Universiteit Leiden

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Ben Van Rompuy speaks at Brussels conference on “Competition Policy and Online Markets”

On 24 October 2018, the European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe), the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel jointly organized the second “Competition Policy and Online Markets” conference in Brussels.

Dr. Ben Van Rompuy, Assistant Professor of Competition Law at the Europa Institute and managing editor of CoRe, participated in the opening panel of the conference. Together with Jacques Steenbergen (Belgian Competition Authority), Maria Coppola (US Federal Trade Commission), Andrew Leyden (General Court), and Antonio Capobianco (OECD), he discussed the main challenges and developments in enforcing competition law in the digital economy. His interventions particularly focused on the assessment of innovation and potential competition in the context of merger control and on data as a competitive advantage or entry barrier in digital markets.

A video with highlights from the conference, which gathered more than 180 participants, is available here.


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