASE ACTIVITY STATE USING THE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS DISEASE ACTIVITY SCORE, Rheumatology 50: 144-144.
- Maksymowych, W.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Pangan, A.; Brown, L. & Lavie, F. (2011), Predictors of Radiographic Progression in Adalimumab-Treated Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis, Journal of Rheumatology 38(6): 1161-1162.
- Heijde, D. van der; Schiff, M.; Keystone, E.; Landewe, R.; Kvien, T.; Curtis, J.; Khanna, D.; Luijtens, K. & Furst, D. (2011), PROBABILITY OF ACHIEVING LOW DISEASE ACTIVITY AT 52 WEEKS IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PATIENTS TREATED WITH CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL DEPENDS ON TIME TO AND LEVEL OF INITIAL RESPONSE, Rheumatology 50: 116-117.
- Heiberg, T.; Lie, E.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2011), Sleep problems are of higher priority for improvement for patients with ankylosing spondylitis than for patients with other inflammatory arthropathies, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(5): 872U317.
- Klarenbeek, N.B.; Guler-Yuksel, M.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Kerstens, P.J.S.M.; Mallee, C.; Westedt, M.L.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Dijkmans, B.A.C. & Allaart, C.F. (2011), A comparison between the simplified erosion and narrowing score and the Sharp-van der Heijde score: post hoc analysis from the BeSt study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(4): 714U214.
- Haugen, I.K.; Moe, R.H.; Slatkowsky-Christensen, B.; Kvien, T.K.; Heijde, D. van der & Garratt, A. (2011), The AUSCAN subscales, AIMS-2 hand/finger subscale, and FIOHA were not unidimensional scales, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 64(9): 1039-1046.
- Emery, P.; Fleischmann, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Keystone, E.C.; Genovese, M.C.; Conaghan, P.G.; Hsia, E.C.; Xu, W.C.; Baratelle, A.; Beutler, A. & Rahman, M.U. (2011), The Effects of Golimumab on Radiographic Progression in Rheumatoid Arthritis Results of Randomized Controlled Studies of Golimumab Before Methotrexate Therapy and Golimumab After Methotrexate Therapy, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(5): 1200-1210.
- Haraoui, B.; Heijde, D. van der; Schiff, M.; Keystone, E.; Landewe, R.; Kvien, T.; Curtis, J.; Khanna, D.; Luijtens, K. & Furst, D. (2011), Time to and Level of Initial DAS28 Change With Certolizumab Pegol Predicts the Likelihood of Having Low Disease Activity at Years 1 and 2 in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 38(6): 1152-1152.
- Wit, M.P.T. de; Smolen, J.S.; Gossec, L. & Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der (2011), Treating rheumatoid arthritis to target: the patient version of the international recommendations, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(6): 891-895.
- Chung, H.Y.; Machado, P.; Heijde, D. van der; D'Agostino, M.A. & Dougados, M. (2011), HLA-B27 positive patients differ from HLA-B27 negative patients in clinical presentation and imaging: results from the DESIR cohort of patients with recent onset axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(11): 1930-1936.
- Machado, P.; Landewe, R.; Lie, E.; Kvien, T.K.; Braun, J.; Baker, D.; Heijde, D. van der & Assessment SpondyloArthrit Int Soc (2011), Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (ASDAS): defining cut-off values for disease activity states and improvement scores, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(1): 47-53.
- Lie, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Uhlig, T.; Mikkelsen, K.; Rodevand, E.; Koldingsnes, W.; Kaufmann, C. & Kvien, T.K. (2011), Effectiveness of switching between TNF inhibitors in ankylosing spondylitis: data from the NOR-DMARD register, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(1): 157-163.
- Rudwaleit, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Akkoc, N.; Brandt, J.; Chou, C.T.; Dougados, M.; Huang, F.; Gu, J.; Kirazli, Y.; Bosch, F. van den; Olivieri, I.; Roussou, E.; Scarpato, S.; Sorensen, I.J.; Valle-Onate, R.; Weber, U.; Wei, J. & Sieper, J. (2011), The Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society classification criteria for peripheral spondyloarthritis and for spondyloarthritis in general, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(1): 25-31.
- Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Dougados, M.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Landewe, R.; Rudwaleit, M.; Braun, J. & Assessment SpondyloArthritis Int S (2011), 2010 Update of the international ASAS recommendations for the use of anti-TNF agents in patients with axial spondyloarthritis., Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(6): 905-8.
- Berg, R. van den; Stanislawska-Biernat, E. & Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der (2011), Comparison of recommendations for the use of anti-tumour necrosis factor therapy in ankylosing spondylitis in 23 countries worldwide., Rheumatology 50(12): 2270-7.
- Lie, E.; Uhlig, T.; Heijde, D. van der; Rodevand, E.; Kalstad, S.; Kaufmann, C.; Mikkelsen, K. & Kvien, T.K. (2011), Effectiveness of sulfasalazine and methotrexate in 1102 DMARD-naive patients with early RA., Rheumatology.
- Chung, H.Y.; Machado, P.; Heijde, D. van der; D'Agostino, M.A. & Dougados, M. (2011), HLA-B27 positive patients differ from HLA-B27 negative patients in clinical presentation and imaging: results from the DESIR cohort of patients with recent onset axial spondyloarthritis., Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(11): 1930-6.
- Brakenhoff, L.K.P.M.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Hommes, D.W. (2011), IBD and arthropathies: a practical approach to its diagnosis and management., Gut 60(10): 1426-35.
- Heijde, D. van der; Machado, P.; Braun, J.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Baraliakos, X.; Hsu, B.; Baker, D. & Landewe, R. (2011), MRI inflammation at the vertebral unit only marginally predicts new syndesmophyte formation: a multilevel analysis in patients with ankylosing spondylitis., Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
- Chung, H.Y.; Machado, P.; Heijde, D. van der; D'Agostino, M.A. & Dougados, M. (2011), Smokers in early axial spondyloarthritis have earlier disease onset, more disease activity, inflammation and damage, and poorer function and health-related quality of life: results from the DESIR cohort., Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
- Boyesen, P.; Haavardsholm, E.A.; Heijde, D. van der; Ostergaard, M.; Hammer, H.B.; Sesseng, S. & Kvien, T.K. (2011), Prediction of MRI erosive progression: a comparison of modern imaging modalities in early rheumatoid arthritis patients, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(1): 176-179.
- Machado, P.; Castrejon, I.; Katchamart, W.; Koevoets, R.; Kuriya, B.; Schoels, M.; Silva-Fernandez, L.; Thevissen, K.; Vercoutere, W.; Villeneuve, E.; Aletaha, D.; Carmona, L.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Bijlsma, J.W.J.; Bykerk, V.; Canhao, H.; Catrina, A.I.; Durez, P.; Edwards, C.J.; Mjaavatten, M.D.; Leeb, B.F.; Losada, B.; Martin-Mola, E.M.; Martinez-Osuna, P.; Montecucco, C.; Muller-Ladner, U.; Ostergaard, M.; Sheane, B.; Xavier, R.M.; Zochling, J. & Bombardier, C. (2011), Multinational evidence-based recommendations on how to investigate and follow-up undifferentiated peripheral inflammatory arthritis: integrating systematic literature research and expert opinion of a broad international panel of rheumatologists in the 3E Initiative, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(1): 15-24.
- Lie, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Uhlig, T.; Mikkelsen, K.; Kalstad, S.; Kaufmann, C.; Rodevand, E. & Kvien, T.K. (2011), Treatment strategies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis for whom methotrexate monotherapy has failed: data from the NOR-DMARD register, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(12): 2103-2110.
- Haraoui, B.; Smolen, J.S.; Aletaha, D.; Breedveld, F.C.; Burmester, G.; Codreanu, C.; Silva, J.P. da; Wit, M. de; Dougados, M.; Durez, P.; Emery, P.; Fonseca, J.E.; Gibofsky, A.; Gomez-Reino, J.; Graninger, W.; Hamuryudan, V.; Pena, M.J.J.; Kalden, J.; Kvien, T.K.; Laurindo, I.; Martin-Mola, E.; Montecucco, C.; Moreno, P.S.; Pavelka, K.; Poor, G.; Cardiel, M.H.; Stanislawska-Biernat, E.; Takeuchi, T.; Heijde, D. van der & Treat Target Taskforce (2011), Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis to Target: multinational recommendations assessment questionnaire, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(11): 1999-2002.
- Heijde, D. van der; Tanaka, Y.; Fleischmann, R.; Keystone, E.C.; Kremer, J.M.; Zerbini, C.A.F.; Cardiel, M.; Cohen, S.B.; Nash, P.T.; Song, Y.W.; Tegzova, D.; Wyman, B.; Gruben, D.; Benda, B.; Wallenstein, G.; Zwillich, S.H.; Bradley, J.D.; Connell, C.A. & ORAL Scan Investigators (2011), Tofacitinib (CP-690,550), An Oral Janus Kinase Inhibitor, in Combination with Methotrexate Reduced the Progression of Structural Damage in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: a 24-Month Phase 3 Study., Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S1017-S1018.
- Fagerli, K.M.; Lie, E.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Heiberg, M.S.; Rodevand, E.; Kaufmann, C.; Mikkelsen, K.; Kalstad, S. & Kvien, T.K. (2011), The Role of CRP and Peripheral Disease in Achieving ASDAS Response to Anti-TNF Therapy in 397 Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S203-S204.
- Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Hermann, K.G.; Baraliakos, X.; Deodhar, A.; Beutler, A.; Mack, M.; Xu, W.C.; Hsu, B.; Inman, R.D. & GO-RAISE Clinical Investigators (2011), The Effect of Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Therapy with Two Different Doses of Golimumab on Radiographic Progression in Definite Ankylosing Spondylitis: 4-Year Results., Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S160-S160.
- Dougados, M.; d'Agostino, M.A.; Benessiano, J.; Berenbaum, F.; Breban, M.; Claudepierre, P.; Combe, B.; Dargent-Molina, P.; Daures, J.P.; Fautrel, B.; Feydy, A.; Goupille, P.; Leblanc, V.; Logeart, I.; Pham, T.; Richette, P.; Roux, C.; Rudwaleit, M.; Saraux, A.; Treluyer, J.M.; Heijde, D. van der & Wendling, D. (2011), The DESIR cohort: A 10-year follow-up of early inflammatory back pain in France: Study design and baseline characteristics of the 708 recruited patients.
- Heijde, D. van der; Breban, M.A.; Halter, D.G.; DiVittorio, G.; Bratt, J.; Cantini, F.; Kary, S.; Brown, L.S.; Kupper, H.; Nicholson, T.F. & Mease, P.J. (2011), Sustained Improvement of Spinal Mobility, Physical Function, and Quality of Life in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: 5-Year Results, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S205-S206.
- Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Beutler, A.; Mack, M.; Hsu, B. & Inman, R.D. (2011), Sustained Clinical Response with Golimumab Administered Subcutaneously Every 4 Weeks in Ankylosing Spondylitis: 104-Week Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S479-S479.
- Machado, P.; Chung, H.Y.; Heijde, D. van der; D'Agostino, M.A. & Dougados, M. (2011), Smokers in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis Have An Earlier Disease Onset, More Inflammation and Damage: Results From the DEvenir Des Spondyloarthropathies Indifferenciees Recentes Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S645-S645.
- Mjaavatten, M.D.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Uhlig, T.; Haugen, A.J.; Nygaard, H.; Bjorneboe, O. & Kvien, T.K. (2011), Should Anti-citrullinated Protein Antibody and Rheumatoid Factor Status Be Reassessed During the First Year of Followup in Recent-Onset Arthritis? A Longitudinal Study.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Tak, P.P. & Marotta, A. (2011), Serum 14-3-3 eta: A Rheumatoid Arthritis Biomarker, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S134-S134.
- Fagerli, K.M.; Lie, E.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Heiberg, M.S.; Kalstad, S.; Rodevand, E.; Kaufmann, C.; Mikkelsen, K. & Kvien, T.K. (2011), Selection of Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis for TNF-Inhibitor Therapy: Comparing Responses in Patients Selected by BASDAI & ASDAS, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S991-S991.
- Fagerli, K.M.; Lie, E.; Heiberg, M.S.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Kalstad, S.; Mikkelsen, K.; Kaufmann, C.; Rodevand, E. & Kvien, T.K. (2011), Predictors of ASDAS Major Improvement in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis Receiving Their First TNF Inhibitor. Results From a Longitudinal Observational Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S204-S205.
- Ramiro, S.; Machado, P.; Roque, R.; Santos, H.; Polido-Pereira, J.; Peixoto, D.; Duarte, C.; Pimentel-Santos, F.; Silva, C.; Fonseca, J.E.; Teixeira, F.; Marques, A.; Araujo, F.; Branco, J.C.; Da-Silva, J.P.; Costa, J.; Silva, J.A.P. da; Miranda, L.C.; Silva, J.C. da; Canhao, H.; Tubergen, A.M. van; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R. & Santos, M.J. (2011), Patients Under Biological Therapies in Daily Practice-Results From the Portuguese Register Reuma.Pt., Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S194-S195.
- Haugen, I.K.; Boyesen, P.; Slatkowsky-Christensen, B.; Sesseng, S.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2011), MRI-Detected Synovitis and Bone Marrow Lesions Are Associated with Joint Tenderness in Hand Osteoarthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S634-S634.
