Universiteit Leiden

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Tim Mainhard

Professor Educational Sciences

Prof.dr. M.T. Mainhard
+31 71 527 2727

Tim Mainhard works as a professor of Educational Sciences at the Institute of Education and Child Studies at Leiden University. Tim Mainhard focuses primarily on how interaction and social climate in primary and secondary education can best be operationalized and how teacher-student interaction can contribute to motivation, well-being and learning.

More information about Tim Mainhard

Short cv and research

After doing his master’s in psychology at Maastricht University, Tim Mainhard received a PhD from Utrecht University for his dissertation on interpersonal teacher behavior in secondary education classrooms. He received several external research grants, including personal grants from the Dutch Research Council.

His research on interpersonal processes in the classroom is relevant to current societal issues such as citizenship education, equity in education and the teacher shortage. Tim Mainhard focuses primarily on how interaction and the social climate in primary and secondary education can best be operationalized and how teacher-student interaction contributes to motivation, well-being and learning. His research also focuses on implications for teachers themselves, such as professional well-being and stress.


Tim Mainhard chaired the AERA Special Interest Group Classroom Management, has been associate editor for Learning and Instruction and has extensive experience in social science research review as a member of ethics committees. Since September 2022 he is the educational director of the graduate school ICO (Interuniversity Center for Educational Sciences).


In addition to his teaching in the (under) graduate program Educational Sciences and the Research Master at Education and Child Studies, Tim is involved as a coordinator (EMPO - Educational Master Primary Education) and teacher educator/lecturer (EMPO and ACPA - Academic Pabo) in two academic teacher training programs for primary education.


Monday - Friday

Professor Educational Sciences

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  • Onderwijswetenschappen

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden
Room number 4B07



  • Interuniversity Centre for Educational Sciences (ICO) Educational Director - Onderwijsdirecteur
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