Universiteit Leiden

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Aad van Mastrigt

PhD candidate

Drs. A. van Mastrigt
+31 71 527 2727

Aad van Mastrigt is an external PhD candidate at Leiden University and is working on a thesis entitled: 'Playing with identity: Is Chilean classism destabilizing due to the phenomenon of re-identification? (2002-2017)'

More information about Aad van Mastrigt

After having lived in Spain for some time, Aad started studying Latin America Studies at Leiden University in 2013. In 2015, he studied a semester at the Universidad Diego Portales in Santiago de Chile through an exchange. In the same year he followed several minors at Leiden University (including Campus The Hague) in the field of European Union Studies, such as European Neighborhood Policy, Migration and Law & Economics, as well as the minors Gateway to Global Affairs, Power Instruments and Terrorism & Counterterrorism. In 2016 he completed the Bachelor in Latin America Studies at Leiden University with the thesis: “Del neoliberalismo al neoestructuralismo en Chile: Análisis de las influencias recíprocas entre la Concertación y la CEPAL”.

In 2016 and 2017 he conducted field research in Santiago de Chile regarding environmental awareness and appreciation for glaciers in Chilean society in response to a dragging mining conflict there and he completed the Master in Latin America Studies at Leiden University in 2017, with specialization Modern History and Politics Policy with the paper: “Reetnificar los Huascoaltinos como identidad diaguita: Estrategia exitosa para conflicto megaproyecto minero Pascua Lama en Chile (2000-2015)” and the thesis: “Pre y posconflicto minero Pascua Lama: El impacto en la actitud chilena en torno a la protección de los glaciares (2001-2016)”.

In 2017 he started as an external PhD candidate at Leiden University, on a thesis with the working title: 'Playing with identity: Is Chilean classism destabilizing due to the phenomenon of re-identification? (2002-2017)'.

PhD candidate

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Institute for History
  • Latijns-Amerika studies

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