André Brasil Varandas Pinto
- Naam
- Dr. A.L. Brasil Varandas Pinto
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0003-1832-5199
Voor meer informatie, zie Engelstalige profielpagina.
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Brasil Varandas Pinto A.L. (24 oktober 2023), Advancing the evaluation of graduate education: towards a multidimensional model in Brazil (Dissertatie. Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Rijcke S. de, Noijons E.C.M.
- Brasil A., Chen C.M. & van Leeuwen T. (2022), Analysing open access publishing beyond Plan S: motivations for publishing in Hybrid and Bronze OA formats. 26th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 7 september 2022 - 9 september 2022: Zenodo.
- Brasil A. (2022), Multidimensionality through self-evaluation: from theory to practice in the Brazilian graduate system, Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation 53: 97 (106).
- Brasil A. (2022), Rethinking a national classification system of research and graduate education. 26th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 7 september 2022 - 9 september 2022: Zenodo.
- Bernstein M.J., Nielsen M.W., Alno E., Brasil Varandas Pinto A., Birkving A.L., Chan T.T., Griessler E., de Jong S., van de Klippe W., Meijer I., Yaghmaei E., Nicolaisen P.B., Nieminen M., Novitzky P. & Mejlgaard N. (2022), The societal readiness thinking tool: a practical resource for maturing the societal readiness of research projects, Science and Engineering Ethics 28(1): .
- Brasil Varandas Pinto A. & van Leeuwen T. (2022), The unseen costs of article processing charges: the different realities of Brazil and the Netherlands. 26th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 7 september 2022 - 9 september 2022: Zenodo.
- Brasil Varandas Pinto A.L. (2021), Beyond the Web of Science: an overview of Brazilian papers indexed by regionally relevant databases.
- Brasil A. & Trevisol J.V. (2021), O Sistema Nacional de Pós-Graduação no Paraná: características e dinâmicas de desenvolvimento. In: Silva Oliveira V. da & Costa F.G. (red.), Pós-graduação e pesquisa: formação e desafios no contexto da UENP. Cornélio Procópio: Editora UENP. 16-34.
- Brasil A (6 januari 2021), Responsibility in research evaluation practices: lessons from a global discussion. SUPER MoRRI. [blog].
- Brasil A. (2020), Building a national system of research and graduate education: how did the university become the house of science in Brazil?, Revista NUPEM 12(27): 222-253.
- Trevisol J.V., de Bastiani S.C. & Brasil A. (2020), As dinâmicas da Pós-graduação em Santa Catarina: evolução e perspectivas (1969 - 2018), Evaluation: Journal of higher education evaluation 25(1).
- Calero-Medina C. & Brasil A. (2020), Bibliometric analysis of research collaboration between Brazil and the Netherlands (2008-2018). Leiden: CWTS.
- Brasil A., Eum S., Klippe W. van de & Rafols I. (4 juni 2022), COVID-19: what do funders consider relevant research?. Leiden Madtrics. Leiden, the Netherlands: CWTS, Leiden University. [blog].
- Brasil A. (3 december 2020), Sorbonne declaration on research data rights. Leiden Madtrics. Leiden, the Netherlands: CWTS, Leiden University. [blog].
- Brasil Varandas Pinto A.L. (2019), Accreditation of graduate courses in Brazil: analysing the evaluation of the first proposals of professional doctorates in the country. 17th International Conference of the International-Society-for-Scientometrics-and-Informetrics (ISSI) on Scientometrics and Informetrics 2 september 2019 - 5 september 2019 2534-2542.
- Brasil A. (2018), Exploring differences in scientific production originated from professional and academic graduate courses in Brazil. 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, Leiden, STI 2018 Conference Proceedings. 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 12 september 2018 - 14 september 2018: Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS). 27-40.
- Brandão A., Villela A., Oliveira C., Brasil A. & Santos A. (2018), Social network analysis and text mining to identify innovative research themes: supporting the Brazilian national agenda for research within graduate education. 6th International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA), Brussels. 6th International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) 4 juni 2018 - 5 juni 2018.
- Brasil André (2018), Gestão de riscos na avaliação de programas de pós-graduação: Estratégias para estimar o potencial de sucesso de cursos novos, com base em propostas apresentadas à CAPES (Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA)). [overig].
- Brasil André (2010), Fale Bem, Fale Sempre. São Paulo: Universo dos Livros.
- Brasil A. (2010), Tempo é muito mais que dinheiro. São Paulo: Universo dos Livros.
- Brasil André (2005), MegaMemória: Explore todo o potencial de sua mente. São Paulo: Alegro / Elsevier.