Universiteit Leiden

nl en

Sheila van Berkel

Assistant professor

Dr. S.R. van Berkel
+31 71 527 6622


Sheila van Berkel's research focuses on the influence of growing up with a sibling on child development in general, with a particular intrest in sibling violence. She is currently involved in several projects of the research cluster Child Maltreatment were she investigates the prevalence, predictors, and consequences of child maltreatment. And tests the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing the risk of child maltreatment.

Current research projects

  • Effectiveness of an intervention- based diagnostic instrument for assessing parenting potential in child protection cases.
  • Prevalence, risk factors and consequences of child maltreatment in Vietnam.
  • Naughty or clumsy? Predictors and parenting outcomes of maternal hostile attributions of child behavior.
  • Netherlands’ Prevalence study on Maltreatment of children and youth (NPM-2017)
  • Dutch Homicide Monitor

PhD candidates

  • N.K. Tran
  • M. Beckerman
  • W. de Haan
  • S. van der Asdonk

Academic Career

  • Postdoctoral fellow, research cluster Child Maltreatment, Forensic Family and Youth Care Studies programme group, Leiden University (2015-present)
  • PhD candidate Social Sciences, Forensic Family and Youth Care Studies programme group, Leiden University. Doctoral thesis: Growing up together. Supervised by Prof. dr. J. Mesman and Prof. dr. M.J. Bakermans-Kranenburg (2015)
  • MPhil/MSc in Educational Sciences: Normal and deviant patterns of attachment and self-regulated learning, Clinical practice and research track, Clinical Child and Adolescent Studies, Leiden University (2009) 

Teaching activities

  • Child abuse and neglect across the life span: A multidisciplinary approach
  • Introduction to family and educational science II
  • Observing family interactions
  • Student research participation
  • Bachelor theses
  • Master theses
  • PhD theses
  • Observational coder training


  • KNAW Van der Gaag grant. Study trip to Crimes against Children Research Center, Univeristy of New Hampshire
  • Leiden University Fund (LUF) study trip grant; Jo Kolk Study Fund. Study trip to Center for Human Growth and Development, University of Michigan. 

See Dutch profile Sheila van Berkel

Assistant professor

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  • Forensische gezinsped. en Jeugdhulpverl.

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden
Room number 4B31




  • No relevant ancillary activities
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