Universiteit Leiden

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Study information

Webinar minor Sustainable Chemistry and Biotechnology

Thursday 2 March 2023
Online event

The minor “Sustainable Chemistry and Biotechnology” will start in September 2022. Here you will become familiar with the concept of sustainability from a chemical and biotechnological perspective. Mankind is going to face big challenges. If we want to continue living on this planet as we do today we will have to embrace circularity. In nature almost everything is recycled. Likewise we will have to produce every consumable in a circular manner. The energy that we will require for this will have to be produced in a sustainable manner. All these challenges underlie large chemical and biotechnological problems. In this minor you are going to learn about fundamental issues as “why is it so difficult to make green hydrogen efficiently?” and practical issues as “can we derive all energy that we need from wind and solar energy alone?” 
During the webinar we will explain the different courses, educational methods and practical aspects in more detail and we will make sure we make enough time to answers your questions. 
Note that this is a selection minor that is open for students who do an academic major wherein chemistry at least plays some role.  

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