Universiteit Leiden

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OSCL meets YAL: The challenges of working with an open science mindset in a business driven environment

Thursday 20 April 2023

Open Science Community Leiden meets the Young Academy Leiden for their 'Spring of Science Communication' with this online talk and discussion:

The challenges of working with an open science mindset in a business driven environment. Can we reconcile the two worlds?


In this OSCoffee, YAL member Zsuzsa Bakk will share personal experiences from working as a statistical analyst outside of academia. In academia, and especially in psychology in the last decade, we witnessed an increasing awareness about pre-registration, open-data and open-code. We raise our MsC and PHD students with this mentality, yet once they leave academia they are often faced with a very different approach to data and statistical modeling. In the approach outside of academia, data is often seen as a resource in itself that is safeguarded, and the methodology used is a secret under intellectual property that hopefully turns into a competitive advantage. During this OSCoffee, we will discuss questions such as how to best develop new knowledge in such an environment, and how to build cooperation between academia and corporate entities when the drivers are so different. Or if open science and industry funding can find a common denominator.

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