Chie Arita
PhD candidate
- Name
- C. Arita M.A.
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2171
Chie Arita doesn't have a desk at the university. Please send an email if you want to contact her. The above mentioned telephone number is the number of the secretariat.
Fields of interest
- Modern Japanese history
- Nationality and ethnicity
- Japanese politics
- Postwar Japan
PhD research
A Frontier Within the People: Redefining the Japanese in the Democratization Process under the American Occupation of Japan, 1945-1952
Supervisors: Ethan Mark and Kasia Cwiertka
My PhD project centers on the process of the formation of the legal framework in Japan for alien policy and citizenship laws that defined who was Japanese after WWII. Japan’s defeat in the war (1945) and its reconstruction as a democratic nation led to the systematic exclusion and forgetting of the approximately thirty million people inhabiting the former colonial territories of Japan who had possessed the Japanese nationality, including Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula. When Japan became independent in 1952, after seven years of Allied occupation primarily presided over by the American military government, the former Japanese lost their Japanese nationality, and as a result more than six hundred thousand people living in Japan who came from the former colonial territories became legally foreigners. Many of their descendents, generally of the fourth or fifth generation, have stayed in Japan as foreigners. How was the category of “the Japanese People” redefined at the time, and why?
MA in Comparative History, Universiteit Utrecht, August 2006
MA in International Relations, Universiteit van Amsterdam, January 2005
LL.M in Law and Political Science, Tokyo University, March 1996
B.L. in Law and Political Science (International Relations), Kyushu University, March 1986
Senior Official for Ministry of Justice, Japan, April 1990 - July 2001
Sales Representative for IBM Japan, April 1986 - September 1987
Ishibashi Foundation, 4 year scholarship, April 1992 - March 1996
Matsushita International Foundation, Research fellowship, 2008
- Japanese literature and language teacher, JPPC (Stichting Japans Pedagogisch Praktijk Centrum), February 2004 - present
- Special Instructor, UNAFEI (The United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders), February-March 2003
- Guest Instructor, Training Institute for Correctional Personnel, Ministry of Justice, 16 December 2002
- Guest Lecturer, Aoyama Gakuin University, 8 June 2002
- Law and history instructor, Training Institute for Correctional Personnel, Ministry of Justice, April 2000 – July 2001
- Special Instructor, UNAFEI, October 1996
オランダ大好きGek op Nederland! (2004), Tokyo: JTB
受刑者移送条約の現在:諸外国の実施状況と課題 Prisoner Transfer Treaties and the Japanese Correctional System, MA thesis (2001), Tokyo, National Diet Library in Japan Catalogue Record Number: NDC(9): 326.52, JP Number: JP: 20229650.
転機に立つ外国人受刑者処遇 “On a Turning Point of Foreign Prisoner Treatment in Japan” in The Japanese Journal of Correction (KEISEI), vol. 110-11 (1999) vol. 110-12 (1999) p.44-54
現代の女子受刑者--生育歴と依存--薬物事犯者の特性 “Current Women Prisoners in Japan - Private History and Addiction” in Crime and Delinquency, No. 120 (1999) pp.198-220
受刑者移送条約の現在:諸外国の実施状況と課題 “Prisoner Transfer Treaties and the Japanese Correctional System” in The Japanese Journal of Correction (KEISEI), vol.108-4 (1997) pp.25-36
平成4年の主要税務判例 “Summary of Leading Cases of Taxation in 1992 (2)” in Zei to Keiei (Tax and Management), vol.1142 (1993) pp.15-18
税務判例速報 “Prompt Report of Case of Taxation” in Zei to Keiei (Tax and Management), vol. 1125 (1992) pp.24-27
PhD candidate
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS Japan