- Mandl, P.; Balint, P.V.; Brault, Y.; Backhaus, M.; D'Agostino, M.A.; Grassi, W.; Heijde, D. van der; Miguel, E. de; Wakefield, R.J.; Logeart, I. & Dougados, M. (2011), Metrological Properties of Composite Scoring Systems for Synovitis in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results From a Randomized, Prospective, Multicentre Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S63-S64.
- Berg, I.J.; Semb, A.G.; Heijde, D. van der; Dagfinrud, H.; Provan, S. & Kvien, T.K. (2011), Low Lipid Levels are related to Disease activity in Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S200-S200.
- Landewe, R. & Heijde, D. van der (2011), Joint space narrowing, cartilage and physical function: are we deceived by measurements and distributions?, Postgraduate Medical Journal 87(1033): 737-738.
- Gooch, K.; Feeny, D.; Wong, R.L.; Kupper, H.; Pangan, A.L.; Revicki, D.A. & Heijde, D. van der (2011), Is the Health Utilities Index 3 valid for patients with ankylosing spondylitis?
- Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J.; Laurent, D.D.; Baeten, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Emery, P.; McInnes, I.; Laar, J. van; Landewe, R.; Wordsworth, P.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Kellner, H.; Wright, A.M.; Gsteiger, S. & Hueber, W. (2011), Interleukin-17A Blockade with Secukinumab Reduces Spinal Inflammation in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis As Early As Week 6, As Detected by Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S972-S972.
- Breedveld, F.C.; Keystone, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Smolen, J.; Guerette, B.; McIlraith, M.; Kupper, H.; Liu, S.F.; Wolfe, B. & Kavanaugh, A. (2011), Initial Combination Therapy with Adalimumab Plus Methotrexate Leads to Better Long-Term Outcomes Than with Either Monotherapy in Patients with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: 8-Year Results of An Open-Label Extension of a Phase 3 Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S481-S481.
- Keystone, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Weinblatt, M.E.; Mozaffarian, N.; Guerette, B.; Kupper, H.; Liu, S.F.; Wolfe, B. & Kavanaugh, A. (2011), Initial Combination Therapy with Adalimumab Plus Methotrexate Leads to Better Long-Term Outcomes in Patients with Advanced Rheumatoid Arthritis: Analysis of the Final 10-Year Results of An Open-Label Extension of a Phase 3 Trial., Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S870-S871.
- Berg, I.J.; Provan, S.; Dagfinrud, H.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Kvien, T.K. & Semb, A.G. (2011), Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Active Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S197-S197.
- Onna, M. van; Jurik, A.G.; Heijde, D. van der; Tubergen, A. van; Heuft-Dorenbosch, L. & Landewe, R. (2011), HLA-B27 and gender independently determine the likelihood of a positive MRI of the sacroiliac joints in patients with early inflammatory back pain: a 2-year MRI follow-up study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(11): 1981-1985.
- Maehlen, M.T.; Nordang, G.B.; Syversen, S.W.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Uhlig, T. & Lie, B.A. (2011), FCRL3-169C/C Genotype Is Associated with Anti-citrullinated Protein Antibody-positive Rheumatoid Arthritis and with Radiographic Progression.
- Marotta, A.; Bykerk, V.; Siminovitch, K.A.; Boers, M.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Tak, P.P.; Genovese, M.C.; Weinblatt, M.E. & Maksymowych, W.P. (2011), Extracellular 14-3-3 eta: An Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Pathogenic Factor., Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S141-S141.
- Emery, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Ostergaard, M.; Conaghan, P.G.; Genovese, M.C.; Keystone, E.C.; Fleischmann, R.; Hsia, E.C.; Xu, W.C.; Xu, S. & Rahman, M.U. (2011), Exploratory analyses of the association of MRI with clinical, laboratory and radiographic findings in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(12): 2126-2130.
- Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Dougados, M.; Mease, P.J.; Brown, L.S. & Pangan, A. (2011), Efficacy and Safety of Adalimumab in Patients with Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis - Results From a Phase 3 Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S970-S971.
- Lukas, C.; Knevel, R.; Helm-Van Mil, A.H.M. van der; Rincheval, N.; Heijde, D. van der & Combe, B.G. (2011), Defining Rheumatoid Arthritis From Radiographic Erosive Abnormalities in the Light of the ACR/EULAR 2010 Criteria., Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S116-S117.
- Syversen, S.W.; Boyesen, P.; Goll, G.L.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2011), Could Presence of Antibodies to Citrullinated Proteins Be More Strongly Associated to Bone Than Cartilage Destruction? Results From a 10-Year Prospective Study., Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S850-S851.
- Braun, A.D.J.; Braun, J.; Inman, R.D.; Heijde, D. van der; Hsu, B.; Tandon, N. & Han, C.L. (2011), Cost Per Placebo Adjusted Response of Golimumab, Adalimumab, and Etanercept in Patients with Active Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S362-S362.
- Ramiro, S.; Radner, H.; Heijde, D. van der; Tubergen, A. van; Buchbinder, R.; Aletaha, D. & Landewe, R.B.M. (2011), Combination therapy for pain management in inflammatory arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, other spondyloarthritis), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews: -.
- Semb, A.G.; Olsen, C.I.; Provan, S.; Pedersen, T.R.; Stranden, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Hisdal, J. & Kvien, T.K. (2011), Asymptomatic Carotid Plaques in Rheumatoid Arthritis Results in Inadequate Treatment to Lipid Targets in Cardiovascular Prevention, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S456-S456.
- McInnes, I.; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; Emery, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Isaacs, J.; Dahmen, G.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Schulze-Koops, H.; Gsteiger, S.; Bertolino, A.; Hueber, W. & Tak, P.P. (2011), Anti-Interleukin 17A Monoclonal Antibody Secukinumab Reduces Signs and Symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis in a 24-Week Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S306-S306.
- Knevel, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Lukas, C.; Combe, B.G. & Helm-Van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2011), Defining Erosive DISEASE Typical of RA In the LIGHT of the 2010 ACR/EULAR Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis-PHASE, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S957-S958.
- Heijde, D. van der (2011), Erosions versus joint space narrowing in rheumatoid arthritis: what do we know?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70 Suppl 1: i116-8.
- Bijsterbosch, J.; Haugen, I.K.; Malines, C.; Maheu, E.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Watt, I.; Berenbaum, F.; Kvien, T.K.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Huizinga, T.W.J. & Kloppenburg, M. (2011), Reliability, sensitivity to change and feasibility of three radiographic scoring methods for hand osteoarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(8): 1465-1467.
- Kiltz, U.; Heijde, D. van der; Cieza, A.; Boonen, A.; Stucki, G.; Ustun, B. & Braun, J. (2011), Developing and validating an index for measuring health in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Rheumatology 50(5): 894-898.
- Kavanaugh, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Chattopadhyay, C.; Gladman, D.; Mease, P.; McInnes, I.; Krueger, G.G.; Xu, W.; Rahman, M.U.; Zrubek, J.; Baratelle, A.; Beutler, A. & GO-REVEAL Investigators (2011), GOLIMUMAB INHIBITS PROGRESSION OF RADIOGRAPHIC DAMAGE IN PATIENTS WITH PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS: 52 WEEK RESULTS FROM THE GO-REVEAL STUDY, Rheumatology 50: 143-143.
- Vastesaeger, N.; Heijde, D. van der; Inman, R.; Wang, Y.X.; Deodhar, A.; Hsu, B.; Rahman, M.; Dijkmans, B.; Geusens, P.; Seiper, J. & Braun, J. (2011), Identification of Anti-TNF Candidates Based on Predicted Response and Remission in Ankylosing Spondylitis.
- Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T.W.J. & Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der (2011), Proposal for An Adaptation of the Berlin Algorithm for Diagnosing Spa: Results of the SPondyloArthritis Caught Early (SPACE)-Cohort, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S506-S507.
- Kwok, W.Y.; Kortekaas, M.C.; Reijnierse, M.; Heijde, D. van der; Bloem, J.L. & Kloppenburg, M. (2011), Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Hand Osteoarthritis: Validation of the Oslo Hand Osteoarthritis MRI-Scoring Method and Association with Pain, Radiographs and Ultrasound., Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S418-S418.
- Berg, R. van den; Reijnierse, M.; Huizinga, T.W.J. & Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der (2011), Difference in Clinical Presentation of Patients with Spondyloarthritis with a Positive MRI of the SI Joints and/or HLA-B27 Positivity, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(10): S198-S198.
- Brakenhoff, L.K.P.M.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Hommes, D.W. (2011), IBD and arthropathies: a practical approach to its diagnosis and management, Gut 60(10): 1426-1435.
- Scherer, H.U.; Woude, D. van der; Willemze, A.; Trouw, L.A.; Knevel, R.; Syversen, S.W.; Linden, M.P.M. van der; Lie, B.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der; Kvien, T.K. & Toes, R.E.M. (2011), DISTINCT ACPA FINE-SPECIFICITIES, FORMED UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF HLA SHARED EPITOPE ALLELES, HAVE NO EFFECT ON RADIOGRAPHIC JOINT DAMAGE IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70: A5A5.
- Klarenbeek, N.B.; Koevoets, R.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Gerards, A.H.; Wolde, S. ten; Kerstens, P.J.S.M.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Dijkmans, B.A.C. & Allaart, C.F. (2011), Association with joint damage and physical functioning of nine composite indices and the 2011 ACR/EULAR remission criteria in rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(10): 1815-1821.
- Scherer, H.U.; Woude, D. van der; Willemze, A.; Trouw, L.A.; Knevel, R.; Syversen, S.W.; Linden, M.P.M. van der; Lie, B.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der; Kvien, T.K. & Toes, R.E.M. (2011), Distinct ACPA fine specificities, formed under the influence of HLA shared epitope alleles, have no effect on radiographic joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(8): 1461-1464.
- Koevoets, R.; Klarenbeek, N.B.; Guler-Yuksel, M.; Oosterhout, M. van; Krugten, M.V. van; Kerstens, P.J.S.M.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Dijkmans, B.A.C.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der & Allaart, C.F. (2011), Simplified versions of the original disease activity score: validation in the BeSt trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(8): 1471-1474.
- Buch, M.H.; Smolen, J.S.; Betteridge, N.; Breedveld, F.C.; Burmester, G.; Dorner, T.; Ferraccioli, G.; Gottenberg, J.E.; Isaacs, J.; Kvien, T.K.; Mariette, X.; Martin-Mola, E.; Pavelka, K.; Tak, P.P.; Heijde, D. van der; Vollenhoven, R.F. van; Emery, P. & Rituximab Consensus Expert Comm (2011), Updated consensus statement on the use of rituximab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(6): 909-920.
- Koevoets, R.; Machado, P.; Bombardier, C. & Heijde, D.M. van der (2011), The Value of Conventional Radiographs in Undifferentiated Arthritis: A Systematic Review, Journal of Rheumatology 38: 26-30.
- Machado, P.M.M.C.; Koevoets, R.; Bombardier, C. & Heijde, D.M. van der (2011), The Value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Ultrasound in Undifferentiated Arthritis: A Systematic Review, Journal of Rheumatology 38: 31-37.
- Braun, J.; Berg, R. van den; Baraliakos, X.; Boehm, H.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Collantes-Estevez, E.; Dagfinrud, H.; Dijkmans, B.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Geher, P.; Hammoudeh, M.; Inman, R.D.; Jongkees, M.; Khan, M.A.; Kiltz, U.; Kvien, T.K.; Leirisalo-Repo, M.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Olivieri, I.; Pavelka, K.; Sieper, J.; Stanislawska-Biernat, E.; Wendling, D.; Ozgocmen, S.; Drogen, C. van; Royen, B.J. van & Heijde, D. van der (2011), 2010 update of the ASAS/EULAR recommendations for the management of ankylosing spondylitis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(6): 896-904.
- Heijde, D. van der; Sieper, J.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Dougados, M.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Landewe, R.; Rudwaleit, M.; Braun, J. & Assessment SpondyloArthritis Int S (2011), 2010 Update of the international ASAS recommendations for the use of anti-TNF agents in patients with axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(6): 905-908.
- Hazlewood, G.; Aletaha, D.; Carmona, L.; Landewe, R.B.M.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Bijlsma, J.W.J.; Bykerk, V.P.; Canhao, H.; Catrina, A.I.; Durez, P.; Edwards, C.J.; Leeb, B.F.; Mjaavatten, M.D.; Martinez-Osuna, P.; Montecucco, C.; Ostergaard, M.; Serra-Bonett, N.; Xavier, R.M.; Zochling, J.; Machado, P.; Thevissen, K.; Vercoutere, W. & Bombardier, C. (2011), Algorithm for Identification of Undifferentiated Peripheral Inflammatory Arthritis: A Multinational Collaboration Through the 3e Initiative, Journal of Rheumatology 38: 54-58.
