Universiteit Leiden

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Computer Science - Leiden University

Computer Science and Education (MSc)

Why Leiden University?

The Computer Science and Education master specialisation gives you the opportunity to combine computer science research with an excellent education in becoming a teacher.

Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON)

ICLON connects theory and practice of teaching through the application of academic knowledge to issues of classroom practice. Also, issues of practice form the starting point for research in, and development of, secondary education. ICLON has close collaboration with secondary schools within the area where your practical experience is gained. You receive one-on-one guidance but you will also meet with colleagues from different disciplines, each with their own knowledge and experience. This provides you with a broad view on education.

Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Sciences (LIACS)

The master’s in Computer Science is offered by the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science. The Institute has a strong tradition in combining a theoretical, experimental and applied approach to the field of expertise. This reflects in the research profile of the institute and the education programme it offers. LIACS is a partner in the Lorentz Center, an international research centre for astronomy, computer science, mathematics, physics and bio-sciences. The centre has extensive international contacts and excellent connections with other Dutch university research groups, as well as with Dutch industry. 

Broad scope

Due to our broad research scope, we have knowledge about all computer science areas, such as data science, machine learning and computer vision. As a student in one of our bachelors or masters, you will be educated by our researchers. That means that you will learn to look at research questions from a scientific point of view.

Applicable science

Furthermore, in Leiden, computer science is interwoven with all other academic fields. So studying at LIACS will enable you to make a bridge between computer science and mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, economics, linguistics, law, history, psychology, medicine, archeology, governmental sciences or even gaming. This will make your time at LIACS very dynamic and applicable.

Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science is a first-class research faculty with an excellent position in the basic disciplines of science. The current research and education programmes span the entire spectrum of science ranging from Mathematics and Statistical Science, Computer Science and Data Science, Astrophysics, Physics, Chemistry and Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences to Biology and Environmental Sciences. Our science community is driven by their curiosity and desire to increase basic knowledge, for science and to contribute to the great societal challenges of today and tomorrow. Core values are scientific impact, technological innovation and relevance to society. 

Study at a world-class university

Leiden University is the oldest university in the Netherlands and enjoys an excellent worldwide reputation built up over more than four centuries. Since 1575 we’ve provided sound personal education for hundreds of thousands of students. We’ll do our utmost to give you the best possible support. And if you can and want to do more, we’ll challenge you every step of the way. For many years, we’ve been among the leaders in Dutch university rankings and we are currently to be found in a variety of top international rankings too.

More reasons to choose Leiden University

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