Liselore Tissen
External PhD Candidate
- Name
- L.N.M. Tissen MA
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0003-4478-7426
Liselore Tissen is a researcher at LUCAS and Delft University of Technology (Mechanical Engineering). Additionally, she is affiliated with the Royal Netherlands Institute of Arts and Science as a Face of Science. She currently works as program manager of ethics, digital research, education, and interdisciplinary collaborations at the Social Sciences Humanities Open Cloud. She is also a board member of various national and international organizations (e.g., Restauratoren Nederland, European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) - Culture & Creativity), and she is a scientific ambassador for the city and university of Leiden.
More information about Liselore Tissen
Leiden Arts in Society Blog
In the media
Academic supervisors
My main interests lie in the crossroads between modern technology and art. I am focusing on the moral and ethical discussions that arise with the introduction of new technologies within the art world. Furthermore, I am interested in exploring the possibilities technology has to offer for technical art historical research, art conservation, presentation and the creation of contemporary artworks.
Indistinguishable likeness is an in-depth inquiry into the impact of 3D printing in our contemporary digitized society and the importance of this technology for art historical research and the conservation & presentation of artworks. The ever-growing divide between authenticity and reproduction has been a topic of discussion since Walter Benjamin argued (1936) that reproduction strips artworks from their artistic relevance and connections to the past. Although nowadays art reproductions are omnipresent (e.g. on mobile devices and posters) 3D printing offers possibilities hitherto unperceived: artworks can be printed preserving every visual and material detail. Undeniably, 3D printing technology will continue to develop, yet the impact of this technology on how we view authentic artworks and the societal role of museums remains unresearched. This study critically analyzes contemporary ethics in the art world to understand, on the one hand, the way 3D printing challenges the notions of authenticity and copy, and on the other, to grasp the significance of this innovative technology for the appreciation of original artworks. Drawing from the disciplines of (technical) art history, 3D technology and conservation studies, a theoretic framework for a profound study of 3D printing is established. Based on this framework, paintings of Dutch museum collections that are (entirely or partly) 3D printed function as case studies to show the impact and significance of 3D printing for contemporary art theory and practice. Subsequently, this research proposes ways in which 3D printing can attribute to maintaining both museums’ critical function and artworks’ social and material integrity.
Guest PhD Student (Leiden University & Delft University of Technology)
Master Arts & Culture, Leiden University
Conservation & Restoration (minor), University of Amsterdam
Bachelor Art History, Leiden University
PhD supervision
Prof.dr. C.J.M. Zijlmans
Prof.dr. J. Dik (3mE – TU Delft)
Leiden Delft Erasmus – Centre for Global Heritage and Development
Netherlands Institute for Conservation+Art+Science+
External PhD Candidate
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- KG Moderne beeldende kunst
- Tissen L.N.M. & Witmans F. (2024), Eigenlijk is mijn hele onderzoek een verrassing - Face je kennis: Liselore en Femke. Amsterdam: Faces of Science (KNAW / NEMOKennislink). [other].
- Tissen L.N.M. (2024), 3D inzetten bij restitutie roofkunst?. NRC Handelsblad: 9.
- Tissen L.N.M., Oosterman N. & Nuland M. van (29 April 2023), Kopzorgen voor het museum: wat te doen met een gestolen schedel?. Trouw, Cultuur.
- Tissen L.N.M. (2023), Zinderend voor alle zintuigen: een interview met installatiekunstenaar Philip Vermeulen, Kunstenaarsmateriaal 126(Kunst & Wetenschap): 40-45.
- Tissen L.N.M. (28 June 2023), Digitaal Meisje met de Parel spreekt publiek juist aan. Trouw, Opinie.
- Tissen L.N.M. (9 September 2023), Theo van Doesburg's muze uit de printer. NRC Handelsblad: 9.
- Tissen L.N.M. (13 September 2023), 3D-printen biedt uitkomst voor roofkunst: Liselore Tissen maakte Mexicaanse schedel na van Museum Volkenkunde. Leidsch Dagblad.
- Tissen L.N.M. (3 December 2023), Echte en geprinte Van Doesburgs naast elkaar in Leids museum De Lakenhal. Leidsch Dagblad.
- Tissen L.N.M. (4 December 2023), Echte en geprinte Van Doesburgs naast elkaar in Leids museum De Lakenhal. Leidsch Dagblad.
- Tissen L.N.M. (2023), Onopgelost mysterie: is dit een echte Rembrandt?. Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant.
- Tissen L.N.M. (2023), Onopgelost mysterie: is dit een echte Rembrandt?. Algemeen Dagblad.
- Tissen L.N.M., Frequin S. & Wiersma R.S. (2023), The case of the golden background, a virtual restoration and a physical reconstruction of the medieval Crucifixion of the Lindau Master (c. 1425), Digital Humanities Quarterly 17(1): .
- Tissen L.N.M. (2023), Video: study arts & culture at Leiden University short film (Leiden University). [film].
