Harmen Jousma wins Teaching Prize 09 February 2015
‘Always focus on your students, and make sure that what you teach them will be relevant to them as alumni.’ In his speech of thanks, Harmen Jousma, le...
Thomas Bäck holds Cleveringa lecture in Calgary, Canada 16 January 2015
On 26 November 2014 Prof. Dr. Thomas Bäck gives the Cleveringa lecture at the University of Calgary in Canada entitled: Innovation: Can we use princip...
Pascal Professor 2015 10 December 2014
In 2015 the Pascalchair of the Faculty of Science, Universiteit Leiden and in particular of Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, is held by ...
Fewer errors in software features by using delta modelling 25 November 2014
When new features are being written into software code, errors can easily be made. This causes bugs, which leads to software appearing later and being...
Thomas Bäck wint IEEE Award 07 November 2014
Thomas Bäck wins the 2015 IEEE CIS Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Award for his contributions in synthesizing evolutionary computation.
Fourth Honory Doctorate for Grzegorz Rozenberg 30 October 2014
Friday May 23 Prof. Dr. Grzegorz Rozenberg receives his fourth Honorary Doctorate.
LIACS receives NWO grant in Challenging Big Data program 30 October 2014
The Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) received a grant award from NWO for a joint proposal with Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CW...
Connecting Bioscience & Informatics 06 September 2014
On June 26, 2014, LIACS organizes an event where you can learn more about LIACS research on Bioscientific data processing and modelling, as well as Bi...
NWO grant for super fast analysis of disease progression 01 February 2014
New funding allows IBL-researcher Herman Spaink to purchase a measurement device for more studies on human diseases such as cancer and tuberculosis us...
Leiden University wins Benelux Algorithm Programming Contest 2013 29 October 2013
The Leiden team "Geen Syntax" (no syntax), consisting of Bas Nieuwenhuizen, Mathijs van Nes and Raymond van Bommel, has won the Benelux Algorithm Prog...
Best Paper Award for Stettina et al 12 August 2013
During the 19th International ICE-IEEE ITMC Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE), 24-26 June 2013, The Hague, The Netherlands, C...
Second place in Future Ideas European Master Thesis Competition 2013 12 August 2013
LIACS graduate Lieven van Velthoven won yet another award for his Media Technology MSc graduation thesis entitled "Room Racers".
Handbook of Signal Processing Systems 11 October 2012
Handbook of Signal Processing Systems is organized in four parts. The first part motivates representative applications that drive and apply state-of-t...
Winner of the Model Gamification Contest 06 October 2012
Dave R. Stikkolorum, Michel R.V. Chaudron, Oswald de Bruin won the Best Paper Award of the Model Gamification Contest at the ACM/IEEE Models 2012 Conf...
Granted STW Project: Energy Efficient Computer-Brain Interaction 02 October 2012
The STW project Energy Efficient Computer-Brain Interaction (principal investigator for LIACS: dr. T.P. Stefanov) has been granted. Funding for LIACS:...