Universiteit Leiden

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Research project

OPERA – Open Research Analytics

OPERA aims at establishing open and advanced research analytics practices and systems at Danish universities and in the Danish landscape of research analytics stakeholders.

2018 - 2020
Ludo Waltman

Aalborg University, Technical University of Denmark, Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen University, Aarhus University, Cornell University, TU Delft, German National Library of Science and Technology, Clarivate Analytics, Digital Science, Impactstory, Ontocale, Vox Novitas, VIVO Project of Duraspace

It brings together leading Danish actors with global operators and experts and furthermore aims to align the Danish capacity with the best global level, while meeting the local and national preferences and needs. The project will address a wide range of issues in the problem space of research analytics: obtaining and consolidating the best-quality global citation data, enabling adequate documentation of humanities scholarship and impact, adapting and applying innovative analytical and visualization tools, an open source system aimed at and controlled by Danish stakeholders, better recognition for Open Science contributions in metrics and evaluation, and extensive communication to and involvement of stakeholders.


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