Universiteit Leiden

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Chris van Oostrum

Assistant professor

Mr.dr. C.H.A. van Oostrum
+31 71 527 8915

Dr van Oostrum is an Assistant Professor of Company Law at the Department of Company Law (Institute of Private Law).

More information about Chris van Oostrum

Chris van Oostrum is an Assistant Professor of Company Law at the Department of Company Law (Institute of Private Law). Prior to this, he worked for various educational and research institutions. Chris studied law and history and obtained his PhD at Leiden University with his thesis entitled ‘Recourse in relation to group finance’.

Dr van Oostrum teaches in several courses in the Company Law master’s programme and supervises bachelor's and master's theses. He conducts research relating to group law and group financing. He is also involved in research focusing on the intersection between sustainability and corporate law.

Assistant professor

  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut voor Privaatrecht
  • Ondernemingsrecht

Work address

Kamerlingh Onnes Building
Steenschuur 25
2311 ES Leiden



  • Oostrum C.H.A. van (6 December 2021), Actualiteiten ondernemingsrecht. Universiteit Leiden, Leiden. [lecture].
  • Oostrum C.H.A. van (21 May 2021), Transparantie doorzien. Het concept transparantie in relatie tot duurzaamheidsregelgeving. TPR-colloquium 2021: Privaatrecht 2050. De weg naar ecologische duurzaamheid. [lecture].
  • de Volksbank Senior Legal Counsel
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