- Tissen L.N.M. & Frequin S. (13 April 2022), Tentoonstellen van 3D-prints kan de kunst verenigen. NRC Handelsblad, Opinie: 18-19.
- Tissen L.N.M. (22 March 2022), Hoe een opmerking van mijn vader mijn carrière heeft bepaald. Faces of Science. Amsterdam: KNAW. [blog entry].
- Tissen L.N.M. (16 May 2022), De anatomie van het printen van een Rembrandt: Wat er komt kijken bij het 3D-printen van schilderijen. Faces of Science. Amsterdam: KNAW. [blog entry].
- Tissen L.N.M., Digitale kunstwerken: rage of ravage. Faces of Science. Amsterdam: KNAW. [blog entry].
- Tissen L.N.M. (2022), Indistinguishable Likeness - The significance of 3D printing for (technical) art historical research and the conservation & presentation of paintings: The Case of The Golden Background - A Restoration Dilemma (Lecture). Amsterdam: The Netherlands Institute for Conservation+Art+Science.
- Tissen L.N.M. (16 June 2022), 3D-reproducties zijn geen gevaar voor de kunsten, maar kunnen die juist redden. Het Parool, Opinie.
- Tissen L.N.M. (29 June 2022), 3D-prints van schilderij voor onderzoek naar de kleur van de achtergrond. Leidsch Dagblad.
- Tissen L.N.M. (22 October 2022), 3D Printing Works of Art: An Opportunity or Nightmare for Curators?. CODARTfeatures: CODART (CODARTfeatures). [blog entry].
- Tissen L.N.M. (2022), Illusie door 3D-printen. Méér dan fake, Kunstenaarsmateriaal 123: 13-20.
- Tissen L.N.M. & Frequin S. (14 November 2022), Risico’s van digitalisering zijn te hoog om ze aan de kunstmarkt over te laten. Het Parool, Opinie.
- Tissen L.N.M. (16 November 2022), Quote - Liselore Tissen over de betekenis van 3D-reproducties in de kunst. Interviewed by Marlies ter Voorde for De Ingenieur(Quote) [interview].
- Tissen L.N.M. (2022), Seminar: 3D scanning & 3D printing for art historical research and museum presentation (Lecture). Leiden: Centre for Global Heritage and Development.
- Tissen L.N.M. (29 November 2022), Schilderijen Theo van Doesburg onder de scan om daarna in 3D te printen. Leidsch Dagblad.
- Tissen L.N.M. (1 December 2022), Schilderijen 3D printen. Interviewed by Tjeerd Spoor en Jorinda Teeuwen for West Wordt Wakker(Omroep West) [interview].
- Tissen L.N.M. & Bayod Lucini C. (1 December 2022), Wil jij een meesterwerk van Vermeer aanraken? Dat kan!. Interviewed by Rob Vlastuin for Nieuws(Omroep West) [interview].
- Tissen L.N.M. & Veldhuizen M.J. van (2022), Picture-perfect: the perception and applicability of facsimiles in museums, Art and Perception 11(1): 1-53.
- Tissen L.N.M. (2022), 3D printing and the art world: current developments and future perspectives. In: Sharma A. (Ed.), Advances in 3D printing. London: IntechOpen.
- Tissen L.N.M. (2022), Double Trouble - De veranderende relatie tussen publiek en het originele kunstwerk door identieke 3D-prints, Tijdschrift Article 16(29): 41-52.
- Tissen L.N.M. (2021), 3D printing - the merits for research, conservation and presentation. The Fragment in the Digital Age, Hildesheim. 7 May 2021 - 9 May 2021. [conference poster].
- Tissen L.N.M. (2021), Culture, corona, crisis: best practices and the future of Dutch museums, Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies 19(1): 1-8.
- Tissen L.N.M. & Frequin S. (24 March 2021), Digitalisering van kunstwerken is van waarde, maar waak voor cowboys en destructie van de kunstmarkt. De Volkskrant, Opinie.
- Tissen L.N.M. (2021), Leids promovendus nieuw gezicht op blogsite ‘Faces of Science’: Universiteit Leiden, : .
- Tissen L.N.M. (2021), Blue or Gold? 3D-Scanning Technology and the Dilemmas of Art Restoration. Leiden: Centre for Global Heritage and Development, : .
- Tissen L.N.M. (15 June 2021), Kunsthistorica of meestervervalster? Hoe het in 3D na-apen van schilderijen het échte kunstwerk kan helpen . Faces of Science. Amsterdam: KNAW. [blog entry].
- Tissen L.N.M., Bergshoef L., Frequin S., Leeflang M., Bayod Lucini C. & Elst C. van der (13 July 2021), Dilemma: moet de kruisiging in het blauw of goud?: Een 3D-scan maakt alle kwaststrepen van een middeleeuws schilderij zichtbaar. Die informatie moet helpen bij de restauratie. NRC Handelsblad, Wetenschap: W16.
