Universiteit Leiden

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Inter-Section Volume 2 (2016)

It is with great pleasure that we present to you the second volume of Inter-Section, published in 2016.

15 September 2016
Download Inter-Section Volume 2

Editorial Statement. ‘Aller Anfang is schwer’ 

Nater, C.I. Patterns in the distribution of graves in the Central Medieval cemetery of Reusel, the Netherlands: Local variations in burial practices

Rijk, T.E. de. Liminality along the Limes: a study on the Matilo mask, its depositional context and the associated finds

Aerts, S.E.I. Detecting cultural formation processes through arthropod assemblages: a conceptual model for urban archaeological waste-/cesspits

Kolbenstetter, M.M. Mollusc collection and salt-production: resource-procurement and distribution in the Gulf of Fonseca

Cuijpers, E. The ‘lively’ streets of Classical Olynthos: a spatial analysis of urban life on the North Hill, 432 – 348 BCE

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