Universiteit Leiden

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Liselore Tissen

External PhD Candidate

L.N.M. Tissen MA
+31 71 527 2727

Liselore Tissen is a researcher at LUCAS and Delft University of Technology (Mechanical Engineering). Additionally, she is affiliated with the Royal Netherlands Institute of Arts and Science as a Face of Science. She currently works as program manager of ethics, digital research, education, and interdisciplinary collaborations at the Social Sciences Humanities Open Cloud. She is also a board member of various national and international organizations (e.g., Restauratoren Nederland, European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) - Culture & Creativity), and she is a scientific ambassador for the city and university of Leiden.

More information about Liselore Tissen


My main interests lie in the crossroads between modern technology and art. I am focusing on the moral and ethical discussions that arise with the introduction of new technologies within the art world. Furthermore, I am interested in exploring the possibilities technology has to offer for technical art historical research, art conservation, presentation and the creation of contemporary artworks.

Indistinguishable likeness is an in-depth inquiry into the impact of 3D printing in our contemporary digitized society and the importance of this technology for art historical research and the conservation & presentation of artworks. The ever-growing divide between authenticity and reproduction has been a topic of discussion since Walter Benjamin argued (1936) that reproduction strips artworks from their artistic relevance and connections to the past. Although nowadays art reproductions are omnipresent (e.g. on mobile devices and posters) 3D printing offers possibilities hitherto unperceived: artworks can be printed preserving every visual and material detail. Undeniably, 3D printing technology will continue to develop, yet the impact of this technology on how we view authentic artworks and the societal role of museums remains unresearched. This study critically analyzes contemporary ethics in the art world to understand, on the one hand, the way 3D printing challenges the notions of authenticity and copy, and on the other, to grasp the significance of this innovative technology for the appreciation of original artworks. Drawing from the disciplines of (technical) art history, 3D technology and conservation studies, a theoretic framework for a profound study of 3D printing is established. Based on this framework, paintings of Dutch museum collections that are (entirely or partly) 3D printed function as case studies to show the impact and significance of 3D printing for contemporary art theory and practice. Subsequently, this research proposes ways in which 3D printing can attribute to maintaining both museums’ critical function and artworks’ social and material integrity.


Guest PhD Student (Leiden University & Delft University of Technology)
Master Arts & Culture, Leiden University
Conservation & Restoration (minor), University of Amsterdam
Bachelor Art History, Leiden University

PhD supervision
Prof.dr. C.J.M. Zijlmans
Prof.dr. J. Dik (3mE – TU Delft)

Leiden Delft Erasmus – Centre for Global Heritage and Development
Netherlands Institute for Conservation+Art+Science+

Personal website

External PhD Candidate

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Centre for the Arts in Society
  • KG Moderne beeldende kunst


  • Leiden&Partners / Leiden Convention Bureau Ambassadeur Leiden City of Science
  • Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) Community Manager Education & Research CLARIAH
  • Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) Faces of Science
  • European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) - Culture & Creativity Expert Evaluator
  • Netherlands Institute for Conservation+Art+Science+ Associated Researcher - Individual partner project
  • Culture Caleidoscoop Editor
  • Centre for Global Heritage and Development Associated Researcher
  • Huygens Instituut KNAW Onderwijscoördinator
  • SSHOC-NL Taskforce expertise
  • Amsterdam Museum Guest editor in chief
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