Universiteit Leiden

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Gregorius Luyten

Professor Ophthalmology

Prof.dr. G.P.M. Luyten
+31 71 526 6674

Professor, chairman and director of residence program department of Ophthalmology, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden.

More information about Gregorius Luyten

Professor, chairman and director of residence program department of Ophthalmology, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden.


Prof. G.P.M. Luyten was trained as an ophthalmologist with field of interest ocular oncology and refractive surgery. Academic ophthalmic care functions in the chain, where we have to take care of the high-complex care. We want to ensure that patients can receive the best care at the right place and at the right time. This requires good cooperation with the various chain providers, general practitioners, optometrists, ophthalmologists and the rehabilitation organisations to promote the maximum participation of patients in society. It is our role in the strong connection of patient care, education and research always to seek and to strive for innovation and improvement of the eye care, to implement this, to teach this and to transfer to our ophthalmic colleagues so that we can ensure the best ophthalmic care.

Eye oncology

From the clinic Prof. Luyten is directly involved in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with ocular melanoma as a national referral center. The research lines are the (clinical) outcomes, quality of life, evaluation of the treatment of patients with primary and metastatic eye melanoma with the ultimate goal of improving the prognosis and quality of life of these patients. Current lines include setting up a national outpatient clinic for BAP1 tumour predisposition syndrome and research and implementation of image-guided proton irradiation.


We see every day more patients who are increasingly suffering from dysphotopia (negative and positive) after a successfully performed cataract surgery (4-18%) and is in many cases not recognized by general ophthalmologists. There is no clear explanation and solution for these problems and complaints. In the context of a European subsidized study with a high-resolution MRI eye model, a statement was explored using raytracing technology. As a national referral center, a lens change is performed in these patients with a success rate of up to 80%.

Regenerative medicine

The combination of top referral clinical care in the field of pediatric ophthalmology and hereditary and non-hereditary retinal diseases and top researchers in the field of gene therapy and stem cell research means that the department will make a strong commitment to this research area. Thanks to the collaborations within and outside the LUMC, both nationally and internationally, this offers great opportunities to reach clinical applications within 10 years that will make big differences.

Academic career

  1. Student researcher in cell biology genetics (Prof. Galjaard), Erasmus University Rotterdam
  2. Thesis 16 May 1996: 'Primary and metastatic uveal melanoma: towards a therapeutic approach'
  3. Inaugural lecture January 15, 2008: 'Learning to look different'

Professor Ophthalmology

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde
  • Divisie 3
  • Oogheelkunde

Work address

LUMC Main Building
Albinusdreef 2
2333 ZA Leiden
Room number J3-T


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