Universiteit Leiden

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Lecture | LACG Meetings

Dependency resolution beyond morphosyntax: psycholinguistic and computational insights on verbal control in Spanish (and Galician)

Thursday 23 February 2023
LACG Meetings


In this talk, I will present various psycholinguistic and computational experiments using control constructions such as (1), which involve an interpretative anaphoric relation between the null subject of the non-finite clause and one of the antecedents in the main clause: the subject or the object. What is interesting is that whether it is one or the other depends on certain lexico-semantic properties of the main clause verbs. For instance, promise is a subject control verb and order is an object control verb. Being at the interface between semantics and morphosyntax, these structures will be shown to be an interesting testing ground for analyzing the behavior of the human parser as well as for testing the linguistic capabilities of artificial language models during the resolution of complex long-distance dependencies.

    (1) a. Maríai fem le prometió a Pedroj masc PROser más ordenada fem con los apuntes.
          b. María
i fem le ordenó a Pedroj masc PROser más ordenado masc con los apuntes.
              María promised/ordered Pedro to be tidier with the notes

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