Universiteit Leiden

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LUCIP Forum, Debates on Death and Immortality in Classical Chinese Cosmology

Wednesday 11 May 2022
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden

Debates on Death and Immortality in Classical Chinese Cosmology

A Forum Hosted by the LUCIP and the Birmingham Centre for Philosophy of Religion
Supported by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation Global Philosophy of Religion Project

Zoom: https://universiteitleiden.zoom.us/j/63157395226?pwd=MXFTVlRZcFRlNU1QYi9BZ01GSEZOZz09
Conference Number: 631 5739 5226; Passport: 7pn7=VJ6

Organized by: 
Yuanping Shi, Ph.D. Student, Leiden Institute for Philosophy and Prof. Douglas L. Berger, Director, LUCIP


Professor Roger T. Ames

Roger T. Ames, “Confucian Perspectives”

Professor of Philosophy, Beijing University; Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii

Professor Roger T. Ames has for the last four decades been a prolific scholar and translator of classical Chinese philosophical texts, not merely elucidating their own contexts but bringing them into meaningful dialogue with American pragmatist and Western process philosophies. His translations of Chinese classics include The Analects, the Dao De Jing, the Classic of Family Reverence (Xiaojing) and Focusing the Familiar (Zhongyong). Along with his numerous edited volumes on early Chinese thought, he was co-author, with David Hall, of the enormously influential SUNY Press trilogy Thinking Through Confucius (1987), Anticipating China: Thinking through the Narratives of Chinese and Western Culture (1995) and Thinking from the Han: Self, Truth and Transcendence in Chinese and Western Culture (1997).


Professor Haiming Wen

Haiming Wen, “Daoist Perspectives”

Professor, School of Philosophy, People’s University, Beijing

Professor Haiming Wen is an accomplished scholar of ancient Chinese philosophical traditions, specializing in Confucian conceptions of personhood and ethics. He is the author, in addition to more than fifty essays, of several monographs, including Confucian Pragmatism as the Art of Contextualizing Personal Experience and World (Lexington Books, 2009), an introductory volume on Chinese Philosophy (Cambridge University Press, 2012) and Making Ones Intentions Concrete: Dimensions of Confucian Ethics (RUC Press, 2014). His interests range from early Chinese cosmology and metaphysics to the psychology of ethical life to interpretive methodology in intercultural philosophy. These interests are reflected in the numerous posts he occupies in the field, as Research Director of the International Association of Yijing Studies to his editorial service for the journals Frontiers of Philosophy in China and Asian Philosophy.


Professor Douglas Berger

Douglas L. Berger, “Buddhist Perspectives”

Professor, Institute for Philosophy, Leiden University

Douglas L. Berger is Professor of Global and Comparative Philosophy and the Director of the Centre for Intercultural Philosophy at Leiden University. He specializes in early and Tang-Song Dynasty Chinese philosophical traditions, epistemology and metaphysics in several classical Indian philosophical schools and intercultural philosophical hermeneutics. Among his many sole-authored and edited monographs and dozens of essays, his significant contributions to Chinese philosophy include Encounters of Mind: Luminosity, Personhood and Consciousness in Indian and Chinese Thought (SUNY Press, 2015) and his co-edited volume, with Jee-Loo Liu, entitled Nothingness in Asian Philosophy (Routledge, 2014). He is most interested in debates on theories of knowledge and formal argumentation, metaphysics, philosophies of consciousness and notions of personhood in classical Chinese and Indian traditions.


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