Universiteit Leiden

nl en

Clinical Technology (BSc)

Medical technology has become an essential part of healthcare. Innovative treatment methods therefore require a new type of medical professional. Someone with medical and technical knowledge, who builds a bridge between technology and patient.

The Dutch-language degree programme in Clinical Technology is a multidisciplinary programme at the interface between medicine and technology. In general the programme is equally divided between technical and medical subjects. You learn to analyze as a graduate engineer how the (healthy) human body functions and which processes cause ill-health (anatomy, physiology, pathology). At the same time you study relevant technical concepts from mechanical engineering, physics, electrical engineering and informatics. This knowledge is essential to determine which technology is best to treat a patient. You can make the introduction of technological innovations in healthcare easier and make the difference in the healthcare of the future.

The programme is a collaboration between Leiden University (LUMC), Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and Erasmus University Rotterdam (Erasmus MC).

If this sounds like your degree programme, please read on (in Dutch) on the website of Delft University of Technology!