Universiteit Leiden

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Bahareh Soohani

Staff Member Documentprocessing & Metadata 2

Dr. B. Soohani
+31 71 527 5795


•    Soohani Bahareh, Ahangar Abbas Ali (Forthcoming), On the Analysis of Geminates in Iranian Sistani Dialect. Iranian Journal of Language Issues.
•    Soohani Bahareh, Samaei Seyyed Mehdi (Forthcoming), Loanword Adaptation in Iranian- Balochi Dialects: An Optimality Theoretic Approach. Dialectologia.
•    Soohani Bahareh (Submitted), Root-Affix Asymmetries in Iranian-Balochi Dialects. Dialectologia.
•    Soohani Bahareh (2017), The phonology of Iranian-Balochi Dialects: Description and Analysis (PhD thesis. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL), Humanities, Leiden) LOT dissertation series no. 461. Utrecht: LOT: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s):M. van Oostendoorp, A.A. Ahangar.
•    Soohani Bahareh, Van Oostendorp Marc,  Ahangar Abbas (2016), Reduplication with Fixed Segmentism in Sarawani Balochi. Dialectologia 17. 111-122.
•    Soohani Bahareh, Van Oostendorp Marc (2015), The Syllable Structure of Imperative in Sarhaddi Balochi of Mirjaveh: Some thoughts on the interface with morphology. In: Russo, D. (Ed.) The notion of syllable across the history, theories and analysis. New Castel: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.146-163.
•    Soohani Bahareh, Van Oostendorp, Ahangar Abbas Ali (2014), Geminate in Sarawani Balochi .  Dialectologia 13. 71-85.
•    Soohani, Bahareh, Van Oostendorp Marc, Ahangar Abbas Ali (2012), Stress Pattern System in Central Sarawani Balochi. Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies (IJALS) 3 (1). 152- 194.
•    Abbabs Ali Ahangar, Marc van Oostendorp, Bahareh Soohani (2012). ‘The relationship between phonological distance and geographical distance: Standard Persian, Central Sarawani Balochi and Sistani Dialect. GEMA Linguistics Journal 13(2). 117-134

Staff Member Documentprocessing & Metadata 2

  • Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
  • Bibliotheekprocesondersteuning
  • Metadatadiensten & Acquisitie

Work address

Van Steenis
Einsteinweg 2
2333 CC Leiden
Room number F.016



  • No relevant ancillary activities
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