- Felson, D.T.; Smolen, J.S.; Wells, G.; Zhang, B.; Tuyl, L.H.D. van; Funovits, J.; Aletaha, D.; Allaart, C.F.; Bathon, J.; Bombardieri, S.; Brooks, P.; Brown, A.; Matucci-Cerinic, M.; Choi, H.; Combe, B.; Wit, M. de; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Furst, D.; Gomez-Reino, J.; Hawker, G.; Keystone, E.; Khanna, D.; Kirwan, J.; Kvien, T.K.; Landewe, R.; Listing, J.; Michaud, K.; Martin-Mola, E.; Montie, P.; Pincus, T.; Richards, P.; Siegel, J.N.; Simon, L.S.; Sokka, T.; Strand, V.; Tugwell, P.; Tyndall, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Verstappen, S.; White, B.; Wolfe, F.; Zink, A. & Boers, M. (2011), American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism Provisional Definition of Remission in Rheumatoid Arthritis for Clinical Trials, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(3): 404-413.
- Felson, D.T.; Smolen, J.S.; Wells, G.; Zhang, B.; Tuyl, L.H.D. van; Funovits, J.; Aletaha, D.; Allaart, C.F.; Bathon, J.; Bombardieri, S.; Brooks, P.; Brown, A.; Matucci-Cerinic, M.; Choi, H.; Combe, B.; Wit, M. de; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Furst, D.; Gomez-Reino, J.; Hawker, G.; Keystone, E.; Khanna, D.; Kirwan, J.; Kvien, T.K.; Landewe, R.; Listing, J.; Michaud, K.; Martin-Mola, E.; Montie, P.; Pincus, T.; Richards, P.; Siegel, J.N.; Simon, L.S.; Sokka, T.; Strand, V.; Tugwell, P.; Tyndall, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Verstappen, S.; White, B.; Wolfe, F.; Zink, A. & Boers, M. (2011), American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism Provisional Definition of Remission in Rheumatoid Arthritis for Clinical Trials, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(3): 573-586.
- Dougados, M.; Simon, P.; Braun, J.; Burgos-Vargas, R.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Sieper, J. & Heijde, D. van der (2011), ASAS recommendations for collecting, analysing and reporting NSAID intake in clinical trials/epidemiological studies in axial spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(2): 249-251.
- Grandaunet, B.; Syversen, S.W.; Hoff, M.; Sundan, A.; Haugeberg, G.; Heijde, D.E. van der; Kvien, T.K. & Standal, T. (2011), Association Between High Plasma Levels of Hepatocyte Growth Factor and Progression of Radiographic Damage in the Joints of Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 63(3): 662-669.
- Giles, J.T.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Bathon, J.M. (2011), Association of circulating adiponectin levels with progression of radiographic joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(9): 1562-1568.
- Machado, P.; Landewe, R.; Braun, J.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Baraliakos, X.; Baker, D.; Hsu, B. & Heijde, D. van der (2011), A stratified model for health outcomes in ankylosing spondylitis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(10): 1758-1764.
- Rahman, M.U.; Buchanan, J.; Doyle, M.K.; Hsia, E.C.; Gathany, T.; Parasuraman, S.; Aletaha, D.; Matteson, E.L.; Conaghan, P.G.; Keystone, E.; Heijde, D. van der & Smolen, J.S. (2011), Changes in patient characteristics in anti-tumour necrosis factor clinical trials for rheumatoid arthritis: results of an analysis of the literature over the past 16 years, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(9): 1631-1640.
- Landewe, R.B.M.; Strand, V.; Conaghan, P.G. & Heijde, D. van der (2011), Damage and Progression on Radiographs in Individual Joints: Data from Pivotal Randomized Controlled Trials, Journal of Rheumatology 38(9): 2018-2022.
- Landewe, R.; Keystone, E.; Smolen, J.; Goldring, M.; Guerette, B.; Patra, K.; Cifaldi, M. & Heijde, D. van der (2011), Disconnect Between Disease Activity and Joint Space Narrowing for Patients with Early Ra Treated with Adalimumab plus Methotrexate but not Methotrexate Alone: Case for Anti-Tnf Cartilage Protection, Journal of Rheumatology 38(6): 1156-1156.
- Heijde, D. van der & Landewe, R.B.M. (2011), Dramatic Repair of Joint Damage in Psoriatic Arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 38(6): 969-970.
- Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der; Knevel, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Huizinga, T.W.J. (2010), How to avoid phenotypic misclassification in using joint destruction as an outcome measure for rheumatoid arthritis?, Rheumatology 49(8): 1429-35.
- Klarenbeek, N.B.; Guler-Yuksel, M.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Hulsmans, H.M.J.; Kerstens, P.J.S.M.; Molenaar, T.H.E.; Sonnaville, P.B.J. de; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Dijkmans, B.A.C. & Allaart, C.F. (2010), Clinical synovitis in a particular joint is associated with progression of erosions and joint space narrowing in that same joint, but not in patients initially treated with infliximab, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(12): 2107-2113.
- Koevoets, R.; Allaart, C.F.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der & Huizinga, T.W.J. (2010), Disease Activity Monitoring in Rheumatoid Arthritis in Daily Practice: Experiences with METEOR, a Free Online Tool, Journal of Rheumatology 37(12): 2632-2633.
- Knevel, R.; Schoels, M.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Aletaha, D.; Burmester, G.R.; Combe, B.; Landewe, R.B.; Smolen, J.S.; Sokka, T. & Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der (2010), Current evidence for a strategic approach to the management of rheumatoid arthritis with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: a systematic literature review informing the EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(6): 987-994.
- Smolen, J.S.; Landewe, R.; Breedveld, F.C.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Gaujoux-Viala, C.; Gorter, S.; Knevel, R.; Nam, J.; Schoels, M.; Aletaha, D.; Buch, M.; Gossec, L.; Huizinga, T.; Bijlsma, J.W.J.W.; Burmester, G.; Combe, B.; Cutolo, M.; Gabay, C.; Gomez-Reino, J.; Kouloumas, M.; Kvien, T.K.; Martin-Mola, E.; McInnes, I.; Pavelka, K.; Riel, P. van; Scholte, M.; Scott, D.L.; Sokka, T.; Valesini, G.; Vollenhoven, R. van; Winthrop, K.L.; Wong, J.; Zink, A. & Heijde, D. van der (2010), EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(6): 964-975.
- Schoels, M.; Knevel, R.; Aletaha, D.; Bijlsma, J.W.J.; Breedveld, F.C.; Boumpas, D.T.; Burmester, G.; Combe, B.; Cutolo, M.; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Heijde, D. van der; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Kalden, J.; Keystone, E.C.; Kvien, T.K.; Martin-Mola, E.; Montecucco, C.; Wit, M. de & Smolen, J.S. (2010), Evidence for treating rheumatoid arthritis to target: results of a systematic literature search, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(4): 638-643.
- Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der; Knevel, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Huizinga, T.W.J. (2010), How to avoid phenotypic misclassification in using joint destruction as an outcome measure for rheumatoid arthritis?, Rheumatology 49(8): 1429-1435.
- Brakenhoff, L.K.P.M.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Hommes, D.W.; Huizinga, T.W.J. & Fidder, H.H. (2010), The joint-gut axis in inflammatory bowel diseases, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 4(3): 257-268.
- Reilly, M.C.; Gooch, K.L.; Wong, R.L.; Kupper, H. & Heijde, D. van der (2010), Validity, reliability and responsiveness of the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire in ankylosing spondylitis, Rheumatology 49(4): 812-819.
- Emery, P.; Breedveld, F.; Heijde, D. van der; Ferraccioli, G.; Dougados, M.; Robertson, D.; Pedersen, R.; Koenig, A.S.; Freundlich, B. & Combination Methotrexate Etanercep (2010), Two-Year Clinical and Radiographic Results With Combination Etanercept-Methotrexate Therapy Versus Monotherapy in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 62(3): 674-682.
- Smolen, J.S.; Aletaha, D.; Bijlsma, J.W.J.; Breedveld, F.C.; Boumpas, D.; Burmester, G.; Combe, B.; Cutolo, M.; Wit, M. de; Dougados, M.; Emery, P.; Gibofsky, A.; Gomez-Reino, J.J.; Haraoui, B.; Kalden, J.; Keystone, E.C.; Kvien, T.K.; McInnes, I.; Martin-Mola, E.; Montecucco, C.; Schoels, M.; Heijde, D. van der & T2T Expert Comm (2010), Treating rheumatoid arthritis to target: recommendations of an international task force, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(4): 631-637.
- Linden, M.P.M. van der; Boja, R.; Klarenbeek, N.B.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Heijde, D.M. van der & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2010), Repair of joint erosions in rheumatoid arthritis: prevalence and patient characteristics in a large inception cohort, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(4): 727-729.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Gooch, K.; Dougados, M.; Wong, R.L.; Chen, N.J.; Kupper, H. & Heijde, D. van der (2010), Thresholds of Patient-Reported Outcomes That Define the Patient Acceptable Symptom State in Ankylosing Spondylitis Vary Over Time and by Treatment and Patient Characteristics, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 62(6): 826-834.
- Baraliakos, X.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Listing, J.; Baker, D.; Hsu, B. & Braun, J. (2010), THE RELATIONSHIP OF BIOMARKERS AND RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS TREATED WITH TNF-BLOCKERS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 28(4): 625-625.
- Machold, K.P.; Landewe, R.; Smolen, J.S.; Stamm, T.A.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Verpoort, K.N.; Brickmann, K.; Vazquez-Mellado, J.; Karateev, D.E.; Breedveld, F.C.; Emery, P. & Huizinga, T.W.J. (2010), The Stop Arthritis Very Early (SAVE) trial, an international multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on glucocorticoids in very early arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(3): 495-502.
- Fransen, J.; Visser, K.; Dongen, H. van; Huizinga, T.; Riel, P.L.C.M. van & Heijde, D.M. van der (2010), Validity of the Disease Activity Score in Undifferentiated Arthritis, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 62(10): 1392-1398.
- Mjaavatten, M.D.; Heijde, D. van der; Uhlig, T.; Haugen, A.J.; Nygaard, H.; Sidenvall, G.; Helgetveit, K. & Kvien, T.K. (2010), The likelihood of persistent arthritis increases with the level of anti-citrullinated peptide antibody and immunoglobulin M rheumatoid factor: a longitudinal study of 376 patients with very early undifferentiated arthritis, Arthritis Research and Therapy 12(3).
- Machado, P.; Landewe, R.; Lie, E.; Kvien, T.K.; Braun, J.; Baker, D. & Heijde, D.H.D. van der (2010), ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS DISEASE ACTIVITY SCORE (ASDAS): DEFINING CUT-OFF VALUES FOR DISEASE ACTIVITY STATES AND IMPROVEMENT SCORES, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 28(4): 624-624.
- Onna, M. van; Heijde, D. van der; Jurik, A.G.; Jacobs, P.; Heuft, L.; Weijers, R. & Landewe, R. (2010), A POSITIVE BASELINE MRI OF THE SACROILIAC JOINTS IN PATIENTS WITH EARLY INFLAMMATORY BACK PAIN PREDICTS PERSISTENCE OF MRI ACTIVITY IN HLA-B27 POSITIVE INDIVIDUALS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 28(4): 634-634.
- Bombardier, C.; Chen, M.G.; Li, X.Y.; Gregersen, P. & Heijde, D. van der (2010), A Risk Model for the Prediction of Radiographic Progression: Results from SONORA Study, Journal of Rheumatology 37(6): 1281-1281.
- Burgos, P.I.; Causey, Z.L.; Tamhane, A.; Kelley, J.M.; Brown, E.E.; Hughes, L.B.; Danila, M.I.; Everdingen, A. van; Conn, D.L.; Jonas, B.L.; Callahan, L.F.; Smith, E.A.; Brasington, R.D.; Moreland, L.W.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Alarcon, G.S. & Bridges, S.L. (2010), Association of IL4R single-nucleotide polymorphisms with rheumatoid nodules in African Americans with rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis Research and Therapy 12(3).
- Heijde, D. van der; Braun, J.; Vlahos, B.; Wishneski, C.; Szumski, A.; Foehl, J. & Koenig, A. (2010), BASELINE AND DISEASE-RELATED CHARACTERISTICS THAT MAY PREDICT TREATMENT RESPONSE TO ETANERCEPT IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: ASCEND, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 28(4): 620-620.
- Syversen, S.W.; Haavardsholm, E.A.; Boyesen, P.; Goll, G.L.; Okkenhaug, C.; Gaarder, P.I.; Heijde, D. van der & Kvien, T.K. (2010), Biomarkers in early rheumatoid arthritis: longitudinal associations with inflammation and joint destruction measured by magnetic resonance imaging and conventional radiographs, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(5): 845-850.
- Machado, P.; Landewe, R.; Braun, J.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Baker, D. & Heijde, D. van der (2010), Both structural damage and inflammation of the spine contribute to impairment of spinal mobility in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(8): 1465-1470.
- Bombardier, C.; Chen, M.; Li, X.Y.; Heijde, D. van der & Gregersen, P. (2010), Clinical Prognostic Factors for Radiographic Damage in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results from SONORA Study, Journal of Rheumatology 37(6): 1321-1321.
- Pham, T.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Pouchot, J. & Guillemin, F. (2010), Development and validation of the French ASQoL questionnaire, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 28(3): 379-385.
- Brakenhoff, L.K.P.M.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Hommes, D.W.; Huizinga, T.W.J. & Fidder, H.H. (2010), The joint-gut axis in inflammatory bowel diseases.
