Universiteit Leiden

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Research project


Research into the development of privacy-friendly care games for children.

2017 - 2019
Simone van der Hof
Raak MKB

Hogeschool Utrecht

Healthcare games are games aimed at improving the well-being and health of citizens by changing behavior and habits. Children are an interesting target group because they play games from an early age. In addition, attitudes and behaviors that determine our well-being are formed at a young age. For effective adjustment of their behavior, it is necessary to keep the engagement of children high for a long time. But due to cognitive and social-emotional developments, their game preferences change quickly. That is why games should not only collect health data but also engagement-related data, so that an immediate response is possible if involvement decreases. All these data can be qualified as personal data.

In order to guarantee the protection this data, eLaw, under the direction of Professor Simone van der Hof, draws up a checklist with privacy requirements based on the General Data Protection Regulation. This includes in particular the requirements that the new legal principle of privacy-by-design places on healthcare games. This principle aims to include privacy-enhancing measures in the design of the games.

In addition to the legal obligations that game and other developers must meet, it is also important, given the potentially sensitive context in which the data are processed, to take into account the privacy expectations of parents and children. For that reason, within the study through focus groups the sensitivities and expectations of children and parents regarding their privacy and the protection of their personal data will be charted, so that these can be explicitly taken into account in the development of these games.

The research is funded by RAAK MKB and is led by the Hogeschool Utrecht. eLaw leads one of the three work packages 'Ethics by design' - the other work packages are 'efficacy by design' and 'engagement by design'. The research will start at the end of November 2017 and will last for 2 years.

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