Universiteit Leiden

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Webinar numerus fixus International Relations and Organisations

dinsdag 12 december 2023

Engelstalige aankondiging van dit evenement

Ask your questions, get the answers on 12 December 2023, online, between 16:00 and 17:00

During the IRO numerus fixus webinar our staff members will talk you through the selection and placement procedure: how does the numerus fixus work, what to do in order to prepare and what are the implications of the final ranking?

Of course, there will be ample opportunity to ask questions.


If you have any questions regarding this event or regarding studying in the IRO programme, feel free to contact our student ambassador Eva Fritz.

Grab a seat:

Register here

Dates 2024-2025

  • Student for a day: multiple dates, please consult the calendar
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