Universiteit Leiden

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Intelligence Studies

About this minor

In this minor, you will learn about the structure, working methods, and the analysis techniques used by intelligence and security agencies in the Western world.

What will you learn?

Furthermore, the programme offers the choice to a specific focus on cyber intelligence, spy cases during the Cold War, intelligence failures, and the position and powers of intelligence services in the democratic legal order.

The minor offers classes from guest lecturers, who either worked or still work in the field of intelligence. Their expertise as (former) employees of the Dutch secret services, as scientific researchers, as business experts, or as other intelligence professionals provides students with a lot of practice examples.

Structure of the minor

The minor consists of 1 course of 10 ECTS, one course of 5 ECTS, and you have to choose 15 ECTs out of the five courses of 5 ECTS each. The courses take place during the first semester. The semester is divided into two blocks of eight weeks each. 

This minor is a consistent package of courses designed to help you build your knowledge in a logical and connected way. It is not possible to follow single courses and the minor needs to be completed in one academic year. However, it is possible for EUR students to choose a 15 EC semi-minor consisting of the two courses, Introduction Secret Affairs and Qualitative Analysis Techniques for Intelligence Studies.
Introduction to Secret Affairs is the only course that is also available as an individual course.

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