Jan Michiel Otto
Professor emeritus Law and Governance in Developing Countries
- Name
- Prof.dr. J.M. Otto
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7260
- j.m.otto@law.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-7626-4497
After working for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in various research assignments, he was director of the Van Vollenhoven Institute from 1983 until February 2018. In 1987 he defended a dissertation entitled Aan de voet van de piramide: overheidsinstellingen en plattelandsontwikkeling in Egypte, [At the foot of the pyramid, state institutions and rural development in Egypt.] Since then, he has published extensively on various topics of law and administration in developing countries, including Indonesia, China, Egypt and South Africa. In recent years he has published among others on issues of 'good governance', as well as on comparative sharia and national law in the Muslim world.
Prof. Otto has acted as project leader in various research projects concerning Indonesian environmental law and land law, Indonesian courts, the Indonesian national human rights commission, law-making and legal transformation in China, implementation of law in China, law and traditional authority in South Africa, customary law and chiefs in Ghana, sharia and national law in twelve Muslim countries, access to justice and institutional development in Libya, assessing legislation for Libya's reconstruction, supporting primary justice in insecure contexts: South Sudan and Afghanistan.
'Science on Air' profile of Jan Michiel Otto
Professor emeritus Law and Governance in Developing Countries
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- Van Vollenhoven Instituut
- Braak B.J., Otto J.M. & Ibrahim S.M.K. (2022), Access to justice in Libya: report on the first phase concerning justice seekers. Leiden/Benghazi: Van Vollenhoven Institute/Benghazi Centre for Law and Society Studies.
- Ibrahim S.M.K. & Otto J.M. (2017), Resolving real property disputes in post-Gaddafi Libya, in the context of transitional justice. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute.
- Ibrahim S.M.K. & Otto J.M. (2016), Assessing Legislation for Libya’s Reconstruction. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute.
- Jacobs C. & Otto J.M. (2016), Exploring Primary Justice in Insecure Contexts: South Sudan and Afghanistan. Challenges, concerns, and elements that work. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University.
- Sijpesteijn P., Otto J.M., Berger M. & Sandwijk A. van (14 October 2016), Oproep aan de media: meer nuance in het islamdebat. Leiden Islam Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Otto J.M. (5 April 2016), Hoog Spel Al-Serraj in Libië. Leidsch Dagblad.
- Berger M.S, Otto J.M, Sandwijk A.M. van & Sijpesteijn P.M. (14 October 2016), Oproep aan de media: meer nuance in het islamdebat. Leiden Islam Blog. Leiden: Leiden University Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (LUCIS). [blog entry].
- Otto J.M. & Otto B. (2015), Shariʿa Police in Banda Aceh: Enforcement of Islam-based Regulations and People’s Perceptions. In: Feener R.M., Kloos D. & Samuels A. (Eds.), Islam and the Limits of the State. Reconfigurations of Practice, Community and Authority in Contemporary Aceh. Leiden Studies in Islam and Society no. 3. Leiden: Brill. 185-213.
- Otto J.M. (2015), Indonesian Opposition in the Colonial Municipality: A Minahasser in Bandung, Asian Journal of Law and Society 2(1): 169-193.
- Otto J.M. (2014), Honderd jaar adatrecht: voer voor geleerden, bureauheren, activisten en rechters. In: Blokker N.M., Bogaert S.C.G. van den, Koffeman N.R., Loenen M.L.P. & Ölçer F.P. (Eds.), Vijftig. Juridische opstellen voor een Leidse nachtwacht.. Meijers-reeks no. 223. Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers. 251-259.
- Otto J.M. & Mason H.E. (2014), Personal Status Codes. In: El-Din Shahin E. (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Otto J.M. (2014), Why is there a gap between national policy and law and local social realities? . In: Vel J.A.C & Simandjuntak D. (Eds.), JARAK, the short history of Jatropha projects in Indonesia. Leiden: IIAS.
- Vel J.A.C. & Simandjuntak D. (Eds.) (2014), JARAK, The short history of jatropha projects in Indonesia. Leiden: IIAS.
- Vel J., Simandjuntak D., Van Rooijen L., Otto J.M., Bedner A., Widjaja H., Persoon G., Afiff S., Van Klinken G., Schulte Nordholt H., Tjeuw J., Slingerland M, Semedi P., Gunawan , McCarthy J., Suharsono S., Snelder D., Orij R. & Dieleman M. (2014), Jatropha: From an iconic biofuel crop to a green-policy parasite, IIAS Newsletter (Special Issue, The Asia-Pacific War 60 Years On: History and Memory) : .
