Graduate School of Humanities
Admission to the Graduate School
Thank you for your interest in doing PhD research at the Leiden Graduate School of Humanities. Below you will find information on how to start your PhD at Humanities in Leiden.
Requirements for admission to the Graduate School and steps described below in short are described in detail in the Leiden University PhD Regulations.
Those persons are eligible for admission to the Graduate School of Humanities who:
- Have been awarded a master’s degree from a Dutch university or an equivalent master’s degree from another institution.
In exceptional cases, the Dean may, having received a written request to this effect and on behalf of the Doctorate Board, grant exemption from the entry requirements.
Types of PhDs
Doing a PhD means undertaking original scholarly research under the supervision of a professor. It takes on average four years. Many PhD candidates are employed by the University but a number are subsidised by grants they have arranged themselves. The University also has a large number of external PhD candidates who generally work part-time on their research.
If you wish to conduct PhD research with a PhD graduation planned at the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University, there are three possibilities. You will be an:
- Employed PhD candidate, a paid PhD position constitutes a four-year full time (or five year 0.8 FTE part time) research position, with full funding sufficient for general subsistence.
- Contract PhD candidate, subsidised by a grant (CSC, DIKTI, other);
- External PhD candidate supported by your own funds (job, savings, loan).
Three of our institutes (IH, LIAS and LUCL) charge a fee to contract and/or external PhD candidates to cover the costs towards supervision and other support. You can find this information on the website of the institute. As a PhD candidate of the Faculty of Humanities you are obliged to pay the Institute's fee. Apart from fees, there are several other financial matters that may need your attention.
Important: fees for all PhD candidates who register on or from 1 September 2024 onwards
PhD candidates who register on or from 1 September 2024 onwards will be charged an annual fee to contribute to the costs of their PhD trajectory. A minimum registration/ payment of the fee of three years is mandatory. This accounts for contract and external PhD candidates. Employed PhD candidates will be charged a fee one year after the termination of their contract when still working on their PhD project. There are two types of fees: a low tariff of 400 euros per year and a high tariff of 2800 euros per year. The following conditions and facilities apply:
Eligible PhD candidates:
- External PhD candidates.
- Registration in the staff registration system of the university;
- Account for the Converis GSM system;
- LU card/ULCN account;
- Access to the library and licenses of the UB;
- Visa costs;
- Support from the Graduate School Admissions Office for registration at the Graduate School;
- Assessment of the Scientific Director for admission of the PhD candidate to a PhD trajectory;
- Support from the Ethics Committee for the ethical check of the research proposal;
- Support from the institute’s secretariat and key-user;
- Monitoring and administration of the Training and Supervision Plan;
- Bi-annual monitoring meeting with independent staff member(s);
- Mandatory Scientific Integrity training;
- Participation of the annual PhD Career Event.
Eligible PhD candidates:
- Contract PhD candidates;
- Externally financed PhD candidates;
- External PhD candidates (if the facilities offered under this category are available throughout the whole PhD trajectory. NB when the external PhD candidate chooses this option, the high tariff applies throughout the whole PhD trajectory).
- Same facilities as listed under the low tariff option;
- Copy and print facilities as applicable within the rules of the faculty that applies to the scientific staff members;
- Workspace during the whole PhD trajectory (if available – please check this beforehand with the relevant institute);
- 140 hours of scientific training activities and 140 hours of transferable skills activities;
- At least two opportunities during the whole PhD trajectory to visit a scientific congress, within reasonable conditions.
In exceptional cases, a PhD candidate can submit a motivated request for a waiver of the fee to the Scientific Director of the relevant institute.
Current PhD candidates
For PhD candidates who have already started a PhD trajectory before 1 September 2024, a transition period of four years will be maintained. After that, they will also have to pay an annual fee, for which the same conditions apply as for new PhD candidates (as of 1 September 2028).
Some institutes (resp. Institute for History, LIAS and LUCL) are currently already charging fees. Please contact the secretariat of your institute if you have any questions about the fees and/or the transition period.
Application to a paid position is in response to an advertisement by the University. Vacancies are advertised on the Leiden University websites and other online channels (see the block ‘Vacancies’ on the right side of this page). They become available through external research funding (e.g. from NWO or EU) with the University acting as grant-holding institution and employer. Alternatively, positions will be available through special projects at institute, faculty or university level. A third option is that you receive funding through the NWO call ‘PhDs in the Humanities’.
- A full-time place is in principle a four-year appointment (or five year 0.8 FTE part time) with 10% teaching duties.
- The initial contract will be for one year: after ca.10 months a progress review will be carried out, deciding whether the progress has been sufficient.
- If the employed PhD position is continued, the maximum extension is three years.
