Universiteit Leiden

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Edgar M. Blokhuis

Assistant professor

Dr. E.M. Blokhuis
+31 71 527 4542

Dr. Edgar M. Blokhuis considers himself a Theoretical Physical Chemist. His research is directed towards the Statistical Thermodynamical description of Liquids at Interfaces. This includes the description of Wetting phenomena, the behaviour of Colloids and Polymers in solution in contact with a solid substrate, and the organisation of Self-assembling systems.

More information about Edgar M. Blokhuis

Curriculum Vitae


1992   PhD in Theoretical Physical Chemistry (Cum Laude), Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University. Thesis title: "The Liquid-Vapour Interface: Optical properties and the effect of curvature". Advisor: Prof Dick Bedeaux
1988   MSc in Theoretical Physics, Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leiden University. Thesis title: "Quantum chromodynamics and deep inelastic scattering". Advisor: Prof Willy van Neerven

Current and previous research positions

1999 – now    Assistant Professor, Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, The Netherlands
1995 – 1999   Fellow of the Royal Dutch Academy of Science (KNAW), Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University
1992 – 1995   Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Chemistry, Cornell University, USA. Advisor: Prof Ben Widom

Contribution to teaching and teaching awards

Courses: Thermodynamics (BSc), Statististical Thermodynamics (BSc), Physical Chemistry (BSc), Physical Chemistry Practicum (BSc), Calculus (BSc), Colloid and Interface Science (MSc), Polymer Physics (MSc), Bionanotechnology (MSc)

Online module: Error Analysis (BSc)

Committees: Chair Admission MSc LST, Chair Exam committee BSc MST, Chair Exam committee BSc LST

Awards: 10+ nominations/recipient of the Faculty Teacher of The Year award, FWN Faculty, Leiden University and TNW Faculty, Delft University 

Publication record including five recent representative publications

As of 2020: 57 papers with >1500 citations

Assistant professor

  • Science
  • Leiden Institute of Chemistry
  • LIC/Chemical Biology

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Room number DM422


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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