Universiteit Leiden

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Ilios Willemars

University Lecturer

Dr. I.F.D.M.R. Willemars
+31 71 527 7160

Ilios Willemars is a lecturer at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.

More information about Ilios Willemars

Ilios Willemars is a cultural analyst who teaches film and literary studies at Leiden University.
Ilios is currently working on the cultural response to HIV/AIDS in art, activism and theory, and has previously worked on digital representations of human bodies in video art, surveillance at airports, the work of Franz Kafka, and animals that commit suicide. Ilios is also editing a volume on the concept of replacement, has recently helped edit a book of poetry, and has done some work as a curator in Lisbon. Their most important mission as a teacher is to help students learn how to read for details and silences in texts and allow them to recognize theory as poetry and poetry as thought. An eclectic list of research interests follows here: bio- and necropolitics, data and digital media, replacement and placeholders, contagion and contamination, queer and feminist theory, sacrifice and death.

University Lecturer

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Centre for the Arts in Society
  • Literatuurwetenschap

Work address

Arsenaalstraat 1
2311 CT Leiden
Room number B1.03


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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