Universiteit Leiden

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Fons Verbeek

Professor of Computational Bio-imaging

Prof.dr.ir. F.J. Verbeek
+31 71 527 5773

Fons Verbeek has a background in Computer Science and Biology; he has a PhD in Applied Physics. His research topic is Image Analysis with a focus on microscopy imaging. His research stretches from feature extraction and segmentation to classification strategies in the domain of the life-sciences.

More information about Fons Verbeek

Fons Verbeek has a background in Computer Science and Biology; he has a PhD in Applied Physics. His research topic is Image Analysis with a focus on microscopy imaging. His research stretches from feature extraction and segmentation to classification strategies in the domain of the life-sciences.

Visualization of research data is much addressed in his research projects. In the master program he teaches a course on Image Processing and Analysis. In additon, in his research he is using modelling techniques applied to biomedical data to gain further understanding on cohesion in biomolecular processes.

Imaging & Visualization typically require Human interaction. Therefore, in research project the subject of Human Computer Interaction is often addressed. In the Media Technology programme and the CS bachelor he is involved in teaching the Human Computer Interaction course and engaged in supervising students in their research.

For more information check the research group website of Imaging & BioInformatics for projects at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science he works on.

See for more information my Personal website

Professor of Computational Bio-imaging

  • Science
  • Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Room number BE3.27



  • Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Natuurkunde, Diligentia Board Member
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