Inge van der Weijden
- Name
- Dr. I.C.M. van der Weijden
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6073
- 0000-0001-5255-3430
Short CV
Inge van der Weijden has a PhD in social sciences (2007). She worked at CWTS from January 2012. She is currently researcher and coordinator of the Career Policy & Paths in Science (CPPS) working group. Inge conducts research on the motivation, selection, and evaluation of scholars in order to better understand career development of scientist. Also, she is responsible for the CWTS press communication. Starting September 2015, she is the vice-chair of European Sociology of Science and Technology Network.
Inge conducts both qualitative and quantitative research on the motivation, selection and evaluation of scholars in order to better understand career development of scientists within and outside academia. Special attention is given to mental health and diversity. Inge completed her PhD in 2007 at VU Amsterdam. From 2006 to 2011, she worked as a postdocs at the Rathenau Institute, where she did research into academic management & leadership of group leaders. She joined the CWTS in 2012. Since 2019 Inge is also affiliated (0.2fte) with the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, department of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
Inge is a board member of the Centre of Expertise for the Dutch PhD training. She gives lectures and workshops at, among others, career days for PhD candidates, graduate schools, postdoc network days and HR professionals. In 2017 she won a Special Recognition Award from the World Cultural Council.
At CWTS Inge is also working on different institutional projects: Super_Morri (Funded by EU Horizon 2020) and Evaluation of the postdoc training program of Leiden University (funded by SoFoKleS).
Inge teaches in the Honours Class The Academic Life, serves as a coach in the Leiden Leadership Program and supervises master thesis students.
PhD coordinator CWTS
Since November 2017 Inge acts as PhD coordinator for all internal and external PhD candidates affiliated with CWTS. She organizes e.g. meetings with PhD candidates, PhD poster seminars, intervision meetings with PhD supervisors.
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- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Waaijer C.J.F., Teelken C., Wouters P.F. & Van der Weijden I.C.M. (2018), Competition in Science: Links Between Publication Pressure, Grant Pressure and the Academic Job Market, Higher Education Policy 31(2): 225-243.
- Teelken C. & Van der Weijden I.C.M. (2018), The employment situation and career prospects of postdoctoral researchers, Employee Relations 40(2): 396-411.
- Van der Weijden I.C.M., Yegros-Yegros A., Borges des Santos F. & Lamers W. (2018), Identification, dynamics and performance of mixed gender teams, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 12 September 2018 - 14 September 2018.
- Meijer I., Van der Weijden I.C.M., Van der Ven I. & Beukman J.J. (2018), Academic working conditions and mental health of PhD candidates, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 12 September 2018 - 14 September 2018.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Belder R., Sonneveld H., Van Bochove C.A. & Van der Weijden I.C.M. (2017), Temporary contracts: Effect on job satisfaction and personal lives of recent PhD graduates, Higher Education 74(2): 321-339.
- Holley K., Kuzhabekova A., Osbaldiston N., Cannizzo F., Mauri C., Simmonds S., Teelken C. & Van der Weijden I. (2017), Global perspectives on the postdoctoral scholar experience. In: Jaeger A. & Dinin A. (Eds.), The Postdoc Landscape: The Invisible Scholars: Elsevier Science Publishing Co..
- Van der Weijden I., Van Gelder E., Meijer I., Van der Ven I., Beukman J.J. & Farzand Ali R. (2017), Continu in de stress: Mentale problemen bij promovendi, TH en MA 2017(4): 80-84.
- Thunnissen M., Van der Weijden I. & Teelken C. (2017), Werken binnen of buiten de wetenschap: Waar is het gras groener?, TH en MA 17(1): 54-59.
- Van der Weijden I.C.M., Meijer I., Van der Ven I., Beukman J., Farzand Ali R. & De Gelder E. (2017), Het mentaal welzijn van Leidse promovendi.
- Van der Weijden I.C.M., Meijer I., Van der Ven I., Beukman J., Farzand Ali R. & De Gelder E. (2017), The mental well-being of Leiden University PhD candidates.
- Heuritsch J., Waaijer C.J.F. & Van der Weijden I.C.M. (2017), De waarde van de promotie-opleiding op employability: de lacune tussen vaardigheden opgedaan tijdens de promotie-opleiding en benodigde vaardigheden in de huidige baan. Onderwijs Research Dagen 2017, Antwerpen. Onderwijs Research Dagen 2017 28 June 2017 - 30 June 2017.
- Hoving I., Crul M.R.J., Haan W., Hogendoorn G., Slootman M., Ramdas S., Romein D.M., Takkenberg J.J.M., Waldring I., Van der Weijden I.C.M. & Wolff R. (2017), Taskforce the future is diversity: Study success bicultural students. Report 2016-2017.
- Van der Weijden I.C.M., De Gelder E., Teelken C. & Thunnissen M. (2017), Welk gras Is groener? Persoonlijke verhalen van gepromoveerden over hun loopbanen binnen en buiten de wetenschap.
- Van der Weijden I.C.M., De Gelder E., Teelken C. & Thunnissen M. (2017), Which grass is greener? Personal stories from PhDs about their careers within and outside academia.
- Heuritsch J., Waaijer C.J.F. & Van der Weijden I.C.M. (2016), Survey on the Labour Market Position of PhD Graduates. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. STI Conference, 21st Int. Conf. on Science and Technology Indicators 14 September 2016 - 16 September 2016 741-749.
