Universiteit Leiden

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Maartje Schoorl

Professor by Special Appointment Psychological Professional training in mental health care

Prof.dr. S.M.D. Schoorl
+31 71 527 4083

Maartje Schoorl is a clinical psychologist who has obtained her PhD at Leiden University in 2013, supported with an Opleiding Onderzoeker GGZ (OOG) grant. Since then, she combined a clinical position with research and teaching at the University of Leiden and in the post-master education. Since 2016, she is involved as head of education in the post master trajectories for psychologists, responsible for the education of about 260 future Healthcare Psychologist and Clinical Psychologist annually. She is investing in longer learning trajectories, starting from the bachelor or master, and continuing throughout the clinical psychologist training. Together with her colleagues, Maartje designed an educational program focused on knowledge and skills in the treatment of PTSD and another e-learning program for suicide prevention, the latter supported by a grant from 113 Suicidepreventie.

More information about Maartje Schoorl

Maartje Schoorl is a clinical psychologist who has obtained her PhD at Leiden University in 2013, supported with an Opleiding Onderzoeker GGZ (OOG) grant. Since then, she combined a clinical position with research and teaching at the University of Leiden and in the post-master education. Since 2016, she is involved as head of education in the post master trajectories for psychologists, responsible for the education of about 260 future Healthcare Psychologist and Clinical Psychologist annually. She is investing in longer learning trajectories, starting from the bachelor or master, and continuing throughout the clinical psychologist training. Together with her colleagues, Maartje designed an educational program focused on knowledge and skills in the treatment of PTSD and another e-learning program for suicide prevention, the latter supported by a grant from 113 Suicidepreventie.

In 2017, she obtained a ZonMw Doelmatigheidssubsidie and a grant from the joined Dutch healthcare insurance companies (Zorginnovatiefonds) for research on trauma-focused therapy for patients traumatized in childhood.

As chair of the Opleidingsraad, Maartje contributes to a better learning trajectory for (clinical) psychologists (Master-GZ Aansluiting), resulting in de APV-programme (Adaptieve Psychologische Vervolgopleidingen) which was awarded with a large grant from the Ministry of Healthcare. In 2024, an implementation plan for a better connection between the master psychology (and other healthcare oriented masters) and the healthcare psychologist education has to be delivered, in collaboration with many professionals, both academic and clinical.

In 202o, the Leids University Behandel and Expertise centrum (LUBEC) was officially opened. Since then, Maartje and her team offer intensive trauma treatment in LUBEC for patients with (childhood related) PTSD. At LUBEC, treatment and research is combined, targeting at improving mental health care for patients with severe PTSD.

Maartje is also connected to the (TOPGGZ) department of Eating disorders of PsyQ in The Hague, participating in research on treatment of the combination of eating disorders and PTSD.


In her research, Maartje focuses on outcome studies: what are effective therapies for patients with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? During her PhD, I was particularly interested in innovative PTSD treatments, such as attentional bias modification and mindfulness-based interventions. In 2021, Maartje and her team published results of a large RCT investigating trauma-focused therapies for patients with chronic PTSD, traumatized in childhood. Results show that trauma-focused therapy is very effective for these patients, both primary outcomes (PTSD symptoms) and secondary outcomes (emotion regulation) improved clinically significant. Moreover, results showed first steps in personalized treatment indications. Further results are to be expected, e.g., on the effect of working alliance on outcome, and on mediating mechanisms and further prediction and moderation of treatment effects. Implementation of these results is also a focus of Maartje’s work, in research on implementation strategies, but also through education, clinical trainings and policy making. The next step will be research on long term follow ups (LTFU) in these patients, research into optimalization of PTSD treatment and on the effect of treatment on parenting (intergenerational traumatization). Maartje is interested in clinical research, focusing on improvement of treatment and on the effects of comorbidity such as suicidality and eating disorders on treatment outcome, and on the prevention of traumatization in next generations. Recently, Maartje also got involved in the NADYA study, on mental health of Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands, in cooperation with University of Utrecht and Amsterdam and with GGD GHOR/RIVM.


  • OOG grant, ZonMw programma Geestkracht,  2008-2013
  • Doelmatigheidssubsidie ZonMw, 2017
  • Zorginnovatiefonds verzekeraars, 2017
  • Programma Adatieve Vervolgopleidingen voor psy BIG-beroepen, subsidie VWS, 2020 and 2022
  • E-learning suicidepreventie voor psychologen, subsidie 113 Zelfmoordpreventie, 2020


  • Clinical Psychologist, BIG nr 49061375825t
  • Psychotherapist BIG nr 69061375816
  • Cognitive Behavioral therapist

PhD candidates

  • D.A.C. Oprel, PsyQ Haaglanden, department of psychotrauma & Leiden University
  • Jeffrey van der Starre, PsyQ Haaglanden, department of Eating disorders & Leiden University
  • M. Kooistra, PsyQ Haaglanden, & Leiden University
  • C. Hoeboer (PhD. defense in 2022)

Relevant links

Professor by Special Appointment Psychological Professional training in mental health care

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Klinische Psychologie

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden
Room number 2B37


Professor by Special Appointment Psychological Professional training in mental health care

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Klinische Psychologie

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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