- Heijde, D. van der; Breedveld, F.C.; Kavanaugh, A.; Keystone, E.C.; Landewe, R.; Patra, K. & Pangan, A.L. (2010), Disease Activity, Physical Function, and Radiographic Progression After Longterm Therapy with Adalimumab Plus Methotrexate: 5-Year Results of PREMIER, Journal of Rheumatology 37(11): 2237-2246.
- Grandaunet, B.; Syversen, S.; Hoff, M.; Haugeberg, G.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T. & Standal, T. (2010), DKK1, AN INHIBITOR OF BONE FORMATION IS AN INDEPENDENT PREDICTOR OF HAND BONE LOSS IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 39: 20-20.
- Lie, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Uhlig, T.; Heiberg, M.S.; Koldingsnes, W.; Rodevand, E.; Kaufmann, C.; Mikkelsen, K. & Kvien, T.K. (2010), Effectiveness and retention rates of methotrexate in psoriatic arthritis in comparison with methotrexate-treated patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(4): 671-676.
- Lie, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Uhlig, T.; Mikkelsen, K.; Rodevand, E.; Kalstad, S.; Kaufmann, C. & Kvien, T.K. (2010), EFFECTIVENESS OF SWITCHING BETWEEN TNF INHIBITORS IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS (AS): DATA FROM THE NOR-DMARD REGISTER, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 39: 24-24.
- Keystone, E.C.; Fleischmann, R.; Smolen, J.; Strand, V.; Landewe, R.; Combe, B.; Mease, P.; Ansari, Z.; Goel, N.; Heijde, D. van der & Emery, P. (2010), THE EFFICACY OF CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL ADDED TO METHOTREXATE IS SUSTAINED OVER 2 YEARS IN THE TREATMENT OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, Rheumatology 49: I105I105.
- Keystone, E.; Fleischmann, R.; Smolen, J.; Strand, V.; Landewe, R.; Combe, B.; Mease, P.; Ansari, Z.; Goel, N. & Heijde, D. van der (2010), The Efficacy of Certolizumab Pegol Added to Methotrexate is Sustained Over 2 Years in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 37(6): 1332-1333.
- Lie, E.; Lillegraven, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvamme, M.K.; Uhlig, T. & Kvien, T.K. (2010), EQ-5D AND SF-6D PERFORM DIFFERENTLY IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS (AS): A FOLLOW-UP STUDY OF PATIENTS RECEIVING DISEASE MODIFYING THERAPY, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 39: 31-31.
- Dougados, M.; Jousse-Joulin, S.; Mistretta, F.; d'Agostino, M.A.; Backhaus, M.; Bentin, J.; Chales, G.; Chary-Valckenaere, I.; Conaghan, P.; Etchepare, F.; Gaudin, P.; Grassi, W.; Heijde, D. van der; Sellam, J.; Naredo, E.; Szkudlarek, M.; Wakefield, R. & Saraux, A. (2010), Evaluation of several ultrasonography scoring systems for synovitis and comparison to clinical examination: results from a prospective multicentre study of rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(5): 828-833.
- Maehlen, M.; Nordang, G.; Syversen, S.; Heijde, D. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Uhlig, T. & Lie, B.A. (2010), FCRL3? 169CC IS ASSOCIATED WITH ACPA POSITIVE RA AND WITH RADIOGRAPHIC PROGRESSION, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 39: 22-22.
- Zhang, J.; Redden, D.T.; McGwin, G.; Callahan, L.F.; Smith, E.A.; Alarcon, G.S.; Moreland, L.W.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Brown, E.E.; Arnett, D.K.; Mikuls, T.R.; Bridges, S.L. & Consortium Longitudinal (2010), Generalized Bone Loss as a Predictor of Three-Year Radiographic Damage in African American Patients With Recent-Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 62(8): 2219-2226.
- Maksymowych, W.P.; Gooch, K.L.; Wong, R.L.; Kupper, H. & Heijde, D. van der (2010), Impact of Age, Sex, Physical Function, Health-related Quality of Life, and Treatment with Adalimumab on Work Status and Work Productivity of Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis, Journal of Rheumatology 37(2): 385-392.
- Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Diekman, L.; Sieper, J.; Kim, S.I.; Beutler, A.; Mack, M.; Xu, S.; Zrubek, J.; Hsu, B.; Inman, R. & GO-RAISE Investigators (2010), GOLIMUMAB, A NEW, HUMAN, TNF-ALPHA ANTIBODY ADMINISTERED SUBCUTANEOUSLY EVERY 4 WEEKS, IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: 104-WEEK EFFICACY AND SAFETY RESULTS OF THE RANDOMIZED, PLACEBOCONTROLLED GO-RAISE STUDY, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 28(4): 618-618.
- Heijde, D. van der; Braun, J.; Sieper, J.; Wishneski, C.; Vlahos, B.; Szumski, A.; Foehl, J.; Freundlich, B. & Koenig, A. (2010), THE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS DISEASE ACTIVITY SCORE IN SUBJECTS TREATED WITH ETANERCEPT (ETN) OR SULFASALAZINE: COMPARISON WITH STANDARD EFFICACY MEASURES, Rheumatology 49: I55I55.
- Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Diekman, L.; Sieper, J.; Kim, S.I.; Beutler, A.; Mack, M.; Xu, S.; Zrubek, J.; Hsu, B. & Inman, R. (2010), Golimumab, a New, Human, TNF-alpha Antibody Administered Subcutaneously Every 4 Weeks, in Ankylosing Spondylitis: 104-Week Efficacy and Safety Results of the Randomized, Placebo-Controlled GO-RAISE Study, Journal of Rheumatology 37(6): 1323-1323.
- Heijde, D. van der & Maksymowych, W.P. (2010), Spondyloarthritis: state of the art and future perspectives, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(6): 949-954.
- Braun, J.; Heijde, A.D. van der; Deodhar, L.; Diekman, J.; Sieper, S.I.; Kim, A.; Beutler, M.; Mack, S.; Xu, J.; Zrubek, B.; Hsu, R.; Inman, O. & GO-RAISE (2010), GOLIMUMAB, A NEW HUMAN TNF-alpha ANTIBODY ADMINISTERED SUBCUTANEOUSLY EVERY 4 WEEKS, IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: 104-WEEK EFFICACY AND SAFETY RESULTS OF THE RANDOMIZED, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED GO-RAISE STUDY, Rheumatology 49: I59I59.
- Mjaavatten, M.D.; Heijde, D. van der; Uhlig, T.; Haugen, A.J.; Nygaard, H.; Sidenvall, G.; Helgetveit, K. & Kvien, T.K. (2010), SHOULD ACPA STATUS BE REASSESSED IN PATIENTS WITH EARLY ARTHRITIS: RESULTS FROM FOLLOW-UP EXAMINATIONS IN PATIENTS WITH ARTHRITIS OF LESS THAN 16 WEEKS DURATION, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 39: 22-22.
- Lukas, C.; Heijde, D. van der; Fatenajad, S. & Landewe, R. (2010), Repair of erosions occurs almost exclusively in damaged joints without swelling, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(5): 851-855.
- Gladman, D.; Kavanaugh, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Mease, P.; McInnes, I.; Krueger, G.; Xu, W.C.; Rahman, M.; Zrubek, J.; Baratelle, A. & Beutler, A. (2010), Golimumab Inhibits Progression of Radiographic Damage in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis: 52 Week Results From the GO-REVEAL Study, Journal of Rheumatology 37(6): 1326-1327.
- Kavanaugh, A.; Gladman, D.; Heijde, D. van der; Mease, P.; McInnes, L.; Krueger, G.G.; Xu, W.; Rahman, M.U.; Zrubek, J.; Baratelle, A.; Beutler, A. & GO-REVEAL Investigators (2010), GOLIMUMAB INHIBITS PROGRESSION OF RADIOGRAPHIC DAMAGE IN PATIENTS WITH PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS: 52 WEEK RESULTS FROM THE GO-REVEAL STUDY, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 28(4): 619-619.
- Deodhar, A.; Braun, J.; Inman, R.D.; Mack, M.; Parasuraman, S.; Buchanan, J.; Hsu, B.; Gathany, T. & Heijde, D. van der (2010), Golimumab Reduces Sleep Disturbance in Patients With Active Ankylosing Spondylitis: Results From a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 62(9): 1266-1271.
- Vastesaeger, N.; Heijde, D. van der; Inman, R.; Wang, Y.; Deodhar, A.; Hsu, B.; Rahman, M.U.; Dijkmans, B.; Geusens, P.; Sieper, J.; Braun, J. & ASSERT GO-RAISE Investigators (2010), IDENTIFICATION OF ANTI-TNF CANDIDATES BASED ON PREDICTED RESPONSE AND REMISSION IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 28(4): 607-608.
- Heijde, D. van der; Baumgartner, S.; Wajdula, J.; Fletcher, T.; Wishneski, C.; Vlahos, B.; Foehl, J.; Freundlich, B. & Koenig, A. (2010), RATES OF SERIOUS INFECTIONS, OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTIONS, INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE, AND CANCERS IN SUBJECTS RECEIVING ETANERCEPT VERSUS CONTROLS FROM CLINICAL TRIALS IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 28(4): 616-617.
- Vastesaeoer, N.; Heijde, D. van der; Inman, R.; Wang, Y.; Deodhar, A.; Hsu, B.; Rahman, M.U.; Dijkmans, B.; Geusens, P.; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; ASSERT Investigators & GO-RAISE Investigators (2010), IDENTIFICATION OF ANTI-TNF CANDIDATES BASED ON PREDICTED RESPONSE AND REMISSION IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 28(4): 621-621.
- Bridges, S.L.; Causey, Z.L.; Burgos, P.I.; Huynh, B.Q.N.; Hughes, L.B.; Danila, M.I.; Everdingen, A. van; Ledbetter, S.; Conn, D.L.; Tamhane, A.; Westfall, A.O.; Jonas, B.L.; Callahan, L.F.; Smith, E.A.; Brasington, R.; Moreland, L.W.; Alarcon, G.S. & Heijde, D.M. van der (2010), Radiographic Severity of Rheumatoid Arthritis in African Americans: Results From a Multicenter Observational Study, ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH 62(5): 624-631.
- Baraliakos, X.; Heldmann, F.; Heijde, D. van der; Listing, J.; Sieper, J.; OOrtwijn, A.; Bolce, R. & Braun, J. (2010), RADIOGRAPHIC FINDINGS AFTER 5 YEARS OF INFLIXIMAB TREATMENT IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 28(4): 633-633.
- Bombardier, C.; Chen, M.; Li, X.Y. & Heijde, D. van der (2010), Radiographic Damage and Radiographic Progression are Predictors for Physical Function: Results from SONORA Study, Journal of Rheumatology 37(6): 1321-1322.
- Keystone, E.; Kavanaugh, A.; Heijde, D. van der; Sinisi, S. & Guerette, B. (2010), Improvements in Radiographic, Clinical, and Functional Outcomes for Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated With Adalimumah Plus Methotrexate Through 8 Years, Journal of Rheumatology 37(6): 1293-1293.
- Combe, B.; Schwartzman, S.; Massarotti, E.; Keystone, E.; Luijtens, K. & Heijde, D. van der (2010), Incremental Benefit of Open-Label Certolizumab Pegol plus MTX in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Patients Following Double-Blind Placebo plus IVITX Treatment Out to 2 Years, Journal of Rheumatology 37(6): 1292-1292.
- Combe, B.; Schwartzman, S.; Massarotti, E.; Keystone, E.C.; Luijtens, K. & Heijde, D. van der (2010), INCREMENTAL BENEFIT OF OPEN-LABEL CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL plus MTX IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS (RA) PATIENTS FOLLOWING DOUBLE-BLIND PLACEBO plus MTX TREATMENT OUT TO 2 YEARS, Rheumatology 49: I96I97.
- Landewe, R.B.M.; Houbiers, J.G.A.; Bosch, F. van den; in't Hout, J.; Verschueren, P.C.P.M.; Meijerink, J.H.; Hoogen, F.H.J. van den; Masek, B.A.; Bruyn, G.A.W.; Wouters, J.M.G.W.; Voskuyl, A.E.; Laar, J.M. van; Bijlsma, J.J.W.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Breedveld, F.C.; Putte, L.B.A. van de; Miltenburg, A.M.M. & Keyser, F. de (2010), Intranasal administration of recombinant human cartilage glycoprotein-39 as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis: a phase II, multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, dose-finding trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(9): 1655-1659.
- Heijde, D. van der (2010), MEASURING DISEASE ACTIVITY - ASDAS?, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 28(4): 604-605.
- Heijde, D. van der; Rudwaleit, M.; Landewe, R.B.M. & Sieper, J. (2010), OPINION Justification for including MRI as a tool in the diagnosis of axial SpA, Nature Reviews Rheumatology 6(11): 670-672.
- Keystone, E.; Heijde, D. van der; Smolen, J.; Weinblatt, M.; Kvien, T.; Strand, V.; Ansari, Z.; Goel, N. & Combe, B. (2010), Open-Label Certolizumab Pegol Is Effective In Patients Who Withdrew From Double-Blind Treatment Due To Non-Response, Journal of Rheumatology 37(6): 1333-1333.
