Universiteit Leiden

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Sarah Inskip

Guest Researcher

Dr. S.A. Inskip
+31 71 527 2727

Dr. Sarah Inskip was an assistant professor in Human Osteoarchaeology at Leiden University, who has worked on medieval and post medieval material from Spain, England, The Netherlands, Cape Verde, and Egypt.  Her research interests are diverse, including the analysis of activity-related skeletal modifications and sexual dimorphism, anatomy, dental anthropology, and forensic anthropology. Prior to arriving at Leiden, Sarah worked as freelance osteoarchaeologist in addition to lecturing in osteoarchaeology at the University of Southampton from 2008 to 2011. She also taught at Bournemouth University in 2012, where she was involved in their forensic programs.

After completing a BSc at the University of Lincoln, Sarah undertook her MA and PhD research at the University of Southampton, UK. This research focused on the analysis of burial treatment and physical activity patterns in early medieval Islamic burials from Écija, Andalucia, Spain.  By giving the body centrality and taking a contextual approach, her research aimed to explore how people were key in the development of Iberian Islamic identity. In particular, she took a multifactorial approach to activity which combined data from entheses, osteoarthritis, bone metrics, and articular modifications. Important areas of investigation included comparison of activity-related skeletal modifications between the sexes and a diachronic analysis of skeletal morphology and burial rites from the pre-Islamic to end of the Umayyad Caliphate.  In this research she developed an innovative strategy for studying religious identity, an area that still lags behind research into gender, age, and ethnic identity

Assistant Professor

  • Faculteit Archeologie
  • Archaeological Sciences
  • Bio-Archaeology

Work address

Van Steenis
Einsteinweg 2
2333 CC Leiden


Guest Researcher

  • Faculteit Archeologie
  • Archaeological Sciences
  • Bio-Archaeology


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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