Mies Grijns
Guest postdoc
- Name
- Drs. M. Grijns
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- m.grijns@law.leidenuniv.nl
Mies Grijns is an external PhD candidate at the Van Vollenhoven Institute.
Mies Grijns has a background in anthropology (Leiden, MA 1983) and is currently an external PhD Candidate at the Van Vollenhoven Institute.
She coordinates a research project on child marriage in Indonesia. Based on a case-study in rural West Java the project explores the gap between international and state law and social practices of child marriage. The objective is to distinguish different types of child marriage based on root causes, agency and local context and to analyse how these marriages are enabled or prevented by present legal and policy practices.
The project participates in a lively debate between Indonesian academics, legal and gender practitioners and policymakers on how to end underage and forced child marriage and to mitigate the long-term negative effects of marriage under the age of 18.
Earlier research in the same region on labour relations at tea estates and on gender and rural industrialisation in West Java in the 1990s enables understanding of development processes that shape the present day context of child marriage.
Besides her academic work Grijns founded the Java Village Foundation (Stichting Java Village) to support the village community where she has been doing research since the 1980s. Moving back and forth between academic research and development work enhances the quality of both practical and theoretical insights. Eventually this will help pave the way to relevant use and valorisation of the research.
Guest postdoc
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- Van Vollenhoven Instituut
- Grijns M. (2020), Review of: Chan C. (2018), In Sickness and in Wealth: Migration, Gendered Morality, and Central Java. Framing the global book series. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 176(4): 578-580.
- Grijns M., Horii H., Irianto S. & Saptandari P. (Eds.) (2020), Marrying Young in Indonesia: Voices, Laws and Practices [reprint edition]. Jakarta & Singapore: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia / ISEAS -Yusof Ishak Institute.
- Grijns M., Horii H., Irianto S. & Saptandari P. (Eds.) (2019), Marrying Young in Indonesia: Voices, Laws and Practices. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia.
- Horii H. & Grijns M. (2019), Introduction. In: Grijns M., Horii H., Irianto S. & Saptandari P. (Eds.), Marrying Young in Indonesia: Voices, Laws and Practices. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia. 1-36.
- Bemmelen S.T. van & Grijns M. (2019), Child marriage contested, from colonial to present Java: adat, religion and the state. Anything new under the sun?. In: Grijns M., Horii H., Irianto S. & Saptandari P. (Eds.), Marrying Young in Indonesia: Voices, Laws and Practices. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia. 287-330.
- Bemmelen S.T. van & Grijns M. (2018), Relevansi Kajian Hukum Adat: Kasus Perkawinan Anak Dari Masa Ke Masa [The Relevance of Customary Law Studies: Child Marriage from Past to Present], Mimbar Hukum 30(3): 516-543.
- Grijns M. & Horii H. (2018), Child Marriage in a Village in West Java (Indonesia): Compromises between Legal Obligations and Religious Concerns, Asian Journal of Law and Society 5(2): 453-466.
- Grijns M., Horii H., Irianto S. & Saptandari P. (Eds.) (2018), Menikah Muda di Indonesia: Suara, Hukum, dan Praktik [Marrying Young in Indonesia: Voices, Laws and Practices]. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia.
- Bemmelen S.T. van & Grijns M. (2018), Perdebatan tentang Perkawinan Anak, Mulai dari Zaman Kolonial Hingga ke Kurun Jawa Masa Kini: Adat, Agama, dan Negara. In: Grijns M., Horii H., Irianto S. & Saptandari P. (Eds.), Menikah Muda di Indonesia: Suara, Hukum, dan Praktik [Marrying Young in Indonesia: Voices, Laws and Practices]. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia. 321-372.
- Horii H. & Grijns M. (2018), Pendahuluan [Introduction]. In: Grijns M., Horii H., Irianto S. & Saptandari P. (Eds.), Menikah Muda di Indonesia: Suara, Hukum, dan Praktik [Marrying Young in Indonesia: Voices, Laws and Practices]. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia. 1-42.
- Grijns M., Limijaya S., Agustinah A., Restuningrum N.H., Fathurrohman I.H., Damayanti V.R. & Harahap R.A. (2016), Pernikahan Anak di Sukabumi Jawa Barat: Diri dan Agensi Anak Perempuan [Child Marriage in Sukabumi West Java: Self and Agency of Girls], Jurnal Perempuan: Indonesian Feminist Journal 21(1=88): 1-12.