Universiteit Leiden

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Olga Gadyatskaya

Associate professor

Dr. O. Gadyatskaya
+31 71 527 7033

I am associate professor at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science. I work on a variety of cyber security topics, ranging from security risk management and threat modeling to mobile security and secure software development. My main goal is to make organisations more secure by improving their security management practices, helping them to secure their software and systems, providing them insights into cyber threats, and assisting them in making decisions about cyber security.

More information about Olga Gadyatskaya

I am associate professor at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science. I work on a variety of cyber security topics, ranging from security risk management and threat modeling to mobile security and secure software development. My main goal is to make organisations more secure by improving their security management practices, helping them to secure their software and systems, providing them insights into cyber threats, and assisting them in making decisions about cyber security.

I work on a variety of cyber security topics, ranging from security risk management and threat modeling to mobile security and secure software development. My main goal is to make organisations more secure by improving their security management practices, helping them to secure their software and systems, providing them insights into cyber threats, and assisting them in making decisions about cyber security. 

I teach courses on cyber security in several MSc and BSc programmes at Leiden University. I also supervise MSc and BSc projects. Please contact me if you would like to work on a cyber security-related project under my supervision.  

Associate professor

  • Science
  • Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Room number BM3.07


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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