- Otto J.M. (22 February 2014), Meisjesbesnijdenis: wie bepaalt wat “de sharia” voorschrijft, dus wat islamitisch is?. Leiden Islam Blog. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. [blog entry].
- Otto J.M. (27 February 2014), Besnijdenis en islam, het ligt ingewikkeld. Trouw.
- Carlisle J. & Otto J.M. (2013), People's Problems, Practices and Patterns of Justice Seeking: Towards a National Knowledge Base. In: Otto J.M., Carlisle J. & Ibrahim S. (Eds.), Searching for Justice in Post-Gaddafi Libya. A Socio-Legal Exploration of People’s Concerns and Institutional Responses at Home and From Abroad. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University. 153-164.
- Otto J.M. (2013), Introduction. In: Otto J.M., Carlisle J. & Ibrahim S. (Eds.), Searching for Justice in Post-Gaddafi Libya. A Socio-Legal Exploration of People’s Concerns and Institutional Responses at Home and From Abroad. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University. 3-13.
- Otto J.M. & Ibrahim S. (2013), Conclusions. In: Otto J.M., Carlisle J. & Ibrahim S. (Eds.), Searching for Justice in Post-Gaddafi Libya. A Socio-Legal Exploration of People’s Concerns and Institutional Responses at Home and From Abroad. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University. 173-182.
- Otto J.M. (2013), Policy Suggestions. In: Otto J.M., Carlisle J. & Ibrahim S. (Eds.), Searching for Justice in Post-Gaddafi Libya. A Socio-Legal Exploration of People’s Concerns and Institutional Responses at Home and From Abroad. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University. 201-204.
- Otto J.M. (2013), Opportunities, Constraints and Dilemmas in Libya's Search for Justice. In: Otto J.M., Carlisle J. & Ibrahim S. (Eds.), Searching for Justice in Post-Gaddafi Libya. A Socio-Legal Exploration of People’s Concerns and Institutional Responses at Home and From Abroad: Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University. 14-32.
- Otto J.M. (2013), From Problem of Knowledge to Responsibility to Learn. In: Otto J.M., Carlisle J. & Ibrahim S. (Eds.), Searching for Justice in Post-Gaddafi Libya. A Socio-Legal Exploration of People’s Concerns and Institutional Responses at Home and From Abroad. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University. 165-172.
- Otto J.M., Carlisle J. & Ibrahim S.M.K. (Eds.) (2013), Searching for Justice in Post-Gaddafi Libya. A Socio-Legal Exploration of People's Concerns and Institutional Responses at Home and From Abroad. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University.
- Otto J.M. (18 April 2013), De strijd voor een rechtsstaat in Libië. Leiden Islam Blog. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. [blog entry].
- Otto J.M. (2013), In memoriam rechtsantropoloog Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Novum (35, 3): 23.
- Otto J.M. (2012), Islam, populisme, en de verenigbaarheid van islam en vrijzinnig christendom. In: Hoek A. van der (Ed.), Islam, populisme en kerkelijke respons. Vrijzinnigen aan het woord. Utrecht: Remonstrantse Broederschap. 49-57.
- Otto J.M. & Pompe S. (2012), Aras hukum oriental [The Legal Oriental Connection]. In: Bedner A.W., Irianto S., Otto J.M. & Wirastri T.D. (Eds.), Kajian Socio-Legal [Socio-Legal Studies]. Jakarta: Pustaka Larasan; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen. 19-44.
- Otto J.M., Stoter W.S.R. & Arnscheidt J. (2012), Penggunaan teori pembentukan legislasi dalam rangka perbaikan kualitas hukum dan proyek-proyek pembangunan [The Use of Lawmaking Theory for Improving Legal Quality in Development Projects]. In: Bedner A.W., Irianto S., Otto J.M. & Wirastri T.D. (Eds.), Kajian Sosio-Legal [Socio-Legal Studies]. Jakarta: Pustaka Larasan; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen. 171-208.
- Otto J.M. & Hoekema A.J. (2012), Legalising Land Rights, Yes But How? An Introduction. In: Otto J.M. & Hoekema A.J. (Eds.), Fair Land Governance. How to Legalise Land Rights for Rural Development. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 7-30.
- Otto J.M. (2012), Kepastian hukum yang nyata di negara berkembang [Real Legal Certainty in Developing Countries]. In: Bedner A.W., Irianto S., Otto J.M. & Wirastri T.D. (Eds.), Kajian Socio-Legal [Socio-Legal Studies]. Jakarta: Pustaka Larasan; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen. 115-156.