- Heijde, D. van der; Rudwaleit, M.; Landewe, R.B.M. & Sieper, J. (2010), Justification for including MRI as a tool in the diagnosis of axial SpA., Nature Reviews Rheumatology 6(11): 670-2.
- Berg, R. van den & Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der (2010), How should we diagnose spondyloarthritis according to the ASAS classification criteria: a guide for practicing physicians., Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewn�trznej 120(11): 452-7.
- Kiltz, U.; Heijde, D. van der; Cieza, A.; Boonen, A.; Stucki, G.; Ustun, B. & Braun, J. (2010), Developing and validating an index for measuring health in patients with ankylosing spondylitis., Rheumatology.
- Syversen, S.W.; Goll, G.L.; Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Lie, B.A.; Odegard, S.; Uhlig, T.; Gaarder, P.I. & Kvien, T.K. (2010), Prediction of radiographic progression in rheumatoid arthritis and the role of antibodies against mutated citrullinated vimentin: results from a 10-year prospective study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(2): 345-351.
- Klarenbeek, N.B.; Guler-Yuksel, M.; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Kerstens, P.J.S.M.; Mallee, C.; Westedt, M.L.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Dijkmans, B.A.C. & Allaart, C.F. (2010), A comparison between the simplified erosion and narrowing score and the Sharp-van der Heijde score: post hoc analysis from the BeSt study., Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
- Landewe, R.B.M.; Gunther, K.P.; Lukas, C.; Braun, J.; Combe, B.; Conaghan, P.G.; Dreinhofer, K.; Fritschy, D.; Getty, J.; Heide, H.J.L. van der; Kvien, T.K.; Machold, K.; Mihai, C.; Mosconi, M.; Nelissen, R.; Pascual, E.; Pavelka, K.; Pileckyte, M.; Puhl, W.; Punzi, L.; Ruther, W.; San-Julian, M.; Tudisco, C.; Westhovens, R.; Witso, E. & Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der (2010), EULAR/EFORT recommendations for the diagnosis and initial management of patients with acute or recent onset swelling of the knee, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(1): 12-19.
- Hammer, H.B.; Odegard, S.; Syversen, S.W.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Uhlig, T.; Mowinckel, P. & Kvien, T.K. (2010), Calprotectin (a major S100 leucocyte protein) predicts 10-year radiographic progression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(1): 150-154.
- Boonen, A.; Braun, J.; Bruinsma, I.E.V.; Huang, F.; Maksymowych, W.; Kostanjsek, N.; Cieza, A.; Stucki, G. & Heijde, D. van der (2010), ASAS/WHO ICF Core Sets for ankylosing spondylitis (AS): how to classify the impact of AS on functioning and health, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(1): 102-107.
- Berg, R. van den & Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der (2010), How should we diagnose spondyloarthritis according to the ASAS classification criteria A guide for practicing physicians, POLSKIE ARCHIWUM MEDYCYNY WEWNETRZNEJ-POLISH ARCHIVES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 120(11): 452-457.
- Boonen, A.; Brinkhuizen, T.; Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der & Severens, J.L. (2010), Impact of ankylosing spondylitis on sick leave, presenteeism and unpaid productivity, and estimation of the societal cost, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(6): 1123-1128.
- Woude, D. van der; Syversen, S.W.; Voort, E.I.H. van der; Verpoort, K.N.; Goll, G.L.; Linden, M.P.M. van der; Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der; Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Kvien, T.K. & Toes, R.E.M. (2010), The ACPA isotype profile reflects long-term radiographic progression in rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(6): 1110-1116.
- van der Woude D, Young A, Jayakumar K, Mertens BJ, Toes REM, van der Heijde D, Huizinga TWJ & van der Helm-van Mil AHM (2009), Prevalence of and Predictive Factors for Sustained Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drug-Free Remission in Rheumatoid Arthritis Results From Two Large Early Arthritis Cohorts, Arthritis and Rheumatism 60(8): 2262-2271.
- van der Woude D, Young A, Jayakumar K, Mertens BJ, Toes REM, van der Heijde D, Huizinga TWJ & van der Helm-van Mil AHM (2009), Prevalence of and Predictive Factors for Sustained Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drug-Free Remission in Rheumatoid Arthritis Results From Two Large Early Arthritis Cohorts, Arthritis and Rheumatism 60(8): 2262-2271.
- van der Woude D, Young A, Jayakumar K, Mertens BJ, Toes REM, van der Heijde D, Huizinga TWJ & van der Helm-van Mil AHM (2009), Prevalence of and Predictive Factors for Sustained Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drug-Free Remission in Rheumatoid Arthritis Results From Two Large Early Arthritis Cohorts, Arthritis and Rheumatism 60(8): 2262-2271.
- van der Woude D, Young A, Jayakumar K, Mertens BJ, Toes REM, van der Heijde D, Huizinga TWJ & van der Helm-van Mil AHM (2009), Prevalence of and Predictive Factors for Sustained Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drug-Free Remission in Rheumatoid Arthritis Results From Two Large Early Arthritis Cohorts, Arthritis and Rheumatism 60(8): 2262-2271.
- van der Linden MPM, Feitsma AL, le Cessie S, Kern M, Olsson LM, Raychaudhuri S, Begovich AB, Chang M, Catanese JJ, Kurreeman FAS, van Nies J, van der Heijde DM, Gregersen PK, Huizinga TWJ, Toes REM & van der Helm-van Mil AHM (2009), Association of a Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism in CD40 With the Rate of Joint Destruction in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 60(8): 2242-2247.
- van der Heijde D, Schiff MH, Sieper J, Kivitz AJ, Wong RL, Kupper H, Dijkmans BA, Mease PJ, Davis JC & ATLAS Study Group (2009), Adalimumab effectiveness for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis is maintained for up to 2 years: long-term results from the ATLAS trial., Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(6): 922-9.
- Visser K & van der Heijde D (2009), Optimal dosage and route of administration of methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review of the literature., Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(7): 1094-9.
- Visser K, Katchamart W, Loza E, Martinez-Lopez JA, Salliot C, Trudeau J, Bombardier C, Carmona L, van der Heijde D, Bijlsma JW, Boumpas DT, Canhao H, Edwards CJ, Hamuryudan V, Kvien TK, Leeb BF, Martín-Mola EM, Mielants H, Müller-Ladner U, Murphy G, Østergaard M, Pereira IA, Ramos-Remus C, Valentini G, Zochling J & Dougados M (2009), Multinational evidence-based recommendations for the use of methotrexate in rheumatic disorders with a focus on rheumatoid arthritis: integrating systematic literature research and expert opinion of a broad international panel of rheumatologists in the 3E Initiative., Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(7): 1086-93.
- van der Heijde D, Schiff MH, Sieper J, Kivitz A, Wong R, Kupper H, Dijkmans BAC, Mease PJ & Davis Jr JC. (2009), Adalimumab effectiveness for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis is maintained for up to 2 years: longterm results from the ATLAS trial., Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
- Visvanathan S, van der Heijde D, Deodhar A, Wagner C, Baker D, Han J & Braun J. (2009), Effects of infliximab on markers of inflammation and bone turnover and associations with bone mineral density in patients with ankylosing spondylitis., Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
- Boonen A, van Berkel M, Kirchberger I, Cieza A, Stucki G & van der Heijde D. (2009), Aspects relevant for functioning in patients with ankylosing spondylitis according to the health professionals: a Delphi study with the ICF as reference., Rheumatology.
- van der Heijde D & Ostergaard M. (2009), Assessment of disease activity and damage in inflammatory arthritis.
- Landewé R & van der Heijde D (2009), Broad issues in the approach to rheumatic diseases. Clinical trial design and analysis.
- van der Linden Sj, van der Heijde D & Maksymowych WP. (2009), Spondyloarthropathies. Ankylosing Spondylitis. In: Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology, Eight Edition.
- van der Linden MP, Feitsma AL, le Cessie S, Kern M, Olsson LM, Raychaudhuri S, Begovich AB, Chang M, Catanese JJ, Kurreeman FA, van Nies J, van der Heijde DM, Gregersen PK, Huizinga TW, Toes RE & van der Helm-Van Mil AH (2009), Association of a single-nucleotide polymorphism in CD40 with the rate of joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis., Arthritis and Rheumatism 60(8): 2242-7.
- Cieza A, Hilfiker R, Boonen A, van der Heijde D, Braun J & Stucki G (2009), Towards an ICF-based clinical measure of functioning in people with ankylosing spondylitis: A methodological exploration.
- Rudwaleit M, van der Heijde D, Landewe R, Listing J, Akkoc N, Brandt J, Braun J, Chou CT, Collantes-Estevez E, Dougados M, Huang F, Gu J, Khan MA, Kirazli Y, Maksymowych WP, Mielants H, Sorensen IJ, Ozgocmen S, Roussou E, Valle-Onate R, Weber U, Wei J & Sieper J (2009), The development of Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society classification criteria for axial spondyloarthritis (part II): validation and final selection, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(6): 777-783.
- Rudwaleit M, Landewe R, van der Heijde D, Listing J, Brandt J, Braun J, Burgos-Vargas R, Collantes-Estevez E, Davis J, Dijkmans B, Dougados M, Emery P, van der Horst-Bruinsma IE, Inman R, Khan MA, Leirisalo-Repo M, van der Linden S, Maksymowych WP, Mielants H, Olivieri I, Sturrock R, de Vlam K & Sieper J (2009), The development of Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society classification criteria for axial spondyloarthritis (part I): classification of paper patients by expert opinion including uncertainty appraisal, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(6): 770-776.
- Sieper J, Rudwaleit M, Baraliakos X, Brandt J, Braun J, Burgos-Vargas R, Dougados M, Hermann KG, Landewe R, Maksymowych W & van der Heijde D (2009), The Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS) handbook: a guide to assess spondyloarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68: 1-44.
- Syversen SW, Landewe R, van der Heijde D, Bathon JM, Boers M, Bykerk VP, Fitzgerald O, Gladman DD, Garnero P, Geusens P, El-Gabalawy H, Inman RD, Kraus V, Kvien TK, Mease PJ, Ostergaard M, Ritchlin CJ, Tak PP, Taylor WJ & Maksymowych WP (2009), Testing of the OMERACT 8 Draft Validation Criteria for a Soluble Biomarker Reflecting Structural Damage in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Literature Search on 5 Candidate Biomarkers, Journal of Rheumatology 36(8): 1769-1784.
- Lukas C, Landewe R, Fatenejad S & van der Heijde D (2009), Subtle changes in individual joints result in both positive and negative change scores in a patient: results from a clinical trial in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(11): 1691-1695.
- Halvorsen EH, Haavardsholm EA, Pollmann S, Boonen A, van der Heijde D, Kvien TK & Molberg O (2009), Serum IgG antibodies to peptidylarginine deiminase 4 predict radiographic progression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with tumour necrosis factor-alpha blocking agents, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(2): 249-252.
- Visser K & van der Heijde DMFM (2009), Risk and management of liver toxicity during methotrexate treatment in rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis: a systematic review of the literature, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 27(6): 1017-1025.
- Hafstrom I, Albertsson K, Boonen A, van der Heijde D, Landewe R & Svensson B (2009), Remission achieved after 2 years treatment with low-dose prednisolone in addition to disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs in early rheumatoid arthritis is associated with reduced joint destruction still present after 4 years: an open 2-year continuation study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(4): 508-513.
- (2009), Methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis: experience and recommendations from the 3E initiative., Clinical Rheumatology.
- Maksymowych WP, Landewe R, Tak PP, Ritchlin CJ, Ostergaard M, Mease PJ, El-Gabalawy H, Garnero P, Gladman DD, Fitzgerald O, Aletaha D, Bykerk VP, Bathon JM, Syversen SW, Boers M, Geusens P, Inman RD, Kraus VB, Kvien TK, Taylor WJ, Wells GA & van der Heijde D (2009), Reappraisal of OMERACT 8 Draft Validation Criteria for a Soluble Biomarker Reflecting Structural Damage Endpoints in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Spondyloarthritis: The OMERACT 9 v2 Criteria, Journal of Rheumatology 36(8): 1785-1791.
- Smolen JS, Han C, van der Heijde DMFM, Emery P, Bathon JM, Keystone E, Maini RN, Kalden JR, Aletaha D, Baker D, Han J, Bala M & St Clair EW (2009), Radiographic changes in rheumatoid arthritis patients attaining different disease activity states with methotrexate monotherapy and infliximab plus methotrexate: the impacts of remission and tumour necrosis factor blockade, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(6): 823-827.
- Maksymowych WP, Fitzgerald O, Wells GA, Gladman DD, Landewe R, Ostergaard M, Taylor WJ, Christensen R, Tak PP, Boers M, Syversen SW, Bathon JM, Ritchlin CJ, Mease PJ, Bykerk VP, Garnero P, Geusens P, El-Gabalawy H, Aletaha D, Inman RD, Kraus VB, Kvien TK & van der Heijde D (2009), Proposal for Levels of Evidence Schema for Validation of a Soluble Biomarker Reflecting Damage Endpoints in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Ankylosing Spondylitis, and Recommendations for Study Design, Journal of Rheumatology 36(8): 1792-1799.
- Smolen JS, van der Heijde DM, Aletaha D, Xu S, Han J, Baker D & St Clair EW (2009), Progression of radiographic joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis: independence of erosions and joint space narrowing, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(10): 1535-1540.
