‘Holland, invest in the national AI-ecosystem’
The European Commission published new plans on artificial intelligence on 19 February. According to Holger Hoos, professor in Machine Learning at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), Bart Verheij (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) and Jeroen van den Hoven (Technische Universiteit Delft) the Netherlands should take this opportunity to become the location of the European AI-centre.
The three experts state that artificial intelligence is the technology of the future and that the Netherlands should invest heavily. ‘350 AI-research groups with over 21 thousand employees in Europe formed CLAIRE (Confederation of AI Labs in Europe) and their headquarters is located in The Hague. This offers excellent opportunities for the Netherlands to become an important AI-hub. The triangle The Hague-Paris-Berlin can be a strong basis for European collaboration.’ The government should give a clear signal that the Netherlands is ready to play this key role in artificial intelligence.
Read the full article in Dutch on the website of de Volkskrant.