- Van der Weijden I.C.M., Prpic K. & Asheulova N. (2016), Introduction of special section on research funding and the dynamics of science, Research Evaluation 25(4): 347-348.
- Van der Weijden I.C.M., Reale E. & Meijer I. (2016), Gender in science: A periphery? 21st International Conference in Science & Technology Indicators, Valencia. Ismael Ràfols I., Molas-Gallart J., Castro-Martínez E. & Woolley R. (Eds.), Congress UPV. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference in Science & Technology Indicators. 21st International Conference in Science & Technology Indicators (STI) 13 September 2016 - 16 September 2016 803-807.
- Derrick G., Molas-Gallart J., De Rijcke S., Meijer I., Van der Weijden I.C.M. & Wouters P. (2016), On multiplying methods in the field of research evaluation. 21st International Conference in Science & Technology Indicators, Valencia. Ràfols I., Molas-Gallart J., Castro-Martínez E. & Woolley R. (Eds.), Congress UPV. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 21st International Conference in Science & Technology Indicators (STI) 13 September 2016 - 16 September 2016 516-517.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Sonneveld H., Buitendijk S.E., Van Bochove C.A. & Van der Weijden I.C.M. (2016), The Role of Gender in the Employment, Career Perception and Research Performance of Recent PhD Graduates from Dutch Universities, PLoS ONE 11(10): e0164784.
- Bar-Ilan J. & Van der Weijden I.C.M. (2015), Altmetric gender bias? An exploratory study, International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application 4(1): 16-22.
- Van der Weijden I., Belder R., Van Arensbergen P. & Van Besselaar P. (2015), How do young tenured professors benefit from a mentor? Effects on management, motivation and performance, Higher Education 69(2): 275-287.
- Verbree M., Horlings E., Groenewegen P., Van der Weijden I. & Van der Besselaar P. (2015), Organizational factors influencing scholarly performance: A multivariate study of biomedical research groups, Scientometrics 102(1): 25-49.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Van der Weijden I.C.M. & Wouters P.F. (2015), Publication and grant pressure: How they are perceived by early career researchers and influence on career choices, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 20th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 2 September 2015 - 4 September 2015. Lugano.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Belder B., Van Bochove C.A., Sonneveld H. & Van der Weijden I.C.M. (2015), Survey on the Labour Market Position of PhD graduates: Development of a Novel Questionnaire no. CWTS-WP-2015-001. Leiden: Centre for Science and Technology Studies.
- Van der Weijden I.C.M., Teelken C., De Boer M. & Drost M. (2015), Career satisfaction of postdoctoral researchers in the relation to their expectations for the future, Higher Education : 1-16.
- Van Arensbergen P., Van der Weijden I. & Van der Besselaar P. (2014), Academic talent selection in grant review panels. In: Prpic K., Weijden I. van der & Asheulova N. (Eds.), (Re)searching academic careers. St. Petersburg: Publishing House Nestor-Historica. 25-54.
- Van der Weijden I., Zahedi Z., Must Ü. & Meijer I. (2014), Gender differences in societal orientation and output of individual scientists, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 19th Science and Technology Indicators Conference, 3-5 September, Leiden, The Netherlands 3 September 2014 - 5 September 2014 680-686.
- Meijer I., Zahedi Z., Belder R. & Van der Weijden I. (2014), Researchers with a personal grant: Perceptions on societal relevance and outputs, Research Funding & Dynamics of Science Workshop. Research Funding & Dynamics of Science workshop, organized by Sociology of Science and Technology Network (SSTNET) and the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), 12-13 June, 2014 12 June 2014 - 13 June 2014.
- Prpic K., Van der Weijden I. & Asheulova N. (Eds.) (2014), (Re)searching scientific careers. St. Petersburg: Publishing House Nestor-Historica.
- Van Arensbergen P., Van der Weijden I. & Van den Besselaar P. (2014), Different views on scholarly talent: What are the talents we are looking for in science?, Research Evaluation 23(4): 273-284.
- Van Arensbergen P., Van der Weijden I. & Van den Besselaar P. (2014), The selection of talent as a group process. A literature review on the social dynamics of decision making in grant panels, Research Evaluation 23(4): 298-311.
- Van der Weijden I.C.M., Verbree m. & Besselaar P. van den (2012), From bench to bedside: the societal orientation of research leaders: The case of biomedical and health research in the Netherlands, Science and Public Policy 39(3): 285-303.
- Van den Besselaar P., Hemlin S. & Van der Weijden I. (2012), Collaboration and competition in research, Higher Education Policy 25(3): 263-266.
- Arensbergen P. van, Weijden I.C.M. van der & Besselaar P. van den (2012), Gender differences in scientific productivity: a persisting phenomenon?, Scientometrics 93(3): 857-868.
- Van Balen B., Van Arensbergen P., Van der Weijden I. & Van den Besselaar P. (2012), Determinants of success in academic careers, Higher Education Policy 25(3): 313-334.
- Van der Weijden I., De Gilder D., Groenewegen P. & Klasen E. (2008), Implications of managerial control on performance of Dutch academic (bio)medical and health research groups, 37(9): 1616-1629.