CFP OZSW Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy
The Institute for Philosophy is pleased to host the OZSW Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy on 9 and 10 January 2019
Call for abstracts for the 2019 OZSW Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy
Dates: 9 and 10 January 2019
Theme: Analytic and Continental Philosophy Brought Together
Place: Institute of Philosophy, Leiden University, P.J. Vethgebouw, Nonnensteeg, Leiden
About the theme
On the one hand, continental traditions have played an important role in the origins of analytic philosophy: think for example of the influence of phenomenology and Neo-Kantianism. On the other hand, David Hume, for example, has been of importance to Kant and Husserl. Independent of these historical aspects, one may ask: Can the continental tradition add something to the problems and methods within analytic philosophy today? Can analytic philosophy be brought to a new stage by incorporating ideas coming from the continental tradition? And, what tensions does this create? Think, for example, of the naturalism that is often presupposed in analytic philosophy. And: Can analytic philosophy contribute to problems and methods in continental philosophy? Although these questions make sense in relation to the whole field of philosophy, the focus of the conference, though, is on theoretical philosophy: epistemology, philosophy of logic and language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, metaphysics.
Keynote speakers
Iris van der Tuin (Universiteit Utrecht)
Kristina Engelhard (TU Dortmund)
Deadline for submission: 1 November 2018
Notification of acceptance: 1 December 2018
The OZSW will announce in time how submissions are to be made.
The Dutch Research School of Philosophy and Leiden University encourage submissions from Research Master students, PhD students, and PostDocs in any field that is relevant to the conference theme and scope. Abstracts should be max. 500 words.
Information about the conference: Maria van der Schaar
Information OSZW