- Landewe R, Dougados M, Mielants H, van der Tempel H & van der Heijde D (2009), Physical function in ankylosing spondylitis is independently determined by both disease activity and radiographic damage of the spine, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(6): 863-867.
- van der Heijde DM, Revicki DA, Gooch KL, Wong RL, Kupper H, Harnam N, Thompson C & Sieper J (2009), Physical function, disease activity, and health-related quality-of-life outcomes after 3 years of adalimumab treatment in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Arthritis Research and Therapy 11(4).
- Visser K & van der Heijde D (2009), Optimal dosage and route of administration of methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review of the literature, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(7): 1094-1099.
- Sieper J, van der Heijde D, Landewe R, Brandt J, Burgos-Vagas R, Collantes-Estevez E, Dijkmans B, Dougados M, Khan MA, Leirisalo-Repo M, van der Linden S, Maksymowych WP, Mielants H, Olivieri I & Rudwaleit M (2009), New criteria for inflammatory back pain in patients with chronic back pain: a real patient exercise by experts from the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS), Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(6): 784-788.
- Sharp JT, Angwin J, Boers M, Duryea J, Finckh A, Hall JR, Kauffman JA, Landewe R, Langs G, Lukas C, Moens HJB, Peloschek P, Strand CV & van der Heijde D (2009), Multiple Computer-based Methods of Measuring Joint Space Width Can Discriminate Between Treatment Arms in the COBRA Trial - Update of an Ongoing OMERACT Project, Journal of Rheumatology 36(8): 1825-1828.
- Visser K, Katchamart W, Loza E, Martinez-Lopez JA, Salliot C, Trudeau J, Bombardier C, Carmona L, van der Heijde D, Bijlsma JWJ, Boumpas DT, Canhao H, Edwards CJ, Hamuryudan V, Kvien TK, Leeb BF, Martin-Mola EM, Mielants H, Muller-Ladner U, Murphy G, Ostergaard M, Pereira IA, Ramos-Remus C, Valentini G, Zochling J & Dougados M (2009), Multinational evidence-based recommendations for the use of methotrexate in rheumatic disorders with a focus on rheumatoid arthritis: integrating systematic literature research and expert opinion of a broad international panel of rheumatologists in the 3E Initiative, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(7): 1086-1093.
- Haavardsholm EA, Ostergaard M, Hammer HB, Boyesen P, Boonen A, van der Heijde D & Kvien TK (2009), Monitoring anti-TNF alpha treatment in rheumatoid arthritis: responsiveness of magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography of the dominant wrist joint compared with conventional measures of disease activity and structural damage, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(10): 1572-1579.
- Salliot C & van der Heijde D (2009), Long-term safety of methotrexate monotherapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic literature research, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(7): 1100-1104.
- Gooch K, Feeny DH, Wong R, Pangan A, Revicki D & van der Heijde D (2009), IS THE HEALTH UTILITIES INDEX VALID AND RESPONSIVE IN ASSESSING PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS?, Value in Health 12(3): A71A71.
- van der Heijde D, Burmester G, Melo-Gomes J, Codreanu C, Mola EM, Pedersen R, Robertson D, Chang D, Koenig A & Freundlich B (2009), Inhibition of radiographic progression with combination etanercept and methotrexate in patients with moderately active rheumatoid arthritis previously treated with monotherapy, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(7): 1113-1118.
- Pope J, van der Heijde D, Weinblatt M, Landewe RB, Goel N, Wells AF & Fleischmann R (2009), Inhibition of Progression of Structural Damage by Week 16 with Certolizumab Pegol: Results from the RAPID Trials, Journal of Rheumatology 36(11): 2603-2603.
- Braun J, van der Heijde D, Doyle MK, Han CL, Deodhar A, Inman R, de Vlam K, Burmester GR, Van den Bosch F, Xu S, Visvanathan S & Rahman MU (2009), Improvement in Hemoglobin Levels in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis Treated With Infliximab, Arthritis and Rheumatism 61(8): 1032-1036.
- Kiltz U & van der Heijde D (2009), Health-related quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 27(4): S108S111.
- Braun J, Inman RD, van der Heijde D, Mack M, Parasuraman S, Buchanan J, Hsu B, Beutler A, Han C & Deodhar A (2009), GOLIMUMAB SIGNIFICANTLY IMPROVES PRODUCTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: RESULTS FROM THE PHASE 3 GO-RAISE STUDY, Value in Health 12(3): A72A72.
- Braun J, Davis J, van der Heijde D, Deodhar A, Diekman L, Sieper J, Il Kim S, Han J, Hsu B & Inman R (2009), GOLIMUMAB, A NEW, HUMAN, TNF alpha ANTIBODY, IN ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS (AS): 24-WEEK EFFICACY AND SAFETY RESULTS OF THE GO-RAISE STUDY, Rheumatology 48: I57I57.
- Lukas C, Guillemin F, Landewe R, van der Heijde D, Logeart I, Fautrel B, Daures JP & Combe B (2009), Factors determining a DMARD initiation in early inflammatory arthritis patients. The ESPOIR cohort study, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 27(1): 84-91.
- Dijkmans B, Emery P, Hakala M, Leirisalo-Repo M, Mola EM, Paolozzi L, Salvarani C, Sanmarti R, Sibilia J, Sieper J, Van den Bosch F, van der Heijde D, van der Linden S & Wajdula J (2009), Etanercept in the Longterm Treatment of Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis, Journal of Rheumatology 36(6): 1256-1264.
- Smolen J, Landewe RB, Mease P, Brzezicki J, Mason D, Luijtens K, van Vollenhoven RF, Kavanaugh A, Schiff M, Burmester GR, Strand V, Vencovsky J & van der Heijde D (2009), Efficacy and safety of certolizumab pegol plus methotrexate in active rheumatoid arthritis: the RAPID 2 study. A randomised controlled trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(6): 797-804.
- Lukas C, Landewe R, Sieper J, Dougados M, Davis J, Braun J, van der Linden S & van der Heijde D (2009), Development of an ASAS-endorsed disease activity score (ASDAS) in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(1): 18-24.
- Hoff M, Haugeberg G, Odegard S, Syversen S, Landewe R, van der Heijde D & Kvien TK (2009), Cortical hand bone loss after 1 year in early rheumatoid arthritis predicts radiographic hand joint damage at 5-year and 10-year follow-up, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(3): 324-329.
- Goldbach-Mansky R, Wilson M, Fleischmann R, Olsen N, Silverfield J, Kempf P, Kivitz A, Sherrer Y, Pucino F, Csako G, Costello R, Pham TH, Snyder C, van der Heijde D, Tao XL, Wesley R & Lipsky PE (2009), Comparison of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F Versus Sulfasalazine in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis A Randomized Trial, Annals of Internal Medicine 151(4): 229W51.
- Wordsworth P, van der Heijde D, Dijkmans BA, Schiff MH, Kivitz A, de Vlam K, Ballal S, Kupper H, Wong RL & Sieper J (2009), CLINICAL RESPONSE AND PARTIAL REMISSION SUSTAINED THROUGH 3 YEARS OF ADALIMUMAB TREATMENT IN THE ATLAS TRIAL, Rheumatology 48: I56I56.
- Pope J, van der Heijde D, Weinblatt M, Landewe R, Goel N, Wells AF & Fleischmann RM (2009), Certolizumab Pegol Inhibits Radiographic Progression at 16 Weeks of Treatment. Results from Two RCTs (RAPID 1 And 2), Journal of Rheumatology 36(11): 2603-2604.
- Syversen SW, Goll GL, van der Heijde D, Landewe R, Gaarder PI, Odegard S, Haavardsholm EA & Kvien TK (2009), Cartilage and Bone Biomarkers in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Prediction of 10-year Radiographic Progression, Journal of Rheumatology 36(2): 266-272.
- Keystone EC, van der Heijde D, Landewe R, Patra K, Perez JL & Pangan AL (2009), Better Long-term Inhibition of Radiographic Progression in Early RA with Adalimumab and Methotrexate Initial Combination Therapy: 5-Year Results of The PREMIER Trial, Journal of Rheumatology 36(11): 2573-2574.
- Landewe R & van der Heijde D (2009), A systematic comparison of rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis: structural outcomes, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 27(4): S102S107.
- van der Heijde D, Salonen D, Weissman BN, Landewe R, Maksymowych WP, Kupper H, Ballal S, Gibson E & Wong R (2009), Assessment of radiographic progression in the spines of patients with ankylosing spondylitis treated with adalimumab for up to 2 years, Arthritis Research and Therapy 11(4).
- van der Heijde D, Lie E, Kvien TK, Sieper J, Van den Bosch F, Listing J, Braun J & Landewe R (2009), ASDAS, a highly discriminatory ASAS-endorsed disease activity score in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(12): 1811-1818.
- van der Linden MP, Boja R, Klarenbeek NB, Huizinga TW, van der Heijde DM & van der Helm-van Mil AH (2009), Repair of joint erosions in rheumatoid arthritis: prevalence and patient characteristics in a large inception cohort., Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
- Kiltz U, van der Heijde D, Mielants H, Feldtkeller E & Braun J (2009), ASAS/EULAR recommendations for the management of ankylosing spondylitis: the patient version, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(9): 1381-1386.
- Hashimoto J, Garnero P, Heijde D, Miyasaka N, Yamamoto K, Kawai S, Takeuchi T, Yoshikawa H & Nishimoto N (2009), A combination of biochemical markers of cartilage and bone turnover, radiographic damage and body mass index to predict the progression of joint destruction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, Modern Rheumatology 19(3): 273-282.
- Thabet MM, Huizinga TWJ, van der Heijde DM & van der Helm-van Mil AHM (2009), The prognostic value of baseline erosions in undifferentiated arthritis, Arthritis Research and Therapy 11(5).
- Rudwaleit M, Jurik AG, Hermann KGA, Landewe R, van der Heijde D, Baraliakos X, Marzo-Ortega H, Ostergaard M, Braun J & Sieper J (2009), Defining active sacroiliitis on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for classification of axial spondyloarthritis: a consensual approach by the ASAS/OMERACT MRI group, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 68(10): 1520-1527.
- van der Woude D, Young A, Jayakumar K, Mertens BJ, Toes RE, van der Heijde D, Huizinga TW & van der Helm-van Mil AH (2009), Prevalence of and predictive factors for sustained disease-modifying antirheumatic drug-free remission in rheumatoid arthritis: results from two large early arthritis cohorts., Arthritis and Rheumatism 60(8): 2262-71.
- Svensson B, Albertsson K, Boonen A, van der Heijde D, Lerner U & Hafstrom I (2008), Changes in the osteoclast-regulating proteins during early rheumatoid arthritis treated with low-dose prednisolone, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Inman, R.D.; Davis, J.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Dickman, L.; Sieper, J.; Kim, S.I.; Mack, M.; Han, J.; Visvanathan, S.; Xu, Z.H.; Su, B.; Beutler, A. & Braun, J. (2008), Efficacy and Safety of Golimumab in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis Results of a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Phase III Trial, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(11).
- Boonen, A.E.; Braun, J.; Maksy'mowych, W.; Horst, I. van der; Huang, F.; Kostarjek, N.; Cieza, A.; Stucki, G. & Heijde, D. van der (2008), The ASAS/VMO large and brief icf core sets for ankylosing spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Keystone E, van der Heijde D, Mason D, Landewe R, van Vollenhoven R, Combe B, Emery P, Strand V, Mease P, Desai C & Pavelka K (2008), Certolizumab Pegol Plus Methotrexate Is Significantly More Effective Than Placebo Plus Methotrexate in Active Rheumatoid Arthritis Findings of a Fifty-Two-Week, Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(11).
- Landewe, R.; Heijde, D. van der; Baraliakos, X.; Hermann, K.G.; Houben, H.; Hsu, B.; Baker, D. & Braun, J. (2008), Progression measured by the MRI chronicity score poorly agrees with progression measured by mSASSS on radiographs at the vertebral unit level and at the patient level, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Heijde, D. van der; Braun, J.; Davis, J.C.; Deodhar, A.; Inman, R.D.; Mack, M.; Beutler, A. & Hsu, B. (2008), Head-to-head comparison of three enthesitis indices in the ankylosing spondylitis anti-TNF-alpha trial of golimumab (GO-RAISE), Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- van der Heijde D, Landewe R, Maksymowych W, Weissman B, Salonen D, Ballal S, Holdbrook F, Wong R, Kupper H & Medichs J (2008), Adalimumab (HUMIRA (R)) therapy for Ankylosing spondylitis over 2 years does not demonstrate inhibition of radiographic progression compared with a historical control group, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Visser K, Bombardier C, Carmona L, van der Heijde D, Katchamart W, Loza E, Martinez-Lopez JA, Salliot C, Trudeau J & Dougados M (2008), Multinational evidence-based recommendations for the use of methotrexate in rheumatic disorders: Integrating systematic literature research and expert opinion of a broad panel of rheumatologists in the 3E initiative, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Visvanathan, S.; Inman, R.D.; Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Hsu, B.; Beutler, A.; Mack, M.; Elashoff, M. & Wagner, C.L. (2008), Identification of serum markers associated with improvement in clinical response measures in ankylosing spondylitis patients treated with golimumab, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Braun, J.; Inman, R.D.; Heijde, D. van der; Mack, M.; Parasuraman, S.; Buchanan, J.; Hsu, B.; Beutler, A.; Han, C. & Deodhar, A. (2008), Golimumab significantly improves productivity in patients with active Ankylosing spondylitis: Results from the phase 3 GO-RAISE study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Syversen SW, Gaarder PI, Goll GL, Odegard S, Haavardsholm EA, Mowinckel P, van der Heijde D, Landewe R & Kvien TK (2008), High anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide levels and an algorithm of four variables predict radiographic progression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from a 10-year longitudinal study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(2).