- After you have been selected for an employed PhD position, you will be asked by an Institute’s staff member to register at the Graduate School by filling in the LUCRIS GSM Application form. If for some reason this did not happen, please send an email to
Contract PhDs receive a grant in their country of origin, which enables them to conduct PhD research at our University (see the block ‘Scholarships’ on the right side of this page). The Graduate School of Humanities does not provide PhD grants. If you plan to apply for a personal research grant elsewhere and wish to carry out your research and graduate at the Faculty of Humanities, you need to:
- Find a professor in the Faculty of Humanities who is willing and able to supervise you for the whole PhD track (see: ‘How to find a supervisor’).
- Once you have found a supervisor, apply for admission by sending an email to See: ‘Application procedure’. Please use this document to draft your research proposal and make sure that you have checked with your supervisor if there are any additional requirements for your proposal. PhD candidates who are going to write their PhD thesis in Dutch may fill out the form in Dutch, all other PhD candidates need to fill out the form in English.
- If your grant is awarded, you should inform your supervisor and the Graduate School Office.
External PhD candidates receive their funding from other sources than Leiden University or PhD grants. External PhD candidates are not allowed to teach in the regular curriculum. If you wish to conduct your research and obtain your degree at the Faculty of Humanities, you need to:
- Find a professor at the Faculty of Humanities who is willing and able to supervise your PhD research for the whole track (see: ‘How to find a supervisor’).
- Once you have found a supervisor, apply for admission by sending an email to See: ‘Application procedure’. Please use this document to draft your research proposal and make sure that you have checked with your supervisor if there are any additional requirements for your proposal. PhD candidates who are going to write their PhD thesis in Dutch may fill out the form in Dutch, all other PhD candidates need to fill out the form in English.
External PhD candidates are not entitled to facilities or financial support from the University; however some of our institutes offer contributions for specific purposes (such as a contribution towards the publication of the dissertation). You can find this information on the institute’s website.
There are at present no registration costs at the Faculty of Humanities. Some institutes ask their contract and/or external PhD candidates for an annual supervision fee. You can find this information on the institute’s website. Apart from funding, there are several other financial matters that may need your attention (see: ‘Costs of living in the Netherlands’).
PhD research at two universities
In some cases, PhD candidates are permitted to follow a PhD track that involves conducting research and receiving supervision at two institutions: Leiden University and another university. You can read what forms of agreement there are here.
- Develop a draft version of a joint supervision PhD agreement. You can find the model agreement on the right side of this page;
- Submit your draft agreement to the coordinator of the Graduate School for feedback. If known, also send the contact details of the person entitled to represent the partner university in this regard (usually a policy advisor is responsible for such agreements).
- The Graduate School coordinator will work with you and the partner university to ensure that the agreement is satisfactory and conform the Leiden University doctorate regulations;
- Simultaneously, the PhD candidate must apply for admission of the Graduate School following the normal application procedure via LUCRIS GSM/Converis. All admission requirements apply as normal for joint PhD candidates;
- If the representatives of both universities agree on the draft-agreement, the coordinator of the Graduate School submits the agreement to the Institute’s Scientific Director and Dean for approval (their signatures are required);
- Subsequently the agreement will be submitted in twofold for approval to the Doctorate Board (a signature of Rector Magnificus is required for both types of agreement);
- The agreement will be signed by the PhD candidate, the supervisors, the Institute’s scientific director, the Dean and the representatives of the participating universities (LU: Rector Magnificus);
- One hardcopy (signed by all) will be send to Academic Affairs for archiving purpose, the other hardcopy is intended for the partner university.
- The coordinator of the Graduate School sends the signed agreement to the partner university with request of returning one copy.
Combining a job with a PhD?
This is possible at the Dual PhD Centre (please note that Dutch is the language of instruction at this centre). The Centre focuses on external PhD candidates who devote part of their working time to scientific research on a theme from their professional practice. The Centre helps these dual PhD candidates develop a research plan, provides training and ensures that their research fits within a scientific discipline and graduate school, and that it ties in with the research of a potential supervisor. A unique opportunity for the PhD candidate, the employer and for science.
Doctoral Grant for Teachers
The Doctoral Grant for Teachers programme is aimed at allowing teachers to gain research experience in order to improve the quality of education and to strengthen the ties between universities and schools. The grant is meant for teachers in primary, secondary, vocational, higher vocational and special education. There are no limits to the type of PhD research that they do or want to do. With the PhD grant a replacement teacher can be appointed for a period of maximum 5 years for half of the contract hours, up to a maximum of 0.4 fte. As PhD candidates with a NWO Doctoral Grant for Teachers remain under contract of the school where they teach, they have the status of external PhD candidates at Leiden University.