Clinical psychologist Maartje Schoorl Professor by Special Appointment
As of 1 May 2020 Maartje Schoorl holds the special chair 'Psychological Professional Training in Mental Health Care with emphasis on evidence based interventions'. Her appointment has been made possible by the Organisation of Postdoctoral Education Mental Health Care Leiden/Rotterdam for a period of five years.
Maartje Schoorl's main specialisation lies in clinical trials aiming for an improvement of psychological interventions of PTSD.
Maartje Schoorl obtained her PhD in Clinical Psychology at Leiden University in 2013. She then continued to work at the department Clinical Psychology as lecturer and consecutively as Assistant Professor and Associate Professor.
Besides that, from 2008 to 2020 Schoorl worked as a therapist and senior researcher at the department Psychotrauma at PsyQ in The Hague. She was a projectleader of the IMPACT-research to treatment of adults diagnosed with a post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following child abuse. This project has finished in 2020.
In 2016 Schoorl has started at the unit Clinical Psychology as manager education of the post master education health care psychologist (GZ) for the regions Leiden and Leiden/Rotterdam.