Universiteit Leiden

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Optimization of Patient Flow through EMT Facilities Applying Dynamic Behavioral Simulation Models

This study aims to explore the use of a behavioral-design-based approach in simulating patient flow through EMTs. It provides a dynamic behavioral simulation model to assess the interactions between patients, staff members, and the related dynamic movements/interactions with the health care facility, each of them having specific features also in relation to the emergency condition faced.

Andrea Bartolucci, Gabriele B. Bernardini, Marco D'Orazio and Enrico Quagliarini
22 November 2022
Find the article here

The effectiveness of care provided by EMTs is directly linked to the ability to ensure a controlled, coordinated, and safe patient flow through the post, especially in case of MCIs or disease outbreak.
The analysis of the results will allow to simulate different scenarios and improve the design of health care facilities layouts in order to prevent overcrowding situation, avoid disease spreading, estimate the optimal number of staff for each task, and investigate interactions between patients and staff. Optimizing patient flow encompasses quickly, efficiently, and effectively movement meeting the demand for care by moving patients through care pathways while improving coordination of care, patient safety, and health outcomes.

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