- Otto J.M. & Hoekema A.J. (Eds.) (2012), Fair Land Governance. How to Legalise Land Rights for Rural Development. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Bedner A.W., Irianto S., Otto J.M. & Wirastri T.D. (Eds.) (2012), Kajian Socio-Legal [Socio-Legal Studies]. Seri unsur-unsur penyusun bangunan negara hukum. Jakarta: Pustaka Larasan; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen.
- Otto J.M. & Mason H.E. (2011), Delicate Debates on Islam. Policymakers and Academics Speaking with Each Other: an Introduction. In: Otto J.M. & Mason H.E. (Eds.), Delicate Debates on Islam: Policymakers and Academics Speaking with Each Other. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 9-22.
- Otto J.M. (2011), Sharia and Law in a Bird's-Eye View: Reform, Moderation and Ambiguity. In: Otto J.M. & Mason H.E. (Eds.), Delicate Debates on Islam. Policymakers and Academics Speaking with Each Other. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 73-76.
- Otto J.M. & Mason H.E. (Eds.) (2011), Delicate Debates on Islam. Policymakers and Academics Speaking with Each Other. Islam & Society. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Lankhorst M. & Otto J.M. (2011), Adviesnota Rechtsstaatbevordering in het Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsbeleid: inbreng van hoogwaardige expertise. Leiden/Den Haag: Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC).
- Otto J.M. (3 November 2011), Sharia is niet zo eng als politici ons doen geloven. Trouw.
- Otto J.M. (2011), 'De sharia' in rechtssystemen van moslimlanden: een referentiekader, Rechtstreeks 4: 8-63.
- Otto J.M. (2010), Sharia and national law in Indonesia. In: Otto J.M. (Ed.), Sharia Incorporated. A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems in Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 433-490.
- Otto J.M. (2010), Gagasan-gagasan lama dan baru dalam kajian sosio-legal mengenai penguasaan tanah dan pembentukan negara hukum di Indonesia [Old and new ideas in socio-legal research concerning land titling and rule of law formation in Indonesia]. In: Safitri M.A. & Moeliono T. (Eds.), Hukum Agraria dan Masyarakat di Indonesia. Jakarta: HuMa-Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV-Jakarta. vi-xiv.
- Otto J.M. (2010), Towards comparative conclusions on the role of sharia in national law. In: Otto J.M. (Ed.), Sharia Incorporated. A comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 613-654.
- Otto J.M. (2010), Introduction: investigating the role of sharia in national law. In: Otto J.M. (Ed.), Sharia Incorporated. A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 17-49.
- Otto J.M. (Ed.) (2010), Sharia Incorporated. A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Otto J.M. & Huis S.C. van (2010), [Bespreking van: Nurlaelawati E. (2010) Modernisation, Tradition and Identity: The Kompilasi Hukum Islam and Legal Practice in the Indonesian Courts. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press], Australian Journal of Asian Law 11: 318-321.
- Otto J.M. (2010), Rechtsstaatbevordering in Moslimlanden, Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material 51(1): 3-10.
- Otto J.M. (2009), Rule of Law Promotion, Land Tenure and Poverty Alleviation: Questioning the Assumptions of Hernando de Soto, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 1(1): 173-194.
- Otto J.M. (2009), Islam, Family Law and Constitutional Context in Indonesia. In: Cotran E. & Lau M. (Eds.), Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 73-86.
- Otto J.M. (2009), The gradual incorporation of Islamic law in Indonesia's national legal system. In: Austrian Association for the Middle East Hammer-Purgstall (Ed.), Family, Law and Religion. Debates in the Muslim World and Europe and their Implications for Co-operation and Dialogue. Oberwart, Austria: Gröbner Druck. 131-156.
- Otto J.M. (2009), Een historisch-vergelijkend onderzoek naar de positie van de sharia in nationale rechtssystemen van twaalf moslimlanden. In: Kruiniger P. (Ed.), Recht van de Islam no. 23. Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers. 57-83.
- Otto J.M. (2009), Rule of Law, Adat Law and Sharia: 1901, 2001, and Monitoring the Next Phase, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 1(1): 15-20.
