Universiteit Leiden

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OSCoffee: Introduction to ReproducibiliTea journal clubs—the what, why, and how

Tuesday 26 September 2023

Open Science Community Coffee

Introduction to ReproducibiliTea journal clubs—the what, why, and how


In this OSCoffee, Myrthe Vel Tromp will talk about a member initiative of OSCL: the ReproducibiliTea journal club. In these one hour online informal discussions, mostly ECRs (early career researchers) discuss papers on various open science practices, with a focus on replication and reproducibility. It is based on the internationally-known ReproducibiliTea format, and now available to all students and ECR's of Leiden! Myrthe will explain what ReproducibiliTea is, how to start up a journal club in your own field, and how this can be useful especially as knowledge transfer for PhD students. Bring your own tea (or coffee), everyone is welcome, from Bachelor students to full professors, and no prior knowledge or expertise required!

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