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Booking meeting rooms

The university buildings in The Hague provide multiple meeting rooms. On this page you find information about the availability of rooms and how to book them.

Availability of meeting rooms

Check the availabilty of meeting rooms in MyTimetable. Log in, choose your meeting date on the calendar, click the tab 'availability', click 'add timetable' and choose 'room' or 'building'. If you choose 'building', all classrooms will be made visible. The programme does not distinguish between rooms for classes and meetings, but in the schedule it will become clear.

Booking meeting rooms

For the university buildings in The Hague, rooms can be booked by sending an email to servicedeskdh@ufb.leidenuniv.nl. Please add date, time and meeting subject. You will receive a confirmation of the booking. You can also send a booking request to the Servicedesk with the number of people that join, date, time and meeting subject (+ building preference) and the Servicedesk will let you know which room is available for you in that time slot.

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