Sylvia Vink
Educational advisor and researcher
- Name
- Dr. C.C. Vink
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 4059
After graduation in Dutch literature and linguistics, Sylvia Vink worked at the Institute for Dutch as a Second Language. As a member of the state committee Dutch as L2, her focus was on testing. In 1999, she started at ICLON as educational advisor, in particular for medical education. Within a curriculum innovation project in the Faculty of Medicine at Leiden University, Sylvia supported teachers and eductional managers in the implementation of this student-centered and multidisciplinary curriculum. However, both faculty and Sylvia Vink noticed that teachers had a hard time to work in an interdisciplinary way. This was the immediate cause of the research project that Sylvia Vink is conducting since 2005.
Educational advisor and researcher
- Leiden Learning and Innovation Centre
- Evaluations and Exams
- Haenen J., Vink C.C., Sjoer E. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Challenge and learning in honours education: a quantitative and qualitative study on students' and teachers' perceptions, Teaching in Higher Education : 1-17.
- Vink C.C., Van Tartwijk J., Verloop N., Gosselink M.J., Driessen E. & Bolk J.H. (2016), The articulation of integration of clinical and basic sciences in concept maps: differences between experienced and resident groups, Advances in Health Sciences Education 21(3): 643-657.
- Vink S.C., Tartwijk J. van, Bolk J.H. & Verloop N. (2015), Integration of clinical and basic sciences in concept maps: a mixed-method study on teacher learning, BMC Medical Education 15(20): .
- Vink C.C., Tartwijk J. van, Verloop N., Gosselink M., Driessen E. & Bolk J. (2015), Concept maps en integratie van klinische vakken en basisvakken: expertiseverschillen in kaart gebracht. NVMO 12 November 2015 - 13 November 2015. Rotterdam: NVMO.
- Vink S.C., Tartwijk J. van, Verloop N., Gosselink M.J., Driessen E. & Bolk J.H. (2015), The articulation of integration of clinical and basic sciences in concept maps: differences between experienced and resident groups, Advances in Health Sciences Education : .
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