- Otto J.M. (2008), Sharia and National Law in Muslim Countries: Tensions and Opportunies for Dutch and EU Foreign Policy. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Rooij B. van, Arnscheidt J. & Otto J.M. (2008), Lawmaking for development: An introduction. In: Arnscheidt J., Rooij B. van & Otto J.M. (Eds.), Lawmaking for Development. Explorations into the Theory and Practice of International Legislative Projects. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 11-22.
- Otto J.M., Stoter W.S.R. & Arnscheidt J. (2008), Using legislative theory to improve law and development assistance. In: Arnscheidt J., Rooij B. van & Otto J.M. (Eds.), Lawmaking for Development. Explorations into the Theory and Practice of International Legislative Projects. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 53-74.
- Otto J.M. (2008), Bringing a Sense of Unity to Legal Sciences in Indonesia, a Tribute to Prof. Arief Sidharta. In: Oktoberina R. & Savitri N. (Eds.), Butir-Butir Pemikiran Dalam Hukum: Memperingati 70 Tahun Prof. Dr. B. Arief Sidharta. Bandung 3-6.
- Arnscheidt J., Rooij B. van & Otto J.M. (Eds.) (2008), Lawmaking for Development. Explorations into the Theory and Practice of International Legislative Projects. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Otto J.M. (12 September 2008), Ook moslims staan op voor rechter. NRC Handelsblad.
- Otto J.M. (11 September 2008), Opstandig advocaat staat alleen. Orde van de Dag.
- Otto J.M. (2007), The compatibility of sharia with the rule of law. Fundamental conflict: between civilisations? Within civilisations? Or between scholars?. Groen A. in 't, Jonge H.J. de, Klasen E., Papma H. & Slooten P. van (Eds.), Knowledge in ferment, Dilemmas in Science, Sholarship and Society. . Leiden: Leiden University Press. 137-154.
- Otto J.M. (13 October 2007), Desinformatie over islam gaat stug door. NRC Handelsblad.
- Otto J.M. (8 December 2007), Islam is niet 'de' oorzaak van achterstelling vrouw. Trouw.
- Otto J.M. (2007), Recht en ontwikkeling: 'the problem of knowledge' nader bekeken, 56(11): 883-894.
- Otto J.M. (2007), International Legal Cooperation: How Indonesians and Dutch Pioneered a Global Trend, Law, Society & Development 2: 15-20.
- Otto J.M. (2007), De groeten uit Indonesië. Mr.: 93-94.
- Otto J.M. (2006), Sharia en recht: botsing of beschaving?, De Academische Boekengids 56: 3-6.
- Otto J.M. (2006), Sharia en nationaal recht. Rechtssystemen in moslimlanden tussen traditie, politiek en rechtsstaat. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Otto J.M. (2006), Sharia en nationaal recht in Indonesië. In: Otto J.M., Dekker A.J. & Soest-Zuurdeeg L.J. van (Eds.), Sharia en nationaal recht in twaalf moslimlanden. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 269-302.
- Otto J.M. (2006), Voorwoord. In: , Klassieke sharia en vernieuwing. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 6-9.
- Otto J.M. & Barends M.G. (2006), Sharia en nationaal recht in Pakistan. In: Otto J.M., Dekker A.J. & Soest-Zuurdeeg L.J. van (Eds.), Sharia en nationaal recht in twaalf moslimlanden. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 235-268.
- Otto J.M. (2006), The Odds of 'Liberalisation' as an Informing Principle of Law, Governance and Development. In: Nieuwenhuys E. (Ed.), Neo-Liberal Globalism and Social Sustainable Globalisation. Leiden: Brill. 149-178.
- Otto J.M. (2006), Dutch Legal Cooperation and Paradigm Changes in the International Field, Applying the 'Sectoral Approach' to the Legal and Judicial Domain. CILC 20th Anniversary Conference. Leiden: CILC. 27-31.
- Otto J.M., Dekker A.J. & Van Soest-Zuurdeeg L. (Eds.) (2006), Sharia en nationaal recht in twaalf moslimlanden. WRR-webpublicaties no. 13. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Otto J.M. (2006), Sharia en recht: beschaving of botsing?, ZemZem. Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam 2: 120-128.
- Otto J.M. (2004), De verhouding tussen sharia en nationaal recht volgens 'essentialisten' en 'multiplisten'. In: Labuschagne B.C. (Ed.), Religie als bron van sociale cohesie in de democratische rechtsstaat? Godsdienst, overheid en civiele religie in een post-geseculariseerde samenleving. Nijmegen: Ars Aequi Libri. 145-172.