- van der Heijde D, Burmester G, Melo-Gomes J, Codreanu C, Mola EM, Pedersen R, Freundlich B & Chang DJ (2008), The safety and efficacy of adding etanercept to methotrexate or methotrexate to etanercept in moderately active rheumatoid arthritis patients previously treated with monotherapy, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(2).
- Inman, R.D.; Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Mack, M.; Parasuraman, S.; Buchanan, J.; Hsu, B.; Beutler, A.; Han, C. & Braun, J. (2008), Golimumab significantly improves physical function in patients with active Ankylosing spondylitis: Results from the phase 3 GO-RAISE, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Dougados M, van der Heijde D, Sieper J, Mease P & Pangan A (2008), More rheumatoid arthritis or more spondyloarthritis? Preliminary results from the SPARK survey of US and European clinical practice, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Deodhar, A.; Braun, J.; Inman, R.D.; Mack, M.; Parasuraman, S.; Buchanan, J.; Hsu, B.; Beutler, A.; Han, C. & Heijde, D. van der (2008), Golimumab significantly improves sleep in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis: Results from the phase 3 GO-RAISE study, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 26(4).
- Heijde, D. van der; Deodhar, A.; Braun, J.; Mack, M.; Parasuraman, S.; Buchanan, J.; Hsu, B.; Beutler, A.; Han, C. & Inman, R.D. (2008), Golimumab significantly improves health-related quality of life in patients with active ankytosing spondylitis: Results from the phase 3 GO-RAISE study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Braun J, Inman RD, van der Heijde D, Mack M, Parasuraman S, Buchanan J, Hsu B, Beutler A, Han C & Deodhar A (2008), GOLIMUMAB SIGNIFICANTLY IMPROVES PRODUCTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: RESULTS FROM THE PHASE 3 GO-RAISE STUDY, Value in Health 11(6): A354A354.
- Zochling, J.; Sieper, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Braun, J. & Assessment Ankylosing Spondylitis (2008), Development of a core set of domains for data collection in cohorts of patients with ankylosing spondylitis receiving anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha therapy, Journal of Rheumatology 35(6).
- Vosse D, Heijckmann C, Landewe R, Van Der Heijde D, Van Der Linden S & Geusens P (2008), Comment on: Comparing morphometric X-ray absorptiometry and radiography in defining vertebral wedge fractures in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: reply, Rheumatology 47(7).
- Salliot C, Bombardier C & van der Heijde D (2008), Long term safety of methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis; a systematic literature review, Journal of Rheumatology 35(6).
- Klarenbeek NB, Guler-Yuksel M, van der Kooij SM, van der Heijde DMFM, Han KH, Hulsmans HMJ, Kerstens PJSM, Speyer I, Huizinga TWJ, Dijkmans BAC & Allaart CF (2008), Clinical and radiological outcomes in recent onset rheumatoid arthritis after 5 years of DAS-steered treatment in the BeSt-Study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Antoni CE, Kavanaugh A, van der Heijde D, Beutler A, Keenan G, Zhou B, Kirkham B, Tutuncu Z, Burmester GR, Schneider U, Furst DE, Molitor J, Keystone E, Gladman DD, Manger B, Wassenberg S, Weier R, Wallace DJ, Weisman MH, Kalden JR & Smolen JS (2008), Two-year efficacy and safety of infliximab treatment in patients with active psoriatic arthritis: Findings of the infliximab multinational psoriatic arthritis controlled trial (IMPACT), Journal of Rheumatology 35(5).
- Braun, J.; Inman, R.D.; Heijde, D. van der; Mack, N.; Parasuraman, S.; Buchanan, J.; Hsu, B.; Beutler, A.; Han, C. & Deodhar, A. (2008), Golimumab significantly improves productivity in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis: Results from the phase 3 go-raise study, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 26(4).
- Braun, J.; Davis, J.C.; Heijde, D. van der; Diekman, L.; Sieper, J.; Kim, S.I.; Mack, M.; Hsu, B.; Beutler, A. & Inman, R.D. (2008), Golimumab, a new, human, TNF-alpha antibody administered subcutaneously every 4 weeks, in ankylosing spondylitis: 24-week efficacy and safety results of the randomized, placebo-controlled GO-RAISE study, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 26(4).
- van der Heijde D, Landewe R, Einstein S, Ory P, Vosse D, Ni L, Lin SL, Tsuji W & Davis JC (2008), Radiographic progression of ankylosing spondylitis after up to two years of treatment with etanercept, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(5).
- Cohen SB, Dore RK, Lane NE, Ory PA, Peterfy CG, Sharp JT, van der Heijde D, Zhou LF, Tsuji W & Newmark R (2008), Denosumab treatment effects on structural damage, bone mineral density, and bone turnover in rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(5).
- Lukas C, Sharp JT, Angwin J, Boers M, Duryea J, Hall JR, Kauffman JA, Landewe R, Langs G, Moens HJB, Peloschek P & van der Heijde D (2008), Automated measurement of joint space width in small joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 35(7).
- Gossec, L.; Dougados, M.; Phillips, C.; Hammoudeh, M.; Vlam, K. de; Pavelka, K.; Pham, T.; Braun, J.; Sieper, J.; Olivieri, I.; Heijde, D. van der; Collantes, E.; Stone, M.; Kvien, T.K. & ASAS (2008), Dissemination and evaluation of the ASAS/EULAR recommendations for the management of ankylosing spondylitis: results of a study among 1507 rheumatologists, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(6).
- Bons JAP, van der Heijde D, Bouwman FG, Mariman EC, van Dieijen-Visser MP, Landewe R, van der Linden S & Wodzig WKWH (2008), Searching for potential biomarkers that can be used as biomarkers for diagnosing ankylosing spondylitis, Biomarkers in Medicine 2(1).
- van der Heijde D, Landewe R, Lie E & Kvien TORE (2008), Cross-validation of 4 disease activity scores for ankylosing spondylitis (ASDAS) in the NORDMARD database, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 26(4).
- Vosse D, Landewe R, Garnero P, van der Heijde D, van der Linden S & Geusens P (2008), Association of markers of bone- and cartilage-degradation with radiological changes at baseline and after 2 years follow-up in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Rheumatology 47(8).
- Landewe, R.; Sieper, J.; Braun, J.; Bosch, F. van den; Listing, J.; Cruyssen, B. van der & Heijde, D. van der (2008), Superior discriminatory capacity of ASDAS in clinical trials, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- van der Heijde D (2008), Disease activity in SpA, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 26(4).
- Maksymowych W, Dougados M, Wong R, Gooch K, Chen N, Chmiel J & van der Heijde D (2008), Association of patient characteristics with attaining Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) in ankylosing spondylitis (AS), Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 26(4).
- Dougados M, Luo MP, Maksymowych WP, Chmiel JJ, Chen N, Wong RL, Davis JC & Van der Heijde D (2008), Evaluation of the patient acceptable symptom state as an outcome measure in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: Data from a randomized controlled trial, Arthritis and Rheumatism 59(4).
- van der Heijde D, Weinblatt M, Landewe RB, Goel N, Wells AF & Fleischmann RM (2008), Inhibition of progression of structural damage by week 16 with certolizumab pegol: Results from the RAPID trials, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Wordsworth P, Dijkmans B, van der Heijde D, Davis J, Schiff M, Kivitz A, Sieper J, Mease P, Kupper H & Wong R (2008), Adalimumab sustains improvement in spinal mobility in as patients through 104 weeks - Results from atlas, Rheumatology 47.
- van der Heijde D, Landewe R, Baraliakos X, Hermann KG, Houben H, Hsu B, Baker D & Brau J (2008), Mri-inflammation of the vertebral unit (vu) only marginally contributes to new syndesmophyte formation in that unit: A multi-level analysis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Visser K & van der Heijde D (2008), Incidence of liver enzyme elevations and liver biopsy abnormalities during methotrexate treatment in rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review of the literature, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- van der Heijde D, Schiff M, Sieper J, Kivitz A, Dijkmans B, Mease P, Kupper H, Ballal S & Wong R (2008), Long-term spinal mobility in patients with ankylosin spondylitis (AS) - 3-year results from the adalimumab (HUMIRA (R)) trial valuating long-term efficacy and safety in AS (ATLAS), Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Visvanathan, S.; Wagner, C.; Marini, J.C.; Baker, D.; Gathany, T.; Han, J.; Heijde, D. van der & Braun, J. (2008), Inflammatory biomarkers, disease activity and spinal disease measures in patients with ankylosing spondylitis after treatment with infliximab, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(4).
- van der Heijde D, Landewe R & Feldtkeller E (2008), Proposal of a linear definition of the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index (BASMI) and comparison with the 2-step and 10-step definitions, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(4).
- Halvorsen EH, Pollmann S, Gilboe IM, van der Heijde D, Landewe R, Odegard S, Kvien TK & Molberg O (2008), Serum IgG antibodies to peptidylarginine deiminase 4 in rheumatoid arthritis and associations with disease severity, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(3).
- Dias EM, Lukas C, Landewe R, Fatenejad S & van der Heijde D (2008), Reliability and sensitivity to change of the Simple Erosion Narrowing Score compared with the Sharp-van der Heijde method for scoring radiographs in rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(3).
- Davis, J.C.; Heijde, D.M. van der; Braun, J.; Dougados, M.; Clegg, D.O.; Kivitz, A.J.; Fleischmann, R.M.; Inman, R.D.; Ni, L.; Lin, S.L. & Tsuji, W.H. (2008), Efficacy and safety of up to 192 weeks of etanercept therapy in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(3).
- Heijde, D. van der; Pangan, A.L.; Schiff, M.H.; Braun, J.; Borofsky, M.; Torre, J.; Davis, J.C.; Wong, R.L.; Kupper, H.; Collantes, E. & ATLAS Study Grp (2008), Adalimumab effectively reduces the signs and symptoms of active ankylosing spondylitis in patients with total spinal ankylosis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(9).
- van der Heijde D, Landewe R, van Vollenhoven R, Fatenejad S & Klareskog L (2008), Level of radiographic damage and radiographic progression are determinants of physical function: a longitudinal analysis of the TEMPO trial, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(9).
- van der Heijde D, Dijkmans B, Schiff M, Kivitz A, de Vlam K, Wordsworth P, Ballal S, Kupper H, Wong R & Sieper J (2008), Maintenance of reduction in disease activity and partial remission in patients with Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) - 3-year results from the adalimumab (HUMIRO) trial evaluating long-term efficacy and safety in AS (ATLAS), Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Visser K & van der Heijde D (2008), Optimal dosage and route of administration of methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review of the literature, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Deodhar, A.; Braun, J.; Inman, R.D.; Mack, M.; Parasuraman, S.; Buchanan, J.; Hsu, B.; Beutler, A.; Han, C. & Heijde, D. van der (2008), Golimumab significantly improves sleep in patients with active Ankylosing spondylitis: Results from the phase 3 GO-RAISE study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(9).
- Aletaha D, Landewe R, Karonitsch T, Bathon J, Boers M, Bombardier C, Bombardieri S, Choi H, Combe B, Dougados M, Emery P, Gomez-Reino J, Keystone E, Koch G, Kvien TK, Martin-Mola E, Matucci-Cerinic M, Michaud K, O'Dell J, Paulus H, Pincus T, Richards P, Simon L, Siegel J, Smolen JS, Sokka T, Strand V, Tugwell P, van der Heijde D, van Riel P, Vlad S, van Vollenhoven R, Ward M, Weinblatt M, Wells G, White B, Wolfe F, Zhang B, Zink A & Felson D (2008), Reporting disease activity in clinical trials of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: EULAR/ACR collaborative recommendations, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(10).
- Karonitsch T, Aletaha D, Boers M, Bombardieri S, Combe B, Dougados M, Emery P, Felson D, Gomez-Reino J, Keystone E, Kvien TK, Martin-Mola E, Matucci-Cerinic M, Richards P, van Riel P, Siegel J, Smolen JS, Sokka T, van der Heijde D, van Vollenhoven R, Ward M, Wells G, Zink A & Landewe R (2008), Methods of deriving EULAR/ACR recommendations on reporting disease activity in clinical trials of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(10).
- Kavanaugh A, Klareskog L, van der Heijde D, Li J, Freundlich B & Hooper M (2008), Improvements in clinical response between 12 and 24 weeks in patients with rheumatoid arthritis on etanercept therapy with or without methotrexate, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(10).
