Dreigingsmonitor bewaken en beveiligen 2022-2023
In the Threat Monitor (de Dreigingsmonitor bewaken en beveiligen) 2022-2023, the Surveillance and Security Research Project within the Institute of Security and Global Affairs thematically examined threat developments over the period from September 2021 to December 2023.
- Author
- Jelle van Buuren, Stijn Willen van 't Land, Edwin Bakker, Roy Hofkamp en Bart Schuurman
- Date
- 13 June 2024
- Links
- Read the monitor here (in Dutch)
The surveillance and security system deals with many different types of threats. Insight into the development of current and new threat phenomena is therefore of great importance. In the Surveillance and Security Threat Monitor 2022-2023, the research project also examined how these threat developments are qualitatively and quantitatively interpreted and what measures and actions have been taken to increase resilience against threats.
The Threat Monitor provides an overview of current threats in the Netherlands that are relevant to the surveillance and security system. This system consists of the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV), the police, the Public Prosecution Service, and the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee. The system is designed to prevent attacks on people, objects, and services. If there is a serious life-threatening situation that cannot be resolved with regular police care, the system can be activated.
The Threat Monitor is a product of the multi-year surveillance and security research project by the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University. The research project contributes to the knowledge, knowledge retention, quality improvement, and innovation of the system. It includes short-term, practice-oriented research as well as long-term fundamental doctoral research and also involves contributions to the surveillance and security course by the Centre for Professional Learning (CPL) in the field of education. In this way, a scientific framework is formed around the surveillance and security system, the system partners (National Police, Public Prosecution Service, Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security), and other organizations connected to the system within the security chain. The research project is made possible by a grant from the Kenniscentrum bewaken en beveiligen.