- Otto J.M., Stoter W.S.R. & Arnscheidt J. (2004), Using legislative theory to improve law and development projects, RegelMaat: Kwartaalblad voor Wetgevingsvraagstukken 2004/4: 121-135.
- Otto J.M. (2003), Kepastian Hukum di Negara Berkembang. Jakarta: Komisi Hukum Nasional Republik Indonesia.
- Otto J.M. (2003), Incoherence in Environmental Law and the Solutions of Co-ordination, Harmonisation and Integration. In: Niessen N. & Bedner A.W. (Eds.), Towards Integrated Environmental Law in Indonesia?. Leiden: CNWS. 11-20.
- Otto J.M. (2003), Indonesian-Netherlands study on the Decentralization of the Rechtsstaat, notably with regard to 'Agraria' (land law and natural resources management), KNAW voorstel. onbekend: Van Vollenhoven Instituut.
- Otto J.M. (2003), De clash tussen sjariea en nationaal recht. onbekend: Van Vollenhoven Instituut.
- Otto J.M. (2003), The Mystery of Legal Failure. NWO, SARO-voorstel. onbekend: Van Vollenhoven Instituut.
- Otto J.M. (6 March 2003), Abou Jahjah wijst, opvallend genoeg, islamwet af. Trouw.
- Otto J.M. (2002), De andere wereld van recht en bestuur. In: Blussé L. & Ooms I. (Eds.), Kennis en Compagnie. Amsterdam: Balans. 71-83.
- Otto J.M. (2002), The Mystery of Legal Failure and the Mastery of Legal Education. In: Kasim I. (Ed.), Sosok Guru dan Ilmuwan yang Kritis dan Konsisten, Kumpulan Tulisan Peringatan 70 Tahun Prof. Soetandyo Wignjosoebroto. Jakarta, Indonesië: Cetakan Pertama. 299-328.
- Otto J.M. (2002), Towards an analytical framework: real legal certainty and its explanatory factors. In: Chen J., Otto J.M. & Li Y. (Eds.), Implementation of law in the People's Republic of China. Den Haag: Kluwer Law International. 23-34.
- Otto J.M. (2002), Functie bij : Kluwer International Law. [other].
- Otto J.M. (2002), Chiefs! Law, Power and Culture in Contempory South Africa. [other].
- Otto J.M. (2002), Systems of land registration; Aspects and Effects. [other].
- Otto J.M. (2002), Moet rechtsantropologie?, Recht der Werkelijkheid 2: 51-55.
- Otto J.M. (2001), Goed bestuur en rechtszekerheid als doelen van ontwikkeling. In: Scheltema M. (Ed.), Ontwikkelingsbeleid en goed bestuur. Den Haag: Sdu Uitgevers. 277-335.
- Otto J.M. (2001), Rechtszekerheid en sociale cohesie in ontwikkelingslanden. In: Cliteur P.B. & Eeckhout V. van den (Eds.), Multiculturalisme, cultuurrelativisme en sociale cohesie. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers. 505-511.
- Otto J.M. (2001), Gemeentelijke Samenwerking Ontwikkelingslanden. [other].
- Otto J.M. (2001), Law, state and development, Aladin newsletter 2(1): 2-2.
- Otto J.M. (2001), Functie bij : Kluwer Law International. [other].
- Otto J.M. (2001), Uitzending Gemeenteambtenaren. [other].
- Otto J.M. (2001), Institutions of Law and Order in Developing and Transitional States. [other].
- Otto J.M. (2001), Functie bij : Kluwer Law International. [other].
- Otto J.M. (2001), Law, State, and Development: The Work of Robert and Ann Seidman, Aladin newsletter 2(1): 2-2.
- Otto J.M. (2001), Goed bestuur is een doel op zich, Internationale Samenwerking 06: 20-21.
- Otto J.M. (2001), Promoting the debate on law administration and development, Aladin newsletter 3: 2-2.
- Otto J.M. (2001), In memoriam prof. Hans Holleman, Forum van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid september: 9.
- Otto J.M. (2000), Conclusion: A Comparativist's Outlook on Law-Making in China. In: Otto J.M. & Polak M.V. (Eds.), Law-Making in the People's Republic of China. The Hague; London; Boston: Kluwer Law International. 215-223.
- Otto J.M. & Li Y. (2000), An Overview of Law-Making in China. In: Otto J.M. & Polak M.V. (Eds.), Law-Making in the People's Republic of China. The Hague; London; Boston: Kluwer Law International. 1-17.
