Annual report for 2018 published
Leiden University has published its Annual Report for 2018. Although it too has faced complex themes in the last year such as staff workload, internationalisation, social security and funding, it has made significant progress in achieving its ambitions.
In accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the University’s annual report for 2018 covers education, research, impact on society, HRM policy and operational management. The report is divided into a general section and a section on the University’s statement of accounts.
The Executive Board has taken steps to achieve the ambitions in the field of research, education and impact that were outlined in the Strategic Plan for 2015-2020: Freedom to Excel.
In 2018, the University and its research were once again in the top 100 in the most influential global rankings – ARWU, TH and CWTS Leiden Ranking. And despite fierce competition, many researchers managed to secure external research funding. Furthermore, psychologist Carsten de Dreu won the Spinoza Prize and astronomer Ewine van Dishoeck the Kavli Prize – two extremely prestigious awards.
Leiden University provides innovative teaching and has a good quality assurance system in place in both Leiden and The Hague. In 2018, it took steps to achieve the ambitions of its new vision on teaching and learning, one of which is the further integration of its research and teaching. The results will become apparent in the programmes in the longer term and will encompass an improvement in student and staff satisfaction and an increase in the quality and impact of the University’s graduates.
Yhe University hopes to contribute to the objectives of the Cabinet’s Climate Agreement and is therefore committed to sustainability within the themes of accommodation, energy, water, waste, mobility and procurement and investments. The University’s Environmental Policy Plan for 2016-2020 includes goals to reduce its CO2 footprint by 50% in the coming years and increase student and staff awareness. The University has also published a Sustainability Report for 2018 that accounts for the effects of its sustainability policies.
Financial policy
The University also has its financial affairs in order. Its financial policy focuses on realising its strategic plan while striking a healthy balance between its income and expenditure. One measure that the University can take to remove any bottlenecks in policy and workload is to take more financial risks. It therefore took a few more risks in the budget for 2018 to make it possible to invest more in its research and teaching and thus reduce the staff workload.
Martijn Ridderbos, Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board is proud of the results: ‘The Executive Board is grateful to the University students and staff at the University for all their efforts, and for the valuable collaboration with partners from outside the University. Many great things have been achieved collectively, and these have helped us contribute more to society.’
An English summary is available of essential elements of the Annual Report, such as key figures and the annual financial statements.