Universiteit Leiden

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Barbora Budinska and Melanie Fink speak on Accountability of EU Administration at the University of Amsterdam

On 21 January 2019 Barbora Budinska and Melanie Fink, researchers at the Europa Institute, spoke at the Workshop ‘Accountability and Control of European Multilevel Administration: Current Challenges in EU Administrative Law’.

The Workshop was organised by Filipe Brito Bastos, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG). It brought together doctoral and postdoctoral researchers from around Europe to discuss how the fragmentation of Europe’s administrative order into a multitude of different authorities, jurisdictions, and legal orders affects the possibilities to ensure that administrative power in the EU is kept under control.

Barbora Budinska presented her research on the judicial review of revocation decisions within the framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism. In particular, she focused on the question how the Court of Justice of the European Union reconciles the principle of EU law autonomy with the principle of legality in review of decisions adopted by the European Central Bank. Questions of judicial review within the framework of EU banking supervision form part of Barbora’s PhD thesis.

Melanie Fink explored the topic of accountability through the lens of joint liability. More specifically, she focused on the question whether contributions by an EU body to unlawful conduct committed by Member States may trigger the Union’s liability. The development of an novel conceptual framework to study the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union in this area forms part of Melanie’s ongoing research.

More information on the Workshop and a detailed programme can be found here.

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