Martijn van Engelenburg PhD candidate Name M. van Engelenburg MSc Telephone +31 71 527 2727 E-mail ORCID iD null PhD candidate Science Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden CML/Industriele Ecologie Work address Van Steenis Einsteinweg 2 2333 CC Leiden Room number B2.15 Contact +31 71 527 2727 JavaScript is required to view this content. Engelenburg M. van, Deetman S.P., Fishman T., Behrens P.A. & Voet E. van der (2024), TRIPI: a global dataset and codebase of the total resources in physical infrastructure encompassing road, rail, and parking, Data in Brief 54: 110387. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift No relevant ancillary activities