- Tissen L.N.M. (1 September 2021), Een gouden of blauwe kruisiging? That’s the question!. Faces of Science. Amsterdam: KNAW. [blog entry].
- Malik U.S., Tissen L.N.M. & Vermeeren A.P.O.S. (2021), 3D reproductions of cultural heritage artefacts: evaluation of significance and experience, Studies in Digital Heritage 5(1): 1-29.
- Tissen L.N.M. (2021), 60Seconds of Science: Scanning 'De Kruisiging'. Delft: TU Delft TV. [film].
- Tissen L.N.M., Tummers J.C., Dik J. & Vermeylen F. (2021), Art, Heritage & Science: Exploring Heritage in the Global and Digital Age, Centre for Global Heritage and Development .
- Tissen L.N.M. (2021), Authenticity and meaningful futures for museums: the role of 3D printing, Journal LUCAS Graduate Conference (9): 94-122.
- Tissen L.N.M. (2020), Authenticity vs 3D reproduction: Never the twain shall meet?. In: Hendrikx S., Oudshoorn M., Smits L. & Vergeer T. (Eds.), Arts in Society. Academic Rhapsodies. Leiden: Leiden University Libraries. 21-40.
- Tissen L.N.M. (2020) Digital survey from drone in archaeology: potentiality, limits, territorial archaeological context and variables. Review of: Pecci A.. Florence Heri-Tech – The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies no. 1. IOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering .
- Tissen L.N.M. (12 March 2020), Pies ¿Para qué los necesito, si tengo alas para volar? - Het Nationale Ballet’s embodiment of Frida Kahlo’s life. Leiden Arts in Society Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Tissen L.N.M. (23 April 2020), MADE IN CHINA – The paradoxical concept of authenticity in a globalized world - Part I. Leiden Arts in Society Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Tissen L.N.M., Oudshoorn M.A. & Jansen L.M. (30 April 2020), House of Industry – An Arsenal without its Researchers. Leiden Arts in Society Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Tissen L.N.M. (2020), A rebirth of reproductions; 3D printing as a conservation strategy for paintings. The Fragment in the Digital Age, Hildesheim. 30 September 2020 - 2 May 2020. [conference poster].
- Tissen L.N.M., Seymour K., Dubbeldam S., Hardardottir S., Jerdonekova I., Molenaar C., Schilder J. & Elkhuizen W.S. (2020), Using 3D scanning to support conservation treatments for paintings, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Florence Heri-Tech 14 October 2020 - 16 October 2020: IOP Publishing Ltd.
- Tissen L.N.M. (4 June 2020), To infinity and beyond: reinventing the ‘auratic’ experience within the (post-)COVID museum. Leiden Arts in Society Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Tissen L.N.M. (16 June 2020), Why would you rather see a 3D printed copy of the Goldfinch than the original?. Leiden Arts in Society Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Kleiter C. Riedinger M. Mosseri E. Fischer D. Vergeer T. (Ed.) (2020), Animals (un)tamed: human-animal encounters in science, art, and literature. Journal LUCAS Graduate Conference. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Tissen L.N.M. 16 August 2020, Kan technologie kunst maken?. Herwaarns [podcast].
- Tissen L.N.M. (30 November 2020), 3D Printed Art: Are Reproductions Better?. Center for Global Heritage and Development.
- Bergh C. van den, Caers B.., Powell C., Raia A., Roest F.A. de, Tissen L.N.M. & Tomberge N.R. (Eds.) (2020), Reinventing Boundaries in Times of Crisis. Journal LUCAS Graduate Conference no. 9. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Kleiter C., Riedinger M., Mosseri E., Fischer D., Vergeer T., Hendrikx S.M., Oudshoorn M.A., Guan Z., Hiskes A.R., Jansen L.M., Muitjens G., Nakamura J.P., Tissen L.N.M. & Polak S.A. (Eds.) (2020), Animals (Un)tamed: Human-Animal Encounters in Science, Art, and Literature. Journal LUCAS Graduate Conference. Leiden.
- Tissen L.N.M. (31 January 2019), Authentic Copies. Authentic Copies: Leiden University Arts in Society Blog. [blog entry].
- Tissen L.N.M. (25 April 2019), The Threat after the Fire: The Restoration of the Notre-Dame. Leiden University Arts in Society Blog: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Tissen L.N.M. (10 October 2019), The Success of Art History. The Success of Art History: Leiden Arts in Society Blog. [blog entry].
- Tissen L.N.M. (24 May 2018), Masterpieces Remastered: Rembrandt in the age of technical reconstruction. Leiden University Arts in Society Blog: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Tissen L.N.M. (6 November 2018), Artificial Creativity – A Contradiction in Terms Becomes Reality on Canvas. Leiden University Arts in Society Blog: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Tissen L.N.M. (2015), Restauratie van een kleurloos vlak: Problematiek van conservering en restauratie van moderne kunstwerken, geanalyseerd aan de hand van Achrome (1962) door Piero Manzoni. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam (Conservation & Restoration of Cultural Heritage). [working paper].
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