- Polak M.V. & Otto J.M. (2000), Law-Making in the People's Republic of China. Otto J.M., Polak M.V., Chen J. & Li Y. (Eds.), The London-Leiden Series on Law, Administration and Development. Preface. The Hague: Kluwer Law International. VII-XI.
- Polak M.V., Otto J.M., Chen J. & Li Y. (Eds.) (2000), Law-Making in the People's Republic of China. The London-Leiden Series on Law, Administration and Development. The Hague; London; Boston: Kluwer Law International.
- Polak M.V., Otto J.M., Chen J. & Li Y. (Eds.) (2000), Law-Making in the People's Republic of China. The London-Leiden Series on Law, Administration and Development no. 5. The Hague: Kluwer Law International.
- Otto J.M. (2000), Some Introductory Remarks on Law, Administration and Development. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute.
- Reijne M. & Otto J.M. (2000), Lokaal bestuur in ontwikkelingslanden: een leidraad voor lagere overheden in de ontwikkelingssamenwerking. [other].
- Oomen B.M. & Otto J.M. (2000), Failing States. [other].
- Otto J.M. (2000), Decentralisation of Environmental Management. A Comparative Perspective. [other].
- Otto J.M. (2000), Enkele kanttekeningen bij goed bestuur: Het Nederlandse Afrika-Beleid: Geen ontwikkeling zonder vrije media?. [other].
- Otto J.M. (2000), Riggs, Pioneer of Development Administration: Also for Lawyers, Aladin newsletter 1(2): 2-3.
- Otto J.M. (2000), Global Governance, Mixed Courts?, Aladin newsletter 1(4): 3-4.
- Otto J.M. (1999), Lokaal bestuur in ontwikkelingslanden: een leidraad voor lagere overheden in de ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Bussum: Coutinho.
- Otto J.M. (1999), Welcome address to Aladin, Aladin newsletter 1(1): 3-5.
- Otto J.M. (1999), Inleiding lokaal bestuur in ontwikkelingslanden. [other].
- Otto J.M. & Harding A. (Eds.) (1999), Chinese Law: Towards an Understanding of Chinese Law, Its Nature and Development. The London-Leiden Series on Law, Administration and Development no. 3. The Hague; London; Boston: Kluwer Law International.
- Otto J.M. (1999), Draft-plan for Legal Research Co-operation between Indonesia and the Netherlands. [s.l.]: [s.n.].
- Nas P.J.M., Otto J.M., Vogelsang W.J. & Zürcher E.-J. (1999), De Leidse Paradox: Rapport van de interfacultaire werkgroep contemporaine niet-westerse studies. Leiden: Faculteit der Letteren.
- Bos A.P.C. & Otto J.M. (1999), In Leiden gaat de wereld voor je open. Catalogus van onderwijs over het hedendaagse Azië, Afrika en Latijns-Amerika. UL, Faculteit Letteren. [other].
- Otto J.M. (1999), Lokale bestuursprocessen in ontwikkelingslanden. [other].
- Otto J.M. (1999), Minisymposium Lokaal Bestuur in Ontwikkelingslanden. [other].
- Otto J.M. (1999), Promotie-onderzoek in Zuid-Afrika, Forum van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid 1(9): 7-8.
- Oomen B.M. & Otto J.M. (1999), The role and future of traditional leaders in South Africa, Koers: bulletin vir christelike wetenskap/bulletin for christian scholarship 64(2&3): 295-324.
- Otto J.M. (1998), The Supreme Court of Niger and Polynormativism in Urban Centres: A Comment on Abdourahaman Chaibou, Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 30(42): 171-177.
- Otto J.M. (1998), Workshop Report Human Rights in Islamic States. In: Rutten S. (Ed.), Recht van de Islam 15: Human Rights and Islam. Maastricht: RIMO. 75-79.
- Otto J.M. & Li Y. (1998), An Overview of Law-Making in China.
- Polak M.V., Otto J.M., Chen J. & Li Y. (1998), Organisator en dagvoorzitter van de internationale conferentie "Law Making in de People's Republic of China". [other].
- Otto J.M. & Li Y. (1998), Wetgeving in China, RegelMaat: Kwartaalblad voor Wetgevingsvraagstukken (2): 78-94.
- Otto J.M. (1997), Groundwater Law and Administration in Developing Countries. In: Schrevel A. (Ed.), Groundwater Management: Sharing Responsibility for an Open Access Resource. Proceedings of the first Wageningen Water Workshop (WWW.ilri.nl) 13-15 October 1997. Wageningen: International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement. 45-63.