Universiteit Leiden

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Stefan Cetkovic

Assistant Professor

Dr. S. Cetkovic
+31 70 800 9500

Stefan Ćetković is Assistant Professor of Environmental and Energy Politics and Policy at the Institute of Political Science.

More information about Stefan Cetkovic

Stefan Ćetković is Assistant Professor of Environmental and Energy Politics and Policy at the Institute of Political Science. His research focuses on low-carbon energy transition governance in a comparative perspective. He is particularly interested in the interplay between politics, policy and clean energy technologies at different governance levels.

Before joining Leiden University in 2023, Stefan held a postdoc position at the Munich School of Politics and Public Policy at the Technical University of Munich. He received his PhD in political science from the Freie Universität Berlin.

Stefan’s work has been published in the leading academic outlets and journals including Journal of European Public Policy, Environmental Politics, Energy Policy, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning and Energy Research & Social Science.

PhD supervision

Stefan Ćetković is available to supervise PhD students and invites PhD research proposals in the areas of:

  • Energy politics
  • Climate politics
  • European politics

See more information on PhD positions:

Institute of Political Science: PhD

Assistant Professor

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Politieke Wetenschap

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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