- Braun, J.; Doedhar, A.; Dijkmans, B.; Geusens, P.; Sieper, J.; Williamson, P.; Xu, W.C.; Visvanathan, S.; Baker, D.; Goldstein, N.; Heijde, D. van der & Ankylosing Spondylitis Study Evalu (2008), Efficacy and safety of infliximab in patients with ankylosing spondylitis over a two-year period, Arthritis and Rheumatism 59(9).
- Mikuls TR, Hughes LB, Westfall AO, Holers VM, Parrish L, van der Heijde D, van Everdingen M, Alarcon GS, Conn DL, Jonas B, Callahan LF, Smith EA, Gilkeson G, Howard G, Moreland LW & Bridges SL (2008), Cigarette smoking, disease severity and autoantibody expression in African Americans with recent-onset rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(11).
- Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Baraliakos, X.; Houben, H.; Tubergen, A. van; Williamson, P.; Xu, W.C.; Baker, D.; Goldstein, N.; Braun, J. & Ankylosing Spondylitis Study Evalu (2008), Radiographic Findings Following Two Years of Infliximab Therapy in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 58(10).
- Aletaha D, Landewe R, Karonitsch T, Bathon J, Boers M, Bombardier C, Bombardieri S, Choi H, Combe B, Dougados M, Emery P, Gomez-Reino J, Keystone E, Koch G, Kvien TK, Martin-Mola E, Matucci-Cerinic M, Michaud K, O'Dell J, Paulus H, Pincus T, Richards P, Simon L, Siegel J, Smolen JS, Sokka T, Strand V, Tugwell P, van der Heijde D, van Riel P, Vlad S, van Vollenhoven R, Ward M, Weinblatt M, Wells G, White B, Wolfe F, Zhang B, Zink A & Felson D (2008), Reporting Disease Activity in Clinical Trials of Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: EULAR/ACR Collaborative Recommendations, Arthritis and Rheumatism 59(10).
- van der Heijde D, Landewe R, Boonen A, Einstein S, Herborn G, Rau R, Wassenberg S, Weissman BN, Winalski CS & Sharp JT (2007), Expert agreement confirms that negative changes in hand and foot radiographs are a surrogate for repair in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis Research and Therapy 9(4).
- Gladman DD, Mease PJ, Healy P, Helliwell PS, Fitzgerald O, Cauli A, Lubrano E, Krueger GG, van der Heijde D, Veale DJ, Kavanaugh A, Nash P, Rtchlin C, Taylor W & Strand V (2007), Outcome measures in psoriatic arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 34(5).
- Gladman, D.D.; Mease, P.J.; Strand, V.; Healy, P.; Helliwell, P.S.; Fitzgerald, O.; Gottlieb, A.B.; Krueger, G.G.; Nash, P.; Ritchlin, C.T.; Taylor, W.; Adebajo, A.; Braun, J.; Caull, A.; Carneiro, S.; Choy, E.; Dijkmans, B.; Espinoza, L.; Heijde, D. van der; Husni, E.; Lubrano, E.; McGonagle, D.; Qureshi, A.; Soriano, E.R. & Zochling, J. (2007), Consensus on a core set of domains for psoriatic arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 34(5).
- Landewe R & van der Heijde D (2007), Primer: challenges in randomized and observational studies, Nature Clinical Practice Rheumatology 3(11).
- Vosse D, Heijckmann C, Landewe R, van der Heijde D, van der Linden S & Geusens P (2007), Comparing morphometric X-ray absorptiometry and radiography in defining vertebral wedge fractures in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Rheumatology 46(11).
- Lie BA, Viken MK, Odegard S, van der Heijde D, Landewe R, Uhlig T & Kvien TK (2007), Associations between the PTPN22 1858C -> T polymorphism and radiographic joint destruction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from a 10-year longitudinal study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 66(12).
- van der Heijde D, Klareskog L, Landewe R, Bruyn GAW, Cantagrel A, Durez P, Herrero-Beaumont G, Molad Y, Codreanu C, Valentini G, Zahora R, Pedersen R, MacPeek D, Wajdula J & Fatenejad S (2007), Disease remission and sustained halting of radiographic progression with combination etanercept and methotrexate in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 56(12).
- Tubach F, Ravaud P, Beaton D, Boers M, Bombardier C, Felson DT, van der Heijde D, Wells G & Dougados M (2007), Minimal clinically important improvement and patient acceptable symptom state for subjective outcome measures in rheumatic disorders, Journal of Rheumatology 34(5).
- Maksymowych WP, Landewe R, Conner-Spady B, Dougados M, Mielants H, van der Tempel H, Poole AR, Wang ND & van der Heijde D (2007), Serum matrix metalloproteinase 3 is an independent predictor of structural damage progression in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 56(6).
- Maksymowych WP, Landewe R, Boers M, Garnero P, Geusens P, El-Gabalawy H, Heinegard D, Krause V, Lohmander S, Matyas J, Saxne T & van der Heijde D (2007), Development of draft validation criteria for a soluble biomarker to be regarded as a valid biomarker reflecting structural damage endpoints in rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthritis clinical trials, Journal of Rheumatology 34(3).
- Keeling SO, Landewe R, van der Heijde D, Bathon J, Boers M, Garnero P, Geusens P, El-Gabalawy H, Inman RD, Kraus VB, Kvien TK, Mease PJ, Ostergaard M, Ritchlin C, Syversen SW & Maksymowych WP (2007), Testing of the preliminary OMERACT validation criteria for a biomarker to be regarded as reflecting structural damage endpoints in rheumatoid arthritis clinical trials: The example of C-reactive protein, Journal of Rheumatology 34(3).
- van der Heijde D (2007), Long-term effects of early treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Nature Clinical Practice Rheumatology 3(5).
- Lukas, C.; Braun, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Hermann, K.G.A.; Rudwaleit, M.; Ostergaard, M.; Oostveen, A.; O'Connor, P.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Lambert, R.G.W.; Jurik, A.G.; Baraliakos, X.; Landewe, R. & ASASOMERACT MRI AS Working Grp (2007), Scoring inflammatory activity of the spine by magnetic resonance imaging in ankylosing spondylitis: A multireader experiment, Journal of Rheumatology 34(4).
- Heijde, D. van der; Landewe, R.; Hermann, K.G.; Rudwaleit, M.; Ostergaard, M.; Oostveen, A.; O'Connor, P.; Maksymowych, W.P.; Lambert, R.G.; Lukas, C.; Jurik, A.G.; Boers, M.; Baraliakos, X.; Braun, J. & (2007), Is there a preferred method for scoring activity of the spine by magnetic resonance imaging in ankylosing spondylitis?, Journal of Rheumatology 34(4).
- Sharp JT, Angwin J, Boers M, Duryea J, von Ingersleben G, Hall JR, Kauffman JA, Landewe R, Langs G, Lukas C, Maillefert JF, Moens HJB, Peloschek P, Strand V & van der Heijde D (2007), Computer based methods for measurement of joint space width: Update of an ongoing OMERACT project, Journal of Rheumatology 34(4).
- van der Heijde D, Landewe R & Sharp JT (2007), Repair in rheumatoid arthritis, current status. Report of a workshop at OMERACT 8, Journal of Rheumatology 34(4).
- Maksymowych WP, Richardson R, Mallon C, van der Heijde D & Boonen A (2007), Evaluation and validation of the patient acceptable symptom state (PASS) in patients with ankylosing-spondylitis, Arthritis and Rheumatism 57(1).
- van der Heijde D, Kavanaugh A, Gladman DD, Antoni C, Krueger GG, Guzzo C, Zhou B, Dooley LT, de Vlam K, Geusens P, Birbara C, Halter D & Beutler A (2007), Infliximab inhibits progression of radiographic damage in patients with active psoriatic arthritis through one year of treatment - Results from the induction and maintenance psoriatic arthritis clinical trial 2, Arthritis and Rheumatism 56(8).
- Nishimoto N, Hashimoto J, Miyasaka N, Yamamoto K, Kawai S, Takeuchi T, Murata N, van der Heijde D & Kishimoto T (2007), Study of active controlled monotherapy used for rheumatoid arthritis, an IL-6 inhibitor (SAMURAI): Evidence of clinical and radiographic benefit from an x ray reader-blinded randomised controlled trial of tocilizumab, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 66(9).
- Davis JC, Revicki D, van der Heijde DMF, Rentz AM, Wong RL, Kupper H & Luo MP (2007), Health-related quality of life outcomes in patients with active Ankylosing spondylitis treated with adalimumab: Results from a randomized controlled study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 57(6).
- Van der Heijde D. (2007), Progression and improvement of radiographic changes, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 66: 17-17.
- Braun, J.; Baraliakos, X.; Listing, J.; Davis, J.; Heijde, D. van der; Haibel, H.; Rudwaleit, M. & Sieper, J. (2007), Differences in the incidence of flares or new onset of inflammatory bowel diseases in patients with ankylosing spondylitis exposed to therapy with anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha agents, Arthritis and Rheumatism 57(4).
- van der Heijde D & Klareskog L (2007), Reply to letter by Yazici and Yazici commenting on the two-year report on the Trial of Etanercept and Methotrexate with Radiographic and Patient Outcomes, Arthritis and Rheumatism 56(3).
- Heuft-Dorenbosch L, Landewe R, Weijers R, Houben H, van der Linden S, Jacobs P & van der Heijde D (2007), Performance of various criteria sets in patients with inflammatory back pain of short duration; the Maastricht early spondyloarthritis clinic, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 66(1).
- Schett G, Landewe R & van der Heijde D (2007), Tumour necrosis factor blockers and structural remodelling in ankylosing spondylitis: what is reality and what is fiction?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 66(6).
- Verstappen SMM, Jacobs JWG, van der Heijde DM, van der Linden SJ, Verhoef CM, Bijlsma JWJ & Boonen A (2007), Utility and direct costs: ankylosing spondylitis compared with rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 66(6).
- Boonen A, van der Heijde D, Landewe R, van Tubergen A, Mielants H, Dougados M & van der Linden S (2007), How do the EQ-5D, SF-6D and the well-being rating scale compare in patients with ankylosing spondylitis?, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 66(6).
- Gladman DD, Inman RD, Cook RJ, Maksymowych WP, Braun J, Davis JC, Landewe RBM, Mease P, Brandt J, Vargas RB, Chandran V, Helliwell P, Kavanaugh A, O'Shea FD, Khan MA, Pipitone N, Rahman P, Reveille JD, Stone MA, Taylor W, Veale DJ & van der Heijde D (2007), International spondyloarthritis interobserver reliability exercise - The INSPIRE study: II. Assessment of peripheral joints, enthesitis, and dactylitis, Journal of Rheumatology 34(8).
- Braun J, Davis JC, Van der Heijde D, Diekman L, Sieper J, Kim SI, Mack M, Han J, Hsu B, Beutler A & Inman R (2007), Golimumab, a new, human, TNF-alpha antibody administered as a monthly subcutaneous injection in ankylosing spondylitis (AS): 24-week efficacy and safety results of the randomized, placebocontrolled GO-RAISE study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 56(12).
- Gladman DD, Inman RD, Cook RJ, van der Heijde D, Landewe RBM, Braun J, Davis JC, Mease P, Brandt J, Vargas RB, Chandran V, Helliwell P, Kavanaugh A, O'Shea FD, Khan MA, Pipitone N, Rahman P, Reveille JD, Stone MA, Taylor W, Veale DJ & Maksymowych WP (2007), International spondyloarthritis interobserver reliability exercise - The INSPIRE study: I. Assessment of spinal measures, Journal of Rheumatology 34(8).
- Han CL, Smolen JS, Kavanaugh A, Van der Heijde D, Braun J, Westhovens R, Zhao N, Rahman MU, Baker D & Bala M (2007), The impact of infliximab treatment on quality of life in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, Arthritis Research and Therapy 9(5).
- Breedveld FC, Han C, Bala M, van der Heijde D, Baker D, Kavanaugh AF, Maini RN & Lipsky PE (2005), Association between baseline radiographic damage and improvement in physical function after treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 64(1).
- Smolen JS, Han C, Bala M, Maini RN, Kalden JR, van der Heijde D, Breedveld FC, Furst DE & Lipsky PE (2005), Evidence of radiographic benefit of treatment with infliximab plus methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis patients who had no clinical improvement - A detailed subanalysis of data from the anti-tumor necrosis factor trial in rheumatoid arthritis with concomitant therapy study, Arthritis and Rheumatism 52(4).
- Maini RN, Breedveld FC, Kalden JR, Smolen JS, Furst D, Weisman MH, St Clair EW, Keenan GF, van der Heijde D, Marsters PA & Lipsky PE (2004), Sustained improvement over two years in physical function, structural damage, and signs and symptoms among patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with infliximab and methotrexate, Arthritis and Rheumatism 50(4).
- van der Heijde D, Simon L, Smolen J, Strand V, Sharp J, Boers M, Breedveld F, Weisman M, Weinblatt M, Rau R & Lipsky P (2002), How to report radiographic data in randomized clinical trials in rheumatoid arthritis: Guidelines from a roundtable discussion, Arthritis and Rheumatism 47(2).
- Lipsky PE, van der Heijde DMFM, St Clair EW, Furst DE, Breedveld FC, Kalden JR, Smolen JS, Weisman M, Emery P, Feldmann M, Harriman GR & Maini RN (2000), Infliximab and methotrexate in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, New England Journal of Medicine 343(22).
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