Universiteit Leiden

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Mathijs Deen

M.L. Deen MSc
+31 71 527 2727


Mathijs Deen studied Clinical and Health Psychology at Utrecht University (graduated in 2008) and Methodology and Statistics at Leiden University (graduated in 2012).
After his first graduation, he became a junior researcher at the Center for Personality Disorders of PsyQ in The Hague, which is part of the Parnassia Group. After a year, he moved to the Science Department at Parnassia Academy, where he started working as a statistical consultant. In 2013, he started his PhD project on resampling methodology for longitudinal data analysis, which is a part time project, besides his work at Parnassia.

Research by Mathijs Deen

At Leiden University, Mathijs works on his above-mentioned PhD project.
At Parnassia Group, he teaches about methodology and statistics, and works as a consultant on this matter. He is also involved in a number of research projects, all related to mental health care.

Relevant links

External home page: www.mathijsdeen.nl


Prof. Dr. Willem Heiser, Prof. Dr. Mark de Rooij


  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Methodologie & Statistiek

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden


  • Included in internal register
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