Bart Lenselink will represent LACDR at the FIGON Dutch Medicines Days
Drs. Bart Lenselink won the oral presentation at the LACDR Spring Symposium with his presentation “Predicting Drug Potency”.
In his presentation he focused on the aim of correctly predicting protein-ligand binding energies, and how computer aided drug design (CADD) through Free Energy Perturbations (FEP) can be an important computational tool in structure-based drug design.
Bart Lenselink from Medicinal Chemistry will represent the LACDR at the national PHD competition at the FIGON Dutch Medicines Days, held from 5 to 7 October this year. The FIGON Dutch Medicines Days are a unique opportunity for everyone interested in drug development, and a prestigious event focusing on the most recent innovations in healthcare and pharmaceutical medicine.
More information can be found on the FIGON DMD website.